
原文 译文 详情
原文 译文 -
全球经济治理 global economic governance -
免费WiFi覆盖 free WiFi coverage -
氮氧化物 nitrogen oxide -
挥发性有机物 volatile organic compounds -
悬浮议会 hung parliament -
科技巨头 tech behemoths -
新型城镇化 a new type of urbanization -
医养结合 combine medical and elderly care services -
免疫缺陷 immune deficiency -
灰色收入 grey income -
节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction -
猪流感 swine influenza -
经济全球化 economic globalization -
有毒奶粉 toxic milk powder -
可再生能源 renewable energy -
贸易自由化 trade liberalization -
经济刺激一揽子计划 stimulus package -
核心竞争力 core competence -
资源配置 resource allocation -
绿色增长 Green Growth -
可燃冰 flammable ice -
碳交易 Carbon Trading -
收费公路债券 toll road bond -
国民营养计划 national nutrition plan -
无人超市 unmanned supermarket -
均衡膳食 a well-balanced diet -
深度学习 in-depth learning -
人口老龄化 aging population -
消费升级 consumption upgrading -
籍贯 birthplace -
支付宝账号 Alipay account -
独生子女 the only child -
食疗 dietary therapy -
融资渠道 financing channel -
年度风云人物 man of the year -
新闻发布会 press conference -
电影剧本 screenplay -
《华尔街日报》 The Wall Street Journal -
《纽约时报》 The New York Times -
淡入 fade-in -
淡出 fade-out -
旁白 voice over -
中国地震局 China Seismological Bureau -
徇私舞弊 play favouritism and commit irregularities -
国际会议口译员协会 International Association of Conference Interpreters -
国际惯例 international conventions -
得寸进尺 reach out for a yard after taking an inch -
《西厢记》 Romance of the Western Chamber -
行政问责制 administrative accountability system -
文化帝国主义 culture imperialism -
白手起家 start from scratch -
群面 group interview -
人脸识别 facial identification -
散伙饭 farewell dinner -
森女 Mori girl -
生物钟 body clock -
生源 student pool -
市话 local call -
双层巴士 double-decker -
死记硬背 rote learning -
送货上门 home delivery -
套餐 set meal -
听证会 public hearing -
投资移民 investment immigration -
涂鸦 graffiti -
基准利率 benchmark rate -
空白支票 blank check -
扣帽子 put a label on -
离婚协议书 divorce settlement -
流动人口 mobile population -
年终奖 year-end bonus -
全家桶 Family Bucket -
沙发客 couch surfer -
上市 go public -
双眼皮 double eyelid -
胎教 fetal education -
贴片广告 pre-movie ads -
通缉名单 wanted list -
同声传译 simultaneous translation -
微电影 micro film -
素颜 without any makeup -
生态红线 the ecological red line -
物以稀为贵。 A thing is valued in proportion to its rarity. -
仿真系统 simulation system -
禁穆令 Muslim ban -
刷脸进站 “face swiping” check-in -
联动发展 inter-connected development -
攒机 DIY computer -
器官捐献 organ donation -
亲、诚、惠、容的理念 the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness -
空气净化器 air purifier -
口水战 war of words -
工匠精神 the spirit of craftsmanship -
网络文化 cyberculture -
二十四节气 the Twenty-Four Solar Terms -
长征 The Long March -
网络女主播 camgirl -
学习型社会 learning-oriented society -
短信诈骗 SMS fraud -
网页游戏 browser game -
自动驾驶技术 autonomous driving technology -
多证合一 merge different forms of certification required of businesses into one certificate -
浮动汇率体系 floating exchange rate system -
高速铁路 high-speed rail -
碳中和 carbon neutrality -
车模 car show model -
“逆全球化”思潮 anti-globalization sentiment -
反腐剧 anti-corruption TV series -
政治互信 political trust -
反恐行动 anti-terrorist operation -
共享单车 shared bike -
互联网租赁自行车 Internet bike rental -
生产要素有序流动 the orderly flow of production factors -
“萨德”反导系统 THAAD anti-missile system -
虚假粉丝 fake followers -
地缘博弈 geopolitical maneuvering -
平板电脑 tablet computer -
待机时间 stand-by time -
防伪标志 anti-fake label -
胶原蛋白 collagen protein -
短信脖 text neck -
凝聚更多共识 pool more consensus -
信息服务平台 information services platform -
信息流 news feed -
永恒之蓝 eternal blue -
一对一会谈 one-on-one meeting -
慢就业 delayed employment -
秋裤 long johns -
亚健康 subhealthy -
东坡肉 Dongpo Pork -
残奥会 the Paralympic Games -
论文答辩 thesis oral defense -
中国结 China knot -
知青 educated youth -
三严三实 Three Stricts and Three Honests -
洋葱男 Womanizer -
全方位外交 all-round diplomacy -
第一夫人效应 the "first lady " effect -
