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set of genes 基因家族 查看
例句: A set of genes descended by duplication and variation from a single ancestral gene is called a gene family. Its members may be clustered together or dispersed on different chromosomes (or a combination of both). 通过某一祖先基因的重复和变异而传递下来的一组基因称为一个基因家族,它的成员可以成簇排列在一起或散布在不同染色体上(或兼而有之)。
single ancestral gene 基因家族 查看
例句: A set of genes descended by duplication and variation from a single ancestral gene is called a gene family. Its members may be clustered together or dispersed on different chromosomes (or a combination of both). 通过某一祖先基因的重复和变异而传递下来的一组基因称为一个基因家族,它的成员可以成簇排列在一起或散布在不同染色体上(或兼而有之)。
gene family 基因家族 查看
例句: A set of genes descended by duplication and variation from a single ancestral gene is called a gene family. Its members may be clustered together or dispersed on different chromosomes (or a combination of both). 通过某一祖先基因的重复和变异而传递下来的一组基因称为一个基因家族,它的成员可以成簇排列在一起或散布在不同染色体上(或兼而有之)。
genes belong 基因家族 查看
例句: Genome analysis to identify paralogous sequences shows that many genes belong to families; the 20,000 to 25,000 genes identified in the human genome fall into ~15,000 families, so the average gene has~2 relatives in the genome. 用于鉴定种内同源序列的基因组分析显示,很多基因属于基因家族;人类基因组计划所确定的20000~25000个基因可归类到15000个家族,所以在基因组中平均每个基因均有约2个与它亲缘关系相近的基因。
the human genome 人类基因组 查看
例句: Genome analysis to identify paralogous sequences shows that many genes belong to families; the 20,000 to 25,000 genes identified in the human genome fall into ~15,000 families, so the average gene has~2 relatives in the genome. 用于鉴定种内同源序列的基因组分析显示,很多基因属于基因家族;人类基因组计划所确定的20000~25000个基因可归类到15000个家族,所以在基因组中平均每个基因均有约2个与它亲缘关系相近的基因。
average gene 基因家族 查看
例句: Genome analysis to identify paralogous sequences shows that many genes belong to families; the 20,000 to 25,000 genes identified in the human genome fall into ~15,000 families, so the average gene has~2 relatives in the genome. 用于鉴定种内同源序列的基因组分析显示,很多基因属于基因家族;人类基因组计划所确定的20000~25000个基因可归类到15000个家族,所以在基因组中平均每个基因均有约2个与它亲缘关系相近的基因。
Gene families 基因家族 查看
例句: Gene families vary enormously in the degree of relatedness between members, from those consisting of multiple identical members to those for which the relationship is quite distant. 在不同的基因家族中,其成员相关程度差异很大,有些家族由若干完全一致的成员组成,而有些家族成员之间关系很远。
functional genes 功能基因相关 查看
例句: Pseudogenes are defined by their possession of sequences that are related to those of the functional genes, but that cannot be translated into a functional polypeptide. 假基因所拥有的序列与那些功能基因相关,但是不能被翻译成功能性肽链。
a functional polypeptide 功能基因相关 查看
例句: Pseudogenes are defined by their possession of sequences that are related to those of the functional genes, but that cannot be translated into a functional polypeptide. 假基因所拥有的序列与那些功能基因相关,但是不能被翻译成功能性肽链。
the same general structure 组织结构 查看
例句: Some pseudogenes have the same general structure as functional genes, with sequences corresponding to exons and introns in the usual locations. 一些假基因与功能基因具有一样的通用组织结构,在常见位置存在对应的外显子和内含子,
stages of gene 所有阶段 查看
例句: They may have been rendered inactive by mutations that prevent any or all of the stages of gene expression. 这可能由于突变使它变得没有活性,阻止了它在一些甚至所有阶段的基因表达。
intact gene 每个基因 查看
例句: When an intact gene is involved, duplication generates two copies of a gene whose activities are indistinguishable, but then usually the copies diverge as each accumulates different substitutions. 当一个完整基因产生它的一份重复拷贝时,两者在基因活性上是难以区别的,但当每个基因积聚了不同突变时,这种拷贝之间的趋异性也往往就产生了。
