防控 |
prevention and control |
例句: 科学施肥、节水灌溉、绿色防控等技术大面积推广,水稻、小麦、玉米三大粮食作物的农药、化肥利用率分别达到38.8%、37.8%,病虫草害损失率大幅降低。 |
Scientific fertilization, water-saving irrigation, and green prevention and control have been popularized over large areas. That year pesticide and chemical fertilizer utilization rates for rice, wheat and corn reached 38.8 percent and 37.8 percent, and the loss rate from diseases, pests and weeds has fallen significantly. |
刘鹤 |
Liu He |
例句: 中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理刘鹤出席会议并讲话。他表示,习近平总书记的重要指示是新时代深入推进科技特派员制度的根本遵循和行动指南。新时代深入实施科技特派员制度,要紧紧围绕创新驱动发展、乡村振兴和脱贫攻坚。 |
Vice Premier Liu He, also a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said at the meeting that the important instructions made by Xi are the basic guidelines to carry forward the system in the new era, noting that the system and policy environment should evolve around innovation-driven development, rural vitalization and poverty alleviation. |
农村公路 |
contracted rural land-use rights |
例句: 农业综合生产能力稳步提高,农业科技和机械化水平持续提升,重大水利工程建设进度加快,新增节水灌溉面积3345万亩,新建改建农村公路23万公里。 |
Overall agricultural production capacity was steadily improved. Agricultural science and technology continued to be strengthened, and agriculture was further mechanized. The pace of progress in the construction of major water conservancy projects was stepped up. Farmland under water-saving irrigation was increased by 2.23 million hectares. An additional 230,000 kilometers of roads were built or upgraded in rural areas. We launched a new round of efforts to return more marginal farmland to forest or grassland. The work to determine, register, and certify contracted rural land-use rights proceeded as planned, and new types of agricultural businesses registered faster growth. |
农民工 |
migrant workers |
例句: 鼓励支持返乡农民工、大中专毕业生、科技人员、退役军人和工商企业等从事现代农业建设、发展农村新业态新模式。 |
We should encourage and support returnee rural migrant workers, secondary and tertiary specialized school graduates, scientists and technicians, demobilized military personnel, and industrial and commercial businesses to get involved in developing modern agriculture and new forms and models of business in rural areas. |
研发推广 |
develop and expand |
例句: 加快新技术、新品种、新农机研发推广应用。 |
We will step up efforts to develop and expand the use of new technology, new crop varieties, and new agricultural machinery. |
完善农村 |
improve the basic rural |
例句: 巩固和完善农村基本经营制度,发展新型农村集体经济,发展新型农业经营主体和社会化服务,发展农业适度规模经营。 |
We will consolidate and improve the basic rural operation system, develop new rural collective economies, cultivate new types of agribusiness and commercial agricultural services, and support appropriately scaled agricultural operations. |
杂交玉米 |
hybrid corn |
例句: 超级稻、矮败小麦、杂交玉米等高效育种技术体系基本建立,成功培育出数万个高产优质作物新品种新组合,实现了5-6次大规模更新换代,优良品种大面积推广应用,基本实现主要粮食作物良种全覆盖。 |
Highly efficient technology is in place for cultivation of super rice, dwarf male-sterile wheat, and hybrid corn, and tens of thousands of new combinations of high yield and high quality crop varieties have been successfully cultivated after five or six phases of major upgrading. These have been popularized and applied over large areas, covering almost all major food crops. |
营养健康 |
nutrition and health |
例句: 安全绿色储粮、质量安全、营养健康、加工转化、现代物流、“智慧粮食”等领域科研成果得到广泛应用。 |
Scientific research findings in the fields of safe and green grain storage, quality and safety, nutrition and health, processing and transformation, modern logistics, and "intelligent grain" have been widely applied. |
高产优质 |
high yield and high quality |
例句: 超级稻、矮败小麦、杂交玉米等高效育种技术体系基本建立,成功培育出数万个高产优质作物新品种新组合,实现了5-6次大规模更新换代,优良品种大面积推广应用,基本实现主要粮食作物良种全覆盖。 |