微传销 pyramid-selling through WeChat -
打折失明证 bargain blindness -
餐桌污染 dining table pollution -
健走 fast walking -
端午节 Dragon Boat Festival -
赛龙舟 dragon boat racing -
传统文化知识 traditional cultural know-how -
点心 dim sum -
国家最高科技奖 the State Supreme Science and Technology Award -
高温补贴 high-temperature subsidies -
自拍杆 selfie stick -
战狼2 Wolf Warriors Ⅱ -
边缘科学 boundary science -
一贫如洗 as poor as a church mouse -
军民融合发展 integrated military and civilian development -
空巢青年 empty-nest youths -
彩礼 betrothal gifts -
欧洲怀疑主义 Euroscepticism -
人机交互 human-computer interaction -
炒房 property speculation -
奶奶保姆 granny nanny -
引渡条约 extradition  treaty -
赃款 ill-gotten gains -
潜规则 hidden rules -
摆谱儿 show off -
拜金主义 money worship -
板儿寸 crew cut -
游街示众 shame parade -
域名抢注 cybersquatting -
再生水 reclaimed water -
择校费 school-selection fees -
真空包装 vacuum package -
职业病 occupational hazard -
滞留旅客 stranded passenger -
终身禁赛 life bans -
中国通 China hand -
主题歌 theme songs -
桌游 role-playing board games -
安理会常任理事国 permanent members of the UN Security Council -
关贸总协定 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trad -
自负盈亏 responsibility for one’s own profits and losses -
政企分开 separation of enterprise management from government functions -
液晶显示器 Liquid Crystal Display -
第五代移动通讯 The fifth generation of the mobile communication systems -
南水北调 South-to-North water diversion -
创新驱动式发展 innovation-driven development -
丝绸之路经济带 Silk Road Economic Belt -
自由贸易实验区 Pilot Free Trade Zone -
佛经 the Buddhist Scriptures -
工业明胶 industrial gelatin -
行政审批 administrative examination and approval -
落地签 visa-on-arrival -
秀恩爱 Public Display of Affection -
赢者通吃 winner takes all -
联合国维和活动 UN's peacekeeping activities -
因病返贫 illness-related poverty -
电视现场直播 live TV broadcast -
鞭炮 firecrackers -
耐受力 tolerance -
隔热层 heat insulating layer -
生殖性克隆 reproductive cloning -
弱势群体 vulnerable groups -
薄利多销 small profits but quick returns -
董事 Member of the Board -
最低限价 floor price -
行贿受贿 offer and take bribes -
糖醋排骨 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs -
专用英语 English for Specific Purposes -
中国典籍 Chinese Classics -
“必剩客” doomed single -
天价大虾 pricey prawn -
发改委 National Development and Reform Commission -
拆迁补偿费 compensation for demolition and resettlement -
内幕交易 insider trading -
拳头产品 hit product -
化蛹成蝶 the struggle from chrysalis to butterfly -
大使级外交关系 diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level -
习武 practice kungfu -
立案 file a case -
副中心 subsidiary center -
欧洲经济圈 the European economic circle -
敏感问题 sensitive issues -
推诿扯皮 shirk responsibility -
会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 Try to ascend the mountain's crest: it dwarfs all peaks under our feet. -
全球幸福和清廉指数 the World Happiness Index and the Corruption Perceptions Index -
移动电源 portable power bank -
在线旅游代理商 online travel agency -
官商勾结 collusion between officials and businessmen -
火箭回收 rocket recovery -
区块链 block chain -
自杀式炸弹袭击者 suicide bomber -
因病致贫 fall into poverty because of illnesses -
扫码解锁单车 scan the QR code to unlock a bike -
第三学期 third semester -
信用评分系统 credit rating system -
军装照 pictures in PLA uniforms -
撤军 withdraw troops -
富豪消费价格指数 Luxury Consumer Price Index -
暗网市场 dark web marketplace -
科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development -
虚假招聘 false recruitment -
政事分开 government functions be separated from institution functions -
租房市场 home rental market -
天使粒子 Angel Particle -
拒不认罪 plead not guilty -
AR录取通知书 AR-enabled university admission notice -
警戒水位 warning level -
长臂管辖 long-arm jurisdiction -
投硬币祈福 throw coins for good luck -
教育特使 special advocate for education -
民贵君轻。 The people are more important than the ruler. -
精装书 hardback -
应运而生 emerge as the times require -
阁下 Your Excellency -
诸子百家 Hundred Schools of Thought -
