
原文 译文 详情
经济社会 economic and social -
一带一路 The Belt and Road -
全面推行 Full implementation -
十三五 13th Five-Year Plan -
全面深化改革 deepening reform in all areas -
全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress -
氮氧化物 nitrogen dioxide -
发明专利 invention patent -
城镇化 Urbanization -
砥砺前行 To forge ahead -
双创 mass entrepreneurship and innovation -
国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Fund -
资产负债率 Assets Liabilities Ratio -
五险一金 five social insurance and one housing fund -
法治化 rule by law -
债转股 debt to share transfer -
防控 prevention and control -
金融风险 financial risk -
贫困家庭 poor rural families -
管廊 Pipe gallery -
标志性 Symbolic -
新动力 new impetus -
支柱性 Pillar -
提款权 drawing right -
跨境 Cross-border -
学杂费 incidental expenses -
政策措施 Policies and Measures -
澜沧江 Lancang River -
户籍制度 the household registration system -
北京人民大会堂 Beijing Great Hall of the People -
排放量 vent capacity -
分置 Split up -
普通高中 Regular Senior Secondary Schools -
轨道交通 rail transit -
资源税 Resource tax -
亚欧 Asian and European -
湄公河 Mekong River -