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交通运输部 Ministry of Transport 查看
例句: 按照现行的国务院机构设置,国务院交通运输主管部门主要指交通运输部。 In accordance with the current institutional setting of the State Council, the competent department of transport under the State Council mainly refers to the MOT.
追究法律 held legally 查看
例句: 无论作为或不作为,只要是违反海上交通安全法律规范的行为,都要依法追究法律责任。 Any act that violates maritime traffic safety laws and regulations, whether committed intentionally or not, shall be held legally responsible according to the law.
行政许可 administrative license 查看
例句: 1)行政许可 Administrative License
行政职能 the administrative function 查看
例句: 根据《深化党和国家机构改革方案》和《交通运输部关于履行渔业船舶检验和监督管理职责的公告》,自2018年4月20日起,拟订渔业船舶检验政策法规及标准,监督管理、行业指导等行政职能由交通运输部海事局承担。 According to the Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Part^ and State Institutions and the Announcement of the MOT Transport on Performing the Duties of Inspection, Supervision and Management of Fishing Vessels, policies, regulations and standards for fishing vessel inspection have been formulated since April 20, 2018. The MSA of the MOT shall undertake the administrative functions of supervision, administration, industry guidance, etc.
船舶污染 pollution from ships 查看
例句: 中华人民共和国海事局(交通运输部海事局)履行水上交通安全监督管理、船舶及相关水上设施检验和登记、防治船舶污染和航海保障等行政管理和执法职责。 China MSA (MSA of the MOT) is to carry out the supervision and management of the maritime traffic safety, the inspection and registration of ships and related offshore facilities, prevention of ship pollution and navigation services and other administrative and law enforcement responsibilities.
执法人员 law enforcement personnel 查看
例句: 杨惠基所著《行政执法概论》一书对“行政执法”的界定则是较狭义的:“行政执法是指行政机关及其行政执法人员为了实现国家行政管理目的,依照法定职权和法定程序,执行法律法规和规章,直接对特定的行政相对人和特定的行政事务采取措施并影响其权利义务的行为。” In contrast, Yang Huiji’s Introduction to Administrative Law Enforcement defines administrative law enforcement more narrowly as "the behavior of administrative organs and their law enforcement personnel that directly affects the rights and obligations of specific administrative counterparts and specific administrative affairs, in order to achieve the goals of national administrative management, in accordance with legal powers and legal procedures prescribed by law."
测绘工作 mapping work 查看
例句: 管理沿海航标、无线电导航和水上安全通信;管理海区港口航道测绘并组织编印相关航海图书资料;归口管理交通行业测绘工作;承担水上搜寻救助组织、协调和指导的有关工作。 Managing the AtoN, radio navigation and safety communication; managing hydrographical survey of ports and routes and navigational publications; organizing and coordinating maritime search and rescue operations;The responsibility for the navigation security work.It includes the management of coastal beacons, radio navigation and water safety communications; management of the sea area port fairway mapping and organization of the relevant nautical books and materials; centrally managed transportation industry mapping work; undertake water search and rescue organization, coordination and guidance of the relevant work.
指定地点 designated place 查看
例句: 如海事管理机构可以根据海上事故调查的需要,要求船舶驶向指定地点或禁止其离港,扣留船舶或海上设施的证书、文书、物品、资料等。 For example, on the basis of the accident investigation needs, the maritime safety administration may request the vessel to sail to a designated place or prohibit it from leaving the port; detain the certificates, documents, articles, and materials, among others, of the vessel or offshore facilities.
另一方 the other party 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系行政相对人是指在海上交通安全法律关系中与海上交通安全行政主体相对应的另一方当事人,包括从事海上交通活动的从业者、参与者以及有关的单位和个人。 The administrative counterpart of maritime traffic safety legal relation refers to the other party in the maritime traffic safety legal relation corresponding to the administrative subject of maritime traffic safety, including practitioners and participants engaged in maritime traffic activities, as well as the relevant entities and individuals.
安全通信 safety communication 查看
例句: 管理沿海航标、无线电导航和水上安全通信;管理海区港口航道测绘并组织编印相关航海图书资料;归口管理交通行业测绘工作;承担水上搜寻救助组织、协调和指导的有关工作。 Managing the AtoN, radio navigation and safety communication; managing hydrographical survey of ports and routes and navigational publications; organizing and coordinating maritime search and rescue operations;The responsibility for the navigation security work.It includes the management of coastal beacons, radio navigation and water safety communications; management of the sea area port fairway mapping and organization of the relevant nautical books and materials; centrally managed transportation industry mapping work; undertake water search and rescue organization, coordination and guidance of the relevant work. ; managing hydrographical survey of ports and routes and navigational publications; organizing and coordinating maritime search and rescue operations;The responsibility for the navigation security work.It includes the management of coastal beacons, radio navigation and water safety communications; management of the sea area port fairway mapping and organization of the relevant nautical books and materials; centrally managed transportation industry mapping work; undertake water search and rescue organization, coordination and guidance of the relevant work.
法律意义 legal significance 查看
例句: 行政行为是指行政主体在实施行政管理活动、行使行政职权过程中所作出的具有法律意义的行为。 The administrative act refers to the acts with legal significance, performed by an administrative subject that implements the administration activities, exercises the administrative function.
行政规范性文件 administrative normative document 查看
例句: 为了保障行政立法有效实施,交通运输部海事局就有关海上交通安全监督管理、船舶及相关水上设施检验和登记、防治船舶污染和航海保等事宜制定行政规范性文件。 In order to ensure the effective implementation of administrative legislation, the MSA of the MOT has formulated administrative normative documents on the supervision and administration of maritime traffic safety, inspection and registration of ships and related water installation, prevention and control of ship pollution, and navigation services etc.
精神文明建设 spiritual civilization construction 查看
例句: 8. 组织编制全国海事系统中长期发展规划和有关计划;管理所属单位基本建设、财务、教育、科技、人事、劳动工资、精神文明建设工作;负责船舶吨税、船舶油污损害赔偿基金等有关管理工作;负责全国海事系统统计和行风建设工作。 To organize the preparation of medium and long-term development plans and relevant plans for the national maritime system; to manage the capital construction, finance, education, science and technology, personnel, labor wages, and spiritual civilization construction of the affiliated units; to be responsible for the administration of vessel tonnage dues, compensation fund for oil pollution damage from vessel and other related work; to be responsible for the statistics of the national maritime system and the construction of business ethics.
行政调解 administrative mediation 查看
例句: 狭义的行政司法主要指行政机关运用准司法程序解决民事争议的制度,其主要形式包括行政裁决、行政仲裁和行政调解。 The narrow sense of administrative justice mainly refers to the system that administrative organs use quasi-judicial procedures to resolve civil disputes. Its main forms include administrative adjudications, administrative arbitration and administrative mediation.
海上交通 Maritime Traffic 查看
例句: 第三章 海上交通安全法律关系概述 Chapter III Overview of the Maritime Traffic Safety Legal Relation
执法活动 enforcement activities 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系行政主体在海上交通安全执法活动中也需要遵守有关国际公约的规定。 Maritime traffic safety legal relations administrative subjects in the maritime traffic safety enforcement activities also need to comply with the provisions of the relevant international conventions.
行政主管部门 administrative department 查看
例句: 2.其他行政主管部门的主要职责 Main Responsibilities of Other Administrations
海上交通安全法 marine traffic safety law 查看
例句: 第三章 海上交通安全法律关系概述 Chapter III Overview of the Maritime Traffic Safety Legal Relation
无线电管理 radio management 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法其他行政机关主要有地方人民政府国家无线电管理机构、体育主管部门、渔业渔政、生态环境、自然资源、驻外国使领馆等有关部门。 The other administrative organs in the marine traffic safety law are mainly the local people’s government, the national radio management agencies, the sports administrations, the fisheries authorities, the ecology and environment, the natural resources, embassies and consulates of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant departments.
监督管理 supervision and management 查看
例句: 《海上交通安全法》第四条第二款规定:“国家海事管理机构统一负责海上交通安全监督管理工作,其他各级海事管理机构按照职责具体负责辖区内的海上交通安全监督管理工作。” The second paragraph of Article 4 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates “The state maritime administration shall be responsible for the overall supervision and administration of maritime traffic safety, and local maritime administrations at different levels shall be responsible for conducting the supervision and administration of maritime traffic safety within their respective jurisdiction according to designated duties.”
具体办法 specific measures 查看
例句: 海上交通安全行政立法行为,包括国务院制定行政法规、发布决定和命令的行为,交通运输部制定有关海上交通安全工作的部门规章和方针、政策的行为如《海上交通安全法》第一百一十八条,“公务船舶检验、船员配备的具体办法由国务院交通运输主管部门会同有关主管部门另行制定”的规定,是给予“国务院交通运输主管部门会同有关主管部门”相应的行政立法授权。 The administrative legislative acts of maritime traffic safety include acts of the State Council in formulating administrative regulations, issuing decisions and orders, and acts of the MOT in formulating departmental rules, guidelines and policies related to the maritime traffic safety, as stipulated in Article 118 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law, “The specific measures for the survey and manning of vessels performing public duties shall be separately formulated by the competent department of transport under the State Council together with other departments concerned.” It is the corresponding administrative legislative authorization given to “the competent department of transport under the State Council together with other departments concerned”.
交通安全管理 traffic safety management 查看
例句: 此外,《海上交通安全法》第一百一十八条第三款、第四款规定:“渔业船员、渔业无线电、渔业航标的监督管理,渔业船舶的登记管理,渔港水域内的海上交通安全管理,渔业船舶(含外国籍渔业船舶)之间交通事故的调查处理,由县级以上人民政府渔业渔政主管部门负责。 In addition, the Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 of Article 118 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates that “The departments of fisheries of the people’s governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of fishery crew, fishery radio and fishery aids to navigation, administration of fishing vessel registration, maritime traffic safety administration within the waters of fishing harbors, and investigation and handling of traffic accidents between fishing vessels (including foreign fishing vessels) within the waters of fishing harbors.
