
原文 译文 详情
新增就业 new urban jobs 查看
例句: 城镇新增就业6600万人以上,13亿多人口的大国实现了比较充分就业。 More than 66 million new urban jobs have been added, and our country, with its population of over 1. 3 billion, has achieved relatively full employment.
发展理念 The new development philosophy 查看
例句: 各地区各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,深入贯彻落实新发展理念,“十二五”规划胜利完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,经济社会发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。 The new development philosophy has been thoroughly acted upon, the 12th Five-Year Plan has been fully completed, and implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan has seen smooth progress. In economic and social development we have made historic achievements and seen historic change. Over the past five years, economic strength has reached a new high.
量子通信 quantum communications 查看
例句: 载人航天、深海探测、量子通信、大飞机等重大创新成果不断涌现。 In manned spaceflight, deep-water exploration, quantum communications, large aircraft development, and more, China has seen a stream of major outcomes of innovation.
粮食生产能力 grain yield 查看
例句: 粮食生产能力达到1.2万亿斤。 7 percent, and the annual grain yield has reached 600 million metric tons.
效应累积 cumulative effect 查看
例句: 这是五年来一系列重大政策效应累积,各方面不懈努力、久久为功的结果。 This is the result of the cumulative effect of a raft of major policies over the past five years and of consistent efforts in all areas of endeavor.
目标任务 targets and tasks 查看
例句: 刚刚过去的2017年,经济社会发展主要目标任务全面完成并好于预期。 In the year just passed, all main targets and tasks for economic and social development were accomplished and performance has exceeded expectations.
决定性进展 decisive progress 查看
例句: 脱贫攻坚取得决定性进展,贫困人口减少6800多万,易地扶贫搬迁830万人,贫困发生率由10.2%下降到3.1%。 We have made decisive progress in the fight against poverty: More than 68 million people have been lifted out of poverty, including a total of 8.
共享经济 the sharing economy 查看
例句: 高铁网络、电子商务、移动支付、共享经济等引领世界潮流。 In high-speed rail, e-commerce, mobile payments, and the sharing economy, China is leading the world.
新标志 new hallmark 查看
例句: 快速崛起的新动能,正在重塑经济增长格局、深刻改变生产生活方式,成为中国创新发展的新标志。 Rapidly emerging new growth drivers are reshaping China’s growth model, are profoundly changing the way we live and work, and have become a new hallmark of China’s innovation-driven development. Over the past five years, significant headway has been made in reform and opening-up.
生活持续 living standards have been constantly 查看
例句: 五年来,人民生活持续改善。 Over the past five years, living standards have been constantly improving.
沙化土地 desertified land 查看
例句: 单位国内生产总值能耗、水耗均下降20%以上,主要污染物排放量持续下降,重点城市重污染天数减少一半,森林面积增加1.63亿亩,沙化土地面积年均缩减近2000平方公里,绿色发展呈现可喜局面。 Forest coverage has increased by 10. 87 million hectares, and the area of desertified land has been reduced by close to 2,000 square kilometers on average each year. Encouraging progress has been made in green development.
绿色发展 green development 查看
例句: 单位国内生产总值能耗、水耗均下降20%以上,主要污染物排放量持续下降,重点城市重污染天数减少一半,森林面积增加1.63亿亩,沙化土地面积年均缩减近2000平方公里,绿色发展呈现可喜局面。 Forest coverage has increased by 10. 87 million hectares, and the area of desertified land has been reduced by close to 2,000 square kilometers on average each year. Encouraging progress has been made in green development.
基本医疗保险 basic health insurance 查看
例句: 社会养老保险覆盖9亿多人,基本医疗保险覆盖13.5亿人,织就了世界上最大的社会保障网。 Tourist departures have grown from 83 million to over 130 million. Social old-age pension schemes now cover more than 900 million people, and the basic health insurance plans cover 1. 35 billion people, forming the largest social safety net in the world.
