能源生产 |
energy production |
例句: 中国是目前世界上第二位能源生产国和消费国。 |
China is now the world's second-largest energy producer and consumer. |
全球能源安全 |
global energy security |
例句: 中国已经成为世界能源市场不可或缺的重要组成部分,对维护全球能源安全,正在发挥着越来越重要的积极作用。 |
As an irreplaceable component of the world energy market, China plays an increasingly important role in maintaining global energy security. |
能源产业 |
energy industry |
例句: 中国政府正在以科学发展观为指导,加快发展现代能源产业,坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会放在工业化、现代化发展战略的突出位置,努力增强可持续发展能力,建设创新型国家,继续为世界经济发展和繁荣作出更大贡献。 |
Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, the Chinese government is accelerating its development of a modern energy industry, taking resource conservation and environmental protection as two basic state policies, giving prominence to building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society in the course of its industrialization and modernization, striving to enhance its capability for sustainable development and making China an innovative country, so as to make greater contributions to the world's economy and prosperity. |
可采储量 |
recoverable reserves |
例句: 其中,煤炭占主导地位。2006年,煤炭保有资源量10345亿吨,剩余探明可采储量约占世界的13%,列世界第三位。 |
By 2006, the reserves of coal stood at 1,034.5 billion tons, and the remaining verified reserves exploitable accounted for 13 percent of the world total, ranking China third in the world. |
油页岩 |
oil shale |
例句: 已探明的石油、天然气资源储量相对不足,油页岩、煤层气等非常规化石能源储量潜力较大。 |
The verified reserves of oil and natural gas are relatively small, while oil shale, coal-bed gas and other unconventional fossil energy resources have huge potential for exploitation. |
页岩 |
shale |
例句: 已探明的石油、天然气资源储量相对不足,油页岩、煤层气等非常规化石能源储量潜力较大。 |
The verified reserves of oil and natural gas are relatively small, while oil shale, coal-bed gas and other unconventional fossil energy resources have huge potential for exploitation. |
可再生能源 |
renewable energy |
例句: 中国拥有较为丰富的可再生能源资源。 |
China also boasts fairly abundant renewable energy resources. |
生物质能源 |
biomass energy |
例句: 耕地资源不足世界人均水平的30%,制约了生物质能源的开发。 |
The per-capita average of arable land is less than 30 percent of the world's average, which has hindered the development of biomass energy. |
煤炭资源 |
coal resources |
例句: 煤炭资源主要赋存在华北、西北地区,水力资源主要分布在西南地区,石油、天然气资源主要赋存在东、中、西部地区和海域。 |
Coal is found mainly in the north and the northwest, hydropower in the southwest, and oil and natural gas in the eastern, central and western regions and along the coast. |
勘探开发 |
prospecting and exploitation |
例句: 石油天然气资源地质条件复杂,埋藏深,勘探开发技术要求较高。 |
Oil and gas resources are located in areas with complex geological conditions and at great depths, so advanced and expensive prospecting and tapping techniques are required. |
负荷中心 |
centers of consumption |
例句: 未开发的水力资源多集中在西南部的高山深谷,远离负荷中心,开发难度和成本较大。 |
Untapped hydropower resources are mostly located in the high mountains and deep valleys of the southwest, far from the centers of consumption, entailing technical difficulties and high costs. |
持续快速发展 |
sustained and rapid growth |
例句: 改革开放以来,中国能源工业迅速发展,为保障国民经济持续快速发展作出了重要贡献,主要表现在: |
Since the reform and opening-up policies were introduced in China in the late 1970s, the country's energy industry has witnessed swift growth and made great contributions to the sustained and rapid growth of the national economy, with the following demonstrations: |
供给能力 |
supply capacity |
例句: ——供给能力明显提高。 |
-- The energy supply capability has been remarkably enhanced. |
供应体系 |
supply system |
例句: 经过几十年的努力,中国已经初步形成了煤炭为主体、电力为中心、石油天然气和可再生能源全面发展的能源供应格局,基本建立了较为完善的能源供应体系。 |
Thanks to the efforts made over the past few decades, China has built an energy supply framework with coal as the main energy resource and electricity as the focus, featuring an overall development of oil, gas and renewable resources. A fairly complete energy supply system is now by and large in place. |
原油产量 |
crude oil output |
例句: 先后建成了大庆、胜利、辽河、塔里木等若干个大型石油生产基地,2006年原油产量1.85亿吨,实现稳步增长,列世界第五位。 |
Daqing, Shengli, Liaohe, Tarim and other large oilfields have been successively built as oil production bases, and the output of crude oil has increased steadily, ranking China the world's fifth-largest oil producer in 2006, with 185 million tons in that year. |
能源综合运输体系 |
comprehensive energy transportation system |
例句: 能源综合运输体系发展较快,运输能力显著增强,建设了西煤东运铁路专线及港口码头,形成了北油南运管网,建成了西气东输大干线,实现了西电东送和区域电网互联。 |
A comprehensive energy transportation system has been developed quickly, with the transport capacity notably improved. Special railways transporting coal from the west to the east and relevant coal ports, and pipelines transporting oil from the north to the south and conveying natural gas from the west to the east have all been built. Now, the power generated in the west can be carried to the east, and the regional power grids have all been connected up. |
区域电网 |
regional power grids |
例句: 能源综合运输体系发展较快,运输能力显著增强,建设了西煤东运铁路专线及港口码头,形成了北油南运管网,建成了西气东输大干线,实现了西电东送和区域电网互联。 |
A comprehensive energy transportation system has been developed quickly, with the transport capacity notably improved. Special railways transporting coal from the west to the east and relevant coal ports, and pipelines transporting oil from the north to the south and conveying natural gas from the west to the east have all been built. Now, the power generated in the west can be carried to the east, and the regional power grids have all been connected up. |
能源节约 |
energy saving |
例句: ——能源节约效果显著。 |
-- Energy-saving effects are conspicuous. |
综合能耗 |
comprehensive energy consumption |
例句: 单位产品能耗明显下降,其中钢、水泥、大型合成氨等产品的综合能耗及供电煤耗与国际先进水平的差距不断缩小。 |
Per-unit product energy consumption has dropped noticeably, and the gaps between the overall energy consumption, the net energy consumption rate of electricity generation for steel and cement production as well as synthetic ammonia produced by plants with an annual output of 300,000 tons or more and the international levels are narrowing. |
石油和天然气 |
oil and gas |
例句: 中国高度重视优化能源消费结构,煤炭在一次能源消费中的比重由1980年的72.2%下降到2006年的69.4%,其他能源比重由27.8%上升到30.6%。其中可再生能源和核电比重由4.0%提高到7.2%,石油和天然气有所增长。 |
China pays great attention to improving its energy consumption structure. The proportion of coal in primary energy consumption decreased from 72.2 percent in 1980 to 69.4 percent in 2006, and that of other forms of energy rose from 27.8 percent to 30.6 percent, with that of renewable energy and nuclear power rising from 4.0 percent to 7.2 percent. The shares of oil and gas have increased. |
清洁能源 |
clean energy |
例句: 终端能源消费结构优化趋势明显,煤炭能源转化为电能的比重由20.7%提高到49.6%,商品能源和清洁能源在居民生活用能中的比重明显提高。 |
The end-use energy consumption structure is noticeably optimized, and the proportion of coal converted into power increased from 20.7 percent to 49.6 percent. More commercial energy and clean energy are being used in people's daily life. |
科技水平 |
scientific and technological level |
例句: ——科技水平迅速提高。 |
-- The scientific and technological level has been rapidly enhanced. |
电力工业 |
power industry |
例句: 在电力工业方面,先进发电技术和大容量高参数机组得到普遍应用,水电站设计、工程技术和设备制造等技术达到世界先进水平,核电初步具备百万千瓦级压水堆自主设计和工程建设能力,高温气冷堆、快中子增殖堆技术研发取得重大突破。 |
In the power industry, advanced generating technology and units with large capacity and high parameters are widely used, and the designing, engineering and equipment manufacturing of hydraulic power plants have reached the world's advanced level. China is now able to independently design and build million-kw pressurized water reactors, and has made outstanding breakthroughs in the development of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and fast-neutron-breeder reactors. |
工程技术 |
engineering technology |
例句: 在电力工业方面,先进发电技术和大容量高参数机组得到普遍应用,水电站设计、工程技术和设备制造等技术达到世界先进水平,核电初步具备百万千瓦级压水堆自主设计和工程建设能力,高温气冷堆、快中子增殖堆技术研发取得重大突破。 |
In the power industry, advanced generating technology and units with large capacity and high parameters are widely used, and the designing, engineering and equipment manufacturing of hydraulic power plants have reached the world's advanced level. China is now able to independently design and build million-kw pressurized water reactors, and has made outstanding breakthroughs in the development of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and fast-neutron-breeder reactors. |
设备制造 |
equipment manufacturing |
例句: 在电力工业方面,先进发电技术和大容量高参数机组得到普遍应用,水电站设计、工程技术和设备制造等技术达到世界先进水平,核电初步具备百万千瓦级压水堆自主设计和工程建设能力,高温气冷堆、快中子增殖堆技术研发取得重大突破。 |
In the power industry, advanced generating technology and units with large capacity and high parameters are widely used, and the designing, engineering and equipment manufacturing of hydraulic power plants have reached the world's advanced level. China is now able to independently design and build million-kw pressurized water reactors, and has made outstanding breakthroughs in the development of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and fast-neutron-breeder reactors. |
压水堆 |
pressurized water reactor |
例句: 在电力工业方面,先进发电技术和大容量高参数机组得到普遍应用,水电站设计、工程技术和设备制造等技术达到世界先进水平,核电初步具备百万千瓦级压水堆自主设计和工程建设能力,高温气冷堆、快中子增殖堆技术研发取得重大突破。 |
In the power industry, advanced generating technology and units with large capacity and high parameters are widely used, and the designing, engineering and equipment manufacturing of hydraulic power plants have reached the world's advanced level. China is now able to independently design and build million-kw pressurized water reactors, and has made outstanding breakthroughs in the development of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and fast-neutron-breeder reactors. |
自主设计 |
independently design |
例句: 在电力工业方面,先进发电技术和大容量高参数机组得到普遍应用,水电站设计、工程技术和设备制造等技术达到世界先进水平,核电初步具备百万千瓦级压水堆自主设计和工程建设能力,高温气冷堆、快中子增殖堆技术研发取得重大突破。 |
In the power industry, advanced generating technology and units with large capacity and high parameters are widely used, and the designing, engineering and equipment manufacturing of hydraulic power plants have reached the world's advanced level. China is now able to independently design and build million-kw pressurized water reactors, and has made outstanding breakthroughs in the development of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and fast-neutron-breeder reactors. |
快中子 |
fast-neutron-breeder reactors |
例句: 在电力工业方面,先进发电技术和大容量高参数机组得到普遍应用,水电站设计、工程技术和设备制造等技术达到世界先进水平,核电初步具备百万千瓦级压水堆自主设计和工程建设能力,高温气冷堆、快中子增殖堆技术研发取得重大突破。 |
In the power industry, advanced generating technology and units with large capacity and high parameters are widely used, and the designing, engineering and equipment manufacturing of hydraulic power plants have reached the world's advanced level. China is now able to independently design and build million-kw pressurized water reactors, and has made outstanding breakthroughs in the development of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and fast-neutron-breeder reactors. |
烟气脱硫 |
flue gas desulphurization |
例句: 烟气脱硫等污染治理、可再生能源开发利用技术迅速提高。 |
The technologies to deal with pollution such as flue gas desulphurization (FGD) and renewable energy development and utilization are quickly being improved. |
脱硫 |
desulfurizing |
例句: 烟气脱硫等污染治理、可再生能源开发利用技术迅速提高。 |
