原文 | 译文 | 详情 |
EN | CN | - |
Love the People | 爱民 | - |
Great Truth in Simple Words | 大道至简 | - |
Dao Operates Naturally. | 道法自然 | - |
Universal Harmony | 大同 | - |
He Who Obtains the Support of the People Will Rise; He Who Loses theSupport of the People Will Come to Ruin. | 得人者兴,失人者崩 | - |
Family-state / Country | 国家 | - |
Stable Country and Peaceful People | 国泰民安 | - |
Study Things to Acquire Knowledge | 格物致知 | - |
Harmony but Not Uniformity | 和而不同 | - |
Build Up Fully and Release Sparingly | 厚积薄发 | - |
Pool Wisdom of the People | 集思广益 | - |
Entrust One’s Thoughts and Feelings to Imagery | 寄托 | - |
Be on Alert Against Potential Danger When Living in Peace | 居安思危 | - |
Contradiction | 矛盾 | - |