生产总值增长 GDP grew 查看
例句: 国内生产总值增长6.9%,居民收入增长7.3%,增速均比上年有所加快; GDP grew 6. 9 percent and personal income rose 7. 3 percent, both beating the previous year’s growth rates.
年均增长 average annual increase 查看
例句: 国内生产总值从54万亿元增加到82.7万亿元,年均增长7.1%,占世界经济比重从11.4%提高到15%左右,对世界经济增长贡献率超过30%。 and its share in the global economy has grown to roughly 15 percent, up from 11. 4 percent. China’s contribution to global growth has exceeded 30 percent.
预期寿命 life expectancy 查看
例句: 人均预期寿命达到76.7岁。 On average, life expectancy has reached 76.
深刻改变 profoundly changing 查看
例句: 快速崛起的新动能,正在重塑经济增长格局、深刻改变生产生活方式,成为中国创新发展的新标志。 Rapidly emerging new growth drivers are reshaping China’s growth model, are profoundly changing the way we live and work, and have become a new hallmark of China’s innovation-driven development. Over the past five years, significant headway has been made in reform and opening-up.
习近平 Xi Jinping 查看
例句: 第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来的五年,是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。 面对极其错综复杂的国内外形势,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全国各族人民砥砺前行,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设全面开创新局面。 At its 19th National Congress, the Party established the position in history of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and mapped out an inspiring blueprint and a program of action for securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and for striving for the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.
经济社会发展 economic and social development 查看
例句: 各地区各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,深入贯彻落实新发展理念,“十二五”规划胜利完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,经济社会发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。 The new development philosophy has been thoroughly acted upon, the 12th Five-Year Plan has been fully completed, and implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan has seen smooth progress. In economic and social development we have made historic achievements and seen historic change. Over the past five years, economic strength has reached a new high.
令世界 have attracted global 查看
例句: 过去五年取得的全方位、开创性成就,发生的深层次、根本性变革,再次令世界瞩目,全国各族人民倍感振奋和自豪。 Over the past five years, the ground-breaking achievements made on every front and the profound and fundamental changes that have taken place, have attracted global attention and are the pride and inspiration of all of us in China.
载人航天 manned spaceflight 查看
例句: 载人航天、深海探测、量子通信、大飞机等重大创新成果不断涌现。 In manned spaceflight, deep-water exploration, quantum communications, large aircraft development, and more, China has seen a stream of major outcomes of innovation.
结构出现 structure of the Chinese economy has seen 查看
例句: 五年来,经济结构出现重大变革。 Over the past five years, the structure of the Chinese economy has seen a major transformation. With the share of the service sector rising from 45. 3 to 51.
大飞机 large aircraft 查看
例句: 载人航天、深海探测、量子通信、大飞机等重大创新成果不断涌现。 In manned spaceflight, deep-water exploration, quantum communications, large aircraft development, and more, China has seen a stream of major outcomes of innovation.
棚户区住房 rundown urban areas 查看
例句: 棚户区住房改造2600多万套,农村危房改造1700多万户,上亿人喜迁新居。 Over 26 million housing units have been rebuilt in rundown urban areas, and more than 17 million dilapidated houses have been renovated in rural areas. Thanks to these efforts, more than one hundred million Chinese have moved into new homes. Over the past five years, the environment has seen gradual improvement.
社会保障网 the largest social safety net 查看
例句: 社会养老保险覆盖9亿多人,基本医疗保险覆盖13.5亿人,织就了世界上最大的社会保障网。 Tourist departures have grown from 83 million to over 130 million. Social old-age pension schemes now cover more than 900 million people, and the basic health insurance plans cover 1. 35 billion people, forming the largest social safety net in the world.
迁新居 moved into new 查看
例句: 棚户区住房改造2600多万套,农村危房改造1700多万户,上亿人喜迁新居。 Over 26 million housing units have been rebuilt in rundown urban areas, and more than 17 million dilapidated houses have been renovated in rural areas. Thanks to these efforts, more than one hundred million Chinese have moved into new homes. Over the past five years, the environment has seen gradual improvement.