The technologies to deal with pollution such as flue gas desulphurization (FGD) and renewable energy development and utilization are quickly being improved. |
能源开发利用 |
energy development and utilization |
例句: 烟气脱硫等污染治理、可再生能源开发利用技术迅速提高。 |
The technologies to deal with pollution such as flue gas desulphurization (FGD) and renewable energy development and utilization are quickly being improved. |
示范工程 |
demonstration project |
例句: 正负500千伏直流和750千伏交流输电示范工程相继建成投运,正负800千伏直流、1000千伏交流特高压输电试验示范工程开始启动。 |
Models of ?à500 kv DC and 750 kv AC electricity transmission projects have been completed and put into operation, and pilot ?à800 kv DC and 1,000 kv AC extra-high-voltage electricity transmission projects are under way. |
环境破坏 |
environmental damage |
例句: 中国的能源政策也把减少和有效治理能源开发利用过程中引起的环境破坏、环境污染作为其主要内容。 |
China's energy policies give priority to the reduction and rehabilitation of environmental damage and pollution resulting from energy development and utilization. |
电机组 |
power units |
例句: 2006年,全国建成并投入运行的脱硫火电机组装机容量达1.04亿千瓦,超过前10年的总和,装备脱硫设施的火电机组占火电总装机的比例由2000年的2%提高到30%。 |
The installation capacity of thermal power units with FGD built and put into operation in 2006 totaled 104 million kw, exceeding the combined total of the previous 10 years. Such thermal power units accounted for only 2 percent of all thermal power units in 2000, but the proportion had risen to 30 percent by 2006. with FGD built and put into operation in 2006 totaled 104 million kw, exceeding the combined total of the previous 10 years. Such thermal power units accounted for only 2 percent of all thermal power units in 2000, but the proportion had risen to 30 percent by 2006. accounted for only 2 percent of all thermal power units in 2000, but the proportion had risen to 30 percent by 2006. |
现代企业制度 |
modern enterprise system |
例句: 能源企业重组取得突破,现代企业制度基本建立。 |
Breakthroughs have been made in restructuring energy enterprises, and a modern enterprise system has by and large taken shape. |
内外贸 |
domestic and international trades |
例句: 石油天然气工业基本实现了上下游、内外贸一体化。 |
In the oil and gas industry, the upstream and downstream sectors have been integrated, so have the domestic and international trades. |
能源价格 |
energy price |
例句: 能源价格改革不断深化,价格机制不断完善。 |
Energy pricing reform has been constantly deepened, and the pricing mechanism has been improved continuously. |
供应能力 |
supply capacity |
例句: 中国优质能源资源相对不足,制约了供应能力的提高;能源资源分布不均,也增加了持续稳定供应的难度;经济增长方式粗放、能源结构不合理、能源技术装备水平低和管理水平相对落后,导致单位国内生产总值能耗和主要耗能产品能耗高于主要能源消费国家平均水平,进一步加剧了能源供需矛盾。 |
China's relative dearth of high-quality energy resources hinders its supply capability; its imbalanced distribution makes it difficult to secure a continued and steady supply; and the extensive pattern of economic growth, irrational energy structure, unsatisfactory energy technology and relatively poor management have resulted in higher energy consumption per-unit GDP and for the major energy-consuming products than the average level of major energy-consuming countries, thus further intensifying the energy supply-demand contradiction. |
单位国内生产总值能耗 |
energy consumption per unit of GDP |
例句: 中国优质能源资源相对不足,制约了供应能力的提高;能源资源分布不均,也增加了持续稳定供应的难度;经济增长方式粗放、能源结构不合理、能源技术装备水平低和管理水平相对落后,导致单位国内生产总值能耗和主要耗能产品能耗高于主要能源消费国家平均水平,进一步加剧了能源供需矛盾。 |
China's relative dearth of high-quality energy resources hinders its supply capability; its imbalanced distribution makes it difficult to secure a continued and steady supply; and the extensive pattern of economic growth, irrational energy structure, unsatisfactory energy technology and relatively poor management have resulted in higher energy consumption per-unit GDP and for the major energy-consuming products than the average level of major energy-consuming countries, thus further intensifying the energy supply-demand contradiction. |
温室气体排放 |
greenhouse gas emissions |
例句: 煤炭消费是造成煤烟型大气污染的主要原因,也是温室气体排放的主要来源。 |
Coal consumption has been the main cause of smoke pollution in China, as well as the main source of greenhouse gas. |
气体排放 |
gas emissions |
例句: 煤炭消费是造成煤烟型大气污染的主要原因,也是温室气体排放的主要来源。 |
Coal consumption has been the main cause of smoke pollution in China, as well as the main source of greenhouse gas. |
环境成本 |
environmental cost |
例句: 中国能源市场体系有待完善,能源价格机制未能完全反映资源稀缺程度、供求关系和环境成本。 |
China's energy market system is yet to be completed, as the energy pricing mechanism fails to fully reflect the scarcity of resources, its supply and demand, and the environmental cost. |
生产安全 |
safe production |
例句: 煤矿生产安全欠账比较多,电网结构不够合理,石油储备能力不足,有效应对能源供应中断和重大突发事件的预警应急体系有待进一步完善和加强。 |
Coal production safety is far from satisfactory, the structure of power grids is not rational, the oil reserves are not sufficient, and an effective emergency pre-warning system is yet to be improved and consolidated to deal with energy supply breakdowns and other major unexpected emergencies. |
石油储备 |
petroleum reserve |
例句: 煤矿生产安全欠账比较多,电网结构不够合理,石油储备能力不足,有效应对能源供应中断和重大突发事件的预警应急体系有待进一步完善和加强。 |
Coal production safety is far from satisfactory, the structure of power grids is not rational, the oil reserves are not sufficient, and an effective emergency pre-warning system is yet to be improved and consolidated to deal with energy supply breakdowns and other major unexpected emergencies. |
能源供应中断 |
energy supply breakdowns |
例句: 煤矿生产安全欠账比较多,电网结构不够合理,石油储备能力不足,有效应对能源供应中断和重大突发事件的预警应急体系有待进一步完善和加强。 |
Coal production safety is far from satisfactory, the structure of power grids is not rational, the oil reserves are not sufficient, and an effective emergency pre-warning system is yet to be improved and consolidated to deal with energy supply breakdowns and other major unexpected emergencies. |
应急体系 |
emergency response system |
例句: 煤矿生产安全欠账比较多,电网结构不够合理,石油储备能力不足,有效应对能源供应中断和重大突发事件的预警应急体系有待进一步完善和加强。 |
Coal production safety is far from satisfactory, the structure of power grids is not rational, the oil reserves are not sufficient, and an effective emergency pre-warning system is yet to be improved and consolidated to deal with energy supply breakdowns and other major unexpected emergencies. |
资源消耗 |
resource consumption |
例句: 坚持走科技含量高、资源消耗低、环境污染少、经济效益好、安全有保障的能源发展道路,最大程度地实现能源的全面、协调和可持续发展。 |
It strives for high scientific and technological content, low resource consumption, minimum of environmental pollution, good economic returns, and guaranteed safety in energy development, so as to realize the coordinated and sustained development of all energy resources to the fullest possible extent. |
调整产业结构 |
adjustment of the industrial structure |
例句: 中国把资源节约作为基本国策,坚持能源开发与节约并举、节约优先,积极转变经济发展方式,调整产业结构,鼓励节能技术研发,普及节能产品,提高能源管理水平,完善节能法规和标准,不断提高能源效率。 |
China has made resource-conservation a basic state policy, and stresses both developing and saving, with priority given to saving. For this, it is actively changing the pattern of economic growth, adjusting the industrial structure, encouraging research and development of energy-saving technologies, popularizing energy-saving products, improving energy management expertise, improving energy-saving legislation and standards, and enhancing energy efficiency. |
自主创新 |
independent innovation |
例句: 中国充分依靠能源科技进步,增强自主创新能力,提升引进技术消化吸收和再创新能力,突破能源发展的技术瓶颈,提高关键技术和重大装备制造水平,开创能源开发利用新途径,增强发展后劲。 |
China fully relies on science and technology to enhance its ability for independent innovation and its ability to digest and improve imported technologies, tackle technological bottlenecks in energy development, improve key technologies and the manufacturing level of key equipment, seek new ways for energy development and utilization, and redouble the strength for further development. |
关键技术 |
key technologies |
例句: 中国充分依靠能源科技进步,增强自主创新能力,提升引进技术消化吸收和再创新能力,突破能源发展的技术瓶颈,提高关键技术和重大装备制造水平,开创能源开发利用新途径,增强发展后劲。 |
China fully relies on science and technology to enhance its ability for independent innovation and its ability to digest and improve imported technologies, tackle technological bottlenecks in energy development, improve key technologies and the manufacturing level of key equipment, seek new ways for energy development and utilization, and redouble the strength for further development. |
装备制造 |
equipment manufacturing |
例句: 中国充分依靠能源科技进步,增强自主创新能力,提升引进技术消化吸收和再创新能力,突破能源发展的技术瓶颈,提高关键技术和重大装备制造水平,开创能源开发利用新途径,增强发展后劲。 |
China fully relies on science and technology to enhance its ability for independent innovation and its ability to digest and improve imported technologies, tackle technological bottlenecks in energy development, improve key technologies and the manufacturing level of key equipment, seek new ways for energy development and utilization, and redouble the strength for further development. |
污染物排放 |
emissions of pollutants |
例句: 《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》明确提出, 到2010年,单位国内生产总值能源消耗比2005年降低20%左右,主要污染物排放总量减少10%。 |
The Outline of the 11th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China projects that the per-unit GDP energy consumption by 2010 will have decreased by 20 percent compared to 2005, and the total amount of major pollutants discharged will have been reduced by 10 percent. |
市场竞争力 |
market competitiveness |
例句: 为实现经济社会发展目标,中国能源发展“十一五”(2006—2010年)目标是:到“十一五”末期,能源供应基本满足国民经济和社会发展需求,能源节约取得明显成效,能源效率得到明显提高,结构进一步优化,技术取得实质进步,经济效益和市场竞争力显著提高,与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的能源宏观调控、市场监管、法律法规、预警应急体系和机制得到逐步完善,能源与经济、社会、环境协调发展。 |
To realize the country's economic and social development goals, the energy industry has set the following targets in the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010): By 2010 the energy supply will basically meet the demands of national economic and social development; and obvious progress will have been made in energy conservation; energy efficiency will have been noticeably enhanced and the energy structure optimized; technological progress, economic benefits and market competitiveness will have been greatly increased; and energy-related macro-control, market regulation, legislation and emergency pre-warning system and mechanism compatible with the socialist market economy will all have been improved. The result will be that the coordinated development will have been achieved between energy production, the economy, the society and the environment. |
社会主义市场经济 |
the socialist market economy |
例句: 为实现经济社会发展目标,中国能源发展“十一五”(2006—2010年)目标是:到“十一五”末期,能源供应基本满足国民经济和社会发展需求,能源节约取得明显成效,能源效率得到明显提高,结构进一步优化,技术取得实质进步,经济效益和市场竞争力显著提高,与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的能源宏观调控、市场监管、法律法规、预警应急体系和机制得到逐步完善,能源与经济、社会、环境协调发展。 |
To realize the country's economic and social development goals, the energy industry has set the following targets in the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010): By 2010 the energy supply will basically meet the demands of national economic and social development; and obvious progress will have been made in energy conservation; energy efficiency will have been noticeably enhanced and the energy structure optimized; technological progress, economic benefits and market competitiveness will have been greatly increased; and energy-related macro-control, market regulation, legislation and emergency pre-warning system and mechanism compatible with the socialist market economy will all have been improved. The result will be that the coordinated development will have been achieved between energy production, the economy, the society and the environment. |