刷手机 swipe one's phones -
共享汽车 shared cars ​​​​ -
实际控制线 Line of Actual Control -
资本回报和劳动回报 returns on capital and labor ​​​​ -
精神纽带 the spiritual bond -
需求侧管理 demand-side management -
多层次养老保障体系 multi-level aging security system ​​​​ -
共有产权住房 homes with joint property rights -
八卦账号 paparazzi account -
猥琐表情包 obscene memes -
暗箱操作 covert deals -
百闻不如一见。 Seeing is believing. -
爆表 off the charts -
保证金 cash deposit -
暴利行业 industry of windfall profits -
闭卷考试 closed-book exam -
长途航班 long-haul flight -
唱对台戏 put on a rival show -
爆冷门 unexpected win -
绕圈子 beat about the bush -
燃油附加费 fuel surcharge -
人工降雨 cloud seeding -
桑拿天 sauna weather -
闪婚 rush-to-get-married -
视频监控 surveillance camera -
套票 season ticket -
属相 Chinese zodiac sign -
药品加成 medicine markups -
人头税 capitation tax -
暑假补习班 summer tutoring classes -
传谣 spread rumors -
农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural workers -
特长生 pupils with special talent -
体育彩票 sports lottery -
调薪 salary adjustment -
透支 overdraft -
外卖 take-out -
伪娘 cross-dressing -
慰安妇 comfort woman -
文科 liberal arts -
无理由退货 unconditional returns -
先审后播 review-before-release system -
禁燃区 no-fly zone -
净资本 net capital -
朝阳群众 residents of Chaoyang district -
城乡一体化 urban-rural integration -
传记电影 biopic -
吸管 drinking straw -
全天候伙伴 all-weather friend -
首航 maiden flight -
共享床铺 shared sleep cabin -
无现金城市 cashless city -
找对象 find matches -
《天堂蒜薹之歌》 Song of Garlic Stalks in Tiantang County -
国际红十字委员会 International Committee of the Red Cross -
知识密集型产业 knowledge-intensive industry -
人均收入 average per capita income -
农副产品加工 agricultural and sideline product processing -
低保 minimum living standard -
节能市场机制 market mechanism to promote energy-saving -
择优录用 enlist according to merits -
务实合作 practical cooperation -
铁人三项 iron man triathlon -
平均预期寿命 average life expectancy -
磁悬浮列车 magnetic suspension train -
分布式可再生能源 distributed renewable energy source -
生态环境承载力 bearing capacity of the ecological environment -
网络经济 cyber-economy -
短线产品 products in short supply -
常设机制 a permanent mechanism -
稳中求进 make progress while maintaining stability -
质量强国 a country strong on quality -
众创、众包、众扶、众筹 crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfunding -
中国特色大国外交理念 the philosophy underpinning China’s diplomacy as a major country -
中国特色新型智库 new type of Chinese think tanks -
大科学工程 Big Science project -
网络内容建设工程 initiative to enrich online content -
美丽宜居乡村 a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in -
“互联网+政务服务” Internet Plus government services -
优进优出战略 strategy for optimizing imports and exports -
居住证制度 residence card system -
“中国制造+互联网” Made in China + the Internet -
去产能 address overcapacity -
去库存 reduce inventory -
去杠杆 deleverage -
降成本 lower costs -
补短板 bolster areas of weakness -
军民融合发展战略 military-civilian integration strategy -
第三方评估 third-party evaluations -
不正之风 misconduct -
国务院“约法三章” State Council’s three-point decision on curbing government spending -
“四风” formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance -
存款利率浮动上限 upper limit of the floating band on deposit rates -
深海探测 deep-water exploration -
“市场定价、价补分离”原则 principle of market-based prices with separate subsidies -
马克思主义理论研究和建设工程 Marxist Theory Research and Development Project -
藏粮于地、藏粮于技战略 food crop production strategy based on farmland management and technological application -
农村人居环境整治行动 rural living environment improvement initiative -
稳中求进工作总基调 seeking progress while working to keep performance stable -
知识产权强国 IPR powerhouse -
历史文化名村名镇 towns and villages with rich historical and cultural heritage -
上下同欲者胜。 Success comes to those who share in one purpose. -
人员伤亡 deaths and injuries -
生活性服务业 consumer-oriented service industry -
专项转移支付 special transfer payment -