经济增长主动力 the main driver of growth 查看
例句: 消费贡献率由54.9%提高到58.8%,服务业比重从45.3%上升到51.6%,成为经济增长主动力。 6 percent of the economy, consumption’s contribution to growth has increased from 54. 9 to 58. 8 percent, becoming the main driver of growth.
居民收入 personal income 查看
例句: 居民收入年均增长7.4%、超过经济增速,形成世界上人口最多的中等收入群体。 3 million relocated from inhospitable areas, and the poverty headcount ratio has dropped from 10.
世界经济增长 global growth 查看
例句: 国内生产总值从54万亿元增加到82.7万亿元,年均增长7.1%,占世界经济比重从11.4%提高到15%左右,对世界经济增长贡献率超过30%。 and its share in the global economy has grown to roughly 15 percent, up from 11. 4 percent. China’s contribution to global growth has exceeded 30 percent.
脱贫攻坚 fight against poverty 查看
例句: 脱贫攻坚取得决定性进展,贫困人口减少6800多万,易地扶贫搬迁830万人,贫困发生率由10.2%下降到3.1%。 We have made decisive progress in the fight against poverty: More than 68 million people have been lifted out of poverty, including a total of 8.
万众创新 Business startups and innovation 查看
例句: 大众创业、万众创新蓬勃发展,日均新设企业由5千多户增加到1万6千多户。 Business startups and innovation are thriving all over the country, and the average number of new businesses opened daily has risen from over 5,000 to more than 16,000.
十二五 past five years 查看
例句: 各地区各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,深入贯彻落实新发展理念,“十二五”规划胜利完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,经济社会发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。 The new development philosophy has been thoroughly acted upon, the 12th Five-Year Plan has been fully completed, and implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan has seen smooth progress. In economic and social development we have made historic achievements and seen historic change. Over the past five years, economic strength has reached a new high.
占世界 share in the global 查看
例句: 国内生产总值从54万亿元增加到82.7万亿元,年均增长7.1%,占世界经济比重从11.4%提高到15%左右,对世界经济增长贡献率超过30%。 and its share in the global economy has grown to roughly 15 percent, up from 11. 4 percent. China’s contribution to global growth has exceeded 30 percent.
历史性成就 historic achievements 查看
例句: 各地区各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,深入贯彻落实新发展理念,“十二五”规划胜利完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,经济社会发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。 The new development philosophy has been thoroughly acted upon, the 12th Five-Year Plan has been fully completed, and implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan has seen smooth progress. In economic and social development we have made historic achievements and seen historic change. Over the past five years, economic strength has reached a new high.
企业利润 corporate profits 查看
例句: 工业增速回升,企业利润增长21%; Industrial growth began to rebound, and corporate profits increased 21 percent.
规划顺利 Plan has seen smoothly 查看
例句: 各地区各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,深入贯彻落实新发展理念,“十二五”规划胜利完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,经济社会发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。 The new development philosophy has been thoroughly acted upon, the 12th Five-Year Plan has been fully completed, and implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan has seen smooth progress. In economic and social development we have made historic achievements and seen historic change. Over the past five years, economic strength has reached a new high.
住房改造 housing units have been rebuilt 查看
例句: 棚户区住房改造2600多万套,农村危房改造1700多万户,上亿人喜迁新居。 Over 26 million housing units have been rebuilt in rundown urban areas, and more than 17 million dilapidated houses have been renovated in rural areas. Thanks to these efforts, more than one hundred million Chinese have moved into new homes. Over the past five years, the environment has seen gradual improvement.
移动支付 mobile payments 查看
例句: 高铁网络、电子商务、移动支付、共享经济等引领世界潮流。 In high-speed rail, e-commerce, mobile payments, and the sharing economy, China is leading the world.
规划顺利 Plan has seen smooth 查看
例句: 各地区各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,深入贯彻落实新发展理念,“十二五”规划胜利完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,经济社会发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。 The new development philosophy has been thoroughly acted upon, the 12th Five-Year Plan has been fully completed, and implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan has seen smooth progress. In economic and social development we have made historic achievements and seen historic change. Over the past five years, economic strength has reached a new high.