市场监管 |
market regulation |
例句: 为实现经济社会发展目标,中国能源发展“十一五”(2006—2010年)目标是:到“十一五”末期,能源供应基本满足国民经济和社会发展需求,能源节约取得明显成效,能源效率得到明显提高,结构进一步优化,技术取得实质进步,经济效益和市场竞争力显著提高,与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的能源宏观调控、市场监管、法律法规、预警应急体系和机制得到逐步完善,能源与经济、社会、环境协调发展。 |
To realize the country's economic and social development goals, the energy industry has set the following targets in the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010): By 2010 the energy supply will basically meet the demands of national economic and social development; and obvious progress will have been made in energy conservation; energy efficiency will have been noticeably enhanced and the energy structure optimized; technological progress, economic benefits and market competitiveness will have been greatly increased; and energy-related macro-control, market regulation, legislation and emergency pre-warning system and mechanism compatible with the socialist market economy will all have been improved. The result will be that the coordinated development will have been achieved between energy production, the economy, the society and the environment. |
节能减排 |
saving energy and reducing emissions |
例句: 在推进节能减排工作中,做到“六个依靠”:依靠结构调整,这是节能减排的根本途径;依靠科技进步,这是节能减排的关键所在;依靠加强管理,这是节能减排的重要措施;依靠强化法制,这是节能减排的重要保障;依靠深化改革,这是节能减排的内在动力;依靠全民参与,这是节能减排的社会基础。 |
While advancing the work of saving energy and reducing emissions, the Chinese government depends on structural adjustment as the fundamental approach, on scientific and technological advances as the key, on improved administration as a crucial measure, on the strengthening of law enforcement as an important guarantee, on the deepening of the reform as an internal motive force, and on public participation as the social foundation. |
指标体系 |
index system |
例句: 中国正在完善国内生产总值和能源消耗指标体系,将能源消耗纳入各地经济社会发展综合评价和年度考核,实行单位国内生产总值能耗指标公报制度,实施节能目标责任制和问责制,构建节能型产业体系,促进经济发展方式的根本转变。 |
China is perfecting the index system of energy consumption per-unit GDP. It will incorporate energy consumption into the overall evaluation of economic and social development and the annual performance evaluation of regional governments. It will adopt an announcement system for this index, implement a target responsibility and accountability system for energy conservation and build an energy-conserving industrial system to effect the fundamental transformation of the country's pattern of economic development. |
综合评价 |
overall evaluation |
例句: 中国正在完善国内生产总值和能源消耗指标体系,将能源消耗纳入各地经济社会发展综合评价和年度考核,实行单位国内生产总值能耗指标公报制度,实施节能目标责任制和问责制,构建节能型产业体系,促进经济发展方式的根本转变。 |
China is perfecting the index system of energy consumption per-unit GDP. It will incorporate energy consumption into the overall evaluation of economic and social development and the annual performance evaluation of regional governments. It will adopt an announcement system for this index, implement a target responsibility and accountability system for energy conservation and build an energy-conserving industrial system to effect the fundamental transformation of the country's pattern of economic development. |
消费模式 |
consumption mode |
例句: 中国坚持以提高能源效率为核心,以转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构、加快技术进步为根本,构建能源资源节约型的产业结构、发展方式和消费模式。 |
China will establish an energy- and resource-saving industrial structure, development pattern and consumption mode by taking improvement of energy efficiency as the core, and transforming the mode of economic development, adjusting the economic structure and accelerating technological advance as the foundation. |
价格形成机制 |
pricing mechanism |
例句: 完善节能技术推广机制,鼓励节能技术和产品的研发。深化能源体制改革,完善能源价格形成机制,充分发挥财政税收等经济政策对节能的推动作用。 |
It will deepen the reform of the energy system, improve the energy pricing mechanism and give full play to economic policies, including fiscal and taxation ones, in promoting energy conservation. |
优化升级 |
optimization and upgrading |
例句: 中国加快产业结构优化升级,大力发展高新技术产业和服务业,严格限制高耗能、高耗材、高耗水产业发展,淘汰落后产能,促进经济发展方式的根本转变,加快构建节能型产业体系。 |
China will accelerate the optimization and upgrading of its industrial structure, make energetic efforts to develop high- and new-tech industries and the service trades, set strict limits on the development of high energy-, material- and water-consuming industries, and eliminate industries with backward productivity, so as to fundamentally change the pattern of economic development and put in place an energy-saving industrial system on an early date. |
落后产能 |
outdated capacity |
例句: 中国加快产业结构优化升级,大力发展高新技术产业和服务业,严格限制高耗能、高耗材、高耗水产业发展,淘汰落后产能,促进经济发展方式的根本转变,加快构建节能型产业体系。 |
China will accelerate the optimization and upgrading of its industrial structure, make energetic efforts to develop high- and new-tech industries and the service trades, set strict limits on the development of high energy-, material- and water-consuming industries, and eliminate industries with backward productivity, so as to fundamentally change the pattern of economic development and put in place an energy-saving industrial system on an early date. |
适用技术 |
applicable technologies |
例句: 中国坚持走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源得到充分发挥的新型工业化道路,加快发展高技术产业,运用高新技术和先进适用技术改造传统产业,提升工业整体水平。 |
The country is determined to take a new road to industrialization characterized by high scientific and technological content, good economic returns, low resource consumption, minimum of environmental pollution, and full use of human resources. To achieve this, China will accelerate the development of high-tech industries and transform traditional industries with high- and new-technologies, as well as advanced and applicable ones, and in turn upgrade the overall industrial standard. |
新型墙体材料 |
new walling material |
例句: 中国大力发展节能省地型建筑,积极推进既有建筑节能改造,广泛使用新型墙体材料。 |
China will make vigorous efforts to construct energy- and land-saving buildings, actively promote the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, and extensively use new walling materials. |
石油工程 |
oil project |
例句: 实施节约和替代石油工程,科学发展替代燃料。 |
China will continue to implement petroleum substitution and develop substitute fuels in a scientific way. |
工业锅 |
coal-fueled industrial boilers |
例句: 加快燃煤工业锅(窑)炉改造、区域热电联产和余热余压利用,提高能源利用效率。 |
It will accelerate the innovation of coal-fueled industrial boilers (kilns), regional simultaneous generation of heat and power and surplus heat and pressure utilization, and improve the efficiency of energy utilization. |
绿色照明 |
green lighting |
例句: 实施绿色照明工程,加快推广高效电器应用。 |
It will carry out the Green Lighting Project, and spread more rapidly high-performance electrical appliances. |
服务体系 |
service system |
例句: 加快节能监测和技术服务体系建设,强化节能监测,创新服务平台。 |
It will put in place at an early date the system of energy-conservation monitoring and technological support, strengthening energy-conservation monitoring and establishing new energy services platforms. |
固定资产投资项目 |
fixed assets investment projects |
例句: 实施固定资产投资项目节能评估和审核制度,严把能耗增长的源头。 |
It will put in force an evaluation and examination system in respect of energy conservation in fixed assets investment projects and strictly control increase of energy consumption at the roots. |
固定资产投资 |
fixed assets investment |
例句: 实施固定资产投资项目节能评估和审核制度,严把能耗增长的源头。 |
It will put in force an evaluation and examination system in respect of energy conservation in fixed assets investment projects and strictly control increase of energy consumption at the roots. |
审核制度 |
examination system |
例句: 实施固定资产投资项目节能评估和审核制度,严把能耗增长的源头。 |
It will put in force an evaluation and examination system in respect of energy conservation in fixed assets investment projects and strictly control increase of energy consumption at the roots. |
能效标识 |
energy efficiency label |
例句: 建立企业节能新机制,实施能效标识管理,推进合同能源管理和节能自愿协议。 |
It will set up a new energy-conservation mechanism for enterprises, adopt an energy efficiency labeling mechanism, and promote contract-based energy management and voluntary energy-conservation agreements. |
节能自愿协议 |
voluntary energy-conservation agreements |
例句: 建立企业节能新机制,实施能效标识管理,推进合同能源管理和节能自愿协议。 |
It will set up a new energy-conservation mechanism for enterprises, adopt an energy efficiency labeling mechanism, and promote contract-based energy management and voluntary energy-conservation agreements. |
监督检查 |
supervision and inspection |
例句: 加强节能管理队伍建设,加大执法监督检查力度。 |
It will improve the overall quality of energy-conservation managerial personnel, and step up efforts in law enforcement, supervision and examination. |
产业链 |
industrial chain |
例句: 促进与相关产业协调发展,鼓励实行煤电联营或煤电运一体化经营,延伸煤炭产业链。 |
It will promote the coordinated development of related industries, and encourage coal-electricity joint operation or coal-electricity-transport integrated management, so as to extend the coal industry chain. |
洁净煤 |
clean coal |
例句: 提高煤矿机械化水平和采煤综合机械化程度,推进煤炭的清洁生产和利用,鼓励洁净煤技术的研发和推广,加快替代液体燃料研究和示范。 |
It will further mechanize coalmines and enhance overall mechanization in coal mining, promote the clean production and utilization of coal, encourage R&D and spreading of clean coal technologies, and quicken the research into and demonstration of substitute liquid fuels. |
液体燃料 |
liquid fuel |
例句: 提高煤矿机械化水平和采煤综合机械化程度,推进煤炭的清洁生产和利用,鼓励洁净煤技术的研发和推广,加快替代液体燃料研究和示范。 |
It will further mechanize coalmines and enhance overall mechanization in coal mining, promote the clean production and utilization of coal, encourage R&D and spreading of clean coal technologies, and quicken the research into and demonstration of substitute liquid fuels. |
电源结构 |
power supply structure |
例句: 中国坚持以结构调整为主线,优化电源结构。 |
It is also a basic requirement for the steady development of the national economy and society to establish an economical, highly efficient and stable power supply system. China will optimize the power supply structure based on structural adjustment. |
输配电网 |
transmission and distribution network |
例句: 加强区域和输配电网络建设,扩大西电东送规模。 |
It will strengthen the building of regional power grids and power transmission and distribution networks and expand the scope of power transmission from western to eastern China. |
电力系统 |
the power system |
例句: 实行电力统一规划和调度,建立健全电力安全应急体系,提高电力系统的安全可靠性。 |
Uniform planning and distribution of electric power will be adopted, and an emergency response system for power safety will be set up to enhance the safety and reliability of the power system. |
电力需求 |
power demand |
例句: 继续加强电力需求侧管理,实行节能调度,努力提高能源利用效率。 |
China will continue to strengthen power demand-side management (DSM), exert control over power use for the purpose of conserving energy and work hard to increase energy utilization efficiency. |
油砂 |
oil sand |
例句: 在经济合理的条件下,积极开发煤层气、油页岩、油砂等非常规能源。 |
On the condition of reasonable cost, it will actively develop coal-bed gas, oil shale and tar sand and other non-conventional energy resources. |
天然气管网 |
gas pipeline network |
例句: 继续加快石油和天然气管网及配套设施建设,逐步完善全国油气管网。 |