船舶适航 ship seaworthiness 查看
例句: 3.负责船舶、海上设施检验行业管理以及船舶适航和船舶技术管理;管理船舶及海上设施法定检验、发证工作;审定船舶检验机构和验船师资质、负责对外国验船组织在华设立代表机构进行监督管理;负责中国籍船舶登记、发证、检查和进出港(境)签证;负责外国籍船舶入出境及在我国港口、水域的监督管理;负责船舶保安和防抗海盗管理工作;负责船舶载运危险货物及其他货物的安全监督。 Administrating the survey of ships and off-shore facilities; supervising the statutory survey and certification for ships and off-shore facilities; examining the qualifications of ship survey organizations and surveyors, supervising the representative offices of foreign ship survey organizations within China; conducting registration, certification, inspection and certificate endorsement of Chinese flag ships; supervising foreign-flagged ships’ entry into and exit from Chinese ports and waters; conducting safety supervision of carriage of dangerous cargoes and other cargoes by ships; The responsibility for the inspection industry administration of ship, offshore installations and ship seaworthiness and ship technology administration; administration of ships and marine installations statutory inspection, licensing; validation of ship inspection agencies and surveyor qualifications, responsible for the establishment of foreign ship survey organizations in China to supervise and administrate representative agencies; responsible for Chinese ship registration, licensing, inspection and entry and exit visa; responsible for foreign ships entering and leaving China and in China’s ports It is also responsible for supervision and administration of foreign ships entering and leaving China’s ports and waters; responsible for ship security and anti-piracy administration; responsible for safety supervision of ships carrying dangerous goods and other cargoes.
海事劳工 maritime labor 查看
例句: 中国籍航行船舶取得海事劳工证书,必须保障船员的劳动安全和职业健康权利符合国家有关规定。 Chinese-flagged ships with the maritime labor certificate must ensure the crew’s labor safety and occupational health rights in line with relevant state regulations.
法律关系主体 subject of legal relation 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系主体在享受海上交通权利的同时必然要承担一定的海上交通义务。 The subject of the legal relation of the maritime traffic safety in the enjoyment of maritime traffic rights at the same time must bear certain maritime traffic obligations.
船旗国 flag State 查看
例句: 7. 组织实施国际海事条约;履行“船旗国”、“港口国”及“沿岸国”监督管理义务,依法维护国家主权;负责有关海事业务国际组织事务和有关国际合作、交流事宜。 Implementing international maritime conventions; fulfilling obligations of flag State, port State and coastal State; conducting international cooperation and exchanges; andOrganizing the implementation of international maritime treaties; fulfill the supervision and administration obligations of the “flag state”,“port state” and “coastal state”,and safeguard national sovereignty according to law; to be responsible for matters relating to international organizations of maritime affairs and relevant international cooperation and exchanges. , port State and coastal State; conducting international cooperation and exchanges; andOrganizing the implementation of international maritime treaties; fulfill the supervision and administration obligations of the “flag state”,“port state” and “coastal state”,and safeguard national sovereignty according to law; to be responsible for matters relating to international organizations of maritime affairs and relevant international cooperation and exchanges.
行政执法概论 administrative law enforcement 查看
例句: 杨惠基所著《行政执法概论》一书对“行政执法”的界定则是较狭义的:“行政执法是指行政机关及其行政执法人员为了实现国家行政管理目的,依照法定职权和法定程序,执行法律法规和规章,直接对特定的行政相对人和特定的行政事务采取措施并影响其权利义务的行为。” In contrast, Yang Huiji’s Introduction to Administrative Law Enforcement defines administrative law enforcement more narrowly as "the behavior of administrative organs and their law enforcement personnel that directly affects the rights and obligations of specific administrative counterparts and specific administrative affairs, in order to achieve the goals of national administrative management, in accordance with legal powers and legal procedures prescribed by law."
行政确认 administrative confirmation 查看
例句: 4)行政确认 Administrative Confirmation
行政主体 administrative subject 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系,是由海上交通安全法律规范所调整的,海上交通安全行政主体与海上交通从业者、参与者进行海上交通活动而产生的,以海上交通权利和海上交通义务为内容的社会关系。 The maritime traffic safety legal relations are adjusted by the legal norms of the maritime traffic safety, the maritime traffic safety administrative subjects and the maritime traffic practitioners, participants in maritime traffic activities arising from the content of maritime traffic rights and the maritime traffic obligations of social relations.
管理人 safety management systems 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系行政相对人具体指从事船舶、海上设施航行、停泊、作业以及其他与海上交通相关活动的单位、个人,主要包括船舶、海上设施、航标的所有人、经营人、管理人、作业单位(如港口与海岸建设工程单位、海上科研机构等)、船员、托运人、承运人、旅客以及相关活动的直接责任人员。 The administrative counterpart of the legal relation of maritime traffic safety specifically refers to the entities and individuals engaged in the navigation, berthing, operation of vessels, offshore installations and other activities related to maritime traffic, including vessels, offshore installations, owners, operating entities of AtoN (such as port and coastal construction engineering units, marine research institutions, etc.), crew, shippers, carriers, passengers and directly responsible for the relevant activities.
事故调查 accident investigation 查看
例句: 作为国家交通运输主管部门,交通运输部主要承担水上交通安全监管责任,包含负责水上交通管制、船舶及相关水上设施检验、登记和防止污染、水上消防、航海保障、救助打捞、通信导航、船舶与港口设施保安及危险品运输监督管理等工作;负责船员管理有关工作;负责中央管理水域水上交通安全事故、船舶及相关水上设施污染事故的应急处置,依法组织或参与事故调查处理工作,指导地方水上交通安全监管工作。 As the national transport administration, the MOT mainly bears responsibility for the waterborne traffic safety supervision, including responsibility for water traffic control, inspection of ships and related water installations, registration and pollution prevention, firefighting, navigation services, search and rescue, communications and navigation, security of vessels and offshore installations, supervision and management of dangerous goods transport; responsibility for crew management and related work; responsibility for the central management of water traffic accidents, the emergency response of vessels and related water installations pollution accidents, organization or participation in the investigation and treatment of accidents according to law and guidance to local water traffic safety supervision.
权利人 right holders 查看
例句: 海上交通安全义务,则是指海上交通安全法律关系主体,根据《海上交通安全法》及相关法律法规,按照权利人的要求为一定行为或不为一定行为的职责,以保护海上交通安全、维护国家利益和保障相关权利人的权利得以实现。 The duty of the maritime traffic safety refers to the duty of the subject of the maritime traffic safety legal relation to act or not to act in accordance with the Maritime Traffic Safety Law and the related laws and regulations, in order to protect the maritime traffic safety, safeguard national interests and guarantee the realization of the rights of the relevant right holders.
工作环境 working environment 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律规范了船员劳动安全和职业健康包括了船员在船的工作环境、职业健康和安全防护、生活条件、休息时间、劳动报酬、医疗、遣返等内容。 The law on the maritime traffic safety regulates the labor safety and occupational health of crew members including the working environment, occupational health and safety protection, living conditions, rest time, labor remuneration, medical treatment, repatriation, etc. of crew members on board.
海上搜救 maritime search and rescue 查看
例句: 一旦船舶、海上发生海上交通事故,可以及时得到海上搜救行动的支援和救助。 Once a maritime traffic accident occurs on the ship or at sea, it can be timely supported and rescued by maritime search and rescue operations.
社会力量 social forces 查看
例句: 如为提高社会力量参与海上搜救的积极性,沿海地方各级人民政府应当建立水上搜救奖励机制,对参与水上搜救并作出显著贡献的单位和个人予以表彰、奖励。 For example, in order to enhance the enthusiasm of social forces to participate in maritime search and rescue, the local people,s governments at different levels along the coast shall establish a reward mechanism for maritime search and rescue, and commend and reward entities and individuals that have participated in maritime search and rescue and made significant contributions.
中国籍 chinese ship registration 查看
例句: 3.负责船舶、海上设施检验行业管理以及船舶适航和船舶技术管理;管理船舶及海上设施法定检验、发证工作;审定船舶检验机构和验船师资质、负责对外国验船组织在华设立代表机构进行监督管理;负责中国籍船舶登记、发证、检查和进出港(境)签证;负责外国籍船舶入出境及在我国港口、水域的监督管理;负责船舶保安和防抗海盗管理工作;负责船舶载运危险货物及其他货物的安全监督。 Administrating the survey of ships and off-shore facilities; supervising the statutory survey and certification for ships and off-shore facilities; examining the qualifications of ship survey organizations and surveyors, supervising the representative offices of foreign ship survey organizations within China; conducting registration, certification, inspection and certificate endorsement of Chinese flag ships; supervising foreign-flagged ships’ entry into and exit from Chinese ports and waters; conducting safety supervision of carriage of dangerous cargoes and other cargoes by ships; The responsibility for the inspection industry administration of ship, offshore installations and ship seaworthiness and ship technology administration; administration of ships and marine installations statutory inspection, licensing; validation of ship inspection agencies and surveyor qualifications, responsible for the establishment of foreign ship survey organizations in China to supervise and administrate representative agencies; responsible for Chinese ship registration, licensing, inspection and entry and exit visa; responsible for foreign ships entering and leaving China and in China’s ports It is also responsible for supervision and administration of foreign ships entering and leaving China’s ports and waters; responsible for ship security and anti-piracy administration; responsible for safety supervision of ships carrying dangerous goods and other cargoes.
