
原文 译文 详情
grain production plan 粮食生产计划 -
stable and safe supply 稳定安全供应 -
rural development 农村发展 -
yield-enhancing actions 增产措施 -
agricultural industry 农业 -
specialty planting 特种种植 -
multiple unfavorable impacts 多重不利影响 -
machinery shuttle 机械梭 -
party building 党建 -
China's main grain-producing areas 中国主要粮食产区 -
deputy director 副主任 -
deeply touched 深受感动 -
dual-wheel drive 双轮驱动 -
road unswervingly 坚定不移的道路 -
municipal party committee secretary 市委书记 -
the Zhaoshan community 招山社区 -
fertilizer integration 化肥整合 -
Pingdu City Power Supply Company 平度市供电公司 -
other important agricultural products 其他重要农产品 -
agricultural science 农业科学 -
more many folks 更多的人 -
Strong Agricultural Country 农业强国 -
value-added articles 增值物品 -
bad rain 大雨 -
top priority 最高优先级 -
hometown of Yunnan 云南故乡 -
Party branch secretary 党支部书记 -
an overall increase 总体增长 -
achieve water-saving irrigation 实现节水灌溉 -
force of governance 治理力 -
poverty alleviation 扶贫 -
rural governance 乡村治理 -
the poverty alleviation campaign 扶贫运动 -
strengthen initiatives 加强举措 -
harvest time 收获时间 -
growing season 生长季节 -
the important instructions 重要指示 -
trunk roads 主干道 -
bottom-line task 底线任务 -
ancient tea tree protection 古茶树保护 -
high-standard farmland construction site 高标准农田建设用地 -
industrial development 工业发展 -
so much importance 如此重要 -
good technology 好技术 -
Three Rural Issues Point 三农问题点 -
comprehensively pushing 全面推进 -
municipal party committee secretary Zhu Pingbo 市委书记朱平波 -
increase income 增加收入 -
village network common construction 村网共建 -
Institute of Crop Science 作物科学研究所 -
increase farmers 增加农民 -
Zhao Yanjie's family 赵燕杰家族 -
large-scale management 规模化经营 -
lishment of breeding 育种培训 -
a heavy responsibility 沉重的责任 -
first-tier city 一线城市 -
more severe natural disasters 更严重的自然灾害 -
in-depth understanding 深入了解 -
Secretary of Hongde 洪德书记 -
a more in-depth understanding 更深入的了解 -
important agricultural products 重要农产品 -
major grain grower 主要粮食种植者 -
supply of grain 粮食供应 -
high-standard farmlan 高标准农场局域网 -
modernization of agriculture 农业现代化 -
year's bumper harvest 一年的丰收 -
golden land 黄金之地 -
village ate 村吃 -
supply of food 食物供应 -
synergistic efforts 协同努力 -
standardization of tea 茶叶标准化 -
rural departments deployed 部署的农村部门 -
the tea business 茶叶业务 -
strong support 强有力的支持 -
rural construction 农村建设 -
Heilongjiang Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department 黑龙江省农业和农村事务部 -
safe supply 安全供给 -
residential houses 住宅 -
rice transplanting 水稻移栽 -
local agricultural 地方农业 -
Strong seed technology research 强种子技术研究 -
capita annual income 人均年收入 -
effectively promote 有效促进 -
the mountain community 山区社区 -
Province of China 中国省 -
an important guideline 重要的指导方针 -
scale of business 业务规模 -
capita income reached 达到的人均收入 -
flowing water gurgling 流水潺潺 -
Institute of Crop 农作物研究所 -
decent industry 体面行业 -
transformation of demonstration 示范改造 -
Academy of Agricultural 农业科学院 -
timely manner 及时地 -
coordinating harvesters 协调收割机 -
General Secretary Xi Jinping's statement 习近平总书记的声明 -
China's agricultural industry 中国农业 -
results of po po结果 -