The country will expedite the construction of oil and gas pipeline networks and supporting facilities and gradually improve the national network of oil and gas pipelines. |
配套设施 |
supporting facilities |
例句: 继续加快石油和天然气管网及配套设施建设,逐步完善全国油气管网。 |
The country will expedite the construction of oil and gas pipeline networks and supporting facilities and gradually improve the national network of oil and gas pipelines. |
专项资金 |
special funds |
例句: 建立了可再生能源发展专项资金,支持资源调查、技术研发、试点示范工程建设和农村可再生能源开发利用。 |
It has earmarked special funds for renewable energy development to support resource survey, R&D of relevant technologies, building of pilot and demonstration projects, as well as exploration and utilization of renewable energy in rural China. |
气化 |
gasification |
例句: 中国通过实施“光明工程”、“农网改造”、“水电农村电气化”和“送电到乡”,同时充分利用小水电、风力和太阳能发电,改善了农村生产生活用能条件,解决了3000多万农村无电人口及偏远无电地区的用电问题,基本实现了城乡同网同价。 |
The Chinese government has improved the energy conditions for rural people's life and production, and solved the power problem for over 30 million rural people who had no access to electricity and in remote areas not connected to the grid, by carrying out the Lighting Project, "rural grid renovation," "electrification of hydropower-based rural areas" and "connecting villages with the grid" campaigns, and making full use of small-sized hydropower stations, wind energy and solar energy for power generation. |
农村电网 |
rural grid |
例句: 继续加强农村电网建设,积极扩大电网覆盖范围。 |
Continuous efforts will be made to strengthen the construction of the rural grids to expand their coverage. |
电网建设 |
grid construction |
例句: 继续加强农村电网建设,积极扩大电网覆盖范围。 |
Continuous efforts will be made to strengthen the construction of the rural grids to expand their coverage. |
绿色能源 |
green energy |
例句: 积极开展绿色能源示范县建设,加快推进农村可再生能源开发利用。 |
Moreover, China will actively build green-energy counties for demonstration, and accelerate the exploration and utilization of renewable energy resources in rural areas. |
能源计量 |
energy measurement |
例句: 中国把节能技术作为能源技术发展的优先主题,重点攻克高耗能领域的节能关键技术,大力提高一次能源和终端能源利用效率。实施节能技术政策大纲,引导社会投资节能技术应用。重点研究开发工业、交通运输、建筑等领域的节能技术与设备,以及可再生能源与建筑一体化、节能建材等应用技术。加强能源计量、控制、监督与管理,积极培育节能技术服务体系。 |
China gives priority to the development of energy-saving technologies, with focus on key technologies in the high energy-consumption sectors, to enhance the utilization efficiency of primary and end-use energy resources; implements the policy outline on energy-saving technologies and guides social investment into the application of energy-saving technologies; places emphasis on R&D of energy-saving technologies and equipment for industry, transport and construction, and the application of technologies connected with integrated renewable energy systems and energy-saving construction materials; strengthens energy measurement, control, supervision and management; and actively fosters an energy-saving technological service system. |
油气资源 |
oil and gas resources |
例句: 积极发展复杂地质油气资源勘探开发和低品位油气资源高效开发技术。鼓励发展替代能源技术,优先发展可再生能源规模化利用技术。稳步推进正负800千伏直流输电和1000千伏交流特高压输电技术,以及增强电网安全技术。 |
It actively develops technologies in connection with prospecting for and exploitation of petroleum and gas resources under complicated geographical conditions, and highly efficient exploitation of low-grade petroleum and gas resources; encourages the development of technology for substitutes of energy resources, gives priority to the development of technologies for large-scale utilization of renewable energy; and steadily improves the technology of power transmission at voltages of ?à 800 kv DC and 1,000 kv AC and power grid safety technology. |
输电技术 |
transmission technology |
例句: 积极发展复杂地质油气资源勘探开发和低品位油气资源高效开发技术。鼓励发展替代能源技术,优先发展可再生能源规模化利用技术。稳步推进正负800千伏直流输电和1000千伏交流特高压输电技术,以及增强电网安全技术。 |
It actively develops technologies in connection with prospecting for and exploitation of petroleum and gas resources under complicated geographical conditions, and highly efficient exploitation of low-grade petroleum and gas resources; encourages the development of technology for substitutes of energy resources, gives priority to the development of technologies for large-scale utilization of renewable energy; and steadily improves the technology of power transmission at voltages of ?à 800 kv DC and 1,000 kv AC and power grid safety technology. |
核电机组 |
nuclear power unit |
例句: 鼓励发展大型煤化工成套设备,研制煤炭液化和气化、煤制烯烃等成套设备。鼓励发展大型高效清洁发电装备,发展煤电高效发电机组、大型水电及抽水蓄能机组、重型燃气轮机、先进百万千瓦级压水堆核电机组、大功率风力发电机组等,以及特高压输变电设备。 |
It supports the development of complete sets of large equipment for coal chemicals as well as R&D of coal liquefaction and gasification, and coal-to-olefin conversion equipment, the development of high-efficiency and low-pollution power generation equipment, high-efficiency coal-fired power generation units, hydropower and pumped-storage units, heavy-duty gas turbines, PWR nuclear power generation units with a capacity of one million kw, high-power wind-driven generators, and superhigh-power transmission and transformation machinery. |
液化天然气 |
liquefied natural gas |
例句: 鼓励发展石油天然气勘探、钻采装备,支持大型海洋石油工程设备、30万吨原油运输船、液化天然气运输船及大功率柴油机等配套设备。 |
It encourages the development of oil and natural gas prospecting and drilling equipment and support equipment for large offshore oil projects, crude oil carriers with a capacity of 300,000 dwt, liquefied natural gas carriers and high-power diesel engines. |
前沿技术研究 |
frontier technological research |
例句: ——加强前沿技术研究。 |
-- Strengthening frontier technology research. |
系统集成 |
system integration |
例句: 中国重点研究化石能源、生物质能源和可再生能源制氢、经济高效储氢及输配技术,研究燃料电池基础关键部件制备及电堆集成、燃料电池发电及车用动力系统集成技术等。 |
China focuses on research into conversion from fossil, biomass and renewable energy resources to hydrogen, and high-efficiency hydrogen storage, transmission and distribution technology. |
能源转换 |
energy conversion |
例句: 研究突破化石能源微小型燃气轮机等终端能源转换、储能及热电冷三联产技术。 |
It also conducts research into the technology for the manufacturing of basic and key components of fuel cells, integration of fuel cell stacks, fuel cell power generation and automotive fuel cell power systems, and strives to make breakthroughs in the technology for the end-use energy conversion, storage and combined cooling, heating and power projection of fossil energy-based micro-miniature gas turbine systems. |
化石燃料 |
fossil fuel |
例句: 中国是处于工业化初期的发展中国家,历史累计排放少,从1950年到2002年,中国化石燃料二氧化碳排放只占同期世界排放量的9.3%,人均二氧化碳排放量居世界第92位,单位GDP二氧化碳排放弹性系数也很小。 |
China is a developing country in the primary stage of industrialization, and with low accumulative emissions. From 1950 to 2002, the aggregate amount of China's fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions accounted for only 9.3 percent of the world's total in the same period. The amount of China's per-capita carbon dioxide emissions ranked 92nd in the world, and the elasticity coefficient of carbon dioxide emissions per-unit GDP was very small. |
弹性系数 |
elasticity coefficient |
例句: 中国是处于工业化初期的发展中国家,历史累计排放少,从1950年到2002年,中国化石燃料二氧化碳排放只占同期世界排放量的9.3%,人均二氧化碳排放量居世界第92位,单位GDP二氧化碳排放弹性系数也很小。 |
China is a developing country in the primary stage of industrialization, and with low accumulative emissions. From 1950 to 2002, the aggregate amount of China's fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions accounted for only 9.3 percent of the world's total in the same period. The amount of China's per-capita carbon dioxide emissions ranked 92nd in the world, and the elasticity coefficient of carbon dioxide emissions per-unit GDP was very small. |
全球气候变化 |
global climate change |
例句: 中国作为负责任的发展中国家,高度重视环境保护和全球气候变化。 |
As a responsible developing country, China attaches great importance to environmental protection and prevention of global climate change. |
气候变化框架公约 |
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
例句: 中国政府将保护环境作为一项基本国策,签署了《联合国气候变化框架公约》,成立了国家气候变化对策协调机构,提交了《气候变化初始国家信息通报》,建立了《清洁发展机制项目管理办法》,制订了《中国应对气候变化国家方案》,并采取了一系列与保护环境和应对气候变化相关的政策和措施。 |
The Chinese government has made environmental protection a fundamental state policy, signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, established the National Coordination Committee for Climate Change, submitted to the UN the Initial National Communication on Climate Change of the People's Republic of China, worked out the Management Measures on the Implementation of Clean Development Mechanism Projects, formulated the National Climate Change Program, and adopted a series of proactive policies and measures regarding environmental protection and climate change. |
补偿机制 |
compensation mechanism |
例句: 加快采煤沉陷区的治理和煤层气的开发利用,建立并完善煤炭资源开发和生态环境恢复补偿机制。 |
The country is quickening its pace of control of coal mining subsidence areas and the exploitation and utilization of coal-bed gas, and establishes and improves the compensation mechanism for the exploitation of coal resources and restoration of the eco-environment. |
排放标准 |
emission standards |
例句: 加快燃煤电厂脱硫设施建设,新建燃煤电厂必须根据排放标准安装并使用脱硫装置,现有燃煤电厂加快脱硫改造。 |
At the same time, it is expediting the construction of desulfurizing facilities in coal-fired power plants, requiring that newly built coal-fired power plants must install and use desulfurizing facilities according to the permissible emission standards, and such existing plants must speed up their desulfurization upgrading. |
轨道交通 |
rail transport |
例句: 中国正在积极采取有效措施,严格实施机动车排放标准,加强环保一致性检查,确保新生产机动车稳定达标;严格实施在用机动车环保年检制度;严格禁止制造、销售和进口超过排放标准的机动车;鼓励生产和使用低污染的清洁燃料机动车,鼓励生产混合动力汽车,支持发展轨道交通和电动公交车。 |
China is actively taking effective measures to this end: strictly enforcing vehicle emission standards; intensifying inspection for the environment-friendly production of vehicles; strictly implementing the annual emission inspection system for motor vehicles; strictly forbidding manufacture, sale and import of motor vehicles exceeding the emission limits. At the same time, China encourages the production and use of vehicles burning clean fuels, and the production of hybrid electric vehicles, and supports the development of rail transport and electric buses. |
电动公交车 |
electric bus |
例句: 中国正在积极采取有效措施,严格实施机动车排放标准,加强环保一致性检查,确保新生产机动车稳定达标;严格实施在用机动车环保年检制度;严格禁止制造、销售和进口超过排放标准的机动车;鼓励生产和使用低污染的清洁燃料机动车,鼓励生产混合动力汽车,支持发展轨道交通和电动公交车。 |
China is actively taking effective measures to this end: strictly enforcing vehicle emission standards; intensifying inspection for the environment-friendly production of vehicles; strictly implementing the annual emission inspection system for motor vehicles; strictly forbidding manufacture, sale and import of motor vehicles exceeding the emission limits. At the same time, China encourages the production and use of vehicles burning clean fuels, and the production of hybrid electric vehicles, and supports the development of rail transport and electric buses. |
环境管理 |
environmental management |
例句: ——严格能源项目的环境管理。 |
-- Exercising strict environmental management of energy projects. |
能源工程 |
energy engineering |
例句: 新建、扩建和改建能源工程项目建设与环境保护设施同时设计、同时施工、同时投入使用。加强核电项目的安全管理,强化对已运行核电站、研究堆、核燃料循环设施的安全与辐射环境的监督管理,积极做好在建核电设施安全评审和监督工作。 |
