
原文 译文 详情
两会 two sessions -
新华社 Xinhua News Agency -
新一轮发展 a new round of development -
科技创新 scientific and technological innovation -
红利 dividend -
种植基地 planting base -
仓储物流 warehousing logistics -
执行总裁 chief executive officer -
新冠疫苗 COVID-19 vaccine -
疫苗知识产权豁免 the exemption of vaccine intellectual property rights -
复工复产 resume work and production -
病毒毒株 virus strains -
华大基因 BGI (The Beijing Genomics Institute) -
疫情防控一线 the front line of epidemic prevention and control -
诗里拉吉医院 Sri Raj Hospital -
人工智能 artificial intelligence -
大疆无人机 DJI UAV -
热感摄像头 thermal cameras -
人脸识别技术 face recognition technology -
交通枢纽 transportation hub -
研发 research and development -
增长动能 new growth -
创新能力 innovation capacity -
云计算 cloud computing -
云计算 Cloud Computing -
移动互联网 Mobile Internet -
大数据 Big Data -
普及应用 widespread use -
合作文件 cooperation document -
数字基础设施建设 digital infrastructure construction -
物联网 Internet of Things -
海缆工程 submarine cable projects -
宽带 broadband -
光纤 optical fiber -
中非卫星遥感应用合作中心 China-Africa Collaborating Centre for Satellite Remote Sensing Applications -
电商 e-commerce -
数字鸿沟 digital divide -
中国-东盟双边贸易 China-ASEAN bilateral trade -
跨境物流平台 cross-border logistics platform -
网红 online celebrity -
双边经贸合作 bilateral economic and trade cooperation -
清洁能源产业 clean energy industry -
绿色、低碳、可持续的 green, low-carbon and sustainable -
火力发电 thermal power -
温室气体 greenhouse gas -
维索尔投资公司 Visor Investment Company -
光伏发电站 photovoltaic power station -
工商业 industry and commerce -
光伏发电 photovoltaic power generation -
碳中和 carbon neutral -
东盟 ASEAN -
南亚 South Asia -
东欧 Eastern Europe -
西亚 West Asia -
土地测绘 Topographic mapping -
精准农业 precision agriculture -
世界知识产权组织 the World Intellectual Property Organization -
量子优越性 quantum superiority -
新动能 new momentum -
对外开放 Opening to the outside world -
重大决策部署 major policy decisions and arrangements -
理论创新 theoretical innovations -
一带一路 Belt and Road Initiative -
内需 domestic demand -
立足自身 stand on our own feet -
自立自强 self-reliance -
产业转型升级 industrial transformation and upgrading -
生产要素 factors of production -
脱钩论 Decoupling Theory -
硬实力 hard power -
软实力 soft power -
外溢效应 spillover effect -
国际上 the international arena -
底线思维 bottom-line thinking -
国家主权 national sovereignty -
发展利益 development interests -
监管体系 regulatory system -
防范化解 prevent and defuse -
长江经济带 the Yangtze River Economic Belt -
粤港澳大湾区 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area -
自贸试验区 pilot free trade zones -
经济开发区 economic development zones -
跨境电商 cross-border e-commerce -
进博会 China International Import Expo -
虹桥国际经济论坛 Hongqiao International Economic Forum -
中国进出口商品交易会 China Import and Export Commodities Fair -
产能 production capacity -
自由化 liberalization -
便利化 facilitation -
《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》 The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement -
中欧投资协定 The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement -
产业链 industry chain -
供应链 supply chains -
互联互通 connectivity -
立体 three-dimensional -
安全高效 safe and efficient -
可持续发展 sustainable development -
抗风险 risk-resistant -
“四个意识” "Four Consciousnesses" -
“四个自信” "Four-Sphere Confidence" -
“两个维护” "Two Upholds" -
三资企业 foreign-invested enterprises -
世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization -
自由贸易试验区 free trade pilot zones -
中国特色社会主义制度 socialist system with Chinese characteristics -
渐进式发展 progressive development -
共商共建共享 extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits -
互利共赢 benefit to all -
外贸形势座谈会 forum on foreign trade situation -
中共中央政治局 the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee -
国务院副总理 Vice Premier of the State Council -
习近平总书记 general secretary Xi Jinping -
中央经济工作会议 Central Economic Work Conference -
稳外贸 stabilizing foreign trade -
党中央 the Party Central Committee -
国务院 the State Council -
外部环境 external environment -
有关部门 departments concerned -
利好政策 favourable policies -
研究机构 research institutions -
重大问题和风险 major issues and risks -
一线 the front line -