调查处理 investigation and treatment 查看
例句: 此外,《海上交通安全法》第一百一十八条第三款、第四款规定:“渔业船员、渔业无线电、渔业航标的监督管理,渔业船舶的登记管理,渔港水域内的海上交通安全管理,渔业船舶(含外国籍渔业船舶)之间交通事故的调查处理,由县级以上人民政府渔业渔政主管部门负责。 In addition, the Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 of Article 118 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates that “The departments of fisheries of the people’s governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of fishery crew, fishery radio and fishery aids to navigation, administration of fishing vessel registration, maritime traffic safety administration within the waters of fishing harbors, and investigation and handling of traffic accidents between fishing vessels (including foreign fishing vessels) within the waters of fishing harbors.
行政法律关系 administrative legal relation 查看
例句: 因而,海上交通安全法律关系也具有一般行政法律关系的特点。 Therefore, the legal relation of maritime traffic safety also has the characteristics of general administrative juridical relation.
职业健康 occupational health 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系中的人身权益主要包括船员的劳动安全和职业健康权利以及海上交通管理相对人的生命权。 The personal rights and interests in the legal relation of maritime traffic safety mainly include the right to work safety and occupational health of crew members and the right to life of the relative of the maritime traffic management.
权利义务 rights and obligations 查看
例句: 罗豪才、应松年教授主编的《行政法学》提出了行政执法较广义的观点:“行政执法是行政机关执行法律的行为,是主管行政机关依法采取的具体的直接影响相对一方权利义务的行为;或者对个人、组织的权利义务的行使和履行情况进行监督检查的行为。” Administrative Jurisprudence edited by Luo Haocai and Ying Songnian puts forward a broader view of administrative law enforcement: "Administrative law enforcement refers to the behavior of administrative organs in executing laws, which is a specific and direct action taken by the competent administrative organs that has a relative impact on the rights and obligations of one party, or the behavior of supervising and inspecting the exercise and performance of rights and obligations of individuals and organizations." of one party, or the behavior of supervising and inspecting the exercise and performance of rights and obligations of individuals and organizations."
实施国家 implementation of the national 查看
例句: 1拟订和组织实施国家水上交通安全监督管理、船舶及相关水上设施检验和登记、防治船舶污染和航海保障的方针、政策、法规和技术规范、标准。 Drafting and implementing national guidelines, policies, laws and regulations and standards regarding maritime traffic safety supervision, survey and registration of ships and offshore installations, ship pollution prevention, and navigation services.The Development and organization of the implementation of the national water traffic safety supervision and management, the ship and related water facilities inspection and registration, prevention of ship pollution and navigation security guidelines, policies, regulations and technical specifications, standards.
行使权利 exercise the right 查看
例句: 在海上交通安全法律关系中,通过法律法规赋予海上交通安全法律关系行政主体可以直接或通过授权代表国家行使权利,强制行政相对人当事人履行义务。 In the legal relation of maritime traffic safety, the administrative subject of the legal relation of maritime traffic safety is given by laws and regulations to exercise the right directly or through authorization on behalf of the state to compel the administrative counterpart to perform its obligations.
第一款 first paragraph 查看
例句: 《海上交通安全法》第四条第一款规定:“国务院交通运输主管部门主管全国海上交通安全工作。” In the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates “The competent department of transport under the State Council shall be in charge of maritime traffic safety nationwide.”
运输部 Ministry of Transport 查看
例句: 按照现行的国务院机构设置,国务院交通运输主管部门主要指交通运输部。 In accordance with the current institutional setting of the State Council, the competent department of transport under the State Council mainly refers to the MOT.
海事法院 maritime court 查看
例句: 不愿意调解或调解不成的,当事人可以向海事法院起诉或申请海事仲裁机构仲裁。 If the litigants are unwilling to mediate or the mediation fails, they may bring a lawsuit to a maritime court or apply to a maritime arbitration institution for arbitration.
法定检验 statutory inspection 查看
例句: 3.负责船舶、海上设施检验行业管理以及船舶适航和船舶技术管理;管理船舶及海上设施法定检验、发证工作;审定船舶检验机构和验船师资质、负责对外国验船组织在华设立代表机构进行监督管理;负责中国籍船舶登记、发证、检查和进出港(境)签证;负责外国籍船舶入出境及在我国港口、水域的监督管理;负责船舶保安和防抗海盗管理工作;负责船舶载运危险货物及其他货物的安全监督。 Administrating the survey of ships and off-shore facilities; supervising the statutory survey and certification for ships and off-shore facilities; examining the qualifications of ship survey organizations and surveyors, supervising the representative offices of foreign ship survey organizations within China; conducting registration, certification, inspection and certificate endorsement of Chinese flag ships; supervising foreign-flagged ships’ entry into and exit from Chinese ports and waters; conducting safety supervision of carriage of dangerous cargoes and other cargoes by ships; The responsibility for the inspection industry administration of ship, offshore installations and ship seaworthiness and ship technology administration; administration of ships and marine installations statutory inspection, licensing; validation of ship inspection agencies and surveyor qualifications, responsible for the establishment of foreign ship survey organizations in China to supervise and administrate representative agencies; responsible for Chinese ship registration, licensing, inspection and entry and exit visa; responsible for foreign ships entering and leaving China and in China’s ports It is also responsible for supervision and administration of foreign ships entering and leaving China’s ports and waters; responsible for ship security and anti-piracy administration; responsible for safety supervision of ships carrying dangerous goods and other cargoes.
强制性标准 mandatory standard 查看
例句: 例如,中国籍船舶应当符合有关法律、行政法规、规章以及强制性标准和技术规范的要求,经船舶检验机构检验,并取得相应证书、文件的行为。 For example, the act of China-registered ships to meet the requirements of relevant laws, administrative regulations, rules and mandatory standards and technical specifications.
司法程序 judicial procedure 查看
例句: 广义的行政司法包括行政机关运用准司法程序解决行政争议的制度(如行政复议)和解决民事争议的制度,甚至包括行政机关运用准司法程序实施行政行为(如行政处罚)的制度。 Broadly speaking, administrative justice includes the system of administrative organs using quasi-judicial procedures to resolve administrative disputes (such as administrative reconsideration) and the system of solving civil disputes, and even includes the system of administrative organs using quasi-judicial procedures to implement administrative acts (such as administrative punishment). Broadly speaking, administrative justice includes the system of administrative organs using quasi-judicial procedures to resolve administrative disputes (such as administrative reconsideration) and the system of solving civil disputes, and even includes the system of administrative organs using quasi-judicial procedures to implement administrative acts (such as administrative punishment).
特殊原因 special reasons 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系的消灭,是指随着海上交通安全法律关系主体双方权利和义务的充分实现或因海上交通安全相关法律规范规定的特殊原因导致使主体之间的海上交通安全权利和义务归于消灭,包括主体消灭、内容消灭和客体消灭。 The extinction of the maritime traffic safety legal relation refers to the full realization of the rights and obligations of both sides to the maritime traffic safety legal relation or the extinction of the maritime traffic safety rights and obligations between subjects due to special reasons specified in relevant maritime traffic safety legal norm, including the extinction of subject, content and object.
质量体系 quality system 查看
例句: 审核和监督管理船员、引航员、磁罗经校正员培训机构资质及其质量体系;负责海员证件的管理工作。 The training, examination and certification management of seafarers, pilots, and magnetic rosette correctors. It includes the audit and supervision of the administration of the crew, pilot, magnetic rosette corrector training institution qualifications and its quality system; the responsibility for the administration of seafarer’s certificates.
交通安全法 safety of people 查看
例句: 第三章 海上交通安全法律关系概述 Chapter III Overview of the Maritime Traffic Safety Legal Relation
生命权 right of life 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系中的人身权益主要包括船员的劳动安全和职业健康权利以及海上交通管理相对人的生命权。 The personal rights and interests in the legal relation of maritime traffic safety mainly include the right to work safety and occupational health of crew members and the right to life of the relative of the maritime traffic management.
侵权赔偿 tort compensation 查看
例句: 如对于船舶、海上设施发生海上交通事故引起的民事侵权赔偿纠纷,当事人可以申请海事管理机构调解。 In case of a civil dispute over tort compensation arising from a maritime traffic accident involving a ship or marine installation, the parties may apply to the maritime safety administration for mediation.
中国便利运输委员会 China Facilitation Transport Committee 查看
例句: 负责禁航区、航道(路)、交通管制区、锚地和安全作业区等水域的划定;负责禁航区、航道(路)、交通管制区、锚地和安全作业区等水域的监督管理,维护水上交通秩序;核定船舶靠泊安全条件;核准与通航安全有关的岸线使用和水上水下施工、作业;管理沉船沉物打捞和碍航物清除;管理和发布全国航行警(通)告,办理国际航行警告系统中国国家协调人的工作;审批外国籍船舶临时进入我国非开放水域;办理港口对外开放的有关审批工作和中国便利运输委员会的日常工作。 Designating and supervising restricted areas, routes, traffic control zones, anchorages and safe operation zones; examining and approving safe berthing conditions and maritime engineering operations relating to the safety of navigation; conducting work on removal of wrecks and other navigational obstacles; and issuing navigation warnings and notices to marines;The administration of the navigational order, the navigational environment. It includes the responsibility for the delineation of waters such as no navigation zones, waterways (roads), traffic control zones, anchorages and safety operation zones; responsible for the supervision and management of waters such as no navigation zones, waterways (roads), traffic control zones, anchorages and safety operation zones, and maintenance of water traffic order; approval of safety conditions for ships berthing; approval of shoreline use and water underwater construction and operations related to navigational safety; management of wreck and sediment salvage and obstruction removal; management and issuing national navigational warnings, handling the work of the Chinese national coordinator of the international navigational warning system; approving the temporary entry of foreign vessels into China’s non-open waters; handling the approval work related to the opening of ports to the outside world and the daily work of the China Facilitation Transport Committee.