Highly efficient technology is in place for cultivation of super rice, dwarf male-sterile wheat, and hybrid corn, and tens of thousands of new combinations of high yield and high quality crop varieties have been successfully cultivated after five or six phases of major upgrading. These have been popularized and applied over large areas, covering almost all major food crops. |
主席习近平 |
President Xi Jinping |
例句: 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平3月6日看望了参加全国政协十三届五次会议的农业界、社会福利和社会保障界委员,并参加联组会,听取意见和建议。 |
President Xi Jinping on March 6 stressed that germplasm resources security is closely related to national security, adding that China must strengthen its seed industry to achieve self-reliance in the sci-tech development of the sector and keep the country's germplasm resources independent and controllable. |
农村地区 |
rural areas |
例句: 随着城乡二元结构的差距不断扩大,越来越多的农业人口离开自己的土地,到城镇里生活,造成了农村地区的相对劳动力短缺。 |
To make things worse, more and more farmers are leaving their land for the cities, causinglabor shortages in rural areas. |
公共服务 |
public services |
例句: 统筹乡村基础设施和公共服务布局,建设宜居宜业和美乡村。 |
We will develop infrastructure and public services in rural areas in a well-planned and coordinated way and build a beautiful and harmonious countryside that is desirable to live and work in. |
农村土地制度 |
rural land system |
例句: 深化农村土地制度改革,赋予农民更加充分的财产权益。 |
We will advance reform of the rural land system and grant farmers more adequate property rights and interests. |
自己手 |
own hand |
例句: 全方位夯实粮食安全根基,全面落实粮食安全党政同责,牢牢守住十八亿亩耕地红线,逐步把永久基本农田全部建成高标准农田,深入实施种业振兴行动,强化农业科技和装备支撑,健全种粮农民收益保障机制和主产区利益补偿机制,确保中国人的饭碗牢牢端在自己手中。 |
We will ensure that both Party committees and governments assume responsibility for ensuring food security and that China’s total area of farmland does not fall below the redline of 120 million hectares. We will work to gradually develop all permanent basic cropland into high-standard cropland. We will invigorate the seed industry, support the development of agricultural science, technology, and equipment, and refine the mechanisms for ensuring the incomes of grain growers and for compensating major grain-producing areas.With these efforts, we will ensure that China’s food supply remains firmly in its own hands. |
综合治理农药 |
comprehensively address problems such as residual traces of chemicals |
例句: 综合治理农药兽药残留问题,全面提高农产品质量和食品安全水平。 |
We will comprehensively address problems such as residual traces of chemicals in agricultural products and livestock shipments. We will work to improve the quality of all agricultural products and make our food more safe to eat. |
综合生产能力 |
Overall agricultural production capacity |
例句: 农业综合生产能力稳步提高,农业科技和机械化水平持续提升,重大水利工程建设进度加快,新增节水灌溉面积3345万亩,新建改建农村公路23万公里。 |
Overall agricultural production capacity was steadily improved. Agricultural science and technology continued to be strengthened, and agriculture was further mechanized. The pace of progress in the construction of major water conservancy projects was stepped up. Farmland under water-saving irrigation was increased by 2.23 million hectares. An additional 230,000 kilometers of roads were built or upgraded in rural areas. We launched a new round of efforts to return more marginal farmland to forest or grassland. The work to determine, register, and certify contracted rural land-use rights proceeded as planned, and new types of agricultural businesses registered faster growth. |
创新体系 |
innovation system |
例句: (六)全面建立粮食科技创新体系 |
6.Establishing a comprehensive food science and technology innovation system |
科技创新 |
agricultural technological innovation capability |
例句: 10日下午,习近平首先来到位于三亚市崖州湾科技城的崖州湾种子实验室考察调研。习近平听取了科技城规划建设和实验室总体情况介绍,察看了实验室搭建平台支持种业创新成果展示,对海南省探索农业科技创新模式、支撑保障国家粮食安全的做法表示肯定。习近平先后走进大型仪器公共服务中心、精准分子设计育种中心,同科研人员深入交流。习近平指出,中国人的饭碗要牢牢端在自己手中,就必须把种子牢牢攥在自己手里。要围绕保障粮食安全和重要农产品供给集中攻关,实现种业科技自立自强、种源自主可控,用中国种子保障中国粮食安全。要继承和发扬老一辈农业科研工作者胸怀祖国、服务人民的优秀品质,拿出十年磨一剑的劲头,勇攀农业科技高峰。 |