创新成果 Innovative achievements -
成果丰硕 Fruitful results -
粮食生产能力 Grain production capacity -
事业全面 Comprehensive career -
重点城市 Key cities -
四个全面”战略布局 wd -
人口减少 Decrease in population -
核心意识 Core consciousness -
居民收入 Resident income -
土壤污染 Soil pollution -
消费价格 Consumer price -
顺利实施 Smooth implementation -
重大变革 Major changes -
五位一体 Five in One -
重大现实 Significant reality -
历史新高 A record high -
贫困人口 Poor people -
新发展理念 New development concept -
宏伟蓝图 A grand blueprint -
放缓 Slowdown -
住房改造 Housing renovation -
排放量 Emissions -
社会主义伟大 Socialist greatness -
看齐意识 Alignment consciousness -
开创性成就 Pioneering achievement -
成为中国 Become China -
习近平   -
高铁网络 High-speed rail network -
取得历史性成就 Achieve historic achievements -
特色社会主义思想 Thought of characteristic socialism -
我国发展进程 China's development process -
生活持续 Sustainability of life -
深刻转变 Profound transformation -
放管结合 Tube release combination -
出口增长 Export growth -
主动力 Main power -
推动政府 Promote the government -
农业转移人口 Agricultural transfer population -
量子通信 Quantum communication -
利润增长 Profit growth -
全面完成 Complete in full -
深刻改变 Profound change -
载人航天 Manned spaceflight -
四个全面 Four comprehensive -
贡献率 Contribution rate -
发生率 Incidence rate -
社会保障网 Social safety net -
万众创新 Innovation by all -
全面建成 Completely completed -
收入增长 Income growth -
重塑 Remodeling -
土地面积 Land area -
共享经济 Sharing economy -
增速放缓 Slow growth -
重要领域和关键环节 Important areas and key links -
良好局面 Good situation -
人均预期寿命 Life expectancy per capita -
一带一路 Belt and Road Initiative -
保险覆盖 Insurance coverage -
创历史新高 A record high -
世界经济增长 World economic growth -
全面发力 Full exertion -
历史性变革 Historic change -
世界前列 Top of the world -
驱动发展 Drive development -
统筹推进 Overall promotion -
改变生产生活方式 Change the way of production and life -
前行 Forward -
主要污染物 Major pollutants -
十二五 Twelfth Five-Year Plan -
党中央团结 Unity of the CPC Central Committee -
全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress -
建设全面 Comprehensive construction -
实施大气 Implement atmosphere -
https https -
绿色发展 Green development -
十九大 Nineteenth National Congress -
建成小康 Build a well-off society -
发展成果 Development results -
结构出现 Structure appearance -
农村危房 Dangerous houses in rural areas -
特色社会主义 Characteristic socialism -
大飞机 Large aircraft -
污染物排放量 Pollutant discharge -
深远历史 Profound history -
中等收入群体 Middle-income group -
实际使用 Actual use -
棚户区住房改造 Housing renovation in shanty towns -
社会养老保险 Social endowment insurance -
现代化建设 Modernization construction -
服务业比重 Proportion of service industry -
大众创业 Mass entrepreneurship -
重大创新 Major innovation -
经济增长主动力 Main driving force of economic growth -
发展进程 Development process -
四个全面”战略布局 wddfg -
基本医疗保险 Basic medical insurance -
污染防治 Pollution prevention and control -
国内生产总值增长 Gross domestic product growth -
中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
养老保险 Pension insurance -
森林面积 Forest area -
贫困发生率 Incidence of poverty -
砥砺前行 Strive forward -
价格年均 Average annual price -
收入年均 Average annual income -
战略布局 Strategic layout -
成为经济 Become an economy -
生产总值能耗 Energy consumption of GDP -
发展呈现 Development presentation -
新增就业 New employment -
大局意识 Consciousness of overall situation -
领域改革 Domain reform -
研发投入 R&D investment -
目标任务 Objectives and tasks -
互联网+ Internet plus -
预期寿命 Life expectancy -
社会主义现代化建设 Socialist modernization construction -
政策效应 Policy effect -