行政调查 administrative counterpart 查看
例句: 5)行政调查 Administrative Investigation
监督检查 supervise and inspect 查看
例句: 如海事管理机构及相关口岸查验机构对进出口岸的国际航行船舶进行监督检查。 For example, the maritime safety administration and other port inspection institutions shall supervise and inspect the vessel sailing on international routes that enter or leave ports.
安全保障 safety guarantee 查看
例句: 同时,在涉及海上交通安全的活动中,船舶航行的安全保障、船员的权益保护、防止海洋环境污染等方面的国际公约,我国均有缔结或加入。 Meanwhile, in activities involving maritime traffic safety, China has concluded or acceded to international conventions on the safety guarantee of navigation services, the protection of the rights and interests of crew members, and the prevention of maritime environmental pollution.
劳动安全 work safety 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系中的人身权益主要包括船员的劳动安全和职业健康权利以及海上交通管理相对人的生命权。 The personal rights and interests in the legal relation of maritime traffic safety mainly include the right to work safety and occupational health of crew members and the right to life of the relative of the maritime traffic management.
安全管理体系 the safety management system 查看
例句: 监督管理船舶所有人安全生产条件和水运企业安全管理体系;调查、处理水上交通事故、船舶污染事故及水上交通违法案件;指导船舶污染损害赔偿工作。 Inspecting safety management system of shipping companies; investigating and handling waterborne traffic accidents, ship pollution accidents; instructing the compensation for pollution damage by ships;The unified administration of the maritime traffic safety and the prevention of the pollution from vessels. It includes the supervision and administration of any members on board on the safety production conditions and the safety management system of maritime transport enterprises; investigation, processing of maritime traffic accidents, vessel pollution incidents and water traffic violations; guidance of vessel pollution damage compensation.
履行职责 performance of duties 查看
例句: 除了可以作为财产权利对象的各种财物之外,还包括所有与海上交通安全法律关系行政主体履行职责活动有关的物,如海上交通事故调查中,对所有一切可能与海上交通事故有关的客观实在物,包括船舶、货物、海上设施、船运集装箱以及重要的船用设施、船上记录簿等都可以成为海事管理机构调查的客体。 In addition to various properties that can be used as objects of property rights, it also includes all objects related to the performance of duties and activities of administrative subjects in the legal relation of maritime traffic safety. For example, in the investigation of maritime traffic accidents, all objective entities related to maritime traffic accidents, including ships, cargo, offshore installations, shipping containers, important vessel equipments and onboard record book and etc., can be the object of investigation by the maritime administration.
财产权利 property rights 查看
例句: 除了可以作为财产权利对象的各种财物之外,还包括所有与海上交通安全法律关系行政主体履行职责活动有关的物,如海上交通事故调查中,对所有一切可能与海上交通事故有关的客观实在物,包括船舶、货物、海上设施、船运集装箱以及重要的船用设施、船上记录簿等都可以成为海事管理机构调查的客体。 In addition to various properties that can be used as objects of property rights, it also includes all objects related to the performance of duties and activities of administrative subjects in the legal relation of maritime traffic safety. For example, in the investigation of maritime traffic accidents, all objective entities related to maritime traffic accidents, including ships, cargo, offshore installations, shipping containers, important vessel equipments and onboard record book and etc., can be the object of investigation by the maritime administration.
行政复议 administrative reconsideration 查看
例句: 广义的行政司法包括行政机关运用准司法程序解决行政争议的制度(如行政复议)和解决民事争议的制度,甚至包括行政机关运用准司法程序实施行政行为(如行政处罚)的制度。 Broadly speaking, administrative justice includes the system of administrative organs using quasi-judicial procedures to resolve administrative disputes (such as administrative reconsideration) and the system of solving civil disputes, and even includes the system of administrative organs using quasi-judicial procedures to implement administrative acts (such as administrative punishment).
管理职责 management responsibilities 查看
例句: 根据我国航运格局和水上交通运输的特点,综合考虑港口布局和行政区划的情况,交通运输部在沿海省、自治区、直辖市设立了直属海事机构,在有关重要港口和水域设立了分支海事机构、派出海事机构,在各自辖区内具体履行赋予海事管理机构的各项管理职责。 According to China5s shipping pattern and the characteristics of the water traffic, taking into account the layout of ports and administrative divisions, the MOT in coastal provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and important port established the directly affiliated maritime agencies, in the relevant important ports and waters set up subordinated MSA, dispatched unit, in their respective jurisdictions to specifically perform the management responsibilities given to the maritime administrations.
民事关系 civil relations 查看
例句: 行政机关也利用类似审判机关活动的方法,解决纠纷,居中裁断,介入与行政管理活动相关的民事关系,称为准司法或者行政司法。 Administrative organs also use the methods similar to the activities of judicial organs to resolve disputes, consider and decide in the middle, and intervene in civil relations related to administrative activities, which is known as quasi-judicial act or administrative justice.
物质文化 material and cultural 查看
例句: 在一般法律关系中,判断物的使用价值的标准是其能否满足人们物质文化生活的需要,而在海上交通安全法律关系中判断物的使用价值的标准发生了变化,不仅包括物能否满足人们物质文化生活的需要,还包括物能否体现海上交通行为的真实情况。[ ] In general, legal relations, the standard to evaluate the value of usage of things is whether they can meet the needs of people’s material and cultural life, while in maritime traffic safety legal relations, the standard to evaluate the use value of things has changed, including if things can meet the needs of people’s material and cultural life, but also if things can reflect the real situation of maritime traffic behavior. life, while in maritime traffic safety legal relations, the standard to evaluate the use value of things has changed, including if things can meet the needs of people’s material and cultural life, but also if things can reflect the real situation of maritime traffic behavior.
危险货物 dangerous goods 查看
例句: 3.负责船舶、海上设施检验行业管理以及船舶适航和船舶技术管理;管理船舶及海上设施法定检验、发证工作;审定船舶检验机构和验船师资质、负责对外国验船组织在华设立代表机构进行监督管理;负责中国籍船舶登记、发证、检查和进出港(境)签证;负责外国籍船舶入出境及在我国港口、水域的监督管理;负责船舶保安和防抗海盗管理工作;负责船舶载运危险货物及其他货物的安全监督。 Administrating the survey of ships and off-shore facilities; supervising the statutory survey and certification for ships and off-shore facilities; examining the qualifications of ship survey organizations and surveyors, supervising the representative offices of foreign ship survey organizations within China; conducting registration, certification, inspection and certificate endorsement of Chinese flag ships; supervising foreign-flagged ships’ entry into and exit from Chinese ports and waters; conducting safety supervision of carriage of dangerous cargoes and other cargoes by ships; The responsibility for the inspection industry administration of ship, offshore installations and ship seaworthiness and ship technology administration; administration of ships and marine installations statutory inspection, licensing; validation of ship inspection agencies and surveyor qualifications, responsible for the establishment of foreign ship survey organizations in China to supervise and administrate representative agencies; responsible for Chinese ship registration, licensing, inspection and entry and exit visa; responsible for foreign ships entering and leaving China and in China’s ports It is also responsible for supervision and administration of foreign ships entering and leaving China’s ports and waters; responsible for ship security and anti-piracy administration; responsible for safety supervision of ships carrying dangerous goods and other cargoes.
水上交通事故 maritime traffic accident 查看
例句: 监督管理船舶所有人安全生产条件和水运企业安全管理体系;调查、处理水上交通事故、船舶污染事故及水上交通违法案件;指导船舶污染损害赔偿工作。 Inspecting safety management system of shipping companies; investigating and handling waterborne traffic accidents, ship pollution accidents; instructing the compensation for pollution damage by ships;The unified administration of the maritime traffic safety and the prevention of the pollution from vessels. It includes the supervision and administration of any members on board on the safety production conditions and the safety management system of maritime transport enterprises; investigation, processing of maritime traffic accidents, vessel pollution incidents and water traffic violations; guidance of vessel pollution damage compensation.
部门规章 departmental rules 查看
例句: “行政立法”的“法”指所立之“法”为具有普遍性约束力的规范性文件,如行政法规、部门规章、方针、政策等。 The “law” of “administrative legislation” means that the “law” is established, which is the generally binding normative document, such as administrative regulations, departmental rules, guidelines, policies, etc.
立法程序 legislative procedure 查看
例句: 海上交通安全行政立法必须遵循相应立法程序。 Administrative legislation of maritime traffic safety must follow corresponding legislative procedures.
行政强制措施 compulsory administrative measure 查看
例句: 如台风、海啸等自然灾害的发生引起海上交通秩序的混乱、海上交通事故的发生,从而引起海上交通安全法律关系的变化;采取暂扣船员适任证书的行政强制措施,会因为时间的经过而期满,海事管理机构应当予以变更或解除。 For example, typhoon, tsunami and other natural disasters cause the maritime traffic disorder and maritime traffic accidents, resulting in the change of the maritime traffic safety legal relation. If a compulsory administrative measure of temporarily withholding the certificate of competency of crew members expires due to the lapse of time, the maritime administration shall alter or relieve it.
交通关系 maritime traffic safety legal norms 查看
例句: 进行海上交通活动就必然要形成一定的海上交通关系,海上交通安全法律关系是因为海上交通安全法律规范调整的特定的社会关系的结果。 The maritime traffic activities are bound to form certain maritime traffic relations, and the maritime traffic safety legal relations are the result of the specific social relations adjusted by the maritime traffic safety legal norms.