It ensures simultaneous design, construction and launching of environmental protection facilities at new, expansion and rebuilding projects, intensifies safe management of nuclear power projects, reinforces supervision and management of the safety and radiation environment of nuclear power plants, research reactors and fuel cycle facilities in operation, and practices meticulous safety examination and supervision of nuclear power facilities under construction. |
研究堆 |
research reactor |
例句: 新建、扩建和改建能源工程项目建设与环境保护设施同时设计、同时施工、同时投入使用。加强核电项目的安全管理,强化对已运行核电站、研究堆、核燃料循环设施的安全与辐射环境的监督管理,积极做好在建核电设施安全评审和监督工作。 |
It ensures simultaneous design, construction and launching of environmental protection facilities at new, expansion and rebuilding projects, intensifies safe management of nuclear power projects, reinforces supervision and management of the safety and radiation environment of nuclear power plants, research reactors and fuel cycle facilities in operation, and practices meticulous safety examination and supervision of nuclear power facilities under construction. |
监督管理 |
supervision and management |
例句: 新建、扩建和改建能源工程项目建设与环境保护设施同时设计、同时施工、同时投入使用。加强核电项目的安全管理,强化对已运行核电站、研究堆、核燃料循环设施的安全与辐射环境的监督管理,积极做好在建核电设施安全评审和监督工作。 |
It ensures simultaneous design, construction and launching of environmental protection facilities at new, expansion and rebuilding projects, intensifies safe management of nuclear power projects, reinforces supervision and management of the safety and radiation environment of nuclear power plants, research reactors and fuel cycle facilities in operation, and practices meticulous safety examination and supervision of nuclear power facilities under construction. |
水资源 |
water resources |
例句: 进一步加强水电建设中的生态环境保护,在满足江河流域综合开发利用的要求下,在保护中开发,在开发中保护,注重提高水资源的综合利用和生态环境效益。 |
It further enhances environmental protection efforts in the construction of hydropower projects, pays equal attention to the requirements of comprehensive development and utilization of river basins while protecting the environment, and increasing the level of comprehensive utilization of water resources and eco-environmental benefits. |
环境效益 |
environmental benefit |
例句: 进一步加强水电建设中的生态环境保护,在满足江河流域综合开发利用的要求下,在保护中开发,在开发中保护,注重提高水资源的综合利用和生态环境效益。 |
It further enhances environmental protection efforts in the construction of hydropower projects, pays equal attention to the requirements of comprehensive development and utilization of river basins while protecting the environment, and increasing the level of comprehensive utilization of water resources and eco-environmental benefits. |
能源事业 |
energy industry |
例句: 中国按照完善社会主义市场经济体制的要求,稳步推进能源体制改革,促进能源事业发展。 |
In accordance with the requirements of perfecting the socialist market economy, China is steadily advancing its energy system reform to promote the development of the energy industry. |
战略性重组 |
strategic reorganization |
例句: 1998年实现了石油企业的战略性重组,建立了上下游一体化的新型石油工业管理体制。 |
In 1998, strategic reorganization was accomplished among petroleum enterprises, featuring the establishment of new vertically integrated management system of oil industry. |
政策措施 |
policies and measures |
例句: 中国高度重视并积极推进能源法律制度建设,《清洁生产促进法》、《可再生能源法》已经颁布实施,配套政策措施陆续出台;修订后的《节约能源法》已经公布;《能源法》、《循环经济法》、《石油天然气管道保护法》及《建筑节能条例》正在抓紧制订;《矿产资源法》、《煤炭法》和《电力法》正在抓紧修订。 |
China sets great store by and actively advances the construction of the energy legal system. China has enacted and put in force the Clean Production Promotion Law and Renewable Energy Law, and has issued a series of supporting policies and measures. The amended Energy Conservation Law has been promulgated. The Energy Law, Circular Economy Law, Law on the Protection of Oil and Natural Gas Pipelines and Regulations on Energy Conservation of Buildings are being formulated. The Mineral Resources Law, Coal Industry Law, and Electric Power Law are being revised. |
天然气管道 |
gas pipeline |
例句: 中国高度重视并积极推进能源法律制度建设,《清洁生产促进法》、《可再生能源法》已经颁布实施,配套政策措施陆续出台;修订后的《节约能源法》已经公布;《能源法》、《循环经济法》、《石油天然气管道保护法》及《建筑节能条例》正在抓紧制订;《矿产资源法》、《煤炭法》和《电力法》正在抓紧修订。 |
China sets great store by and actively advances the construction of the energy legal system. China has enacted and put in force the Clean Production Promotion Law and Renewable Energy Law, and has issued a series of supporting policies and measures. The amended Energy Conservation Law has been promulgated. The Energy Law, Circular Economy Law, Law on the Protection of Oil and Natural Gas Pipelines and Regulations on Energy Conservation of Buildings are being formulated. The Mineral Resources Law, Coal Industry Law, and Electric Power Law are being revised. |
能源领域 |
energy field |
例句: 同时,也正在积极着手研究石油天然气、原油市场和原子能等能源领域的立法。 |
Meanwhile, active efforts have been made in research into energy legislation concerning oil and natural gas, the crude oil market and atomic energy. |
电网运行 |
operation of power grid |
例句: 中国实行电力统一调度、分级管理、分区运行,统筹安排电网运行。 |
China practices unified power dispatch, hierarchical power management and operation of power grids by regions. |
应急预案 |
emergency response plans |
例句: 建立了政府部门、监管机构和电力企业分工负责的安全责任体系,电网和发电企业建立应对大规模突发事故的应急预案。 |
A safety responsibility system with division of work among government departments, supervision organs and power enterprises has been established, in which the power grids and power generation enterprises work out emergency response plans to cope with large-scale emergencies. |
信息服务 |
information services |
例句: 进一步转变政府职能,注重政策引导,重视信息服务。 |
The Chinese government has furthered the transformation of government functions, giving priority to guidance by policy measures and attaching importance to information services. |
市场供求 |
market supply and demand |
例句: 中国政府在妥善处理不同利益群体关系、充分考虑社会各方面承受能力的情况下,积极稳妥地推进能源价格改革,逐步建立能够反映资源稀缺程度、市场供求关系和环境成本的价格形成机制。 |
On the premise of properly handling the relations among various interest groups and taking full account of the acceptability of all social sectors, the Chinese government has advanced energy price reform in a vigorous yet steady way, gradually established a pricing mechanism that is able to reflect resource scarcities, changes in market supply and demand, and environmental costs. |
亚太经济合作组织 |
例句: 在多边合作方面,中国是亚太经济合作组织能源工作组、东盟与中日韩(10+3)能源合作、国际能源论坛、世界能源大会及亚太清洁发展和气候新伙伴计划的正式成员,是能源宪章的观察员,与国际能源机构、石油输出国组织等国际组织保持着密切联系。 |
In multilateral cooperation, China is a member of the energy working group of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus China, Japan and ROK (10+3) Energy Cooperation, International Energy Forum, World Energy Conference, and Asia-Pacific Partnership for Clean Development and Climate. It is an observer of the Energy Charter, and maintains close relations with such international organizations as the World Energy Agency and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). |
信息数据 |
information data |
例句: 在双边合作方面,中国与美国、日本、欧盟、俄罗斯等许多能源消费国和生产国都建立了能源对话与合作机制,在能源开发、利用、技术、环保、可再生能源和新能源等领域加强对话与合作,在能源政策、信息数据等方面开展广泛的沟通与交流。 |
Regarding bilateral cooperation, China has established a mechanism for dialogue and cooperation in the field of energy with a number of energy consuming and producing countries, such as the US, Japan and Russia, and the European Union. It has intensified dialogue and cooperation regarding energy exploration, utilization, technology and environmental protection, as well as renewable energy and new energy resources, and has had extensive dialogues and exchanges with them in such aspects as energy policy and information data. |
能源贸易 |
energy trade |
例句: 在今后相当长一段时间内,国际能源贸易仍将是中国利用国外能源的主要方式。 |
For a fairly long time to come, international energy trade will remain a major way by which China utilizes foreign energy resources. |
进出口贸易 |
imports and exports |
例句: 按照世界贸易组织规则和加入世界贸易组织的承诺,开展能源进出口贸易,完善公平贸易政策。 |
China will pursue energy imports and exports, and improve policies for fair trade in accordance with its commitments to the WTO and the WTO rules. |
供货合同 |
supply contract |
例句: 逐步改变目前原油现货贸易比重过大的状况,鼓励与国外公司签订长期供货合同,促进贸易渠道多元化。 |
It will, step by step, change the current situation of relying too heavily on spot trading of crude oil, encourage the signing of long-term supply contracts with foreign companies, and promote the diversification of trading channels. |
安全观 |
security concept |
例句: 要实现世界经济平稳有序发展,需要国际社会推进经济全球化向着均衡、普惠、共赢的方向发展,需要国际社会树立互利合作、多元发展、协同保障的新能源安全观。 |
To realize a steady and orderly development of the world economy, it is necessary to promote economic globalization to develop in a direction featuring balance, universal benefit and win-win, and it is necessary for the international community to foster a new concept of energy security characterized by mutual benefit and cooperation, diversified development and coordinated guarantee. |
知识产权保护 |
intellectual property rights protection |
例句: 国际社会要从人类社会可持续发展的高度,处理好资金投入、知识产权保护、先进技术推广等问题,使世界各国都从中受益,共同分享人类进步成果。 |
Aiming at the sustainable development of humanity, the international community should handle well the problems concerning capital input, intellectual property rights protection and popularization of advanced technology, so as to benefit all countries and allow them to share humanity's achievements. |
普遍服务 |
universal energy service |
例句: 六、提高能源普遍服务水平 |
VI. Improving Universal Energy Service |
过度消耗 |
excessive consumption |
例句: 为减少对能源资源的过度消耗,实现经济、社会、生态全面协调可持续发展,中国不断加大节能减排力度,努力提高能源利用效率,单位国内生产总值能源消耗逐年下降。 |
To curb excessive consumption of energy resources and achieve the comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development of the economy, society and ecology, China keeps strengthening its efforts in energy conservation and emission reduction, and strives to raise the efficiency of energy utilization. As a result, energy consumption per unit of GDP has been decreasing year by year. |
石油管线 |
oil pipelines |
例句: 石油管线长度超过7万公里,天然气主干管线长度达到4万公里。 |
The length of oil pipelines totaled more than 70,000 km, and the natural gas trunk lines exceeded 40,000 km. |
主干管线 |
trunk lines |
例句: 石油管线长度超过7万公里,天然气主干管线长度达到4万公里。 |
The length of oil pipelines totaled more than 70,000 km, and the natural gas trunk lines exceeded 40,000 km. |
输电线路 |
transmission lines |
例句: 电网基本实现全国互联,330千伏及以上输电线路长度17.9万公里。 |
Electric power grids were linked up throughout the country, and electricity transmission lines of 330 kv or more totaled 179,000 km. |
光伏发电 |
photovoltaic power generation |
例句: 光伏发电增长强劲,装机容量达到300万千瓦。 |
Photovoltaic power generation also reported speedy growth, with a total installed capacity of 3 million kw. |
太阳能热水器集热面积 |
Solar water heating covered a total area |
例句: 太阳能热水器集热面积超过2亿平方米。 |
Solar water heating covered a total area of 200 million sq m. |
太阳能热水器 |
solar water heaters |
例句: 太阳能热水器集热面积超过2亿平方米。 |
Solar water heating covered a total area of 200 million sq m. |
集热 |
heat collection |
例句: 太阳能热水器集热面积超过2亿平方米。 |
Solar water heating covered a total area of 200 million sq m. |
地热能 |
geothermal energy |
例句: 积极开展沼气、地热能、潮汐能等其他可再生能源推广应用。 |
The state also expedites the use of biogas, geothermal energy, tidal energy and other renewable energy resources. |
潮汐能 |
tidal energy |
例句: 积极开展沼气、地热能、潮汐能等其他可再生能源推广应用。 |
The state also expedites the use of biogas, geothermal energy, tidal energy and other renewable energy resources. |
风电机组 |
wind power generators |
例句: 3兆瓦风电机组批量应用,6兆瓦风电机组成功下线。 |
