
原文 译文 详情
the smallest reservoirs 最小水库 -
economically extractable 经济上可提取的 -
additional reservoir characterization 附加储层表征 -
increasingly advanced methods 日益先进的方法 -
tanker truck 油罐车 -
broad geological mapping 宽幅地质填图 -
hydrocarbons found 发现的碳氢化合物 -
surface features 表面特征 -
conventional reservoirs 常规油藏 -
heavy crude 重质原油 -
production testing 生产测试 -
the downhole pressures 井下压力 -
onshore oil production 陆上采油 -
good exploration data 好的勘探资料 -
producing thousands 产生数以千计的 -
volatile compounds 挥发性化合物 -
potential dangers 潜在危险 -
marginal onshore fields 边际陆上田 -
indication of source 来源指示 -
lower production capacity 较低的生产能力 -
high capacity wells 大容量井 -
safety equipment 安全设备 -
new technology 新技术 -
tar seeps 焦油渗出 -
sucker rod pump 有杆抽油泵 -
reduce dependence 减少依赖性 -
many different license owners 许多不同的许可证所有者 -
economically viable 经济上可行的 -
sophisticated analysis tools 复杂的分析工具 -
their volatile compounds 它们的挥发性化合物 -
a development decision 发展决定 -
production capacity 生产能力 -
several hundred kilometers 几百公里 -
donkey pump 驴泵 -
analysis models 分析模型 -
passive seismic 被动地震 -
thousands of wells 千万口井 -
allowed shale gas 允许页岩气 -
simply collected 简单收集 -
thousands of barrels 数千桶 -
increasing volumes 不断增加的体积 -
extracting oil 抽提油 -
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate 挪威石油局 -
called wildcats 叫野猫 -
individual well-streams 单个井流 -
series of surveys 系列调查 -
separate bitumen 分离沥青 -
top unconventional plays 顶级非常规剧目 -
license owners 许可证拥有者 -
unconventional reserves 非常规储量 -
tar sands 焦油砂 -
barrels of oil 一桶桶油 -
hydrocarbon imports 碳氢化合物进口 -
several million wells 几百万口井 -
regular intervals 规则间隔 -
many other ways 许多其他方式 -
These unconventional reserves 这些非常规储备 -
few dozen barrels 几十桶 -
exploration data 勘探资料 -
very heavy crude 重质原油 -
gravity surveys 重力测量 -
holding tank 贮罐 -
gathering network 采集网络 -
a good indication 很好的迹象 -
hydrocarbon deposits 油气矿床 -
processing plant 加工厂 -
dozen barrels 打桶 -
reflective seismic 反射地震 -
much lower production capacity 低得多的生产能力 -
source rock 烃源岩 -
finding oil 寻找石油 -