相关法 related laws 查看
例句: 海上交通安全权利,是指海上交通安全法律关系主体得到国家强制力确认和保障,根据《海上交通安全法》及相关法律法规,能自主决定能为或不为一定行为和自主要求他人能为或不为一定行为的资格。 The right of the maritime traffic safety refers to the qualification that the subject of the maritime traffic safety legal relation is confirmed and guaranteed by the state coercive force and can independently decide to do or not to do certain acts and independently require others to be to do or not to do certain acts according to the Maritime Traffic Safety Law and related laws and the regulations.
交通管制 traffic control 查看
例句: 作为国家交通运输主管部门,交通运输部主要承担水上交通安全监管责任,包含负责水上交通管制、船舶及相关水上设施检验、登记和防止污染、水上消防、航海保障、救助打捞、通信导航、船舶与港口设施保安及危险品运输监督管理等工作;负责船员管理有关工作;负责中央管理水域水上交通安全事故、船舶及相关水上设施污染事故的应急处置,依法组织或参与事故调查处理工作,指导地方水上交通安全监管工作。 As the national transport administration, the MOT mainly bears responsibility for the waterborne traffic safety supervision, including responsibility for water traffic control, inspection of ships and related water installations, registration and pollution prevention, firefighting, navigation services, search and rescue, communications and navigation, security of vessels and offshore installations, supervision and management of dangerous goods transport; responsibility for crew management and related work; responsibility for the central management of water traffic accidents, the emergency response of vessels and related water installations pollution accidents, organization or participation in the investigation and treatment of accidents according to law and guidance to local water traffic safety supervision.
国际海事 international maritime 查看
例句: 7. 组织实施国际海事条约;履行“船旗国”、“港口国”及“沿岸国”监督管理义务,依法维护国家主权;负责有关海事业务国际组织事务和有关国际合作、交流事宜。 Implementing international maritime conventions; fulfilling obligations of flag State, port State and coastal State; conducting international cooperation and exchanges; andOrganizing the implementation of international maritime treaties; fulfill the supervision and administration obligations of the “flag state”,“port state” and “coastal state”,and safeguard national sovereignty according to law; to be responsible for matters relating to international organizations of maritime affairs and relevant international cooperation and exchanges. conventions; fulfilling obligations of flag State, port State and coastal State; conducting international cooperation and exchanges; andOrganizing the implementation of international maritime treaties; fulfill the supervision and administration obligations of the “flag state”,“port state” and “coastal state”,and safeguard national sovereignty according to law; to be responsible for matters relating to international organizations of maritime affairs and relevant international cooperation and exchanges.
赔偿基金 compensation fund 查看
例句: 8. 组织编制全国海事系统中长期发展规划和有关计划;管理所属单位基本建设、财务、教育、科技、人事、劳动工资、精神文明建设工作;负责船舶吨税、船舶油污损害赔偿基金等有关管理工作;负责全国海事系统统计和行风建设工作。 To organize the preparation of medium and long-term development plans and relevant plans for the national maritime system; to manage the capital construction, finance, education, science and technology, personnel, labor wages, and spiritual civilization construction of the affiliated units; to be responsible for the administration of vessel tonnage dues, compensation fund for oil pollution damage from vessel and other related work; to be responsible for the statistics of the national maritime system and the construction of business ethics.
严重损害 serious damage 查看
例句: 海上交通管理相对人的生命权是指海上交通安全法律关系中,当海上交通管理相对人处于危难中,生命健康正在或已经遭受严重损害时,海上交通管理相对人即享有生命救助的权利,且生命救助优先于环境和财产救助。 The life right of the maritime traffic administration counterpart means that the maritime traffic administration counterpart enjoys the right of life rescue when the maritime traffic administration counterpart is in distress, or the life and health is suffering or has suffered serious damage, and life rescue has priority over environmental and property rescue in the legal relation of the maritime traffic safety.
行政权力 administrative power 查看
例句: 行政行为实质上是行政权力的外化,以其内容是制定普遍性规范,还是执行法律法规,实施行政管理,或者是裁决争议、解决纠纷为标准,分为行政立法行为、行政执法行为和行政司法行为。 The administrative acts are in essence, the externalization of administrative power, and are divided into administrative legislative acts, administrative law enforcement acts and administrative judicial acts, by the universal norms, or by the implementation of laws and administrative administration, or by the adjudication of disputes and dispute resolution in terms of its content.
水上交通 water traffic 查看
例句: 按照国务院《交通运输部主要职责内设机构和人员编制规定》(国办发〔2009〕18号),交通运输部承担水上交通安全监管责任。 In accordance with the Main Duties of the Ministry of Transport and Staffing Regulations promulgated by the State Council, the MOT bears the responsibility for the water traffic safety supervision.
水运企业 shipping companies 查看
例句: 监督管理船舶所有人安全生产条件和水运企业安全管理体系;调查、处理水上交通事故、船舶污染事故及水上交通违法案件;指导船舶污染损害赔偿工作。 Inspecting safety management system of shipping companies; investigating and handling waterborne traffic accidents, ship pollution accidents; instructing the compensation for pollution damage by ships;The unified administration of the maritime traffic safety and the prevention of the pollution from vessels. It includes the supervision and administration of any members on board on the safety production conditions and the safety management system of maritime transport enterprises; investigation, processing of maritime traffic accidents, vessel pollution incidents and water traffic violations; guidance of vessel pollution damage compensation.
行政强制 administrative coercion 查看
例句: 3)行政强制 Administrative Coercion
法律事实 legal fact 查看
例句: 海上交通安全行政确认行为,是指海上交通安全行政主体对未确立的海上交通安全相对人的法律地位或有关法律事实依法进行审核,并给予确认、认定、证明(或否定)的行为。 The administrative confirmation of the maritime traffic safety refers to the act that the maritime traffic safety administrative subject reviews the legal status of counterpart of maritime traffic safety that has not been established or relevant legal facts in accordance with the law, and gives confirmation, affirmation, proof (or negation).
安全发展 safe development 查看
例句: 各级地方政府应当牢固树立安全发展理念,始终把人民群众生命安全放在第一位,在海上交通安全法规范中要重点突出以下三方面的支持工作: Local governments at different levels should firmly establish the concept of safe development and always prioritize the safety of people’s lives. In the maritime traffic safety law, the following three aspects of support should be highlighted.
一般行政 general administrative 查看
例句: 因而,海上交通安全法律关系也具有一般行政法律关系的特点。 Therefore, the legal relation of maritime traffic safety also has the characteristics of general administrative juridical relation.
有关国际公约 relevant international conventions 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系行政主体在海上交通安全执法活动中也需要遵守有关国际公约的规定。 Maritime traffic safety legal relations administrative subjects in the maritime traffic safety enforcement activities also need to comply with the provisions of the relevant international conventions.
行政司法 administrative judicial act 查看
例句: 行政行为实质上是行政权力的外化,以其内容是制定普遍性规范,还是执行法律法规,实施行政管理,或者是裁决争议、解决纠纷为标准,分为行政立法行为、行政执法行为和行政司法行为。 The administrative acts are in essence, the externalization of administrative power, and are divided into administrative legislative acts, administrative law enforcement acts and administrative judicial acts, by the universal norms, or by the implementation of laws and administrative administration, or by the adjudication of disputes and dispute resolution in terms of its content.
社会公共 social public 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系的权利和义务一般涉及社会公共利益。海上交通安全法律关系的行政机关及法律法规授权的有关组织与海上交通安全法律关系行政相对人之间的利益不能简单地看作双方的利益,而应从国家和社会整体利益考虑。 The rights and obligations of the legal relation of maritime traffic safety generally involve social public interests. The interests between the administrative organs and relevant organizations authorized by laws and regulations of the legal relation of maritime traffic safety and the administrative counterpart of the legal relation of maritime traffic safety cannot be simply regarded as the interests of both parties, but should be considered from the whole interests of the country and society.
渔业船舶 fishery vessel 查看
例句: 此外,《海上交通安全法》第一百一十八条第三款、第四款规定:“渔业船员、渔业无线电、渔业航标的监督管理,渔业船舶的登记管理,渔港水域内的海上交通安全管理,渔业船舶(含外国籍渔业船舶)之间交通事故的调查处理,由县级以上人民政府渔业渔政主管部门负责。 In addition, the Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 of Article 118 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates that “The departments of fisheries of the people’s governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of fishery crew, fishery radio and fishery aids to navigation, administration of fishing vessel registration, maritime traffic safety administration within the waters of fishing harbors, and investigation and handling of traffic accidents between fishing vessels (including foreign fishing vessels) within the waters of fishing harbors.
行政执法 administrative law enforcement 查看
例句: 行政行为实质上是行政权力的外化,以其内容是制定普遍性规范,还是执行法律法规,实施行政管理,或者是裁决争议、解决纠纷为标准,分为行政立法行为、行政执法行为和行政司法行为。 The administrative acts are in essence, the externalization of administrative power, and are divided into administrative legislative acts, administrative law enforcement acts and administrative judicial acts, by the universal norms, or by the implementation of laws and administrative administration, or by the adjudication of disputes and dispute resolution in terms of its content.
法律法规 laws and regulations 查看
例句: 海上交通安全权利,是指海上交通安全法律关系主体得到国家强制力确认和保障,根据《海上交通安全法》及相关法律法规,能自主决定能为或不为一定行为和自主要求他人能为或不为一定行为的资格。 The right of the maritime traffic safety refers to the qualification that the subject of the maritime traffic safety legal relation is confirmed and guaranteed by the state coercive force and can independently decide to do or not to do certain acts and independently require others to be to do or not to do certain acts according to the Maritime Traffic Safety Law and related laws and the regulations.
法定义务 legal obligations 查看
例句: 而海上交通安全法律关系行政相对人在参与海上交通活动时也依法享有海上交通安全权利并履行法定义务,海上交通安全法律关系行政相对仁没有选择的权利。 However, when participating in maritime traffic activities, the administrative counterpart of maritime traffic safety legal relation also enjoys maritime traffic safety rights and performs legal obligations according to the law with no right to choose.
