
原文 译文 详情
​红色资源 sites and heritage related to CPC history -
作战室 War Room -
左倾机会主义 the “Left” opportunism -
遵义会议精神 The spirit of the Zunyi Conference -
遵义会议 Zunyi Conference -
最后胜利 Final victory -
最高领导机构 the supreme agency -
组织委员会 the Organization Committee -
总司令部 General Headquarters -
总司令驻地 the commander-in-chief’s residence -
总任务 general task -
总后方 the main rearguard area -
中国外交 Chinese diplomacy -
“拥军优抗”运动 the CPC Central Military Commission -
中央指示 the directives of the Central Committee of our Party -
中央组织委员会 the Organization Committee -
中央大礼堂 the Great Auditorium -
​正本清源、守正创新 to tackle problems at their roots, keep to the right path, and make innovations -
“731部队”(满洲第731部队) “Unit 731” (Unit 731 of Manchuria) -
“蚕食” “gnawing-away” operation -
“大东亚共荣圈” “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” -
“清乡” “pacification” operation -
“三光”政策 “Three Alls” policy (kill all, burn all, loot all) -
“三三制”原则 the “Three-Thirds System” -
“扫荡” “mopping-up” operation -
“慰安妇” “comfort women” -
“拥军优抗”运动 campaign of “supporting the army and giving preferential treatment to families of soldiers fighting against Japanese” -
“拥政爱民”运动 campaign of “supporting the government and cherishing the people" -
“左”倾错误 be leaning to the ideological left -
《八一宣言》 August First Declaration -
《对日寇的最后一战》 “The Last Round with the Japanese Invaders” -
挨户团 the landlords' levies -
爱国青年 patriotic youth -
爱国主义教育 patriotism education -
爱国主义教育基地 Patriotism education base -
爱国主义精神薪火相传 The spirit of patriotism is handed down from one generation to the next. -
爱国主义情怀 patriotism -
安源精神 the Anyuan spirit -
八路军 the Eighth Route Army -
八路军后方留守处 the Rear Office of the Eighth Route Army -
八路军留守兵团 the Rear Corps of the Eighth Route Army -
坝下肖村 Baxiaxiao Village -
白求恩精神 Spirit of Norman Bethune -
白色恐怖 the White terror -
白色政权 a White regime  -
百团大战 the Hundred Regiments Campaign -
百团大战 Hundred-Regiment Campaign -
半殖民地中国 semicolonial China -
宝贵经验 valuable experience -
宝塔山 Baota Shan -
保安队 the peace preservation corps  -
保北战役 Battle in Baobei -
保护、传承、弘扬黄河文化 to protect, inherit and carry forward the Yellow River culture -
保卫战 the war in defense of -
北京条约 Treaty of Beijing -
北平 Beiping -
北上抗日 move north to resist Japanese aggression -
边界党  the Party in the border area  -
边界土地革命  the agrarian revolution in the border area -
边界问题 boundary issue -
边界政权割据  the independent border area -
边区 the Border Region -
边区参议会 The Border Region Council -
边区武装力量 the armed forces of the border region -
不尚空谈 refraining from empty talk -
不忘初心 stay true to the original inspiration of the elder generation -
参谋人员 Staff Officers -
城市罢工 strikes by the workers in the cities -
城市买办阶级 the comprador class in the cities -
城市民众政权 the people held political power in the city  -
持久战 fighting a protracted war -
持久战 protracted war -
赤卫队 local Red Guards -
大本营 the national headquarters of -
大革命时期 During the Great Revolution -
大规模“扫荡” widespread obliteration by the Japanese -
大会代表 Congress delegates -
大决战 Great Decisive Campaigns -
大决战 Great Decisive Campaigns -
大陇 Dalong -
大生产运动 the Large-Scale Production Campaign -
大生产运动 the Large-Scale Production Movement -
大生产运动 Large-Scale Production Campaign -
大型红色旅游公园 large-scale Red Tourism park -
党的建设 party building -
党的七大 the Seventh National Congress of the CPC -
党的十一届三中全会 . The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee -
党的作风 the Party's style of work -
党军委 the Army Committee of the Party -
党特委 the Border Area Special Committee of the Party -
党务委员会 Party Affairs Committee -
党章 the Party Constitution -
党政军民的团结 the unity of the Party, local governments, the army and the people -
党支部书记 the Party branch secretary -
得其大者可以兼其小 The finer details fall into place when they align with the bigger picture. -
