
原文 译文 详情
经济社会 economic and social -
改革试点 points reform -
各位代表 Fellow Deputies -
短板 Short board -
涉企 Involved enterprises -
过去一年 In the past year -
双创 mass entrepreneurship and innovation -
一带一路 The Belt and Road -
政策措施 Policies and Measures -
金融风险 financial risk -
非公有制 Non-public ownership -
公共服务 public services -
排放量 vent capacity -
小康社会 prosperous society -
法治化 rule bylaw -
防控 prevention and control -
贫困人口 poverty reduction campaign has effectively contributed to granting its disadvantaged people -
市场主体 market entity -
十三五 13th Five-Year Plan -
新设 New -
城镇化 Urbanization -
全面推行 Full implementation -
事业性 Career-oriented -
全面深化改革 deepening reform in all areas -
农村土地 rural land -
轨道交通 rail transit -
商事 Commercial -
管廊 Pipe gallery -
债转股 debt to share transfer -
一金 One Gold -
五险一金 five social insurance and one housing fund -
经营性 Operating -
政府职能 government services -
市场准入 market access -
产业链 industry chain -
退役军人 decommissioned military -
施策 Policy -
示范基地 Demonstration Base -
法律法规 laws and regulations -
城市群 agglomeration -
产管 Production tube -
扎实推进 Make solid progress -
氮氧化物 nitrogen dioxide -
战略布局 strategic blueprint -
国有资本 state capital -
切实做好 Do well -
文化产业 Cultural Industry -
大病 Serious illness -
统筹推进 coordinate and advance -
腐败问题 corruption problems -
保险制度 insurance system -
户籍制度 the household registration system -
澳门特别行政区 macao special administrative region -
懒政 Lazy government -
食品药品 food and drug -
中国共产党 communist party -
跨境 Cross-border -
漫游费 roaming fee -
设市 Set up a market -
进社区 Enter the community -
澜沧江 Lancang River -
学杂费 incidental expenses -
资产负债率 Assets Liabilities Ratio -
香港特别行政区 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region -
湄公河 Mekong River -
高级别 High Level -
贫困家庭 poor rural families -
需氧量 oxygen demand -
砥砺前行 To forge ahead -
科学决策 Scientific decision-making -
亚欧 Asian and European -
时有发生 Occurs from time to time -
全国代表大会 National Congress -
三中 No.3 Middle School -
在线教育 online learning -
四中 No.4 Middle School -
国际合作高峰论坛 International Cooperation Summit Forum -
拥有量 Possession -
标本兼治 address both symptoms and root causes -
资源税 Resource tax -
地级 Prefecture level -
促进机制 promoting system -
学习教育 learning education -
新理念 new ideas -
电代 Electric substitution -
提款权 drawing right -
不懈努力 Unremitting efforts -
立体化 Three-dimensional -
五位一体 Five in one -
普通高中 Regular Senior Secondary Schools -
四个全面 Four Comprehensions -
港人治港 Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong -
群众利益 public interest -
标志性 Symbolic -
信教 Religious belief -
相衔接 Join up -
新动力 new impetus -
切身感受 Personal experience -
保持战略定力 maintain strategic focus -
跨界 Cross-border -
政商 Politics and Business -
全域 Global domain -
专业技能 professional skills -
支柱性 Pillar -
医养 Medical care -
人才队伍 personnel group -
数字家庭 digital homes -
促进社会公平正义 promote social equity and justice -
电商 electric commerce -
公平正义 fairness and justice -
实体店 Physical store -
硬道理 Hard truth -
统筹城市地上地下建设 coordinated urban development -
僵尸企业 Zombie enterprise -
发明专利 invention patent -
城市病 urban maladies -
服务体系 service system -
国内长途 national toll -
上线 Online -
价值链 Value Chain -
三权 Three Powers -
各展其长 Each has its own strengths. -
赋予农民更多财产权利 Giving Farmers More Property Rights -
分置 Split up -
产权制度 sector of mixed ownership based on the modern system -
保障性 supportability -
新开工 New commencement -
证券化 securitization -
全力支持 Full support -
高峰论坛 summit forum -
粤港澳 Guangdong Hong Kong and Macao -
单一窗口 single window -
九二共识 1992 Consensus -
铁腕 Iron fist -
开拓进取 enterprising spirits -
国务院总理 Premier of the State Council -
建成区 established districts -
创新扶贫协作机制 Innovating the Cooperation Mechanism for Poverty Alleviation -
一流大学 world first class university -
氨氮 ammonia nitrogen -
常住人口 resident population -
国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Fund -
学科建设 discipline construction -
证照分离 separate operating permits and business licenses -
市场监管 market regulation -
简化增值税税率结构 simplify the structure -
信息化 informatization -
普惠 Pratt & Whitney -
高度一致 Highly consistent -
事业部 Division -
民主决策 democratic decision -
创业板 Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) -
庸政 Mediocre government -
内蒙古自治区 Mongolia Autonomous -
保险资金 Insurance Regulatory Commission on Matters concerning the Participation of Insurance Funds -
经济渠道 economic channels -
行政长官 the chief executive -
制度性 Institutional -
交易成本 transaction cost -
分裂活动 splitting activities -
特色产业 characteristic industries -
政府工作报告 government work report -