While visiting a seed laboratory in Sanya on Sunday, Xi said seed resources must be "firmly held in our own hands" to ensure food security.He stressed achieving self-reliance in seed technology and ensuring that China's seed resources are self-supporting and under better control. |
国家粮食 |
national food |
例句: 在高标准水稻种植基地,习近平听取村整体情况介绍,对他们坚持粮食种植助力保障国家粮食安全的做法表示肯定。 |
At a high standard paddy field base, Xi learned about the general development of the village and affirmed the village's continuous efforts in helping safeguard national food security by planting grains. |
种质资源 |
germplasm resources |
例句: 加强农业种质资源保护开发利用,加快实施农业生物育种重大科技项目。 |
The protection, development and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources should be strengthened and the implementation of major scientific and technological projects in agricultural biological breeding should be accelerated. |
油玉米 |
oil corn |
例句: 加快优质专用稻米和强筋弱筋小麦以及高淀粉、高蛋白、高油玉米等绿色优质品种选育,推动粮食生产从高产向优质高产并重转变。 |
We will speed up the breeding of high-quality special rice, strong gluten and weak gluten wheat, and green and high-quality varieties such as high starch, high protein and high oil corn, and transform grain production from high yield to both high yield and high quality. |
支配收入 |
disposable income |
例句: 据国家统计局发布的数据,2011年城镇居民人均可支配收入(21,810元)是农村居民人均纯收入(6,977元)的3倍多,远高于世界平均水平。“未来30年,我国面临的最大挑战就是如何破解城乡二元结构,”张来武说。 |
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita disposable income of urbanresidents was 21,810 yuan ($3,520) in 2011, three times the rural per capita income of 6,977yuan in the same year."The gap is much larger than the global average," Zhang said. |
农业机械化 |
agricultural technological innovation capability |
例句: 要加强高标准农田、农田水利、农业机械化等现代农业基础设施建设,提升农业科技创新水平并加快推广使用,增强粮食生产能力和防灾减灾能力。 |
In this regard, efforts will be made to optimize modern rural infrastructures including high-yield farmland and water conservancy and agricultural mechanization projects, raise agricultural technological innovation capability and speed up promotion and application, and enhance the capability of grain production and disaster prevention and mitigation. |
改革创新 |
reform and innovation |
例句: 加快农业科技改革创新,大力发展现代种业,加强先进实用技术推广,实施地理标志农产品保护工程,推进农业全程机械化。 |
We will speed up reform and innovation in agricultural technologies, make a big push to develop a modern seed industry, step up efforts to encourage the widespread use of advanced practical technologies, implement programs to protect agricultural products with geographical indications, and advance the mechanization of entire agricultural production processes. |
重大水利工程 |
major water conservancy |
例句: 农业综合生产能力稳步提高,农业科技和机械化水平持续提升,重大水利工程建设进度加快,新增节水灌溉面积3345万亩,新建改建农村公路23万公里。 |
Overall agricultural production capacity was steadily improved. Agricultural science and technology continued to be strengthened, and agriculture was further mechanized. The pace of progress in the construction of major water conservancy projects was stepped up. Farmland under water-saving irrigation was increased by 2.23 million hectares. An additional 230,000 kilometers of roads were built or upgraded in rural areas. We launched a new round of efforts to return more marginal farmland to forest or grassland. The work to determine, register, and certify contracted rural land-use rights proceeded as planned, and new types of agricultural businesses registered faster growth. |
适度规模 |
appropriately scaled |
例句: 巩固和完善农村基本经营制度,发展新型农村集体经济,发展新型农业经营主体和社会化服务,发展农业适度规模经营。 |
We will consolidate and improve the basic rural operation system, develop new rural collective economies, cultivate new types of agribusiness and commercial agricultural services, and support appropriately scaled agricultural operations. |