德才兼备的干部 talented cadres of political integrity -
敌后抗日民主根据地 anti-Japanese and demecratic bases behind enermy lines -
敌后游击战争 guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines -
敌后战场 the battlefields behind enemy lines -
敌后战场 backstage battlefield -
敌后长期抗战 the protracted war of resistance behind the enemy lines -
敌占区(沦陷区) enemy-occupied area; occupied area -
地道战 tunnel warfare -
地方工作科 Local Work Office -
地方武装 the local armed forces  -
地雷战 landmine warfare -
地主豪绅阶级 the landlord class and the bourgeoisie -
帝国主义 imperialism -
帝国主义 imperialist powers -
帝国主义各国 the imperialist powers -
帝国主义国家 the imperialist countries -
第二次国共两党合作 a return to cooperation between the KMT and the Communist Party -
第二次全国苏维埃代表大会 the Second National Soviet Congress -
第五次反“围剿” the Fifth Campaign against “encirclement and suppression” -
第一驻地 the first station -
典型人物和事迹 role models and the exemplary deeds -
东北抗日联军 Northeast United Resistance Army -
东方主战场 the main Eastern battlefield -
渡江战役 the Cross-the-Yangtze-River Campaign -
对日全面反攻作战 all-out attacks against the Japanese aggressors -
对外贸易局 the Bureau of Foreign Trade -
对外政策 The foreign policy -
二流子 good-for-nothing individuals -
二中全会 the Second Plenary Session -
发样地 cradle -
发展规划 development plan -
发展计划 Development Plan -
发展经济的前锋 a pioneering example of economic development -
反“围剿”斗争 counter-encirclement and -suppression campaign -
反动军队 reactionary forces -
反动派 the reactionaries -
反革命 counterrevolution -
反革命统治 under counter-revolutionary rule -
反共高潮 anti-Communist onslaughts -
丰功伟业 great achievements -
封锁线 blockade -
凤凰山 Phoenix Mountain Culture Square -
凤凰山麓 The foothills of Fenghuang Mountain -
富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈 never be corrupted by wealthorstatus,depart from principle due to poverty orhumble position, or bow down to power or force -
改良主义运动 a reform movement of considerable proportions -
干部队伍建设 building of cadre team -
干部科 the Party Cadre Office -
干部学校 cadre schools -
干部作风 the work practices of its cadres -
高等教育局 Bureau of Higher Education -
高级干部 the senior cadres -
割据局面  create an independent regime -
革命博物馆 Museum of Revolution -
革命传统 revolutionary tradition -
革命传统教育 Revolutionary traditional education -
革命道路 the revolutionary road -
革命建国理论 revolution and construction of the nation for the Chinese people -
革命乐观主义 revolutionary optimism -
革命乐观主义精神 revolutionry optimism -
革命历史 revolutionary history -
革命前辈的丰功伟绩 the great achievements of the revolutionaries -
革命情绪 the revolutionary ardour -
革命文化  a revolutionary culture -
革命先烈 the revolutionary martyrs -
革命遗址 Revolutionary sites -
革命英雄主义 revolutionary heroism -
革命战争年代 the years of wars fight for independence and against foreign invasion -
各级民主政权 democratic government at all levels -
各派新旧军阀 the White regime -
各项规章 Regulations -
根本宗旨 the basic tenet of -
根据地人民 people of the revolutionary base area -
工程指导 Engineering guidance -
工会 trade unions -
工农暴动队  the workers' and peasants' insurrection detachments -
工农阶级 the working class and the peasantry -
工农武装割据 establishing independent regimes of the workers and the peasants by armed force -
工农武装割据 the armed independent regime of workers and peasants -
工农小资产阶级 petty bourgeoisie -
工农运动 the workers’ and peasants’ movements -
工人俱乐部 Workers Club  -
工人运动 Workers Movement -
公馆 residence -
功崇惟志,业广惟勤 Great accomplishments require ambition and tireless effort. -
巩固统一战线 consolidated the united front -
共产国际 The Communist International -
共产国际决议和苏联经验神圣化 regard the Comintern’s decisions and the Soviet experience as sacred -
共产主义理想  ideal to communism -
共产主义信念  faith of the communists -
苟利国家生死以, Were it to benefit my country I would lay down my life; -
