原文 | 译文 | 详情 |
术语原文 | 术语译文 | - |
市场主体 | Market main body | - |
防控 | Prevention and control | - |
习近平 | Xi Jinping | - |
小微企业 | Small and micro enterprises | - |
全国各族人民 | People of all ethnic groups in China | - |
中小微企业 | Small and medium-sized enterprises | - |
诚挚感谢 | Sincere thanks | - |
新冠 | COVID-19 | - |
目标任务 | Target Task | - |
坚强领导 | Strong leadership | - |
习近平同志 | Comrade Xi Jinping | - |
科技创新 | Scientific and technological innovation | - |
行政区同胞 | Administrative Compatriots | - |
体制机制 | Institutional mechanisms | - |
产权保护 | Property right protection | - |
区域发展 | Regional development | - |
体系建设 | System construction | - |
过去一年 | Past year | - |
居民消费 | Residents' consumption | - |
个体工商户 | Individual industrial and commercial households | - |
脱贫攻坚 | Get rid of poverty | - |
主要目标任务 | Main Objectives and Tasks | - |
宏观政策 | Macro policy | - |
现代化建设 | Modernization construction | - |
推动产业 | Promote industry | - |
社会主义现代化建设 | Socialist modernization | - |
大国外交 | Great power diplomacy | - |
严格食品 | Strict food | - |
企业养老保险 | Enterprise endowment insurance | - |
秋季学期 | Fall semester | - |
能源安全 | Energy security | - |
生命安全 | Life safety | - |
人民生命 | People's lives | - |
最大限度保护 | Maximum protection | - |
聚集性疫情 | Cluster epidemic | - |
常态化 | Normalization | - |
及时调整 | Timely adjustment | - |
城镇化 | Urbanization | - |
生产生活 | Production and living | - |
市场平稳 | The market is stable | - |
生活秩序 | Life order | - |
社会保持 | Social maintenance | - |
决策部署 | Decision Deployment | - |
检测能力 | Detection capability | - |
统筹推进 | Overall promotion | - |
基层治理 | Grass-roots governance | - |
促进世界 | Promote the world | - |
腐败斗争 | The fight against corruption | - |
短板 | Shortboard | - |
推进疫情 | Promote the epidemic | - |
经济体 | Economies | - |
特色社会主义思想 | Characteristic socialism thought | - |
经济社会发展 | Economic and social development | - |
人民满意 | People's satisfaction | - |
重大战略 | Major strategy | - |
快速发展 | Rapid development | - |
实施宏观 | Macro implementation | - |
小康社会 | Well-off society | - |
经济基本盘 | Basic economic disk | - |
人居环境 | Human settlement environment | - |
六保 | Six Guarantees | - |
发展体制 | Development system | - |
稳中求进 | Strive for progress while maintaining stability | - |
修订行政 | Revised Administration | - |
规模性政策 | Scale policy | - |
全面建成小康社会 | Build a well-off society in an all-round way | - |
规模性 | Scale | - |
人员基本 | Basic Personnel | - |
平衡点 | Equilibrium point | - |
公共文化服务 | Public cultural services | - |
严重冲击 | Severe impact | - |
督查 | Supervision | - |
经济深度 | Economic depth | - |
推进扫黑 | Promote anti-triad | - |
二十国集团领导人峰会 | G 20 Leaders Summit | - |
中央八项规定 | Eight central regulations | - |
领导人系列会议 | Leaders' series meetings | - |
视频方式 | Video mode | - |
载入 | Load | - |
经合组织领导人 | OECD Leaders | - |
实施阶段 | Implementation phase | - |
人类命运共同体 | Community of human destiny | - |
大规模减税 | Large-scale tax reduction | - |
广大人民群众 | The broad masses of the people | - |
制度性安排 | Institutional arrangement | - |
核心技术 | Core technology | - |
科技成果转化 | Transformation of scientific and technological achievements | - |
政策实施 | Policy implementation | - |
决定性成就 | Decisive achievement | - |
知识产权保护力度 | Protection of intellectual property rights | - |
实施方式 | Embodiment | - |
大中小企业 | Large | - |
中央财政 | medium and small enterprises | - |
战略性新兴产业 | Central finance | - |
省级财政 | Strategic emerging industries | - |
推进新型 | Provincial finance | - |
加大资金 | Promote new type | - |
城乡区域 | Increase funds | - |
降低利率 | Urban and rural areas | - |
房地产市场 | Lower interest rates | - |
低利率水平 | Real estate market | - |
加快恢复 | Low interest rate level | - |
利率水平 | Accelerate recovery | - |
煤电 | Interest rate level | - |
付息 | Coal power | - |
保障能力 | Interest payment | - |
大型商业银行 | Support capability | - |