全国平均 |
national average |
例句: 2004年以来实施粮食丰产科技工程,共建设丰产科技攻关田、核心区、示范区、辐射区1276个,累计增产粮食1.3亿吨,项目区单产增产量达到全国平均水平的2.3倍。 |
Since 2004, China has concentrated efforts to increase crop yield through science and technology, building a total of 1,276 research fields, core areas, demonstration areas and rollout areas, with a cumulative increase of 130 million tons of grain; the per unit yield in the project areas is as much as 2.3 times the national average. |
国家农业科技园区 |
National Agricultural Science and Technology Zone |
例句: 此外,国家还大力推进国家农业科技园区建设,带动不同区域现代农业产业发展。2001年科技部会同农业部、水利部、国家林业局、中国科学院、中国农业银行等开始国家农业科技园区建设。截止目前,全国已经建立了73个国家农业科技园区。2012年全国农业科技园区核心区建成面积300多万亩,园区各类融资总额达到1880多亿元,入住园区企业总数6218家。园区实现年产值近3000亿元,组织科普讲座培训工作超过1万次,转化科技成果近1000项,受益农民100多万人。 |
Zhang also launched projects to build agricultural science and technology parks nationwide.Since 2001, 73 agricultural science and technology parks have been built, and these help trainfarmers in the most modern and productive methods of farming. |
弱筋小麦 |
weak gluten wheat |
例句: 加快优质专用稻米和强筋弱筋小麦以及高淀粉、高蛋白、高油玉米等绿色优质品种选育,推动粮食生产从高产向优质高产并重转变。 |
We will speed up the breeding of high-quality special rice, strong gluten and weak gluten wheat, and green and high-quality varieties such as high starch, high protein and high oil corn, and transform grain production from high yield to both high yield and high quality. |
绿色发展 |
green development |
例句: 强化现代农业科技和物质装备支撑。把农业现代化示范区作为推进农业现代化的重要抓手,到2025年创建500个左右示范区。推进农业绿色发展。 |
Efforts should also be made to strengthen the support provided to modern agriculture by science, technology and equipment, to establish agricultural modernization demonstration zones, with the total number to reach about 500 by 2025, and to advance the green development of agriculture, according to the document. |
财产权益 |
property rights and interests |
例句: 深化农村土地制度改革,赋予农民更加充分的财产权益。 |
We will advance reform of the rural land system and grant farmers more adequate property rights and interests. |
集装箱运输 |
container transport |
例句: 攻克了一系列粮食储藏保鲜保质、虫霉防治和减损降耗关键技术难题,系统性解决了中国“北粮南运”散粮集装箱运输成套应用技术难题。 |
China has overcome a series of key technological problems in grain storage and preservation, improving pest and mildew control, loss reduction, and ensuring freshness and quality, and systematically addressed the technical problems of container transportation in bringing bulk grain from North China to the South. |
袁隆平 |
Yuan Longping |
例句: 中国科学家袁隆平培育的超级杂交稻单产达到每公顷近18.1吨,刷新了世界纪录。 |
The per unit yield of super hybrid rice cultivated by Chinese scientist Yuan Longping has reached nearly 18.1 tons per hectare, setting a new world best. |
滨州 |
Bin Zhou |
例句: 比如,黄河三角洲(滨州)国家农业科技园区就为市场运作、成果转化上搭建了良好的平台。 |
The National Agricultural Science and Technology Zone of the Yellow River Delta (Bin Zhou),located in Shandong province, is an example for the integration of technology and agriculture. |
永丰村 |
village established |
例句: 8日上午,习近平来到眉山市东坡区太和镇永丰村考察调研。 |
On the morning of June 8, Xi paid a visit to Yongfeng Village of Taihe Town in Dongpo District, Meishan City, for an inspection tour. |
黄河三角洲 |
yellow river delta |
例句: 比如,黄河三角洲(滨州)国家农业科技园区就为市场运作、成果转化上搭建了良好的平台。 |
The National Agricultural Science and Technology Zone of the Yellow River Delta (Bin Zhou),located in Shandong province, is an example for the integration of technology and agriculture. |
节水灌溉 |
saving irrigation |
例句: 科学施肥、节水灌溉、绿色防控等技术大面积推广,水稻、小麦、玉米三大粮食作物的农药、化肥利用率分别达到38.8%、37.8%,病虫草害损失率大幅降低。 |
Scientific fertilization, water-saving irrigation, and green prevention and control have been popularized over large areas. That year pesticide and chemical fertilizer utilization rates for rice, wheat and corn reached 38.8 percent and 37.8 percent, and the loss rate from diseases, pests and weeds has fallen significantly. |