the local conditions 当地条件 -
agricultural production 农业生产 -
happy life 幸福生活 -
earnestly implement 认真落实 -
new high-standard farmland 新高标准农田 -
agricultural products 农产品 -
Science and technology farming 科技农业 -
demonstration leadership 示范领导 -
water and fertilizer integration technology 水肥一体化技术 -
ultimately led 最终导致 -
development of beef 牛肉的发展 -
wheat harvest 小麦收成 -
Comprehensively promoting 全面推进 -
wheat suffered 小麦受害 -
tourism rice 旅游大米 -
livable environment 宜居环境 -
future periods 未来期间 -
bumper harvest 丰收 -
Paddy Rice Experimental Field 水稻试验田 -
current and future periods 当前和未来期间 -
live sales channels 现场销售渠道 -
Heterogeneous germplasm resources 异质种质资源 -
beautiful countryside 美丽的乡村 -
agricultural science and technology worker 农业科技工作者 -
local agricultural and rural departments 地方农业和农村部门 -
quality improvement 质量改进 -
ncome effect ncome效应 -
General Secretary's mandate 秘书长的任务 -
views of General 一般意见 -
effective governance Harmony Village 有效治理和谐村 -
comprehensive revitalization 全面振兴 -
high-standard farmland 高标准农田 -
constantly tap 不断敲击 -
drive of science 科学驱动 -
General Secretary 总书记 -
promoting rural revitalization 推动乡村振兴 -
breeding parks 养殖场 -
rural power grid project 农村电网工程 -
meeting conveyed 会议转达 -
mitigate disasters 减轻灾害 -
Goal of Building 建设目标 -
persistently strengthen 持续强化 -
number of people 人数 -
the strategic requirements 战略要求 -
a well-known harmonious and beautiful countryside 一个著名的和谐美丽的乡村 -
Nanjian Yi Autonomous County 南建彝族自治县 -
rural revitalization 乡村振兴 -
the available superiority 可用优势 -
comprehensive rural revitalization 乡村综合振兴 -
severe natural disasters 严重自然灾害 -
the tea industry 茶业 -
other synergistic efforts 其他协同努力 -
organic tea planting 有机茶树种植 -
village set 乡村布景 -
application of water 水的应用 -
per capita annual income 人均年收入 -
more livable environment 更宜居的环境 -
tons of grain 吨谷物 -
corn disease 玉米病害 -
industrial chain 产业链 -
foundation of agriculture 农业基础 -
acres of wheat 小麦英亩数 -
ten million tons 一千万吨 -
core technology research efforts 核心技术研究工作 -
General Secretary Xi Jinping's I 习近平总书记的第一次 -
Jinping's emphasis 金平的重点 -
research efforts 研究工作 -
Yifeng Beijie Village 宜丰北街村 -
tea production level 茶叶生产水平 -
General Secretary Xi Jinping's emphasis 习近平总书记的重点 -
quality of farmland 耕地质量 -
results of poverty 贫穷的后果 -
areas of Heilongjiang 黑龙江地区 -
core technology 核心技术 -
potential of gr gr电位 -
graduate school 研究生院 -
secretary of Liushui 六水书记 -
greatl encouraged 很受鼓舞 -
the governance capacity 治理能力 -
overall quality improvement 全面质量改进 -
the human environment 人类环境 -
low-yield tea plantations 低产茶园 -
electricity demand 电力需求 -
arable land 耕地 -
municipal party committee 市委 -
Central Rural Work Confe 中央农村工作会议 -
no decent industry 没有像样的行业 -
seed technology 种子技术 -
land share cooperatives 土地分享合作社 -
General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions 习近平总书记的重要指示 -
increase investment 增加投资 -
other large machinery shuttle 其他大型机械穿梭机 -
food production 粮食生产 -
General Secretary Xi Jinping 习近平总书记 -
beef cattle breeding 肉牛养殖 -
human habitat 人类栖息地 -
hectares of land 公顷土地 -