古田会议精神 The spirit of the Gutian Meeting -
光辉历史 remarkable achievements -
滚木垒石 rolling logs and stones -
国共两党合作 cooperation between the KMT and the CPC -
国际反法西斯统一战线 the international anti-fascist united front -
国际国内 International and domestic -
国际友人 international friends -
国际指示 the directives of the Communist International -
国际主义精神 spirit of internationalism -
国家行政机关 a national administrative organ -
国家和民族的事业 the cause of your country and its people. -
国家森林公园 National Forest Park -
国家一级博物馆 a state-level museum -
国民党统治区 KMT-occupied areas -
国民党统治区 the KMT-ruled areas -
国民党顽固派 Kuomintang die-hards -
国民党顽固派 the KMT diehards -
国民党新军阀 the new warlords of the Kuomintang -
国民革命军 the National Revolutionary Army  -
国民经济发展 comprehensive economic regulation -
国体 state system -
国有企业管理 Management of state-owned enterprises -
国有企业管理局 state-owned enterprises -
海外华侨 overseas Chinese -
行百里者半九十 On reaching the last leg of a journey, you are only half way there. -
和而不同 harmony in diversity -
和平建国 achieve the peaceful founding of New China -
河北战役 Battle in Hebei -
红船精神 The pioneering spirit of the “Red Boat” in which the CPC held its first meeting -
红二十五 the Twenty-fifth Army -
红井 Hongjing -
红军不怕远征难 The Red Army, facing down challenges on its march, -
红军第二方面军 the Second Front Armies of the Red Army -
红军第二十九团 the Red Army's 28th Regiment -
红军第四方面军 the Fourth Front Armies of the Red Army -
红军第一方面军 the First Front Armies of the Red Army -
红军烈士 The Red Army Martyrs -
红军三大主力 【包括红一方面军(中央红军)、红二方面军、红四方面军。】 three main forces of the Red Army 【 The three main forces of the Red Army were the First Front Army (also known as the Central Red Army), the Second Front Army, and the Fourth Front Army.】 -
红军三大主力会师 the three main parts of the Red Army joined forces -
红旗渠精神 The spirit of building the Hongqi Canal -
红色政权 Red political power -
红四军 The Fourth Army of the Red Army -
红星耀中华 the Red Star Shining China -
红岩精神 The spirit of revolutionary martyrs at Red Crag -
滹沱河 Hutuo River -
湖南国民党军 the KMT Hunan Army -
湖南省委代表 the representative of the Hunan Provincial Committee -
湖南特委  the Southern Hunan Special Committee -
华北财经办事处 the North China Financial and Economic Office -
华北解放区 the liberated areas in North China -
华南抗日游击队 the Anti-Japanese Guerrillas in South China -
华南人民抗日游击队 Southern China People’s Counter-Japanese Guerrilla Force -
化学战 chemical warfare -
淮海战役 Huai-Hai Campaign -
淮海战役 the Huai-Hai Campaign -
黄洋界 Huangyangjie -
黄洋界保卫战 the war in defense of Huangyangjie. -
黄洋界炮台 Huangyangjie Barbette -
会宁会师 the joining of Red Army forces at Huining -
伙食费 the daily food allowance -
基本政策 Basic policy -
基本政治制度 basic political system -
集体智慧的结晶 the crystallization of the collective wisdom of -
纪念白求恩 In Memory of Dr. Norman Bethune -
济南惨案 the Tsinan Massacre -
艰苦奋斗 hard work -
蒋桂冯阎四派 the four cliques of the new Kuomintang warlords, Chiang Kai-shek, the Kwangsi warlords, Feng Yu-hsiang and Yen Hsi-shan -
蒋家王朝 the regime of Jiang -
教育基地 patriotism education -
解放 Liberation -
解放区 Liberated Areas -
解放区军民 the army and people in the liberated areas -
解放日报 Jiefang Daily -
解放日报社 the Jiefang Daily agency -
解放思想 emancipating the mind -
解放思想、实事求是的思想路线 an ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts -
解放战争 the War of Liberation -
解放战争 the War of Liberation -
解放战争时期 During the War of Liberation -
紧急关头 at risk, -
晋察冀 Jin-Cha-Ji (Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei) -
晋察冀军事斗争 the Military Struggle in Jin-Cha-Ji (Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei) -
晋察野战军 the Jin-Cha Field Army -
经济发展规划 an economic development plan -
经济封锁 economic blockade -
经济封锁 economic blockades -
经济综合调控 comprehensive economic regulation -
精神文化 spiritual culture -
井冈会师 the Joining Forces in Jinggangshan -