船舶检验 vessel inspection 查看
例句: 3.负责船舶、海上设施检验行业管理以及船舶适航和船舶技术管理;管理船舶及海上设施法定检验、发证工作;审定船舶检验机构和验船师资质、负责对外国验船组织在华设立代表机构进行监督管理;负责中国籍船舶登记、发证、检查和进出港(境)签证;负责外国籍船舶入出境及在我国港口、水域的监督管理;负责船舶保安和防抗海盗管理工作;负责船舶载运危险货物及其他货物的安全监督。 Administrating the survey of ships and off-shore facilities; supervising the statutory survey and certification for ships and off-shore facilities; examining the qualifications of ship survey organizations and surveyors, supervising the representative offices of foreign ship survey organizations within China; conducting registration, certification, inspection and certificate endorsement of Chinese flag ships; supervising foreign-flagged ships’ entry into and exit from Chinese ports and waters; conducting safety supervision of carriage of dangerous cargoes and other cargoes by ships; The responsibility for the inspection industry administration of ship, offshore installations and ship seaworthiness and ship technology administration; administration of ships and marine installations statutory inspection, licensing; validation of ship inspection agencies and surveyor qualifications, responsible for the establishment of foreign ship survey organizations in China to supervise and administrate representative agencies; responsible for Chinese ship registration, licensing, inspection and entry and exit visa; responsible for foreign ships entering and leaving China and in China’s ports It is also responsible for supervision and administration of foreign ships entering and leaving China’s ports and waters; responsible for ship security and anti-piracy administration; responsible for safety supervision of ships carrying dangerous goods and other cargoes.
国家行政管理 national administrative management 查看
例句: 海上交通安全属于国家行政管理的内容之一,行政法律规范的有关规定同样适用于海上交通安全行政管理领域。 Maritime traffic safety belongs to national administration, and the relevant provisions of administrative legal norms are also applicable to the maritime traffic safety administration.
行政立法 legislative power 查看
例句: 行政行为实质上是行政权力的外化,以其内容是制定普遍性规范,还是执行法律法规,实施行政管理,或者是裁决争议、解决纠纷为标准,分为行政立法行为、行政执法行为和行政司法行为。 The administrative acts are in essence, the externalization of administrative power, and are divided into administrative legislative acts, administrative law enforcement acts and administrative judicial acts, by the universal norms, or by the implementation of laws and administrative administration, or by the adjudication of disputes and dispute resolution in terms of its content.
水上交通安全 water traffic safety 查看
例句: 按照国务院《交通运输部主要职责内设机构和人员编制规定》(国办发〔2009〕18号),交通运输部承担水上交通安全监管责任。 In accordance with the Main Duties of the Ministry of Transport and Staffing Regulations promulgated by the State Council, the MOT bears the responsibility for the water traffic safety supervision.
安全管理 safety administration 查看
例句: 此外,《海上交通安全法》第一百一十八条第三款、第四款规定:“渔业船员、渔业无线电、渔业航标的监督管理,渔业船舶的登记管理,渔港水域内的海上交通安全管理,渔业船舶(含外国籍渔业船舶)之间交通事故的调查处理,由县级以上人民政府渔业渔政主管部门负责。 In addition, the Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 of Article 118 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates that “The departments of fisheries of the people’s governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of fishery crew, fishery radio and fishery aids to navigation, administration of fishing vessel registration, maritime traffic safety administration within the waters of fishing harbors, and investigation and handling of traffic accidents between fishing vessels (including foreign fishing vessels) within the waters of fishing harbors.
国籍登记 nationality registration 查看
例句: 这种变化大多是由国家法律的规定和海上交通安全管理机关的单方行为所引起的,如在中国籍船舶国籍注销制度之中,船舶所有人自拟强制注销船舶国籍登记公告发布之日其60日内未提出异议的,海事管理机构可以注销该船舶的国籍登记,[ ]这就导致了内容的变更。 Such change is mostly caused by the provisions of national laws and the unilateral acts of maritime traffic safety administrations. For example, in the cancellation of nationality of Chinese ships system, where a vessel owner fails to raise an objection within 60 days from the date of issuance of the announcement, the maritime safety administration may cancel the nationality registration of the vessel, leading to alteration in the content.
船舶技术 ship technology 查看
例句: 3.负责船舶、海上设施检验行业管理以及船舶适航和船舶技术管理;管理船舶及海上设施法定检验、发证工作;审定船舶检验机构和验船师资质、负责对外国验船组织在华设立代表机构进行监督管理;负责中国籍船舶登记、发证、检查和进出港(境)签证;负责外国籍船舶入出境及在我国港口、水域的监督管理;负责船舶保安和防抗海盗管理工作;负责船舶载运危险货物及其他货物的安全监督。 Administrating the survey of ships and off-shore facilities; supervising the statutory survey and certification for ships and off-shore facilities; examining the qualifications of ship survey organizations and surveyors, supervising the representative offices of foreign ship survey organizations within China; conducting registration, certification, inspection and certificate endorsement of Chinese flag ships; supervising foreign-flagged ships’ entry into and exit from Chinese ports and waters; conducting safety supervision of carriage of dangerous cargoes and other cargoes by ships; The responsibility for the inspection industry administration of ship, offshore installations and ship seaworthiness and ship technology administration; administration of ships and marine installations statutory inspection, licensing; validation of ship inspection agencies and surveyor qualifications, responsible for the establishment of foreign ship survey organizations in China to supervise and administrate representative agencies; responsible for Chinese ship registration, licensing, inspection and entry and exit visa; responsible for foreign ships entering and leaving China and in China’s ports It is also responsible for supervision and administration of foreign ships entering and leaving China’s ports and waters; responsible for ship security and anti-piracy administration; responsible for safety supervision of ships carrying dangerous goods and other cargoes.
法律规范 legal norms 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系,是由海上交通安全法律规范所调整的,海上交通安全行政主体与海上交通从业者、参与者进行海上交通活动而产生的,以海上交通权利和海上交通义务为内容的社会关系。 The maritime traffic safety legal relations are adjusted by the legal norms of the maritime traffic safety, the maritime traffic safety administrative subjects and the maritime traffic practitioners, participants in maritime traffic activities arising from the content of maritime traffic rights and the maritime traffic obligations of social relations.
仲裁机构 arbitration institution 查看
例句: 不愿意调解或调解不成的,当事人可以向海事法院起诉或申请海事仲裁机构仲裁。 If the litigants are unwilling to mediate or the mediation fails, they may bring a lawsuit to a maritime court or apply to a maritime arbitration institution for arbitration.
系列活动 series of activities 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法行政调查行为,是指海上交通安全行政主体为防止海上交通事故的发生,依法对海上交通安全相对人进行资料信息收集的一系列活动。 The administrative investigation of maritime traffic safety law refers to a series of activities conducted by the administrative subject of maritime traffic safety to collect information from the counterpart of maritime traffic safety according to law in order to prevent the maritime traffic accidents.
安全条件 safety conditions 查看
例句: 负责禁航区、航道(路)、交通管制区、锚地和安全作业区等水域的划定;负责禁航区、航道(路)、交通管制区、锚地和安全作业区等水域的监督管理,维护水上交通秩序;核定船舶靠泊安全条件;核准与通航安全有关的岸线使用和水上水下施工、作业;管理沉船沉物打捞和碍航物清除;管理和发布全国航行警(通)告,办理国际航行警告系统中国国家协调人的工作;审批外国籍船舶临时进入我国非开放水域;办理港口对外开放的有关审批工作和中国便利运输委员会的日常工作。 Designating and supervising restricted areas, routes, traffic control zones, anchorages and safe operation zones; examining and approving safe berthing conditions and maritime engineering operations relating to the safety of navigation; conducting work on removal of wrecks and other navigational obstacles; and issuing navigation warnings and notices to marines;The administration of the navigational order, the navigational environment. It includes the responsibility for the delineation of waters such as no navigation zones, waterways (roads), traffic control zones, anchorages and safety operation zones; responsible for the supervision and management of waters such as no navigation zones, waterways (roads), traffic control zones, anchorages and safety operation zones, and maintenance of water traffic order; approval of safety conditions for ships berthing; approval of shoreline use and water underwater construction and operations related to navigational safety; management of wreck and sediment salvage and obstruction removal; management and issuing national navigational warnings, handling the work of the Chinese national coordinator of the international navigational warning system; approving the temporary entry of foreign vessels into China’s non-open waters; handling the approval work related to the opening of ports to the outside world and the daily work of the China Facilitation Transport Committee.
国家行政 national administration 查看
例句: 海上交通安全属于国家行政管理的内容之一,行政法律规范的有关规定同样适用于海上交通安全行政管理领域。 Maritime traffic safety belongs to national administration, and the relevant provisions of administrative legal norms are also applicable to the maritime traffic safety administration.
规范性文件 normative document 查看
例句: 海上交通安全行政立法行为,是指海上交通安全法律关系中的行政主体依法定权限和法定程序制定具有普遍性约束力的规范性文件的活动。 The administrative legislative acts of maritime traffic safety refers to the activity that the administrative subject formulates normative documents with universal binding force according to the legal authority and legal procedures in the legal relation of maritime traffic safety.