依法行政 | Large commercial banks | - |
金融系统 | Administration according to law | - |
审议法律 | Financial system | - |
实体经济 | Consideration of laws | - |
委员提案 | Real economy | - |
点对点 | Member's proposal | - |
全面深化 | Point-to-point | - |
国内生产总值增长 | Comprehensively deepen | - |
卫生体系 | GDP growth | - |
生产总值增长 | Health system | - |
治疗费用 | Gross domestic product growth | - |
重点群体 | Treatment costs | - |
基础养老金 | Focus groups | - |
大众创业万众创新 | Basic pension | - |
保险基金 | Mass entrepreneurship and innovation | - |
万众创新 | Insurance fund | - |
完善城乡 | Innovation by all | - |
带动就业 | Improve urban and rural areas | - |
审计监督 | Promoting employment | - |
快速增长 | Audit supervision | - |
生产安全事故 | Rapid growth | - |
就业岗位 | Production safety accident | - |
社会治安综合治理 | Jobs | - |
城镇新增就业 | Comprehensive management of social security | - |
党风廉政建设 | New employment in cities and towns | - |
新增就业 | Building a clean and honest government | - |
主题教育 | New employment | - |
全国城镇 | Theme education | - |
中国特色大国外交 | National towns | - |
调查失业率 | Great Power Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics | - |
习近平主席 | Survey the unemployment rate | - |
大发展中国家 | President Xi Jinping | - |
世界卫生大会 | Large developing countries | - |
发展中国家 | World Health Assembly | - |
十国集团 | Developing countries | - |
保持就业 | Group of Ten | - |
正式会议 | Maintain employment | - |
生活必需品 | Formal meeting | - |
多边主义 | The necessities of life | - |
居民消费价格 | Multilateralism | - |
支持国际 | Consumer price | - |
消费价格 | Support international | - |
应对冲击 | Consumer price | - |
网络购物 | Coping with shocks | - |
各位代表 | Online shopping | - |
保险保障 | Delegates | - |
思想科学 | Insurance protection | - |
临时救助 | Ideological science | - |
财政收支 | Temporary relief | - |
严重洪涝 | Fiscal revenue and expenditure | - |
直面问题 | Severe flood | - |
洪涝 | Face up to the problem | - |
突破性成果 | Flood and waterlogging | - |
抢险救援 | Breakthrough achievement | - |
加大知识 | Emergency rescue | - |
生命财产安全 | Increase knowledge | - |
支持科技 | Safety of life and property | - |
财产安全 | Support science and technology | - |
成果转化 | Property security | - |
较大幅度 | Achievement transformation | - |
全面创新 | Large amplitude | - |
资金投入 | Comprehensive innovation | - |
智能化改造 | Capital investment | - |
难度大 | Intelligent transformation | - |
战略性新兴 | Difficult | - |
精准落实 | Strategic Emerging | - |
发展势头 | Accurate implementation | - |
落实各项 | Development momentum | - |
新型城镇化 | Implement various | - |
发展格局 | New urbanization | - |
乡村振兴 | Development pattern | - |
因城施策 | Rural revitalization | - |
农村贫困人口 | Policy according to the city | - |
建成小康 | Rural poor | - |
加大城镇 | Build a well-off society | - |
贫困人口 | Enlargement of towns | - |
促进房地产 | Poor people | - |
碧水 | Promote real estate | - |
地产市场 | Clear water | - |
净土保卫战 | Real estate market | - |
平稳健康 | Defence of Pure Land | - |
污染防治 | Stable and healthy | - |
乡村建设 | Pollution control | - |
阶段性目标 | Rural construction | - |
推进煤电 | Stage objectives | - |
海岸带 | Promote coal and electricity | - |
重要生态 | Coastal zone | - |
系统保护 | Important ecology | - |
安全保障能力 | System Protection | - |
重大工程 | Security capability | - |
区域协调发展 | Major project | - |
政府债务 | Regional coordinated development | - |
新举措 | Government debt | - |
债务风险 | New initiatives | - |
社会建设 | Debt risk | - |
金融风险 | Social construction | - |
全国人大常委会 | Financial risk | - |
风险隐患 | Standing Committee of the National People's Congress | - |
法律议案 | Potential risks | - |
内生动力 | Legal bill | - |
代表建议 | Endogenous power | - |
要素市场 | The representative suggested that | - |
线上教学 | Factor market | - |
教育领域 | Online teaching | - |
全面复学 | The field of education | - |
高职院校 | Full return to school | - |
深化教育 | Higher vocational colleges | - |
全面胜利 | Deepen education | - |
综合改革 | A total victory | - |
加强产权 | Comprehensive reform | - |