主要目标任务 Main objectives and tasks -
经济增长 Economic growth -
市场活力 Market vitality -
历史地位 Historical position -
经济增速 Economic growth rate -
水耗 Water consumption -
第一次会议 First meeting -
保障网 Safety net -
结构优化 Structural optimization -
移动支付 Mobile payment -
全面建成小康社会 Build a well-off society in an all-round way -
新台阶 New steps -
深海探测 Deep-sea exploration -
融入 Integration -
技术制造业 Technology manufacturing industry -
沙化土地 Desertification land -
创新驱动 Innovation-driven -
消费贡献率 Contribution rate of consumption -
政治意识 Political consciousness -
单位国内生产总值能耗 Energy consumption per unit GDP -
生产生活 Production and life -
较低水平 Lower level -
旅游人次 Tourists -
创新蓬勃 Vigorous innovation -
优化服务 Optimize service -
小康社会 Well-off society -
规划顺利 Smooth planning -
生产总值增长 GDP growth -
社会主义思想 Socialist thought -
政府职能 Government function -
效应累积 Effect accumulation -
天数减少 Decrease in days -
国内生产 Domestic production -
居民收入增长 Residents' income growth -
全面开创 Create in an all-round way -
习近平同志 Comrade   -
决定性进展 Decisive progress -
十三五 Thirteenth Five-Year Plan -
重大政策 Major policies -
根本性变革 Fundamental change -
简政放权 Decentralization and decentralization -
城镇化率 Urbanization rate -
第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来的五年,是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。面对极其错综复杂的 wd -
行动纲领 Programme of Action -
城镇新增就业 New employment in cities and towns -
年均增长 Average annual growth -
工作回顾 Work review -
突破性进展 Breakthrough progress -
建设成效 Construction effectiveness -
历史性成就 Historic achievements -
世界经济比重 Proportion of the world economy -
关键环节改革 Key link reform -
重大步伐 Significant steps -
环境状况 Environmental conditions -
改革全面 Comprehensive reform -
主体框架 Body frame -
易地扶贫 Ex situ poverty alleviation -
经济社会发展 Economic and social development -
居民消费价格 Consumer price -
脱贫攻坚 Poverty alleviation and difficulties tackling -
国内外形势 Situation at home and abroad -
状况逐步 The situation is gradual -
全国各族人民 People of all ethnic groups in China -
环节改革 Link reform -
社会创造力 Social creativity -
发展理念 Development concept -
创新发展 Innovation and development -
持续改善 Continuous improvement -
充分就业 Full employment -
企业利润 Enterprise profit -
持续改善 Continuousiy improvement -
规划顺利 Plan has seen smootly -
习近平   -
竞技体育 Competitive sports -
团结统一 Unity and unity -
基础设施建设 Infrastructure construction -
应对气候变化 Addressing climate change -
社会主义民主政治 Socialist democratic politics -
古田 Gutian -
全面推进依法治国 Comprehensively promote the rule of law -
全面深化改革 Comprehensively deepen reform -
不断改善 Continuous improvement -
中国梦强军梦 Chinese dream and strong military dream -
能源资源 Energy resources -
体系更加 The system is more -
法治体系 Legal system -
古田全军政治工作会议 Gutian Military Political Work Conference -
发展方式 Mode of development -
政治生态 Political ecology -
成为全球 Become global -
环境治理 Environmental governance -
文化影响 Cultural influence -
斗争准备 Preparation for struggle -
思想文化建设 Ideological and cultural construction -
两岸关系和平发展 Peaceful development of cross-strait relations -
监察体制 Supervision system -
侧结构性改革 Side structural reform -
理论创新 Theoretical innovation -
人道主义救援 Humanitarian relief -
中高速增长 Medium and high speed growth -
组织架构 Organizational structure -
繁荣稳定 Prosperity and stability -
精神文明创建 Creation of spiritual civilization -
迎难而上 Face up to difficulties -
城乡居民收入 Income of urban and rural residents -
数字经济 Digital economy -
转变发展 Transformation and development -