China is now able to independently design and build one-million-kw pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants, and has made outstanding breakthroughs in the R&D of high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and fast reactors. Also, 3,000-kw wind power generators have been mass-produced and 6,000 kw wind power generators have come off the production line. have been mass-produced and 6,000 kw wind power generators have come off the production line. |
用电量 |
electricity consumption |
例句: 与2006年相比,2011年中国人均一次能源消费量达到2.6吨标准煤,提高了31%;人均天然气消费量89.6立方米,提高了110%;人均用电量3493千瓦时,提高了60%。 |
Compared with 2006, the per-capita primary energy consumption in 2011 equaled 2.6 tons of standard coal, a 31 percent increase; the per-capita natural gas consumption reached 89.6 cu m, an increase of 110 percent; and the per-capita electricity consumption was 3,493 kw, a 60 percent increase. |
脱硝 |
denitration |
例句: 加快建设燃煤电厂脱硫、脱硝设施,烟气脱硫机组占全国燃煤机组的比重达到90%左右。 |
Existing power plants have speeded up their desulfurization and denitration upgrading, and coal-fueled generating units with flue gas desulphurization facilities accounted for 90 percent of the national total. |
资源配置 |
resource allocation |
例句: 市场机制在资源配置中发挥出越来越大的作用。 |
The market mechanism is playing an increasingly important role in resource allocation. |
民间投资 |
private investment |
例句: 能源领域投资主体实现多元化,民间投资不断发展壮大。 |
Investors in the energy field are diversified, and private investment in it keeps growing. |
监管体系 |
supervision system |
例句: 电力工业实现政企分开、厂网分离,监管体系初步建立。 |
In the electric power industry, government administrative functions and enterprise management have been separated, as has power production from power transmission, and a supervisory system has taken shape. |
公共机构 |
public institutions |
例句: 加强能源法制建设,近年来新修订出台了《节约能源法》、《可再生能源法》、《循环经济促进法》、《石油天然气管道保护法》以及《民用建筑节能条例》、《公共机构节能条例》等法律法规。 |
The legal system of energy-related laws has been strengthened, and a number of laws and regulations have been amended and published in the past few years, including the Energy Conservation Law, Renewable Energy Law, Circular Economy Promotion Law, Law on the Protection of Oil and Natural Gas Pipelines, Regulations on Energy Conservation in Civil Buildings, and Regulations on Energy Conservation by Public Institutions. |
新兴工业化国家 |
newly industrialized countries |
例句: 中国单位国内生产总值能耗不仅远高于发达国家,也高于一些新兴工业化国家。 |
Energy consumption per unit of GDP is much higher than those of developed countries and some newly industrialized countries. Energy-intensive industries are backward in technology. |
安全风险 |
security risk |
例句: 石油海上运输安全风险加大,跨境油气管道安全运行问题不容忽视。 |
Marine transportation of petroleum and cross-border pipeline transmission of oil and gas face ever-greater security risks. |
油气管道 |
oil and gas pipelines |
例句: 石油海上运输安全风险加大,跨境油气管道安全运行问题不容忽视。 |
Marine transportation of petroleum and cross-border pipeline transmission of oil and gas face ever-greater security risks. |
安全运行 |
safe operation |
例句: 石油海上运输安全风险加大,跨境油气管道安全运行问题不容忽视。 |
Marine transportation of petroleum and cross-border pipeline transmission of oil and gas face ever-greater security risks. |
资源优势 |
resource advantages |
例句: 立足国内资源优势和发展基础,着力增强能源供给保障能力,完善能源储备应急体系,合理控制对外依存度,提高能源安全保障水平。 |
The country relies on domestic resource advantages and its own development basis, makes special efforts to enhance its energy supply capability and security, improves its emergency energy reserve and emergency response systems, and controls its dependence on foreign energy sources. |
生态文明 |
ecological civilization |
例句: 树立绿色、低碳发展理念,统筹能源资源开发利用与生态环境保护,在保护中开发,在开发中保护,积极培育符合生态文明要求的能源发展模式。 |
The state encourages fostering the concept of environment-friendly and low-carbon development, coordinates the development and use of energy resources with the protection of the eco-environment while paying equal attention to both, and actively fosters an energy development pattern that meets the requirements of ecological civilization. |
能源发展模式 |
energy development pattern |
例句: 树立绿色、低碳发展理念,统筹能源资源开发利用与生态环境保护,在保护中开发,在开发中保护,积极培育符合生态文明要求的能源发展模式。 |
The state encourages fostering the concept of environment-friendly and low-carbon development, coordinates the development and use of energy resources with the protection of the eco-environment while paying equal attention to both, and actively fosters an energy development pattern that meets the requirements of ecological civilization. |
走出去 |
go global |
例句: 统筹国内国际两个大局,大力拓展能源国际合作范围、渠道和方式,提升能源“走出去”和“引进来”水平,推动建立国际能源新秩序,努力实现合作共赢。 |
China gives simultaneous consideration to both domestic and international energy development, works to increase the scope, channels and forms of international cooperation, enhances its capability to "introduce" and "go global," propels the establishment of a new international energy order and promotes mutually beneficial cooperation. |
合作共赢 |
mutually beneficial cooperation |
例句: 统筹国内国际两个大局,大力拓展能源国际合作范围、渠道和方式,提升能源“走出去”和“引进来”水平,推动建立国际能源新秩序,努力实现合作共赢。 |
China gives simultaneous consideration to both domestic and international energy development, works to increase the scope, channels and forms of international cooperation, enhances its capability to "introduce" and "go global," propels the establishment of a new international energy order and promotes mutually beneficial cooperation. |
能源贫困 |
energy poverty |
例句: 统筹城乡和区域能源发展,加强能源基础设施和基本公共服务能力建设,尽快消除能源贫困,努力提高人民群众用能水平。 |
The state coordinates energy development in both urban and rural areas, enhances energy infrastructure and basic public services, and strives to eliminate energy poverty and improve civil energy-use conditions. |
工业锅炉 |
industrial boilers |
例句: 实施“十大节能工程”,推动燃煤工业锅炉(窑炉)改造、余热余压利用、电机系统节能、建筑节能、绿色照明、政府机构节能,形成3.4亿吨标准煤的节能能力。 |
China carried out ten key energy-conservation projects, including the innovation of coal-fueled industrial boilers (kilns), surplus heat and pressure utilization, energy saving in electrical motors, construction of energy-saving buildings, the green lighting project, and energy saving in government bodies, thus increasing its energy-conservation capacity to 340 million tons of standard coal. |
窑炉 |
kiln |
例句: 实施“十大节能工程”,推动燃煤工业锅炉(窑炉)改造、余热余压利用、电机系统节能、建筑节能、绿色照明、政府机构节能,形成3.4亿吨标准煤的节能能力。 |
China carried out ten key energy-conservation projects, including the innovation of coal-fueled industrial boilers (kilns), surplus heat and pressure utilization, energy saving in electrical motors, construction of energy-saving buildings, the green lighting project, and energy saving in government bodies, thus increasing its energy-conservation capacity to 340 million tons of standard coal. |
战略性调整 |
strategic restructuring |
例句: 2011年,中国发布了《“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案》,提出“十二五”期间节能减排的主要目标和重点工作,把降低能源强度、减少主要污染物排放总量、合理控制能源消费总量工作有机结合起来,形成“倒逼机制”,推动经济结构战略性调整,优化产业结构和布局,强化工业、建筑、交通运输、公共机构以及城乡建设和消费领域用能管理,全面建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会。 |
In 2011, the State Council released the Comprehensive Work Plan on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period. This plan proposed the major objectives and key actions in the fields of energy conservation and emission reduction during this period. China aims to establish a "reverse coercion mechanism" through the dynamic integration of its efforts in lowering the intensity of energy consumption, reducing the total emissions of major pollutants, and rationally controlling total energy consumption. The "reverse coercion mechanism" helps promote the strategic restructuring of the economy, push forward the optimization of the industrial structure, and strengthen all aspects of energy utilization management in industry, construction, transportation, and public organizations, as well as in the fields of urban and rural construction and consumption, thus contributing to the building of a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society. |
加工贸易 |
processing trade |
例句: 提高加工贸易准入门槛,促进加工贸易转型升级。 |
It raises the entry threshold for processing trade, and promotes its transformation and upgrading. |
转型升级 |
transformation and upgrading |
例句: 提高加工贸易准入门槛,促进加工贸易转型升级。 |
It raises the entry threshold for processing trade, and promotes its transformation and upgrading. |
节能评估审查制度 |
energy-saving evaluation and supervision system |
例句: 建立完善重点行业单位产品能耗限额强制性标准体系,强化节能评估审查制度。 |
It has established and improved a mandatory standards system of quotas for energy consumption per-unit product in key industries, and strengthened the energy-saving evaluation and supervision system. |
绿色建筑 |
green building |
例句: 国家大力发展绿色建筑,全面推进建筑节能。 |
China makes vigorous efforts to construct green buildings and comprehensively advance energy conservation in buildings. |
供热计量 |
heat metering |
例句: 推进北方采暖地区既有建筑供热计量和节能改造,实施“节能暖房”工程,改造供热老旧管网,实行供热计量收费和能耗定额管理。 |
It carries forward heat metering and energy efficiency renovations on existing residential heating systems in the northern regions of China, builds energy-saving greenhouses, improves the old heat-supply network, and practices metered heat-supply charging and energy consumption quota management. |
新能源汽车 |
new energy vehicles |
例句: 积极推进新能源汽车研发与应用,科学规划和建设加气、充电等配套设施。 |
It actively develops and popularizes new energy vehicles, and makes scientific plans for the construction of supporting facilities, including compressed natural gas filling and electricity charging facilities. |
安置政策 |
resettlement policies |
例句: 完善水电移民安置政策,健全利益共享机制。 |
The country strives to improve its resettlement policies regarding local people affected by hydropower projects, and perfect the benefit-sharing mechanism. |
核安全 |
nuclear safety |
例句: 核安全是核电发展的生命线。 |
Nuclear safety is essential for nuclear power development. |
核事故 |
nuclear disaster |
例句: 日本福岛核事故发生后,中国对境内核电厂开展了全面、严格的综合安全检查。 |
Since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011, China has launched comprehensive safety inspections at all nuclear power plants. The inspection results show that nuclear security is guaranteed in China. |
核电厂 |
nuclear power plant |
例句: 日本福岛核事故发生后,中国对境内核电厂开展了全面、严格的综合安全检查。 |
Since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011, China has launched comprehensive safety inspections at all nuclear power plants. The inspection results show that nuclear security is guaranteed in China. |
运行参数 |
operating parameters |
例句: 检查结果表明,中国核电安全是有保障的,在运核电机组20年来从未发生过2级及以上核安全事件(事故),主要运行参数好于世界平均值,部分指标进入国际先进行列或达到国际领先水平。 |
Over the past 20 years, Chinese nuclear power units in operation have never had accidents at and above Level 2, with major operating parameters being better than the world's average and some indices even reaching the leading or advanced world level. |
安全监督 |
safety supervision |
例句: 完善核电监管体系,加强在建及运行核电厂的安全监督检查和辐射环境监督管理。 |
It has improved the supervision system of nuclear power by strengthening safety supervision and inspection, and radiation environment supervision and management at nuclear power plants in operation and under construction. |
辐射环境监督管理 |
radiation environment supervision and management |
例句: 完善核电监管体系,加强在建及运行核电厂的安全监督检查和辐射环境监督管理。 |
It has improved the supervision system of nuclear power by strengthening safety supervision and inspection, and radiation environment supervision and management at nuclear power plants in operation and under construction. |