粮食安全 |
food security |
例句: 全方位夯实粮食安全根基,全面落实粮食安全党政同责,牢牢守住十八亿亩耕地红线,逐步把永久基本农田全部建成高标准农田,深入实施种业振兴行动,强化农业科技和装备支撑,健全种粮农民收益保障机制和主产区利益补偿机制,确保中国人的饭碗牢牢端在自己手中。 |
We will ensure that both Party committees and governments assume responsibility for ensuring food security and that China’s total area of farmland does not fall below the redline of 120 million hectares. We will work to gradually develop all permanent basic cropland into high-standard cropland. We will invigorate the seed industry, support the development of agricultural science, technology, and equipment, and refine the mechanisms for ensuring the incomes of grain growers and for compensating major grain-producing areas.With these efforts, we will ensure that China’s food supply remains firmly in its own hands. |
高淀粉 |
high starch |
例句: 加快优质专用稻米和强筋弱筋小麦以及高淀粉、高蛋白、高油玉米等绿色优质品种选育,推动粮食生产从高产向优质高产并重转变。 |
We will speed up the breeding of high-quality special rice, strong gluten and weak gluten wheat, and green and high-quality varieties such as high starch, high protein and high oil corn, and transform grain production from high yield to both high yield and high quality. |
推进玉米 |
varieties of corn |
例句: 深入推进玉米、大豆、水稻、小麦国家良种重大科研联合攻关,大力培育推广优良品种。 |
China has promoted research into improved varieties of corn, soybeans, rice and wheat, and made concerted efforts to cultivate and popularize the best varieties. |
新型农业 |
appropriately scaled agricultural operations |
例句: 巩固和完善农村基本经营制度,发展新型农村集体经济,发展新型农业经营主体和社会化服务,发展农业适度规模经营。 |
We will consolidate and improve the basic rural operation system, develop new rural collective economies, cultivate new types of agribusiness and commercial agricultural services, and support appropriately scaled agricultural operations. |
农村集体 |
rural collective |
例句: 巩固和完善农村基本经营制度,发展新型农村集体经济,发展新型农业经营主体和社会化服务,发展农业适度规模经营。 |
We will consolidate and improve the basic rural operation system, develop new rural collective economies, cultivate new types of agribusiness and commercial agricultural services, and support appropriately scaled agricultural operations. |
智慧粮食 |
green grain storage |
例句: 安全绿色储粮、质量安全、营养健康、加工转化、现代物流、“智慧粮食”等领域科研成果得到广泛应用。 |
Scientific research findings in the fields of safe and green grain storage, quality and safety, nutrition and health, processing and transformation, modern logistics, and "intelligent grain" have been widely applied. |
土地权益 |
land right |
例句: 保障进城落户农民合法土地权益,鼓励依法自愿有偿转让。 |
We will safeguard the lawful land rights and interests of rural residents who have moved to urban areas and obtained permanent residency, and we will encourage law-based, voluntary, and paid transfers of such rights and interests. |
核心区 |
core area |
例句: 2004年以来实施粮食丰产科技工程,共建设丰产科技攻关田、核心区、示范区、辐射区1276个,累计增产粮食1.3亿吨,项目区单产增产量达到全国平均水平的2.3倍。 |
Since 2004, China has concentrated efforts to increase crop yield through science and technology, building a total of 1,276 research fields, core areas, demonstration areas and rollout areas, with a cumulative increase of 130 million tons of grain; the per unit yield in the project areas is as much as 2.3 times the national average. |
国家统计局 |
National Bureau of Statistics |
例句: 据国家统计局发布的数据,2011年城镇居民人均可支配收入(21,810元)是农村居民人均纯收入(6,977元)的3倍多,远高于世界平均水平。“未来30年,我国面临的最大挑战就是如何破解城乡二元结构,”张来武说。 |
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita disposable income of urbanresidents was 21,810 yuan ($3,520) in 2011, three times the rural per capita income of 6,977yuan in the same year."The gap is much larger than the global average," Zhang said. |
张生明 |
Zhang Shengming |
例句: 张生明就是全国24万科技特派员中的一名。 |
Zhang Shengming, 48, was one. |
地制度 |
land system |
例句: 深化农村土地制度改革,赋予农民更加充分的财产权益。 |
We will advance reform of the rural land system and grant farmers more adequate property rights and interests. |
