
原文 译文 详情
旧石器时代 Paleolithic Old Stone Age -
新石器时代 Neolithic New Stone Age -
部落联盟 Tribal Union -
传说时代 Mythical history -
三皇五帝 Three Sovereigns and Five Legends Legendary Ancient Sages -
黄帝 Huang DiHuang Ti Yellow Emperor -
炎帝 Yan DiYan TiYan Emperor Flame Emperor -
华夏部 Huaxia Tribal Union -
九黎部 Jiuli Tribal Union Tribal Union of Nine Lis -
三代 Great Reigns of Three Generations -
尧天舜日 Great Reigns of Yao and Shun -
禅让制 Abdicating and passing down the throne -
大禹 Yu the Great -
夏朝 Xia dynasty Hsia dynasty -
商朝 Shang dynasty -
信史 Faithful history -
殷墟 Ruins of Yin Relic of Yin Yin Xu -
甲骨文 Scripts on Oracle Bones -
青铜年代 Bronze Age -
周朝 Zhou dynasty Chou dynasty -
西周 Western Zhou -
天命 Mandate of Heaven -
天子 Son of the Heavenly King -
周公旦 Duke of Zhou -
礼乐制度 Rites and Music Principals -
周礼 Rituals of Zhou -
成康之治 Great Reigns of King Cheng and King Kang -
昭王伐楚 Campaign against Chu during King Zhaos Reign -
穆天子之旅 Journey of King Mu -
穆天子传 Tale of King Mu -
国人暴动 Riot of people in the capital city -
烽火戏诸侯 War Signal Drama Fake War Signals -
东周 Eastern Zhou -
春秋 Spring and Autumn Period -
春秋 Annals of Spring and Autumn -
战国 Warring States Period -
春秋五霸 Five Hegemons -
吴越争霸 Contention of Wu and Yue Rivalry between Wu and Yue -
战国七雄 Seven Warring States -
百家争鸣 Hundred Schools of Thoughts -
儒家 Confucianism -
孔子 Confucius School of Ru -
孟子 Mencius -
荀子 Xuncius -
道家 Taoism Daoism -
老子 Lao Tzu Laozi -
庄子 Chuang TzuZhuangzi -
无为 WuweiAction of actionless -
墨家 Mohism -
法家 Legalism -
名家 Logicianism School of Names -
阴阳家 NaturalismSchool of Naturalists School of Yin and Yang -
纵横家 School of Diplomacy -
小说家 School of Minor Talks -
杂家 Syncretism -
农家 Agriculturalism -
医家 School of Medicine -
兵家 School of Military -
孙子兵法 The Art of War Art of Wars -
孙子 Sun Tzu -
四书五经 Four Books and Five Classics -
论语 Analects of Confucius Lun Yu -
大学 Great Learning -
中庸 Doctrine of the Mean Zhongyong -
诗经 Classic of Poetry Classic of Songs -
书经 Book of Documents -
礼记 Book of Rites Classic of Rites -
易经 Book of Changes IChing -
六韬 Six Secret Teachings -
商君书 The Book of Lord Shang -
管子 Guanzi -
韩非子 Han Feizi -
法经 Canon of Laws -
尸子 Shizi -
列子 Liezi -
竹书纪年 Bamboo Annals -
战国四公子 Four Lords of Warring States -
食客 Retainer -
商鞅变法 Reform of Shang Yang in State Qin -
胡服骑射 Riding and shooting in nomadic dress -
都江堰 Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project -
太傅 Grand Tutor -
太保 Grand Guard -
太师 Grand Preceptor -
商纣王 King Zhou of Shang -
周武王 King Wu of Zhou -
齐桓公 Duke Huan of Qi -
越王勾践 King Gou Jian of Yue -
秦朝 Qin dynasty Chin dynasty -
秦始皇 Qin Shi Huang EmperorFirst Emperor of Qin Shi Huang Ti -
兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors -
焚书坑儒 Burning of Books and Burying of Confucianism Scholars -
陈胜吴广起义 Dazexiang Uprising -
灵渠 Ling Canal -
阿房宫 Epang Palace -
楚汉战争 ChuHan Contention -
西楚霸王 Prince of Western Chu -
汉朝 Han dynasty -
冒顿单于 Modu Chanyu -
军臣单于 Gunchen Chanyu -
东胡 Donghu Eastern Hu -
游牧民族 Nomadic people -
南蛮 Southern Barbarians -
百越 Hundred Yue Tribes Hundred Viet Tribes -
文景之治 Great Reigns of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing -
七国之乱 Rebellion of seven feudatory states -
罢黜百家独尊儒术 (to) Promote Confucianism and suppress other schools of thoughts -
史记 Record of the Grand Historian Shiji -
二十四史 The 24 Official History Accounts The 24 Official Histories -
丝绸之路 Silk Road -
焉耆 YanqiKaracharKarasahr -