风电建设 |
wind power construction |
例句: 有序推进西北、华北、东北风能资源丰富地区风电建设,加快分散风能资源的开发利用。 |
It will push forward wind power construction in an orderly way in the northwestern, northern and northeastern regions, which boast abundant wind energy, and speed up the development and utilization of distributed resources. |
技术升级 |
technological upgrading |
例句: 鼓励风电设备企业加强关键技术研发,加快风电产业技术升级。 |
China will encourage wind-power equipment manufacturers to expedite R&D of key technologies, so as to accelerate the technological upgrading of this industry. |
工业应用 |
industrial applications |
例句: 加大太阳能热水器普及力度,鼓励太阳能集中供热水、太阳能采暖和制冷、太阳能中高温工业应用。 |
Intensified efforts will be made to popularize solar water heaters, and promote the development of solar central hot-water supply, solar heating and cooling, and medium- and high-temperature industrial applications of solar energy. |
太阳能集热面积 |
solar heat collection area |
例句: 到2015年,中国将建成太阳能发电装机容量2100万千瓦以上,太阳能集热面积达到4亿平方米。 |
China's installed generating capacity of solar energy is expected to exceed 21 million kw by 2015, with a total solar heat collection area of 400 million sq m. |
作物秸秆 |
crop stalk |
例句: 在粮棉主产区,有序发展以农作物秸秆、粮食加工剩余物和蔗渣等为燃料的生物质发电。 |
It will promote power generation using crop stalks, grain-processing residues and bagasse as fuels in major producing areas of grain and cotton; and carefully develop woody biomass power generation in forest-covered areas. |
加工剩余物 |
processing residue |
例句: 在粮棉主产区,有序发展以农作物秸秆、粮食加工剩余物和蔗渣等为燃料的生物质发电。 |
It will promote power generation using crop stalks, grain-processing residues and bagasse as fuels in major producing areas of grain and cotton; and carefully develop woody biomass power generation in forest-covered areas. |
成型燃料 |
molding fuel |
例句: 发展城市垃圾焚烧和填埋气发电。在具备条件的地区推进沼气等生物质供气工程。因地制宜建设生物质成型燃料生产基地。 |
The country will also speed up the construction of biomass gas, including methane, supply systems in eligible regions, and build production bases of biomass molding fuel in accordance with local conditions. |
生物柴油 |
biodiesel |
例句: 发展生物柴油,开展纤维素乙醇产业示范。 |
Efforts will also be made to develop biodiesel and industrial cellulosic ethanol. |
纤维素乙醇 |
cellulosic ethanol |
例句: 发展生物柴油,开展纤维素乙醇产业示范。 |
Efforts will also be made to develop biodiesel and industrial cellulosic ethanol. |
工业园区 |
industrial parks |
例句: 以城市、工业园区等能源消费中心为重点,大力推进分布式可再生能源技术应用。 |
It will energetically spread the technology of distributed renewable energy, especially in high energy-consumption centers, including cities and industrial parks. |
示范区域 |
demonstration areas |
例句: “十二五”期间建设1000个左右天然气分布式能源项目,以及10个左右各类典型特征的分布式能源示范区域。 |
During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, China will construct about 1,000 projects of natural gas DES, and ten distributed energy demonstration areas with various typical characteristics. |
兼并重组 |
merger and reorganization |
例句: 实施煤炭资源整合和煤矿企业兼并重组,发展大型煤炭企业集团。 |
By means of integration of coal resources, and merger and reorganization of coal mining enterprises, the country will bring into being large coal mining conglomerates. |
长产业链 |
extensive industrial chain |
例句: 按照能源密集、技术密集、资金密集、长产业链、高附加值的发展导向,有序建设煤炭深加工升级示范工程。 |
Following the approach of energy, technology and capital-intensive development with extensive industrial chain and high added value, the country will develop demonstration projects of upgraded downstream products in an orderly way. |
热负荷 |
thermal loads |
例句: 鼓励在大中型城市和工业园区等热负荷集中的地区建设热电联产机组。 |
It encourages the construction of thermoelectricity co-generation units in large- and medium-sized cities and industrial parks where thermal loads are relatively concentrated. |
长三角 |
Yangtze River Delta |
例句: 严格控制在环渤海、长三角、珠三角地区新增除“上大压小”和热电联产之外的燃煤机组。 |
It has imposed strict restrictions on the construction of new coal-fired power generating sets in the Bohai Rim, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta areas, except those built for the purpose of "constructing large units and restricting small ones" and co-generation. |
鄂尔多斯盆地 |
Ordos Basin |
例句: 推进原油增储稳产,稳步推进塔里木盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地等重点石油规模生产区勘探开发。加强老油田稳产改造,提高采收率。 |
The country will steadily increase crude oil output and reserves by means of stepping up efforts in prospecting for and exploiting oil in major oil-production areas, including those in the Tarim and Ordos basins, and improving renovation for stable yields and increasing the recovery ratio in old oilfields. |
地质储量 |
geological reserve |
例句: 中国将加快煤层气勘探开发,增加探明地质储量,推进沁水盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地东缘等煤层气产业化基地建设。 |
It will speed up the exploration and exploitation of coal-bed gas, increase the proven geological reserves, and push forward the construction of industrial bases in the Qinshui Basin and eastern edge of the Ordos Basin. |
页岩气 |
shale gas |
例句: 加快页岩气勘探开发,优选一批页岩气远景区和有利目标区。加快攻克页岩气勘探开发核心技术,建立页岩气勘探开发新机制,落实产业鼓励政策,完善配套基础设施,实现到2015年全国产量达到65亿立方米的总体目标,为页岩气未来的快速发展奠定坚实的基础。 |
In order to accelerate the development of shale gas, the country will select a group of prospective areas and favorable exploration target areas, intensify efforts to solve difficulties in core technology, set up a new development mechanism, implement incentive polices for the shale gas industry, and improve supporting facilities. China aims to increase its annual output of shale gas to 6.5 billion cu m by 2015, and lay a solid foundation for the future rapid development of shale gas., the country will select a group of prospective areas and favorable exploration target areas, intensify efforts to solve difficulties in core technology, set up a new development mechanism, implement incentive polices for the shale gas industry, and improve supporting facilities. China aims to increase its annual output of shale gas to 6.5 billion cu m by 2015, and lay a solid foundation for the future rapid development of shale gas. industry, and improve supporting facilities. China aims to increase its annual output of shale g |
页岩油 |
shale oil |
例句: 加大页岩油、油砂等非常规油气资源勘探开发力度。 |
In addition, it will strengthen the development of shale oil, oil sand and other non-conventional oil and gas resources. |
能源储运 |
energy storage and transportation |
例句: ——加强能源储运设施建设。 |
-- Enhancing the construction of energy storage and transportation facilities. |
承载力 |
bearing capacity |
例句: 综合考虑目标市场,产业布局调整,煤电、风电、核电、天然气发电、抽水蓄能等电源点建设和进口能源,以及资源地的水和生态环境承载力等因素,统筹谋划能源输送通道建设。 |
When making a plan for the construction of energy output channels, China takes many factors into consideration, including target market, industrial restructuring, construction of plants that rely on coal, wind, nuclear energy, natural gas and pumped storage for electricity generation, imported energy resources, and bearing capacity of local water resources and the ecological environment. |
管网建设 |
pipeline network construction |
例句: 加强原油、成品油和天然气主干管网建设,提高油气管输比例,完善区域运输网络,建设沿海大型油气接卸站。 |
The country will expedite the construction of networks of crude oil, product oil and natural gas pipelines, increase the proportion of oil and gas transported by pipelines, improve regional networks of oil and gas pipelines, and build large coastal loading and unloading stations. |
储备体系 |
reserve system |
例句: 统筹资源储备和国家储备、商业储备,加强应急保障能力建设,完善原油、成品油、天然气和煤炭储备体系。 |
China will balance its resource reserves, both state reserves and commercial reserves, enhance its ability to extend emergency support, and improve the reserve system of crude oil, product oil, natural gas and coal. |
能源示范工程 |
energy demonstration projects |
例句: 大力发展农村可再生能源,因地制宜开展绿色能源示范工程,到2015年建成200个绿色能源示范县、1000个太阳能示范村。 |
The Chinese government will put great efforts into developing renewable energy sources in rural areas, and launch various green energy demonstration projects in accordance with local conditions. By 2015, a total of 200 green-energy counties and 1,000 villages using solar energy will be set up as examples. |
推广应用太阳能热水器 |
promotes the use of solar water heaters |
例句: 推广应用太阳能热水器。 |
In addition, the Chinese government promotes the use of solar water heaters around the country. |
西北电网 |
northwest China grid |
例句: 加快“气化南疆”、“气化北疆”等民生能源工程,继续加强新疆与西北电网联网工程建设,推进“疆电外送”能源大通道建设,尽快将新疆资源优势转化为经济优势。 |
The energy projects to improve the people' s livelihood, such as the "Electrification of Southern Xinjiang" and "Electrification of Northern Xinjiang," will be sped up. The state will press on with the project to connect Xinjiang power grid to the northwest China grid so as to form an energy channel as soon as possible to get Xinjiang' s redundant electric power transmitted to other parts of China to generate more funds for the development of Xinjiang. |
能源大通道 |
energy channel |
例句: 加快“气化南疆”、“气化北疆”等民生能源工程,继续加强新疆与西北电网联网工程建设,推进“疆电外送”能源大通道建设,尽快将新疆资源优势转化为经济优势。 |
The energy projects to improve the people' s livelihood, such as the "Electrification of Southern Xinjiang" and "Electrification of Northern Xinjiang," will be sped up. The state will press on with the project to connect Xinjiang power grid to the northwest China grid so as to form an energy channel as soon as possible to get Xinjiang' s redundant electric power transmitted to other parts of China to generate more funds for the development of Xinjiang. |
城镇电网 |
urban grids |
例句: 加强城镇电网改造和升级,提高供电质量和可靠性。 |
The Chinese government will upgrade the urban grids to raise the quality and reliability of power supply in urban areas. |
能源科技创新体系 |
energy technology innovation system |
例句: 中国将更加重视科技创新,加快建设和完善适合中国特点的、产学研一体化的能源科技创新体系。 |
It will establish and complete at full speed an energy technology innovation system that suits China's reality, and combines efforts of enterprises, colleges and research institutes. |
国家能源科技创新体系 |
national energy technology innovation system |
例句: 2011年,中国发布《国家能源科技“十二五”规划》。这一首部能源科技专项规划,确定了勘探与开采、加工与转化、发电与输配电、新能源等四大重点技术领域,全面部署建设“重大技术研究、重大技术装备、重大示范工程及技术创新平台”四位一体的国家能源科技创新体系。 |
The National Energy Technology Program During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, issued in 2011 as China's first scheme to improve its energy technology, has outlined the four key aspects of China's energy technology, namely, exploration and exploitation; processing and conversion; power generation, transmission and distribution; and new energy. The program also contains an overall plan to build a national energy technology innovation system that integrates research into key technology, manufacturing of key equipment, key demonstration projects and a technological innovation platform. |
油气储运 |
oil and gas storage and transportation |
例句: 依托行业骨干企业和科研院所,以应用为导向,鼓励开展煤矿高效集约开采、非常规油气资源勘探开发、高效清洁发电、海上风电、太阳能热发电、先进油气储运、大容量高效率远距离输电等先进适用技术研发应用。 |
The Chinese government encourages major enterprises and research institutes in the industry to carry out studies in advanced and adaptive technologies, and put them into practical use, like high-efficiency and intensive coal mining technology, exploration and development technology of unconventional oil and gas resources, high-efficiency clean technology, offshore wind power technology, solar thermal power technology, advanced oil and gas storage and transportation technology, and high-capacity, high-efficiency and long-distance power transmission technology. |