井冈山斗争 the revolutionary struggle in Jinggangshan -
井冈山根据地 Jinggangshan Revolution Base. -
井冈山会师 Joining Forces in Jinggangshan -
井冈山精神 The spirit of the first revolutionary base in the Jinggang Mountains -
井冈星火 A little spark in Jinggangshan -
九陇山区 the Chiulung mountain area -
九一八事变 September 18th Incident -
旧居 Former Residence -
旧军阀 the old warlords -
鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 I will work heart and soul for my country to the day I draw my last breath. -
局部反攻 a partial counter-offensive -
局部抗战 regional war of resistance against Japanese aggression -
决战前夕 On the Eve of the Three Decisive Campaigns -
军事包围 the military encirclements -
军事斗争 Military Struggle -
军事根据地 the military base -
军事力量 the military power -
军团负责人 heads of the Army Corps -
君子一言,驷马难追 A word spoken is a word that must be honored. -
开荒生产 reclaiming wasteland for production -
抗大精神 the Spirit of Kang-Da (Chinese People’s Anti-Japanese Military and Political College) -
抗大精神 The spirit of the Military and Political University of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression -
抗美援朝 the War to Resist U.S.Aggression and Aid Korea -
抗日根据地 anti-Japanese bases -
抗日根据地 resistance base -
抗日救国十大纲领 the Ten-Point Program for Resisting Japan and Saving the Nation -
抗日救亡运动 the Anti-Japanese National Salvation movement -
抗日救亡运动 the Anti-Japanese National Salvation movement, -
抗日民主政权 the anti-Japanese democratic regimes -
抗日民族统一战线 a national united front against Japanese aggression -
抗日民族统一战线 Chinese united front against Japanese aggression -
抗日前线 the battle front -
抗日前线 the frontline battlefield -
抗日游击队 the Anti-Japanese Guerrillas -
抗日战争时期 During War of Resistance against Japan -
抗战精神 The spirit of the Resistance Against Japanese Aggression -
抗战胜利果实 the fruits of the people’s victory -
劳动英雄 labor heroes -
劳模精神 the Spirit of Model Workers -
里程碑 milestone -
理论建设 theoretical construction -
理论联系实践 combining theory with practice -
理论水平 theoretical level -
理论探索 Theoretical exploration -
理论宣传 theoretical publicity -
历史关头 historical juncture -
历史性贡献 a historic contribution -
联席会议 the joint meeting -
联系群众 keeping close contact with the masses -
两个务必 Two Musts -
辽沈、淮海、平津三大战役 Liaoxi-Shenyang Campaign, the Huai-Hai Campaign and the Beiping-Tianjin Campaign -
辽沈战役 Liaoxi-Shenyang Campaign -
辽沈战役 the Liaoxi-Shenyang Campaign -
燎原之势 a great fire throughout the country. -
列宁小学 lenin primary schools -
临时中央政府机关 the interim central government -
领导地位 Leadership -
留取丹心照汗青 When my day comes, may my loyalty be inscribed in the pages of history. -
龙江书院 Longjiang Academy -
卢沟桥事变 the Lugouqiao Incident -
论持久战 On Protracted War -
论发展边区的经济建设 On Economic Development of the Border Region -
论共产党员的修养 How to Be a Good Communist -
罗霄山脉  the Lohsiao mountain range -
洛川会议 the Luochuan Meeting -
马克思列宁主义 Marxism-Leninism -
马克思主义教条化 take Marxism as something rigid -
买办大资产阶级  the big comprador bourgeoisie -
买办豪绅阶级  the comprador and landlord classes -
毛泽东旧居 Former Residence of Mao Zedong -
毛泽东思想 Mao Zedong Thought -
毛泽东同志 Comrade Mao Zedong -
毛泽东选集 The Selected Works of Mao Zedong -
毛主席 mao zedong -
冒进政策 the policy of expansion by adventurist advance -
密切联系群众 connecting closely with the masses -
民国元年 the first year of the Republic -
民众拥护  the support of the people -
民主革命  the democratic revolution -
民主革命时期 the democratic revolution period -
民主政治建设 develop democratic politics -
民族革命 the national revolution -
民族革命战争 a national revolutionary war -
民族解放战争 the war for national liberation -
民族资产阶级 the national bourgeoisie -
模范试验区 the model pilot area -
南昌起义 the Nanchang Uprising -
南昌起义 The Nanchang Uprising -
南昌起义余部 the remaining forces of the Nanchang Uprising -
南京大屠杀 Nanjing Massacre -