月氏 YuehChi RoChi -
康居 Sogdiana -
大宛 Dayuan Tayuan -
拔汗那 Ferghana -
大夏 Bactria -
朝鲜半岛汉四郡 Four Commanderies of Han in Korean Peninsula Four Counties of Han in Korean Peninsula -
贵霜 Kushan -
安息 Parthia -
大秦 Roman Empire -
河西走廊 Riverwest Corridor Riverwest Aisle Hexi Corridor Hexi -
玉门关 Yumen Pass Jade Gate Pass -
罪己诏 Edict of Introspection -
西域都护府 Western Region Protectorate -
西域长史府 Western Region Chief Administration Bureau -
高句丽 Goguryeo -
新朝 Xin dynasty -
光武中兴 The Reign of Emperor Guangwu -
造纸术 Papermaking technology -
黄巾起义 Yellow Turbans Uprising -
吕布 Lyu BuLv Bu Lu Bu -
赤壁之战 Battle of Red Cliffs -
三公九卿 Three Councillors and Nine Ministers/Chamberlains -
丞相/宰相 / Chancellor -
司马 Chancellor of Wars -
司徒 Chancellor of Masses -
司空 Chancellor of Constructions Chancellor of Works -
太常卿 Minister of Ceremonies -
卫尉卿 Minister of Defense Minister of Guards -
光禄卿 Minister of Imperial Household -
廷尉 Minister of Justice -
宗正 Minister of Royal Clan -
大司农 Minister of Finance -
汉高祖 Emperor Gaozu of Han -
汉武帝 Emperor Wu of Han -
刺史 Cishi the provinciallevel governor -
州牧 Zhoumuthe provinciallevel governor -
太守 Taishouthe prefecturallevel governor -
县令 Xianlingthe countylevel governor county magistrate -
中郎 Inner Gentleman -
中郎将 Leader of court gentlemen -
汉赋 Rhapsody poetry of Han dynasty Fu Poetry -
汉书 Book of Han -
后汉书 Book of Later Han -
盐铁论 Discourses on Salt and Iron -
金缕玉衣 A jade suit with golden wires -
九章算术 Nine Chapters of Mathematics -
昭君出塞 Wang Zhaojuns Marriage to Xiongnu -
竹林七贤 Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest -
三国志 Records of Three Kingdoms -
晋朝 Jin dynasty -
八王之乱 The War of Eight Princes -
永嘉之变 Disaster of Yongjia -
五胡乱华 Five groups of barbarians invaded Northern China -
鲜卑 Xianbei Siber -
嚈哒 Hephthalite -
罽宾(犍陀罗) Gandhara -
十六国 Sixteen Kingdoms Sixteen States -
祖逖北伐 Northern Expeditions of Zu Ti -
兰亭集序 Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Poems -
书圣(王羲之) Master of Chinese calligraphy -
田园诗 Poetry of Chinese Fields and Gardens -
山水诗 Poetry of Chinese Landscapes -
淝水之战 Battle of Fei River -
前秦 Kingdom of Former Qin -
晋书 Book of Jin -
南北朝 Southern and Northern dynasties -
北魏 Northern Wei Tuoba Wei -
东魏 Eastern Wei -
西魏 Western Wei -
北齐 Northern Qi Northern Chi -
北周 Northern Zhou Northern Chou -
南朝宋 Liu Song dynasty -
南朝齐 Southern Qi Southern Chi -
南朝梁 Liang dynasty -
南朝陈 Chen dynasty -
孝文帝改革 Reform of Emperor Xiaowen -
汉化 (动词 ) Sinicization Sinicize -
鲜卑化 Xianbeilization -
云冈石窟 Yungang Grottoes -
龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes -
鸠摩罗什 Kumarajiva -
达摩 Bodhidharma -
禅宗 Zen -
华严宗 Flower Garland School -
天台宗 Tiantai School Tendai School -
密宗 Esoteric School -
妙法莲华经 Lotus Sutra -
六镇起义 Riot of Six Military Towns -
侯景之乱 Rebellion of Hou Jing -
齐民要术 Essential Techniques for Peoples Welfare -
水经注 Commentary on the Water Classic -
世说新语 A New Account of Tales in the World -
吐谷浑 Tuyuhun Kingdom -
象雄 ZhangZhung -
敕勒 Tiele -
关陇集团 Military clans of Guanzhong and Longshan -
士族 Nobel clans Shizu clans -
庶族 Normal clans Shuzu clans -
府兵制 Local Militia system Fubing system -
玉树后庭花 Jade Tree and Backyard Flowers -
南史 History of Southern Dynasties -
北史 History of Northern Dynasties -
魏书 Book of Wei -
北齐书 Book of Northern Qi -
周书 Book of Zhou -
宋书 Book of Song -
齐书 Book of Q -
梁书 Book of Liang -
陈书 Book of Chen -
玉台新咏 New Songs from the Jade Terrace -