新型经营 |
new types of agricultural businesses |
例句: 培育家庭农场、农民合作社等新型经营主体,加强面向小农户的社会化服务,发展多种形式规模经营。 |
We will foster new types of agricultural businesses such as family farms and farmer cooperatives, improve commercial services catering to small agricultural households, and develop a diverse range of large-scale agricultural operations. |
习近平 |
Xi Jinping |
例句: 8日上午,习近平来到眉山市东坡区太和镇永丰村考察调研。 |
On the morning of June 8, Xi paid a visit to Yongfeng Village of Taihe Town in Dongpo District, Meishan City, for an inspection tour. |
互联网+农业 |
Internet Plus Agriculture |
例句: 深入推进“互联网+农业”,多渠道增加农民收入,促进农村一二三产业融合发展。 |
We should make further headway with the Internet Plus Agriculture model, use multiple channels to increase rural incomes, and encourage the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries to develop in an integrated way in rural areas. |
国家农业 |
National Agricultural |
例句: 此外,国家还大力推进国家农业科技园区建设,带动不同区域现代农业产业发展。2001年科技部会同农业部、水利部、国家林业局、中国科学院、中国农业银行等开始国家农业科技园区建设。截止目前,全国已经建立了73个国家农业科技园区。2012年全国农业科技园区核心区建成面积300多万亩,园区各类融资总额达到1880多亿元,入住园区企业总数6218家。园区实现年产值近3000亿元,组织科普讲座培训工作超过1万次,转化科技成果近1000项,受益农民100多万人。 |
Zhang also launched projects to build agricultural science and technology parks nationwide.Since 2001, 73 agricultural science and technology parks have been built, and these help trainfarmers in the most modern and productive methods of farming. |
饲料作物 |
feed crop |
例句: 引导农民瞄准市场调整种养结构,支持农产品加工特别是主产区粮食就地转化,开展粮食作物改为饲料作物试点。 |
We will guide farmers to adjust what and how much they grow or breed based on market demand. We will offer support for agricultural products to be processed locally, particularly for grain processing in major grain-growing areas, and carry out pilot projects to replace grain crop cultivation with feed crop cultivation. |
白强国 |
Bai Qiangguo |
例句: 对于53岁的白强国来说,时间似乎凝固在宁夏平原上:农民们为了勉强度日,在本就贫瘠的土地上施用大量的农药和化肥,年复一年,这种耕种方式又反过来使得土地更加贫瘠。 |
For Bai Qiangguo, 53, life on the wind-blown plains of central NingxiaHui autonomous region was like being frozen in time: the use ofexcessive pesticides and fertilizers to farm the reluctant land took itstoll on the little fertility there is in the soil. The land became sandierand sandier, increasingly prone to dust storms. |
超级稻 |
super rice |
例句: 超级稻、矮败小麦、杂交玉米等高效育种技术体系基本建立,成功培育出数万个高产优质作物新品种新组合,实现了5-6次大规模更新换代,优良品种大面积推广应用,基本实现主要粮食作物良种全覆盖。 |
Highly efficient technology is in place for cultivation of super rice, dwarf male-sterile wheat, and hybrid corn, and tens of thousands of new combinations of high yield and high quality crop varieties have been successfully cultivated after five or six phases of major upgrading. These have been popularized and applied over large areas, covering almost all major food crops. |
东坡区 |
dongpo district |
例句: 8日上午,习近平来到眉山市东坡区太和镇永丰村考察调研。 |
On the morning of June 8, Xi paid a visit to Yongfeng Village of Taihe Town in Dongpo District, Meishan City, for an inspection tour. |
农业现代化 |
agricultural modernization |
例句: 推进农业现代化,既要靠农业专家,也要靠广大农民。 |
They have made invaluable contributions to safeguarding national food security and ensuring that the people enjoy ample supply of food and clothing. |
张来武 |
Zhang Laiwu |
例句: “既然我们能把现代农业带到宁夏,那么全国还有什么地方是我们做不到的吗?”中华人民共和国科学技术部副部长张来武在接受中国日报专访的时候说。 |
"If we bring technology into agriculture in the Ningxia Hui autonomousregion, one of the country's poorest rural regions, we can do it in anyregion in China," Zhang Laiwu, vice-minister of science and technology, told China Daily. |
乡村振兴 |
rural revitalization |
例句: (三)全面推进乡村振兴。 |
3. Advancing rural revitalization across the board |
高油 |
high oil |
例句: 加快优质专用稻米和强筋弱筋小麦以及高淀粉、高蛋白、高油玉米等绿色优质品种选育,推动粮食生产从高产向优质高产并重转变。 |