稳步推进 Steady progress -
重大科技 Major science and technology -
京津冀协同发展 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development -
关系和平 Relate to peace -
法治社会 Society ruled by law -
人民健康 People's health -
农村教育 Rural education -
十八大精神 Spirit of the 18th National Congress -
国家治理体系 National governance system -
军事战略方针 Military strategic policy -
社会思想 Social thought -
社会建设 Social construction -
党内民主 Inner-party democracy -
有机统一 Organic unity -
根本动力 Fundamental motive force -
发展协调性 Development coordination -
文明创建 Creation of civilization -
保障体系 Security system -
创新型国家 Innovative country -
供给侧结构性改革 Supply-side structural reform -
深刻变化 Profound change -
墨子 Mozi -
加快发展 Accelerate development -
国家文化软实力 Soft power of national culture -
军事斗争准备 Preparation for military struggle -
国家监察体制改革试点 Pilot reform of national supervision system -
严格执法 Strictly enforce the law -
会保障体系 Social security system -
优秀传统文化 Excellent traditional culture -
战略机遇期 Strategic opportunity period -
开放型经济新体制 New open economic system -
人民获得感 People's sense of gain -
社会主义法治 Socialist rule of law -
状况持续 The situation continues -
修复工程 Restoration works -
正能量 Positive energy -
人民当家作主 The people are the masters of the country -
悟空 Wukong -
社会主义进入 Socialist entry -
指导地位 Guiding position -
民族宗教工作 Ethnic and religious work -
协同性 Synergy -
国家公园体制 National park system -
工程进展 Project progress -
全球性问题 Global issues -
中华民族伟大复兴 Great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation -
丁湾护航 Ding Wan Escort -
惠民举措 Huimin initiative -
交流合作 Exchange and cooperation -
九二共识 1992 Consensus -
世界经济复苏 World economic recovery -
功能区制度 Functional area system -
重大生态 Significant ecology -
建设管理 Construction management -
国家监察 State supervision -
结构性改革 Structural reform -
贡献者 Contributor -
重要战略机遇期 Important strategic opportunity period -
强军兴军 Strengthen the Army and Prosper the Army -
司法体制改革 Judicial system reform -
中国梦 Chinese Dream -
整体性 Integrity -
资源消耗 Resource consumption -
激励中国 Inspire China -
治党 Party management -
制度体系 Institutional system -
公共文化服务 Public cultural services -
地区交流合作 Regional exchanges and cooperation -
关键时期 Critical period -
生态保护 Ecological protection -
高举中国 Hold high China -
体系基本 Basic system -
我国发展 China's development -
住房建设 Housing construction -
十八大 Eighteenth National Congress -
全国代表大会 National Congress -
社会主义民主 Socialist democracy -
现代化水平 Modernization level -
治权 Governing power -
委员会向 Committee to -
推进生态 Promote ecology -
长江经济带 Yangtze River Economic Belt -
开放型经济 Open economy -
勇于创新 Be brave in innovation -
中华优秀传统文化 Chinese excellent traditional culture -
中华文化 Chinese culture -
全面推进 Advance in an all-round way -
面对我国 Facing our country -
协商民主 Deliberative democracy -
中西部 Midwest -
改革试点 Pilot reform -
更加完善 More perfect -
服务水平 Service level -
积极发展 Positive development -
创新驱动发展战略 Innovation-driven development strategy -
全面展开 In full swing -
体制逐步 Institutional step-by-step -
全面准确 Comprehensive and accurate -
稳中求进工作总基调 General tone of striving for stability -
民主法治 Rule of law in   -
建设成果 Achievements of construction -
收入增速 Income growth rate -
意识形态领域 Ideological field -
职能转变 Function transformation -
法治政府 Government ruled by law -
伟大复兴 Great revival -
协调性 Coordination -
经济文化交流 Economic and cultural exchanges -
全面依法治国 Governing the country according to law in an all-round way -
