原文 | 译文 | 详情 |
基础设施建设 | Infrastructure construction | - |
线上线下 | Online and offline | - |
汽车消费 | Automobile consumption | - |
全面振兴 | Comprehensive revitalization | - |
铁路建设 | Railway construction | - |
管网改造 | Pipe network renovation | - |
居家养老 | Home-based care | - |
扩大内需 | Expand domestic demand | - |
新型城镇化建设 | New urbanization construction | - |
中央预算内投资 | Investment within the central budget | - |
京津冀协同发展 | Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development | - |
城市群 | Urban agglomeration | - |
市场平稳 | The market is stable | - |
重大工程 | Major projects | - |
供给侧结构性改革 | Supply-side structural reform | - |
加快发展 | Accelerate development | - |
数据中心 | Data Center | - |
消费需求 | Consumption demand | - |
有效投资 | Effective investment | - |
西部大开发 | Western development | - |
加快落实 | Accelerate implementation | - |
全面恢复 | Full recovery | - |
健康产业 | Health industry | - |
提振 | Boost | - |
生态保护 | Ecological protection | - |
项目资本金 | Project capital | - |
长江经济带 | Yangtze River Economic Belt | - |
成渝地区 | Chengdu-Chongqing region | - |
停车难 | Difficult to park | - |
资本金 | Capital | - |
增加就业 | Increasing employment | - |
专项债券 | Special bond | - |
电商 | E-commerce | - |
居民消费 | Resident consumption | - |
产业升级 | Industrial upgrading | - |
推进新型 | Promote new | - |
双城 | Twin Cities | - |
长三角 | Yangtze River Delta | - |
工程建设 | Engineering construction | - |
经济发展方式 | Mode of economic development | - |
发展规划 | Development planning | - |
新能源汽车 | New energy vehicle | - |
规划纲要 | Planning outline | - |
改造提升 | Renovation and upgrading | - |
京津冀 | Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei | - |
充电桩 | Charging pile | - |
中部地区 | Central Region | - |
扩大投资 | Expand investment | - |
地方政府专项债券 | Local government special bonds | - |
粤港澳大湾区 | Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area | - |
社区服务 | Community Services | - |
国家铁路 | National Railways | - |
服务能力 | Service Capability | - |
两新一重 | Two new and one heavy | - |
加快转变 | Accelerate the transition | - |
海洋经济 | Marine economy | - |
融资机制 | Financing mechanism | - |
房地产市场 | Real Estate Market | - |
经济社会 | Economic society | - |
质量发展 | Quality development | - |
障碍设施 | Obstacle facilities | - |
落实区域 | Implementation region | - |
一体化发展 | Integrated development | - |
发展养老 | Develop old-age care | - |
平稳健康 | Smooth and healthy | - |
新一代信息网 | New Generation Information Network | - |
公共设施和服务 | Public facilities and services | - |
协同发展 | Coordinated development | - |
稳就业促增收 | Stabilize employment and increase income | - |
经济圈 | Economic circle | - |
投融资机制 | Investment and financing mechanism | - |
革命老区 | Old revolutionary base areas | - |
区域发展 | Regional development | - |
去年增加 | Increase last year | - |
一揽子政策 | Policy package | - |
地产市场 | Property market | - |
城镇化 | Urbanization | - |
发展方式 | Mode of development | - |
侧结构性改革 | Side structural reform | - |
新型城镇化 | New urbanization | - |
可用作 | Can be used as | - |
促进房地产 | Promoting real estate; | - |
推动经济 | Boost the economy | - |
结构性改革 | Structural reform | - |
预算内投资 | Budgetary investment | - |
大保护 | Great protection | - |
上线 | Go online | - |
促进经济 | Promote the economy | - |
加装 | Add-on | - |
信息网络 | Information network | - |
能源汽车 | Energy vehicle | - |
政府专项 | Special government projects | - |
设施建设 | Facilities construction | - |