structural gene family 基因家族 查看
例句: The members of a structural gene family usually have related or even identical functions, although they may be expressed at different times or in different cell types. 尽管一个结构高度相关的基因家族的成员可以在不同时间或不同的细胞类型中表达,但它们往往拥有类似的或相同的功能。
different cell types 不同时间 查看
例句: The members of a structural gene family usually have related or even identical functions, although they may be expressed at different times or in different cell types. 尽管一个结构高度相关的基因家族的成员可以在不同时间或不同的细胞类型中表达,但它们往往拥有类似的或相同的功能。
Some gene families 一些基因家族 查看
例句: Some gene families consist of identical members. 一些基因家族由完全相同的成员组成,
clustered genes 保持基因 查看
例句: Clustering is a prerequisite for maintaining identity between genes, although clustered genes are not necessarily identical. 尽管成簇基因未必完全相同,但成簇却是保持基因之间一致性的必要条件。
Gene clusters 基因簇 查看
例句: Gene clusters range from extremes in which a duplication has generated two adjacent related genes to cases where hundreds of identical genes lie in a tandem array. 基因簇可以是重复而产生的两个相邻基因,也可以是数百个相同基因串联排列在一起。
rRNA or histone proteins 基因或组 查看
例句: Examples are the genes for rRNA or histone proteins. 如rRNA基因或组蛋白基因。
a special situation 特殊情况 查看
例句: This creates a special situation with regard to the maintenance of identity and the effects of selective pressure. 这样就产生了维持相同性和选择压力效应的特殊情况。
selective pressure 选择压力 查看
例句: This creates a special situation with regard to the maintenance of identity and the effects of selective pressure. 这样就产生了维持相同性和选择压力效应的特殊情况。
Gene clusters offer 基因簇 查看
例句: Gene clusters offer us an opportunity to examine the forces involved in evolution of the genome over larger regions than single genes. 基因簇为我们对基因组中大区域而不是单个基因的进化动力的研究提供了机遇。
single genes 基因簇 查看
例句: Gene clusters offer us an opportunity to examine the forces involved in evolution of the genome over larger regions than single genes. 基因簇为我们对基因组中大区域而不是单个基因的进化动力的研究提供了机遇。
homologous recombination 同源重组 查看
例句: A population evolves by the classical homologous recombination illustrated in FIGURES 7.1 and 7.2, in which an exact crossing-over occurs. 由经典的同源重组而产生的一个群体如图7.1和图7.2所示,此处发生了一次精确的交换。
repeated sequences 重复序列 查看
例句: The feature that makes such events possible is the existence of repeated sequences. 出现这种事件的可能是由于重复序列的存在。
homologous chromosome 同源染色体 查看
例句: FIGURE 7.3 shows that this allows one copy of a repeat in one chromosome to misalign for recombination with a different copy of the repeat in the homologous chromosome, instead of with the corresponding copy. 如图7.3显示,不等交换可以允许一条染色体的重复的一份拷贝与同源染色体的相关重复的不同拷贝错位排列,而不是与相同的拷贝排列。
both gene clusters 基因簇 查看
例句: We can trace its operation in expanding or contracting the size of an array in both gene clusters and regions of highly repeated DNA. 我们可以通过研究基因簇和高度重复DNA区域来探究这种序列的大小是如何延伸或缩短的。
repeating units 重复单元 查看
例句: The highly repetitive fraction of the genome consists of multiple tandem copies of very short repeating units. 基因组中的高度重复组分包括多个由很短的重复单元组成的串联拷贝,
name satellite DNA 卫星DNA 查看
例句: One is that they may be identified as a separate peak on a density gradient analysis of DNA, which gave rise to the name satellite DNA. 一个属性就是在DNA的密度梯度离心时出现了一个分离峰,我们称之为卫星DNA。
heterochromatic regions 异染色质区 查看
例句: They often are associated with heterochromatic regions of the chromosomes and in particular with centromeres (which contain the points of attachment for segregation on a mitotic or meiotic spindle). 它们往往与染色体的异染色质区段相联系,特别是在着丝粒区(它含有有丝分裂或减数分裂纺锤体分离用的附着点)。