南泥湾 Nanniwan -
南泥湾精神 Nanniwan Spirit, -
南泥湾精神 The spirit of Nanniwan farming for self-reliance -
南翼 South wing -
宁冈 Ninggang -
农村包围城市 using the rural areas to overcome the cities. -
农村暴动 insurrections by the peasants -
农军 the peasant army -
农民的割据 independent regimes of peasants  -
农民协会 peasant associations -
欧洲战场 European theater -
批评与自我批评 criticism and self-criticism -
片面抗战 partial resistance against Japanese aggression -
平津战役 the Beiping-Tianjin Campaign -
平山县 Pingshan County -
平型关大捷 Battle of Pingxingguan; victory at Pingxingguan -
七届二中全会 the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh CPC Central Committee -
七七事变(卢沟桥事变) July 7th Incident (Lugou Bridge Incident) -
岂因祸福避趋之 What then is risk to me? -
起义部队 Uprising troops -
前敌委员会  the Front Committee -
青沧战役 battle in Qingcang -
青年运动的方向 Orientation of the Youth Movement -
秋收起义 the Autumn Harvest Uprising -
秋收起义部队 the troops of the Autumn Harvest Uprising -
区乡政权 political power in the districts and townships -
全党理论水平 the theoretical level of the Party’s members -
全国爱国主义教育示 范基地先进集体 Advanced Group of National Patriotism Education Demonstration Bases -
全国代表大会 National Congress -
全国革命 National revolution -
全国革命大本营 the national headquarters of the revolution -
全国革命形势 the nation-wide revolutionary situation  -
全国工、农、商 the nation’s industries, agriculture and businesses -
全国抗战 nationwide war of resistance against Japanese aggression -
全国性红色政权 nationwide Red political power -
全国重点文物保护单位 a key cultural heritage site under state protection -
全国总政权 the nation-wide seizure of political power -
全面进攻 the all-out invasion -
全面抗战 the full-scale outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War -
全面抗战路线 comprehensive resistance -
全面内战 the full-scale civil war -
全面全民族抗战 total resistance against Japanese aggression by the whole nation -
全面推行 Full implementation -
全民抗战 nationwide resistance against Japanese invasion -
全盛时期 at its peak -
全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨 a basic principle of serving the people with heart and soul -
群众基础 mass base -
群众条件 mass basis -
人民革命力量 the people’s forces -
人民解放军 People’s Liberation Army -
人民委员会 People's Committee -
人民武装力量 armed forces of the people -
人民战争 the war of the masses -
人生自古谁无死, Everyone will one day die; -
三大优良作风 three definitive work styles -
三大战略决战 the three decisive battles -
三三制 the “Three-Thirds System” -
森林公园 Forest Park -
沙洲坝红井革命遗址 the Shazhouba Hongjing Scenic Area -
沙洲坝镇 Shazhouba Town -
陕甘革命根据地 Shaanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base -
陕甘宁边区 the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region -
陕甘宁晋绥联防军司令部 the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia-Shanxi-Suiyuan Joint Defense Headquarters -
社会主义社会 Socialist society -
社会主义思想 Thought on Socialism -
社会转变 Social transformation -
施政纲领 administrative program -
十大政策 ten major policies -
石门 Shimen -
实事求是 seeking truth from facts -
士兵委员会 soldiers' committees -
士地革命战争 agrarian revolutionary war -
示范基地 Demonstration Base -
世界反法西斯战争 the Global War against Fascism -
世界反法西斯战争 the World Anti-Fascist War -
思想教育运动 a movement of education -
思想理论建设 ideological and theoretical construction -
思想路线 ideological line -
思想问题 Ideological problems -
四渡赤水 cross the Chishui River four times -
四季常青 Evergreen all the year round -
四中 Fourth Plenary Session -
淞沪会战 Battle of Shanghai -
苏维埃共和国 Soviet Republic -
台儿庄大捷 Battle of Tai’erzhuang; victory at Tai’erzhuang -
太行抗日前线 the frontline battlefield in Taihang Mountain -
太平洋战场 Pacific theater -
逃跑主义 flightism -
特别区委 special district Party committee -
特色社会主义思想 Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics -
调查统计 Survey statistics -
土地革命 the Agrarian Revolution -