We will speed up the breeding of high-quality special rice, strong gluten and weak gluten wheat, and green and high-quality varieties such as high starch, high protein and high oil corn, and transform grain production from high yield to both high yield and high quality. |
新型农村 |
basic rural operation system |
例句: 巩固和完善农村基本经营制度,发展新型农村集体经济,发展新型农业经营主体和社会化服务,发展农业适度规模经营。 |
We will consolidate and improve the basic rural operation system, develop new rural collective economies, cultivate new types of agribusiness and commercial agricultural services, and support appropriately scaled agricultural operations. |
损失率 |
loss rate |
例句: 科学施肥、节水灌溉、绿色防控等技术大面积推广,水稻、小麦、玉米三大粮食作物的农药、化肥利用率分别达到38.8%、37.8%,病虫草害损失率大幅降低。 |
Scientific fertilization, water-saving irrigation, and green prevention and control have been popularized over large areas. That year pesticide and chemical fertilizer utilization rates for rice, wheat and corn reached 38.8 percent and 37.8 percent, and the loss rate from diseases, pests and weeds has fallen significantly. |
新模式 |
new forms and models |
例句: 10日下午,习近平首先来到位于三亚市崖州湾科技城的崖州湾种子实验室考察调研。习近平听取了科技城规划建设和实验室总体情况介绍,察看了实验室搭建平台支持种业创新成果展示,对海南省探索农业科技创新模式、支撑保障国家粮食安全的做法表示肯定。习近平先后走进大型仪器公共服务中心、精准分子设计育种中心,同科研人员深入交流。习近平指出,中国人的饭碗要牢牢端在自己手中,就必须把种子牢牢攥在自己手里。要围绕保障粮食安全和重要农产品供给集中攻关,实现种业科技自立自强、种源自主可控,用中国种子保障中国粮食安全。要继承和发扬老一辈农业科研工作者胸怀祖国、服务人民的优秀品质,拿出十年磨一剑的劲头,勇攀农业科技高峰。 |
While visiting a seed laboratory in Sanya on Sunday, Xi said seed resources must be "firmly held in our own hands" to ensure food security.He stressed achieving self-reliance in seed technology and ensuring that China's seed resources are self-supporting and under better control. |
制度改革 |
rural land system |
例句: 深化农村土地制度改革,赋予农民更加充分的财产权益。 |
We will advance reform of the rural land system and grant farmers more adequate property rights and interests. |
经营制度 |
operation system |
例句: 巩固和完善农村基本经营制度,发展新型农村集体经济,发展新型农业经营主体和社会化服务,发展农业适度规模经营。 |
We will consolidate and improve the basic rural operation system, develop new rural collective economies, cultivate new types of agribusiness and commercial agricultural services, and support appropriately scaled agricultural operations. |
支持农产品 |
support for agricultural products |
例句: 引导农民瞄准市场调整种养结构,支持农产品加工特别是主产区粮食就地转化,开展粮食作物改为饲料作物试点。 |
We will guide farmers to adjust what and how much they grow or breed based on market demand. We will offer support for agricultural products to be processed locally, particularly for grain processing in major grain-growing areas, and carry out pilot projects to replace grain crop cultivation with feed crop cultivation. |
退役军人 |
demobilized military personnel |
例句: 鼓励支持返乡农民工、大中专毕业生、科技人员、退役军人和工商企业等从事现代农业建设、发展农村新业态新模式。 |
We should encourage and support returnee rural migrant workers, secondary and tertiary specialized school graduates, scientists and technicians, demobilized military personnel, and industrial and commercial businesses to get involved in developing modern agriculture and new forms and models of business in rural areas. |
农村金融服务 |
rural financial services |
例句: 完善农业支持保护制度,健全农村金融服务体系。 |
We will improve the systems for supporting and protecting agriculture and the rural financial services system. |
设施农业 |
protected agriculture |
例句: 树立大食物观,发展设施农业,构建多元化食物供给体系。 |
We will adopt an all-encompassing approach to food, develop protected agriculture, and build a diversified food supply system. |
推进农业 |
entire agricultural production processes |
例句: 推进农业现代化,既要靠农业专家,也要靠广大农民。 |
They have made invaluable contributions to safeguarding national food security and ensuring that the people enjoy ample supply of food and clothing. |
食品安全 |
food more safe |
例句: 综合治理农药兽药残留问题,全面提高农产品质量和食品安全水平。 |
We will comprehensively address problems such as residual traces of chemicals in agricultural products and livestock shipments. We will work to improve the quality of all agricultural products and make our food more safe to eat. |