直辖市人民政府 municipalities directly under the Central Government 查看
例句: 例如,《海上交通安全法》第十六条第二款规定:“船员境外突发事件应急处置由船员派出单位所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府负责,船员户籍所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府予以配合。”这表明船员派出单位所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府承担船员境外突发事件应急处置的主体责任。 For example, the paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates: “The people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the seafarers recruitment and placement agencies are located shall be responsible for the handling of emergencies involving seafarers overseas, and the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the places of the seafarers’ household registration belong shall cooperate.” This indicates that the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the seafarers’ recruitment and placement agencies are located bear the main responsibility for the handling of emergencies involving seafarers overseas. where the seafarers recruitment and placement agencies are located shall be responsible for the handling of emergencies involving seafarers overseas, and the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the places of the seafarers’ household registration belong shall cooperate.” This indicates that the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the seafarers’ recruitment and placement agencies are located bear the main responsibility for the handling of emergencies involving seafarers overseas. where the places of the seafarers’ household registration belong shall cooperate.” This indicates that the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where the seafarers’ recruitment and placement agencies are located bear the main responsibility for the handling of emergencies involving seafarers overseas.
海事管理 maritime safety administration 查看
例句: 《海上交通安全法》第四条第二款规定:“国家海事管理机构统一负责海上交通安全监督管理工作,其他各级海事管理机构按照职责具体负责辖区内的海上交通安全监督管理工作。” The second paragraph of Article 4 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates “The state maritime administration shall be responsible for the overall supervision and administration of maritime traffic safety, and local maritime administrations at different levels shall be responsible for conducting the supervision and administration of maritime traffic safety within their respective jurisdiction according to designated duties.”
处置措施 disposal measures 查看
例句: 如《海上交通安全法》第九十一条分别针对海事管理机构发现船舶、海上设施对港口安全具有威胁时可以采取措施的规定,针对发现船舶、海上设施、船员、海上设施上的相关人员存在问题或隐患时采取措施的规定以及针对船舶、海上设施发生海上交通事故、污染事故及未按规定缴纳税费、滞纳金等情况的处置措施的规定。 For example, Article 91 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates that maritime safety administration shall take measures when a vessel or offshore installations poses a threat to port safety, and that it shall take actions when problems or hidden dangers are found on the vessels, offshore installations, crew members and relevant personnel on the offshore installations, and that it shall take disposal measures in case of maritime traffic accidents, pollution incidents and failure to pay taxes and overdue fines as required for vessels and offshore installations.
船员管理 crew management 查看
例句: 作为国家交通运输主管部门,交通运输部主要承担水上交通安全监管责任,包含负责水上交通管制、船舶及相关水上设施检验、登记和防止污染、水上消防、航海保障、救助打捞、通信导航、船舶与港口设施保安及危险品运输监督管理等工作;负责船员管理有关工作;负责中央管理水域水上交通安全事故、船舶及相关水上设施污染事故的应急处置,依法组织或参与事故调查处理工作,指导地方水上交通安全监管工作。 As the national transport administration, the MOT mainly bears responsibility for the waterborne traffic safety supervision, including responsibility for water traffic control, inspection of ships and related water installations, registration and pollution prevention, firefighting, navigation services, search and rescue, communications and navigation, security of vessels and offshore installations, supervision and management of dangerous goods transport; responsibility for crew management and related work; responsibility for the central management of water traffic accidents, the emergency response of vessels and related water installations pollution accidents, organization or participation in the investigation and treatment of accidents according to law and guidance to local water traffic safety supervision.
行政裁决 administrative arbitration 查看
例句: 狭义的行政司法主要指行政机关运用准司法程序解决民事争议的制度,其主要形式包括行政裁决、行政仲裁和行政调解。 The narrow sense of administrative justice mainly refers to the system that administrative organs use quasi-judicial procedures to resolve civil disputes. Its main forms include administrative adjudications, administrative arbitration and administrative mediation.
高风险 high-risk activity 查看
例句: 航海是一项高风险行为, Navigation is a high-risk activity.
污染事故 pollution accidents 查看
例句: 作为国家交通运输主管部门,交通运输部主要承担水上交通安全监管责任,包含负责水上交通管制、船舶及相关水上设施检验、登记和防止污染、水上消防、航海保障、救助打捞、通信导航、船舶与港口设施保安及危险品运输监督管理等工作;负责船员管理有关工作;负责中央管理水域水上交通安全事故、船舶及相关水上设施污染事故的应急处置,依法组织或参与事故调查处理工作,指导地方水上交通安全监管工作。 As the national transport administration, the MOT mainly bears responsibility for the waterborne traffic safety supervision, including responsibility for water traffic control, inspection of ships and related water installations, registration and pollution prevention, firefighting, navigation services, search and rescue, communications and navigation, security of vessels and offshore installations, supervision and management of dangerous goods transport; responsibility for crew management and related work; responsibility for the central management of water traffic accidents, the emergency response of vessels and related water installations pollution accidents, organization or participation in the investigation and treatment of accidents according to law and guidance to local water traffic safety supervision.
安全监督 safety supervision 查看
例句: 《海上交通安全法》第四条第二款规定:“国家海事管理机构统一负责海上交通安全监督管理工作,其他各级海事管理机构按照职责具体负责辖区内的海上交通安全监督管理工作。” The second paragraph of Article 4 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates “The state maritime administration shall be responsible for the overall supervision and administration of maritime traffic safety, and local maritime administrations at different levels shall be responsible for conducting the supervision and administration of maritime traffic safety within their respective jurisdiction according to designated duties.”
相对人 the relative person 查看
例句: 而海上交通安全法律关系行政相对人在参与海上交通活动时也依法享有海上交通安全权利并履行法定义务,海上交通安全法律关系行政相对仁没有选择的权利。 However, when participating in maritime traffic activities, the administrative counterpart of maritime traffic safety legal relation also enjoys maritime traffic safety rights and performs legal obligations according to the law with no right to choose.
吨税 tonnage dues 查看
例句: 8. 组织编制全国海事系统中长期发展规划和有关计划;管理所属单位基本建设、财务、教育、科技、人事、劳动工资、精神文明建设工作;负责船舶吨税、船舶油污损害赔偿基金等有关管理工作;负责全国海事系统统计和行风建设工作。 To organize the preparation of medium and long-term development plans and relevant plans for the national maritime system; to manage the capital construction, finance, education, science and technology, personnel, labor wages, and spiritual civilization construction of the affiliated units; to be responsible for the administration of vessel tonnage dues, compensation fund for oil pollution damage from vessel and other related work; to be responsible for the statistics of the national maritime system and the construction of business ethics.
行政相对人 the administrative counterpart 查看
例句: 而海上交通安全法律关系行政相对人在参与海上交通活动时也依法享有海上交通安全权利并履行法定义务,海上交通安全法律关系行政相对仁没有选择的权利。 However, when participating in maritime traffic activities, the administrative counterpart of maritime traffic safety legal relation also enjoys maritime traffic safety rights and performs legal obligations according to the law with no right to choose.
行政法学 administrative jurisprudence edited 查看
例句: 罗豪才、应松年教授主编的《行政法学》提出了行政执法较广义的观点:“行政执法是行政机关执行法律的行为,是主管行政机关依法采取的具体的直接影响相对一方权利义务的行为;或者对个人、组织的权利义务的行使和履行情况进行监督检查的行为。” Administrative Jurisprudence edited by Luo Haocai and Ying Songnian puts forward a broader view of administrative law enforcement: "Administrative law enforcement refers to the behavior of administrative organs in executing laws, which is a specific and direct action taken by the competent administrative organs that has a relative impact on the rights and obligations of one party, or the behavior of supervising and inspecting the exercise and performance of rights and obligations of individuals and organizations."
法律关系 legal relation 查看
例句: 第三章 海上交通安全法律关系概述 Chapter III Overview of the Maritime Traffic Safety Legal Relation
安全隐患 maritime safety administration 查看
例句: 如海事管理机构对未经许可进出口岸的国际航行船舶的所有人、经营人或者管理人作出罚款的决定;海事管理机构对于未持有有效的证书、文书的船舶,且存在严重安全隐患的,可以依法作出没收的决定。 For example, where a vessel sailing on international routes enters or leaves a port without permission, the maritime safety administration shall impose a fine upon the owner, operator or manager of the vessel. The maritime administration may confiscate a vessel without a valid certificate or document and with serious potential safety hazard according to the law.
行政奖励 administrative reward 查看
例句: 7)行政奖励 Administrative Award
复议程序 maritime administrative reconsideration procedure 查看
例句: 行政相对人的申请是海事行政复议程序启动的必要条件,也就是说海事行政复议对于行政机关来说有着“被动”的特性,明显区别于行政机关固有的“依职权”进行的内部层级监督。 The application of the administrative counterpart is a necessary condition for the initiation of the maritime administrative reconsideration procedure, that is, the maritime administrative reconsideration has a “passive” characteristic for the administrative organ, which is clearly different from the inherent “ex officio” internal hierarchical supervision of administrative organs.
损害赔偿 damage compensation 查看
例句: 监督管理船舶所有人安全生产条件和水运企业安全管理体系;调查、处理水上交通事故、船舶污染事故及水上交通违法案件;指导船舶污染损害赔偿工作。 Inspecting safety management system of shipping companies; investigating and handling waterborne traffic accidents, ship pollution accidents; instructing the compensation for pollution damage by ships;The unified administration of the maritime traffic safety and the prevention of the pollution from vessels. It includes the supervision and administration of any members on board on the safety production conditions and the safety management system of maritime transport enterprises; investigation, processing of maritime traffic accidents, vessel pollution incidents and water traffic violations; guidance of vessel pollution damage compensation.
民事争议 civil disputes 查看
例句: 广义的行政司法包括行政机关运用准司法程序解决行政争议的制度(如行政复议)和解决民事争议的制度,甚至包括行政机关运用准司法程序实施行政行为(如行政处罚)的制度。 Broadly speaking, administrative justice includes the system of administrative organs using quasi-judicial procedures to resolve administrative disputes (such as administrative reconsideration) and the system of solving civil disputes, and even includes the system of administrative organs using quasi-judicial procedures to implement administrative acts (such as administrative punishment).