公共卫生体系 | Strengthen property rights | - |
优化营商环境 | Public health system | - |
核酸检测 | Optimize the business environment | - |
营商环境 | Nucleic acid detection | - |
肺炎患者 | Business environment | - |
国企改革 | Pneumonia patient | - |
退休人员 | Reform of state-owned enterprises | - |
行动方案 | Retirees | - |
基本养老金 | Action programme | - |
企业发展 | Basic pension | - |
最低标准 | Enterprise development | - |
完善资本市场 | Minimum standard | - |
养老保险 | Improve the capital market | - |
资本市场 | Old-age insurance | - |
统收统支 | Capital market | - |
市场基础 | Unified collection and expenditure | - |
文化服务 | Market base | - |
扎实推进 | Cultural services | - |
城乡基层治理 | Make solid progress | - |
推进农业 | Urban and rural grass-roots governance | - |
信访工作 | Promote agriculture | - |
农业农村 | Letters and visits | - |
监督作用 | Agriculture and rural areas | - |
社会事业 | Supervisory role | - |
全国人口普查 | Social undertakings | - |
领域改革 | National census | - |
安全事故 | Domain reform | - |
一带一路 | Safety accident | - |
食品药品 | The Belt and Road Initiative | - |
稳步推进 | Food and medicine | - |
治安综合治理 | Steady progress | - |
自由贸易港 | Comprehensive management of public security | - |
专项斗争 | Free trade port | - |
重大举措 | Special struggle | - |
反腐败斗争 | Major initiatives | - |
成功举办 | Fight against corruption | - |
不忘初心 | Successfully held | - |
国际进口博览会 | Do not forget your initiative mind | - |
落实中央 | International Import Expo | - |
国际服务贸易 | Implement the central government | - |
八项规定 | International trade in services | - |
服务贸易 | Eight regulations | - |
特色大国外交 | Trade in services | - |
推动区域 | Characteristic big country diplomacy | - |
外交卓有成效 | Promote the region | - |
区域全面经济伙伴关系 | Diplomacy is fruitful | - |
国家领导人 | Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership | - |
全面经济 | National leaders | - |
级别会议 | Overall economy | - |
经济伙伴关系协定 | Level segment | - |
世界卫生 | Economic Partnership Agreement | - |
伙伴关系 | World Health | - |
二十国集团 | Partnership | - |
关系协定 | Group of 20 | - |
亚太经合组织 | Relationship Agreement | - |
投资协定谈判 | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | - |
非正式会议 | Investment Agreement Negotiation | - |
产业链 | Informal meetings | - |
欧盟领导人 | Industrial chain | - |
供应链 | EU leaders | - |
重大活动 | Supply Chain | - |
促进科技 | Major Events | - |
构建人类 | Promotion of science and technology | - |
代表国务院 | Building Human Beings | - |
命运共同体 | On behalf of the State Council | - |
世界经济深度 | Community of destiny | - |
卫生健康 | Depth of world economy | - |
香港特别行政区 | Hygiene and health | - |
发展作出 | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | - |
澳门特别行政区 | Develop and make | - |
展现出 | Macao Special Administrative Region | - |
中国现代化建设 | Show | - |
一切困难 | China's modernization drive | - |
肯定成绩 | All difficulties | - |
中国特色社会主义 | Affirm achievements | - |
投资增长 | Socialism with Chinese characteristics | - |
社会主义思想 | Investment growth | - |
关键领域 | Socialist thought | - |
人民团结 | Key areas | - |
脱贫攻坚战 | People's unity | - |
各民主党派 | Fight against poverty | - |
产业转型升级 | Democratic parties | - |
香港特别行政区同胞 | Industrial transformation and upgrading | - |
转型升级 | Compatriots in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | - |
建设国际 | Transformation and upgrading | - |
国际科技 | Building International | - |
支持中国 | International Science and Technology | - |
创新中心 | Support China | - |
各国政府 | Innovation Center | - |
综合性国家 | Governments | - |
不确定因素 | Comprehensive country | - |
国家科学中心 | Uncertainty factor | - |
就业压力 | National Science Center | - |
科学中心 | Employment pressure | - |
创新能力 | Science Center | - |
国家实验室 | Innovation ability | - |
生态环保 | National Laboratory | - |
天问一号 | Eco-environmental protection | - |
腐败问题 | Tianwen-1 | - |
嫦娥五号 | Corruption | - |
人民期待 | Chang 'e-5 | - |
工作回顾 | People's expectation | - |