能源装备 |
energy equipment |
例句: ——推进能源装备技术进步。 |
-- Promoting progress of energy equipment technology. |
认证体系 |
certification system |
例句: 依托重大技术装备工程,加强技术攻关,完善综合配套,建立健全能源装备标准、检测和认证体系,提高重大能源装备设计、制造和系统集成能力。 |
Based on major technological equipment projects, China strives to make technological breakthroughs, improve supporting facilities, set up and enforce technical standards for energy equipment, establish a complete testing and certification system, and raise its ability for energy equipment design, manufacturing and system integration. |
装备设计 |
equipment design |
例句: 依托重大技术装备工程,加强技术攻关,完善综合配套,建立健全能源装备标准、检测和认证体系,提高重大能源装备设计、制造和系统集成能力。 |
Based on major technological equipment projects, China strives to make technological breakthroughs, improve supporting facilities, set up and enforce technical standards for energy equipment, establish a complete testing and certification system, and raise its ability for energy equipment design, manufacturing and system integration. |
能源装备产业 |
energy equipment manufacturing industry |
例句: 加强对能源装备产业的规划引导,防止低水平重复建设。 |
The government will also strengthen planning and guidance for the energy equipment manufacturing industry to prevent redundant construction. |
规划引导 |
planning and guidance |
例句: 加强对能源装备产业的规划引导,防止低水平重复建设。 |
The government will also strengthen planning and guidance for the energy equipment manufacturing industry to prevent redundant construction. |
科技示范 |
technological demonstration |
例句: ——实施重大科技示范工程。 |
-- Launching major technological demonstration projects. |
能源发展方式 |
energy development mode |
例句: 围绕能源发展方式转变和产业转型升级,在大型先进压水堆、高温气冷堆、煤层气开发利用、页岩气勘探开发、煤炭深加工、储能、智能电网等领域,加大资金、技术、政策支持力度,建设重大示范工程,推动科技成果向现实生产力转化。 |
Centering on the transformation of energy development mode and upgrading of the energy industry, the Chinese government will give more support in funding, technology and policy to launch major demonstration projects in such fields as large pressurized-water reactors, high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, development and utilization of coal-bed gas, exploration and development of shale gas, and deep processing of coal, energy storage and smart power grids, thus promoting the application of technological and scientific research achievements in production. |
智能电网 |
smart power grids |
例句: 围绕能源发展方式转变和产业转型升级,在大型先进压水堆、高温气冷堆、煤层气开发利用、页岩气勘探开发、煤炭深加工、储能、智能电网等领域,加大资金、技术、政策支持力度,建设重大示范工程,推动科技成果向现实生产力转化。 |
Centering on the transformation of energy development mode and upgrading of the energy industry, the Chinese government will give more support in funding, technology and policy to launch major demonstration projects in such fields as large pressurized-water reactors, high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, development and utilization of coal-bed gas, exploration and development of shale gas, and deep processing of coal, energy storage and smart power grids, thus promoting the application of technological and scientific research achievements in production. |
顶层设计 |
top design |
例句: 中国将坚定地推进能源领域改革,加强顶层设计和总体规划,加快构建有利于能源科学发展的体制机制,改善能源发展环境,推进能源生产和利用方式变革,保障国家能源安全。 |
China will resolutely implement reform in the energy sector, strengthen top design and overall planning, accelerate the pace of building a system and mechanism for the scientific development of the energy industry, ameliorate the environment for energy development, bring about a revolution in energy production and utilization, and safeguard China's energy security. |
民间资本 |
private capital |
例句: 凡是列入国家能源规划的项目,除法律法规明确禁止的以外,均向民间资本开放。 |
All projects listed in the national energy program, unless forbidden by laws or regulations, are open to private capital. |
煤炭加工 |
coal processing |
例句: 鼓励民间资本参与能源资源勘探开发、石油和天然气管网建设、电力建设,鼓励民间资本发展煤炭加工转化和炼油产业,继续支持民间资本全面进入新能源和可再生能源产业。 |
The Chinese government encourages private capital to participate in the exploration and development of energy resources, oil and natural gas pipeline network construction and the electric power industry, encourages the involvement of private capital in coal processing and oil refining, and supports the entry of private capital into the new energy and renewable energy fields. |
开发权 |
development right |
例句: 加强和规范煤炭勘探开发权管理,逐步取消重点合同煤和市场煤价格双轨制,完善煤炭与煤层气协调发展机制。 |
The Chinese government will intensify and regulate the administration of coal exploration and development rights, gradually eliminate the double-track price system for contracted coal supply and market coal supply, and create a mechanism to balance the development of coal and coal-bed gas. |
能源行业 |
energy sector |
例句: ——加强能源行业管理。 |
-- Tightening administration of the energy sector. |
行政审批 |
administrative examination and approval |
例句: 减少政府对微观事务的干预,简化行政审批事项。加强对垄断行为和不正当竞争行为的监管,建立公开、公平、科学、有效的监管体系。 |
The Chinese government will reduce its intervention in specific matters and simplify administrative examination and approval, while intensify supervision over monopoly and unfair competition by establishing an open, fair, scientific and effective supervision mechanism. |
国际能源署 |
World Energy Agency |
例句: 在多边合作方面,中国是亚太经济合作组织能源工作组、二十国集团、上海合作组织、世界能源理事会、国际能源论坛等组织和机制的正式成员或重要参与方,是能源宪章的观察员国,与国际能源署、石油输出国组织等机构保持着密切联系。 |
China is also a member of or important participant in many multilateral organizations and mechanisms, including the energy working group of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization, Group of 20, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, World Energy Council and International Energy Forum. It is an observer of the Energy Charter, and maintains close relations with such international organizations as the World Energy Agency and the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries. |
供应渠道 |
supply channel |
例句: 中国企业对外投资合作开发的能源资源,90%以上都在当地销售,增加了全球能源市场供应,促进了供应渠道的多元化。 |
Ninety percent of Chinese enterprise-invested energy resources abroad are sold locally, thus increasing and diversifying supplies in the global energy market. |
期货贸易 |
futures trade |
例句: 综合运用期货贸易、长协贸易、转口贸易、易货贸易等方式,推进贸易方式多元化。 |
It will diversify the modes of trade and comprehensively use such methods as futures trade, long-term agreements, entrepot and barter trade. |
货币体系 |
monetary system |
例句: 积极参与全球能源治理,加强与世界各国的沟通与合作,共同应对国际货币体系、过度投机、垄断经营等因素对能源市场的影响,维护国际能源市场及价格的稳定。 |
China will actively participate in global energy management. It will intensify exchanges and cooperation with other countries, addressing together the impact of the international monetary system, excessive speculation and energy market monopoly, thereby maintaining the stability of international energy market and energy price. |
治理机制 |
management mechanism |
例句: 公平合理的国际能源治理机制是维护世界能源市场稳定的重要条件。 |
A fair and rational international energy management mechanism is a prerequisite for a stable global energy market. |
厂网分离 |
power production has been separated from power transmission |
例句: 电力工业实现政企分开、厂网分离,监管体系初步建立。 |
In the electric power industry, government administrative functions and enterprise management have been separated, as has power production from power transmission, and a supervisory system has taken shape. |
珠三角(地区) |
Pearl River Delta |
例句: 严格控制在环渤海、长三角、珠三角地区新增除“上大压小”和热电联产之外的燃煤机组。 |
It has imposed strict restrictions on the construction of new coal-fired power generating sets in the Bohai Rim, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta areas, except those built for the purpose of "constructing large units and restricting small ones" and co-generation. |
能耗定额 |
energy consumption quota |
例句: 推进北方采暖地区既有建筑供热计量和节能改造,实施“节能暖房”工程,改造供热老旧管网,实行供热计量收费和能耗定额管理。 |
It carries forward heat metering and energy efficiency renovations on existing residential heating systems in the northern regions of China, builds energy-saving greenhouses, improves the old heat-supply network, and practices metered heat-supply charging and energy consumption quota management. |
大型煤炭基地 |
large coal mining bases |
非常规油气 |
non-conventional oil and gas resources |
发展海上发电 |
develop offshore wind farms |
成品油 |
product oil |
能源普遍服务 |
universal energy service / the overall level of energy service |
耗能产品 |
energy-consuming products |
1兆瓦 |
1000 KW |
沼气 |
biogas |
循环流化床 |
circulating fluidized bed (CFB) |
煤炭气化及加工转化 |
coal gasification, processing and conversion |
整体煤气化联合循环 |
integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) |
碳捕捉与利用封存 |
carbon capture, utilization and storage |
炼油集聚区 |
refining cluster areas |
余热余压 |
surplus heat and pressure |
单位产品能耗 |
Per-unit product energy consumption |
《国家能源科技“十二五”规划》 |
National Energy Technology Program During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period |
波浪能 |
wave energy |
干热岩 |
hot dry rocks |
循环经济 |
circular economy |
小火电机组 |
small thermal power units |
热电联产 |
simultaneous generation of heat and power |
寿命周期 |
life circle |
“上大压小” |
"constructing large units and restricting small ones" |
油气接卸站 |
loading and unloading stations |
目标责任制 |
a target responsibility system |
问责制 |
an accountability system |
总发电量 |
total power output |
风电开发布局 |
the development layout of wind power |
粮棉主产区 |
major producing areas of grain and cotton |
农作物秸秆 |
crop stalks |
粮食加工剩余物 |
grain-processing residues |
蔗渣 |
bagasse |
新型工业化道路 |
take a new road to industrialization |
油气田采收率 |
recovery ratio of oilfields |
石化 |
petrochemicals |
化工 |
chemical engineering |
余热利用 |
surplus heat utilization |
建筑节能 |
the construction of energy-saving buildings |
能源结构 |
energy consumption mix |
“气化南疆” |
"Electrification of Southern Xinjiang" |
“气化北疆” |
"Electrification of Northern Xinjiang" |
强制采购 |
compulsory procurement |
节能改造 |
energy efficiency renovations |
能耗定额管理 |
energy consumption quota management |
供热计量收费 |
metered heat-supply charging |
节能融资机制 |
an energy-saving mechanism |
高温气冷堆 |
high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGR) |
合同能源管理 |
contract-based energy management |
抽水蓄能 |
pumped storage for electricity generation |
大功率高参数超超临界机组 |
high-capacity, high-parameter and ultra-supercritical generating units |
燃气轮机 |
gas turbines |
三代核电 |
third-generation nuclear power |
可再生能源发电机组 |
renewable energy generating units |
电力需求侧管理 |
power demand-side management (DSM) |
太阳能集热面积 |
a total solar heat collection area of |
水电站 |
hydraulic power plant |
流化床 |
circulating fluidized bed (CFB) |
磁约束核聚变 |
magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) |
高硫高灰分煤炭 |
high-sulfur and high-ash coal |
分布式能源系统 |
distributed energy systems (DES) |
价格波动 |
price fluctuations |
例句: 国际能源市场价格波动增加了保障国内能源供应难度。 |
Price fluctuations in the international energy market make it more difficult to guarantee domestic energy supply. |
四个革命、一个合作 |
Four Reforms and One Cooperation |
创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享 |
innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared (development) |
供给侧结构性改革 |
restructuring of the supply side |
碳峰值 |
hit carbon dioxide emissions peak |
碳中和 |
carbon neutrality |
能源强度 |
energy use intensity |
增储上产 |
increase reserve and production volumes |