无线电导航 radio navigation 查看
例句: 管理沿海航标、无线电导航和水上安全通信;管理海区港口航道测绘并组织编印相关航海图书资料;归口管理交通行业测绘工作;承担水上搜寻救助组织、协调和指导的有关工作。 Managing the AtoN, radio navigation and safety communication; managing hydrographical survey of ports and routes and navigational publications; organizing and coordinating maritime search and rescue operations;The responsibility for the navigation security work.It includes the management of coastal beacons, radio navigation and water safety communications; management of the sea area port fairway mapping and organization of the relevant nautical books and materials; centrally managed transportation industry mapping work; undertake water search and rescue organization, coordination and guidance of the relevant work. and safety communication; managing hydrographical survey of ports and routes and navigational publications; organizing and coordinating maritime search and rescue operations;The responsibility for the navigation security work.It includes the management of coastal beacons, radio navigation and water safety communications; management of the sea area port fairway mapping and organization of the relevant nautical books and materials; centrally managed transportation industry mapping work; undertake water search and rescue organization, coordination and guidance of the relevant work.
沿海省 coastal provinces 查看
例句: 根据我国航运格局和水上交通运输的特点,综合考虑港口布局和行政区划的情况,交通运输部在沿海省、自治区、直辖市设立了直属海事机构,在有关重要港口和水域设立了分支海事机构、派出海事机构,在各自辖区内具体履行赋予海事管理机构的各项管理职责。 According to China5s shipping pattern and the characteristics of the water traffic, taking into account the layout of ports and administrative divisions, the MOT in coastal provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and important port established the directly affiliated maritime agencies, in the relevant important ports and waters set up subordinated MSA, dispatched unit, in their respective jurisdictions to specifically perform the management responsibilities given to the maritime administrations.
行政决定 administrative decisions 查看
例句: 行政强制是指行政机关在行政管理过程中,为制止违法行为、防止证据损毁、避免危害发生、控制危险扩大等情形,依法对公民的人身自由实施暂时性限制,或对行政相对人的财物实施暂时性控制的行为,以及行政机关或者行政机关申请人民法院对不履行行政决定的行政相对人依法强制其履行义务的行为。 Administrative coercion refers to the temporary restriction of the personal freedom of citizens or temporary control of the property of administrative counterpart according to law by administrative organs in the process of administration for such purposes as stopping illegal acts, preventing destruction of evidence, avoiding damage and containing expansion of danger, and the performance of obligations as legally enforced by administrative organs or by the people’s courts upon applications of administrative organs against administrative counterpart which do not perform administrative decisions.
船员培训 crew training 查看
例句: 直属海事机构的主要职责是,负责辖区内水上安全管理、海上航标管理、水上安全通信管理、防止船舶污染及其他有关管理工作;按照授权,管理船舶和海上设施检验、港口航道测绘工作;负责船舶登记、船舶法定配备的操作性手册与文书审批、船舶所有人安全管理体系审核与监督和船员培训、考试发证、船员证件管理工作;负责辖区内水上搜寻救助、污染事故应急处理和重大水上交通事故的调查、处理工作;承办中华人民共和国海事局交办的其他工作。 The main responsibilities of the directly- affiliated MSAs under the jurisdiction are to be responsible for the management of water safety, the management of AtoN, the management of water safety communications, the prevention of vessel pollution and other relevant management work within the jurisdiction; to manage the inspection of vessels and offshore facilities and the surveying and mapping of port and waterway according to the authorization; be responsible for vessel registration, examination and approval of the operational manuals and documents for the statutory equipment of the vessel, review and supervision of the shipowner’s safety management system, crew training, examination and certificate issuance, and management of crew certificates; to be responsible for water search and rescue, emergency treatment of pollution accidents and investigation and treatment of major water traffic accidents within the jurisdiction; to undertake other tasks assigned by the China MSA.
登记管理 Registration and Management 查看
例句: 此外,《海上交通安全法》第一百一十八条第三款、第四款规定:“渔业船员、渔业无线电、渔业航标的监督管理,渔业船舶的登记管理,渔港水域内的海上交通安全管理,渔业船舶(含外国籍渔业船舶)之间交通事故的调查处理,由县级以上人民政府渔业渔政主管部门负责。 In addition, the Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 of Article 118 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law stipulates that “The departments of fisheries of the people’s governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of fishery crew, fishery radio and fishery aids to navigation, administration of fishing vessel registration, maritime traffic safety administration within the waters of fishing harbors, and investigation and handling of traffic accidents between fishing vessels (including foreign fishing vessels) within the waters of fishing harbors.
法律地位 legal status 查看
例句: 由于在海上交通活动中,管理者与参与者的法律地位不同,因而在海上交通安全法律关系中其相关的权利和义务也不相同。 Since the legal status of managers and participants in maritime traffic activities is different, their related rights and obligations in the legal relation of maritime traffic safety are also different.
行业管理 industry administration 查看
例句: 3.负责船舶、海上设施检验行业管理以及船舶适航和船舶技术管理;管理船舶及海上设施法定检验、发证工作;审定船舶检验机构和验船师资质、负责对外国验船组织在华设立代表机构进行监督管理;负责中国籍船舶登记、发证、检查和进出港(境)签证;负责外国籍船舶入出境及在我国港口、水域的监督管理;负责船舶保安和防抗海盗管理工作;负责船舶载运危险货物及其他货物的安全监督。 Administrating the survey of ships and off-shore facilities; supervising the statutory survey and certification for ships and off-shore facilities; examining the qualifications of ship survey organizations and surveyors, supervising the representative offices of foreign ship survey organizations within China; conducting registration, certification, inspection and certificate endorsement of Chinese flag ships; supervising foreign-flagged ships’ entry into and exit from Chinese ports and waters; conducting safety supervision of carriage of dangerous cargoes and other cargoes by ships; The responsibility for the inspection industry administration of ship, offshore installations and ship seaworthiness and ship technology administration; administration of ships and marine installations statutory inspection, licensing; validation of ship inspection agencies and surveyor qualifications, responsible for the establishment of foreign ship survey organizations in China to supervise and administrate representative agencies; responsible for Chinese ship registration, licensing, inspection and entry and exit visa; responsible for foreign ships entering and leaving China and in China’s ports It is also responsible for supervision and administration of foreign ships entering and leaving China’s ports and waters; responsible for ship security and anti-piracy administration; responsible for safety supervision of ships carrying dangerous goods and other cargoes.
机构资质 institution qualification 查看
例句: 审核和监督管理船员、引航员、磁罗经校正员培训机构资质及其质量体系;负责海员证件的管理工作。 The training, examination and certification management of seafarers, pilots, and magnetic rosette correctors. It includes the audit and supervision of the administration of the crew, pilot, magnetic rosette corrector training institution qualifications and its quality system; the responsibility for the administration of seafarer’s certificates.
行政区划 administrative divisions 查看
例句: 根据我国航运格局和水上交通运输的特点,综合考虑港口布局和行政区划的情况,交通运输部在沿海省、自治区、直辖市设立了直属海事机构,在有关重要港口和水域设立了分支海事机构、派出海事机构,在各自辖区内具体履行赋予海事管理机构的各项管理职责。 According to China5s shipping pattern and the characteristics of the water traffic, taking into account the layout of ports and administrative divisions, the MOT in coastal provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and important port established the directly affiliated maritime agencies, in the relevant important ports and waters set up subordinated MSA, dispatched unit, in their respective jurisdictions to specifically perform the management responsibilities given to the maritime administrations.
交通管理 traffic management 查看
例句: 海上交通安全法律关系中的人身权益主要包括船员的劳动安全和职业健康权利以及海上交通管理相对人的生命权。 The personal rights and interests in the legal relation of maritime traffic safety mainly include the right to work safety and occupational health of crew members and the right to life of the relative of the maritime traffic management.
行政首长 chief executive 查看
例句: 海上交通安全行政立法行为必须经过起草、征求社会公众意见、政府或政府部门相应会议审议通过、行政首长签署、公布等程序。同时,由于行政立法行为针对不特定行政相对人,制定具有普遍约束力的规范性文件。 Administrative legislative act on maritime traffic safety must follow the procedures of drafting, soliciting opinions of the public, consideration and adoption by the corresponding meetings of government departments, signature of the chief executive, and publication, etc. Meanwhile, as the administrative legislation applies to unspecified administrative counterparts, it formulates normative documents with universal binding force.
三方面 following three aspects 查看
例句: 各级地方政府应当牢固树立安全发展理念,始终把人民群众生命安全放在第一位,在海上交通安全法规范中要重点突出以下三方面的支持工作: Local governments at different levels should firmly establish the concept of safe development and always prioritize the safety of people’s lives. In the maritime traffic safety law, the following three aspects of support should be highlighted.
快速发展 rapid development 查看
例句: 随着我国经济的快速发展,同世界各国海上交通活动的交流和合作日益密切,海上交通运输活动的国际性特征愈加重要、明显。 With the rapid development of China’s economy, the exchange and cooperation with other countries in maritime transport activities are increasingly close, and the international characteristics of maritime transport activities are becoming increasingly important and prominent.
发展规划 Development Plan 查看
例句: 8. 组织编制全国海事系统中长期发展规划和有关计划;管理所属单位基本建设、财务、教育、科技、人事、劳动工资、精神文明建设工作;负责船舶吨税、船舶油污损害赔偿基金等有关管理工作;负责全国海事系统统计和行风建设工作。 To organize the preparation of medium and long-term development plans and relevant plans for the national maritime system; to manage the capital construction, finance, education, science and technology, personnel, labor wages, and spiritual civilization construction of the affiliated units; to be responsible for the administration of vessel tonnage dues, compensation fund for oil pollution damage from vessel and other related work; to be responsible for the statistics of the national maritime system and the construction of business ethics.