高铁 High speed rail -
民主更加 Democracy is more -
我国经济发展 China's economic development -
体制机制 Institutional mechanisms -
脱贫攻坚战 Fight against poverty -
社会大局 Overall social situation -
新进展 New progress -
意识形态工作 Ideological work -
开拓进取 Pioneering and enterprising -
历史性会晤 Historic meeting -
有效治理 Effective governance -
覆盖城乡居民 Covering urban and rural residents -
重大突破 Major breakthrough -
发展质量 Quality of development -
中国共产党人 Chinese communists -
全面节约 Overall economy -
京津冀 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei -
全球生态 Global ecology -
文明制度 Civilized system -
改革举措 Reform initiatives -
面对世界 Face the world -
局部冲突 Local conflict -
经济复苏乏力 The economic recovery is weak -
社会保障 Social Security -
强军之路上 On the road of strengthening the army -
社会主义制度 Socialist system -
建设相互 Build each other -
文化服务 Cultural services -
宗教工作 Religious work -
决胜阶段 Decisive stage -
国家事业 National cause -
生态文明建设 Ecological civilization construction -
军队改革 Army reform -
大幅下降 Dramatic decline -
国家发展进程 National development process -
建设快速 Rapid construction -
权力运行 Operation of power -
社会主义协商 Socialist consultation -
社会治理体系 Social governance system -
法治观念 Concept of rule of law -
文明建设 Civilization construction -
保障性住房 Affordable housing -
社会主义核心价值观 Socialist core values -
科学立法 Scientific legislation -
中央委员会 Central Committee -
核心价值观 Core values -
大幅提高 Significantly increase -
社会保障体系 Social Security system -
重大任务 Major tasks -
海上维权 Maritime rights protection -
推进全面 Promote comprehensiveness -
现代化稳步 Steady modernization -
加快形成 Accelerate the formation -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
勇于变革 Be brave in change -
社会决胜阶段 Social decisive stage -
主动性显著 Significant initiative -
不忘初心 Do not forget your initiative mind -
中国共产党 Communist Party of China -
治理体系 Governance system -
港澳地区 Hong Kong and Macao -
就业状况 Employment status -
管理运用 Management and application -
生态文明制度体系 System of ecological civilization system -
显著增强 Significant enhancement -
亚丁湾 Gulf of Aden -
爱国统一战线 Patriotic united front -
分裂势力 Separatist forces -
历史性突破 Historic breakthrough -
革命性重塑 Revolutionary reshaping -
治理能力现代化 Modernization of governance capacity -
农业现代化 Agricultural modernization -
发展社会主义 Develop socialism -
区域发展协调性增强 The coordination of regional development has been enhanced -
水平明显 Significant level -
高速增长 Rapid growth -
制度建设 System construction -
监督体系 Supervision system -
全面加强 Comprehensively strengthen -
推进国防 Advance national defense -
工作总基调 General tone of work -
行政体制改革 Administrative system reform -
协同发展 Coordinated development -
政府机构改革 Reform of government institutions -
牢牢掌握 Firmly grasp -
全民健身和竞技体育 National fitness and competitive sports -
伟大旗帜 Great flag -
设施建设 Facilities construction -
生态环境保护 Ecological environment protection -
法治建设 Construction of rule of law -
主体功能区 Main functional area -
第十九次全国代表大会 The 19th National Congress -
着力增强 Focus on strengthening -
森林覆盖率 Forest coverage -
重要参与者 Important participants -
依法治国 Governing the country according to law -
节约资源 Save resources -
文化产业 Cultural industry -
发展进入 Development entry -
法治国家 Country ruled by law -
软实力 Soft power -
两岸关系 Cross-strait relations -
公正司法 Fair justice -
协调性增强 Enhanced coordination -
新型国家 New state -
世界主要 World major -
体系建设 System construction -
登高望远 Climb high and look far -
改革深入 Deepen the reform -
体制机制弊端 Abuse of system and mechanism -