中非合作峰会 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation -
创客 maker -
相机调控 well-timed regulation -
量子通信 quantum communications -
营改增 replace business tax with VAT -
货币政策工具 monetary policy tool -
中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会 the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference -
土特产品 local specialties -
投机行为 opportunistic practice -
礼仪之邦 a nation of etiquette -
电信诈骗 telemarketing fraud -
专车 tailored taxi service -
城管 urban management officers -
两岸关系 cross-straits relations -
仪仗队 honor guard -
环太平洋 the Pacific Rim -
航拍 aerial photography -
保镖服务 bodyguard services -
适度消费 moderate consumption -
遛宠物 take pets for a stroll -
性侵者 sexual assault -
通用电气 General Electric -
衍生剧 spin-offs -
香奈儿套装 Chanel Suits -
范式转移 范式转移 -
海底捞火锅 HaiDiLao Hotpot -
预算范围 budgeted range -
社会关切 people's concerns -
用电量 electricity consumption -
托底 meet people's basic needs -
财政收入 government revenue -
中国元素 China’s elements -
民间工艺品 folk arts and crafts -
文人 men of letters -
五言绝句 five-character quatrain -
乱收费 impose unjustifiable charges -
旅游淡季 slack season for tourism -
旅行结婚 honeymoon trip -
龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes -
四项基本原则 the Four Cardinal Principles -
无为而治 letting nature take its own course -
工匠文化 culture of workmanship -
忠诚、干净、担当 loyal, clean and accountable -
大病医疗 critical illness medical care -
熔断机制 circuit-breaker mechanism -
内需疲软 sluggish domestic demand -
气候友好型技术 climate-friendly technology -
文职人员 administrative and non-combat personnel -
打断骨头连着筋 connected by our flesh even if our bones are broken -
生命共同体 a community of life -
钻石十年 a diamond decade -
人口迁徙 population migration -
智能家居 smart home appliances -
共享发展 shared development -
打击盗版 combat piracy -
数字创意产业 digital and creative industries -
垃圾分类 garbage sorting -
替代国 the surrogate country -
纯电动汽车 blade electric vehicles (BEV) -
辅警 auxiliary police -
兄弟同心,其利断金。 When brothers come together, there is nothing they cannot achieve. -
智能垃圾桶 smart bin -
质量认证 quality certification -
垃圾分类系统 waste segregating system -
宅基地 homesteads ​​​​ -
投资炒作风险 investment speculation risk -
个人信息安全 personal information security -
耐抗生素细菌 antibiotic-resistant bacteria -
混改方案 mixed-ownership reform plan -
信息爆炸 information explosion -
在家教育 home schooling -
博导 PhD supervisor ​​​​ -
极右翼支持者 far-right supporter ​​​​ -
天文观测 celestial observation -
恐怖威胁等级 terror threat level -
白人至上主义 white supremacy -
红娘 match-maker -
文化移情 cultural empathy -
《中华人民共和国国歌法》 China's National Anthem Law -
社会主义核心价值观 socialist core values -
代币发行融资 Initial Coin Offerings -
证监会 China Securities Regulatory Commission -
银监会 China Banking Regulatory Commission -
保监会 China Insurance Regulatory Commission -
震级 magnitude -
欧洲“毒鸡蛋”丑闻 European contaminated eggs scandal -
预警 precaution -
优先取舍权 first-refusal -
充电设施 charging facility -
路内停车 on-street parking -
交通部 Ministry of Transport -
探究性学习 inquiry-based learning -
即兴说唱 freestyle -
娱乐圈人士 entertainer -
靖国神社 Yasukuni Shrine -
单轨 monorail -
丝绸之路上的五彩梦 The colorful dream of the Silk Road -
公共电话亭 public telephone booth -
IC充值卡 IC top-up cards -
小型图书馆 mini-library -
借书亭 Library Booths -
世界机器人大会 World Robot Conference -
信息接入能力 information accessibility -
科技富豪 tech billionaire -
日全食 total solar eclipse -
肉鸡 broiler chickens -
产业升级 industrial upgrades -
信息终端 information terminal -
杭州互联网法院 The Hangzhou Court of the Internet -
隐喻式翻译 metaphorical translation -
全译 complete translation -
选译 selective translation -
译述 translating plus reviewing -
再结构翻译 translation with reconstructions -
重译 retranslation -
转译 indirect translation -
辞格转换 conversion of figures of speech -
句型转换 conversion of sentence patterns -
顺译 translation in original order -
译学范式 translation paradigm -
翻译悖论 paradoxes of translation -
莱比锡派 Leipzig School -