现代农业科技 |
modern agriculture |
例句: 要加强现代农业科技推广应用和技术培训,把种粮大户组织起来,积极发展绿色农业、生态农业、高效农业。 |
Xi added that advancing agricultural modernization requires efforts not only of experts but also those of all farmers, that the promotion and application of modern agricultural science and technologies and training of farmers must be strengthened, all big grain growers must be organized to actively develop green, ecological, and efficient agriculture. |
保障粮食 |
ensure food |
例句: 10日下午,习近平首先来到位于三亚市崖州湾科技城的崖州湾种子实验室考察调研。习近平听取了科技城规划建设和实验室总体情况介绍,察看了实验室搭建平台支持种业创新成果展示,对海南省探索农业科技创新模式、支撑保障国家粮食安全的做法表示肯定。习近平先后走进大型仪器公共服务中心、精准分子设计育种中心,同科研人员深入交流。习近平指出,中国人的饭碗要牢牢端在自己手中,就必须把种子牢牢攥在自己手里。要围绕保障粮食安全和重要农产品供给集中攻关,实现种业科技自立自强、种源自主可控,用中国种子保障中国粮食安全。要继承和发扬老一辈农业科研工作者胸怀祖国、服务人民的优秀品质,拿出十年磨一剑的劲头,勇攀农业科技高峰。 |
While visiting a seed laboratory in Sanya on Sunday, Xi said seed resources must be "firmly held in our own hands" to ensure food security.He stressed achieving self-reliance in seed technology and ensuring that China's seed resources are self-supporting and under better control. |
科技支撑 |
technological support |
例句: ——强化粮食生产科技支撑。 |
Strengthening scientific and technological support for grain production. |
引导农民 |
guide farmers |
例句: 引导农民瞄准市场调整种养结构,支持农产品加工特别是主产区粮食就地转化,开展粮食作物改为饲料作物试点。 |
We will guide farmers to adjust what and how much they grow or breed based on market demand. We will offer support for agricultural products to be processed locally, particularly for grain processing in major grain-growing areas, and carry out pilot projects to replace grain crop cultivation with feed crop cultivation. |
地理标志 |
geographical indications |
例句: 加快农业科技改革创新,大力发展现代种业,加强先进实用技术推广,实施地理标志农产品保护工程,推进农业全程机械化。 |
We will speed up reform and innovation in agricultural technologies, make a big push to develop a modern seed industry, step up efforts to encourage the widespread use of advanced practical technologies, implement programs to protect agricultural products with geographical indications, and advance the mechanization of entire agricultural production processes. |
农产品加工 |
grain processing |
例句: 引导农民瞄准市场调整种养结构,支持农产品加工特别是主产区粮食就地转化,开展粮食作物改为饲料作物试点。 |
We will guide farmers to adjust what and how much they grow or breed based on market demand. We will offer support for agricultural products to be processed locally, particularly for grain processing in major grain-growing areas, and carry out pilot projects to replace grain crop cultivation with feed crop cultivation. |
物联网 |
Internet of Things |
例句: 这些“稻草人”通过物联网技术实现对农作物生长环境综合信息进行智能监测,是集农作物种植环境信息数据采集、存储、传输和管理于一体的无人值守的农业综合信息智能监测系统。 |
The"jackstraw", a robot based on the Internet of Things technology, inspects the status of cropsand sends the information back to the user's cellphone. |
中国日报 |
China Daily |
例句: “既然我们能把现代农业带到宁夏,那么全国还有什么地方是我们做不到的吗?”中华人民共和国科学技术部副部长张来武在接受中国日报专访的时候说。 |
"If we bring technology into agriculture in the Ningxia Hui autonomousregion, one of the country's poorest rural regions, we can do it in anyregion in China," Zhang Laiwu, vice-minister of science and technology, told China Daily. |
种植基地 |
high standard paddy field base |
例句: 在高标准水稻种植基地,习近平听取村整体情况介绍,对他们坚持粮食种植助力保障国家粮食安全的做法表示肯定。 |
At a high standard paddy field base, Xi learned about the general development of the village and affirmed the village's continuous efforts in helping safeguard national food security by planting grains. |
有效供给 |
effective supply |
例句: 会议指出,要以增加农业科技服务有效供给,以提高农业科技服务效能为目标,推进农技推广机构服务创新。 |
To provide better agricultural technology services, efforts should be strengthened to increase the effective supply of such services and prompt the innovations of services offered by agricultural technology promotion agencies. |