
原文 译文 详情
a/an one -
ten -
hundred -
thousand -
ten thousand -
十万 hundred thousand -
百万 million -
千万 ten million -
十亿 billion -
2+3=? How much is two plus three? -
2+3=5 Two plus three is five. -
2+3=5 Two added to three equals five. -
2+3=5 If we add two to/and three, we get five. -
10-6=? How much is ten minus six? -
3X4=? How much is three times four? -
3X4=12 Three times four is/are twelve. -
3X4=12 Three multiplied by four makes twelve. -
16÷4=? How much is sixteen divided by four? -
16÷4=4 Sixteen divided by four is four. -
16÷4=4 Sixteen divided by four equals/gives/makes four. -
2米长 two meters long/two meters in length -
3英尺高 three feet high/three feet in height -
4英寸宽 four inches wide/four inches in width -
步行五分钟(的距离) five minutes' walk -
摄氏 36度 thirty-six degrees centigrade/36℃ -
摄氏零下4度 four degrees below zero centigrade/-4℃ -
10的7次方 the seventh power of ten(ten to the seventh power) -
6的10次方 the tenth power of six(six to the tenth power) -
3X4=? How much is three times four? -
3X4=12 Three multiplied by four makes twelve. -
ten -
十亿 billion -
2+3=5 Two plus three is five. -
hundred -
百万 million -
6的10次方 the tenth power of six(six to the tenth power) -
2米长 two meters long/two meters in length -
10-6=? How much is ten minus six? -
16÷4=? How much is sixteen divided by four? -
10的7次方 the seventh power of ten(ten to the seventh power) -
十万 hundred thousand -
千万 ten million -
16÷4=4 Sixteen divided by four is four. -
2+3=5 Two added to three equals five. -
thousand -
2+3=? How much is two plus three? -
3X4=12 Three times four is/are twelve. -
a/an one -
3英尺高 three feet high/three feet in height -
ten thousand -
2+3=5 If we add two to/and three, we get five. -
16÷4=4 Sixteen divided by four equals/gives/makes four. -
摄氏 36度 thirty-six degrees centigrade/36℃ -
摄氏零下4度 four degrees below zero centigrade/-4℃ -
4英寸宽 four inches wide/four inches in width -
步行五分钟(的距离) five minutes' walk -