土地革命战争 the Agrarian Revolution War -
团结定能胜利 United we shall overcome. -
屯田政策 Wasteland policy -
外交工作 diplomatic work -
皖南事变 the Southern Anhui Incident -
万水千山只等闲 Braved ten thousand crags and torrents. -
王家坪 Wangjiaping -
围剿 encirclement and suppression -
伟大实践 Important Practices -
伪军 Japanese puppet troops -
位卑未敢忘忧国 Whatever my status, I will never lay aside my concern for the nation. -
文化大军 great cultural army -
文化广场 Cultural Square -
文物保护单位 Cultural Relics Protection Unit -
无产阶级  the proletariat -
无产阶级革命家 proletarian revolutionists -
无产阶级政党的建设 the construction of the proletarian party -
无条件投降 surrender -
无条件投降 unconditional surrender -
武汉会战 Battle of Wuhan -
武装斗争 armed combat -
武装割据 Armed separatist regime -
西安事变 the Xi’an Incident -
西柏坡 Xibaipo -
西柏坡精神 The spirit of continuous revolution in Xibaipo -
西柏坡精神 the Xibaipo Spirit -
西北革命根据地 the Northwest revolutionary base -
西北革命根据地 the revolutionary base in Northwest China -
西北野战军 the Northwest Field Army -
细菌战 germ warfare -
先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 I wish to be the first to worry about the nation’s woes and the last to share in its prosperity. -
乡村豪绅阶级 the landlord class in the countryside -
相持阶段 a stalemate phase -
湘鄂赣三省工农暴动 the insurrection of the workers and peasants in Hunan, Hupeh and Kiangs -
湘赣 Hunan and Jiangxi -
湘赣边界 the border between Hunan Province and Jiangxi Province -
湘江之战 Battle of the Xiang River -
湘南 southern hunan -
湘南农军 the peasant army of southern Hunan -
湘南特委 Xiangnan Special Committee -
小地方民众政权 the people's political power in small areas  -
小块红色区域 the small Red areas  -
小量军队 small armed units  -
新华通讯社 Xinhua News Agency -
新军阀 the new warlords -
新民主主义 the New Democracy -
新民主主义革命 the New Democratic Revolution -
新民主主义论 On New Democracy -
新民主主义社会 a new democratic society -
新民主主义社会 a new democratic society -
新生政权 the new political power -
新四军 New Fourth Army -
新四军 the New Fourth Army -
新中国从这里走来 The Origin of New China -
新中国的蓝图 the blueprint for a new China -
新中国外交 Diplomacy of New China -
形势 The situation -
兄弟齐心,其利断金 When brothers come together, there is nothing they cannot achieve. -
学生运动 the student movement -
延安革命纪念馆 the Yan’an Revolutionary Memorial Hall -
延安革命纪念馆 Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall -
延安精神 The spirit of Yan’an -
延安精神 the Yan’an Spirit -
延安时期 the Yan’an period -
延安时期 Yan'an period -
延安文艺座谈会 Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art -
延安整风精神 the Spirit of Yan’an Rectification -
杨家岭革命旧址 Former Offices of the CPC Central Committee – Yangjialing -
叶坪革命旧址 the Yeping Scenic Area -
一切反动派都是纸老虎 All Reactionaries Are Paper Tigers -
以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人 CPC leaders, represented by Mao Zedong -
英法联军 The French troops and the British troops -
英国汇丰银行烟台分行 The British HSBC Bank,Yantai Branch -
硬骨头 tough issue -
优势兵力 superior forces -
游击暴动 guerrilla uprisings  -
游击区 guerrilla area -
游击战 guerrilla warfare -
游击战争 guerrilla warfare -
有生力量 troops -
右倾 Right deviation -
右倾错误 the rightist mistakes -
右倾机会主义 Right opportunism -
原生形态精神 the prototypes -
圆明园  the grand royal Yuanmingyuan Park -
源头村 yuantou village -
运动战 mobile warfare -
枣园革命旧址 Date Garden – site of the CPC Secretariat -
战略反攻 strategic military counter-offensives -
战略防御/相持/反攻 strategic defense/stalemate/counter-offensive -
战略决战 the strategically decisive campaigns -
战略位置 strategic position -
战略转移 beat a strategic retreat -
战略转移 the strategic transfer -
战争策源地 hotbed of war -
战争时期 During the war -
张思德精神 Spirit of Zhang Side -
长风破浪会有时, Someday, with my sail piercing the clouds; -
长征 Long March -
长征第一山 First Mountain of the Long March -
长征精神 Long March spirit -
整党 rectification within the Party -
整顿党的作风 Rectify the Party’s Style of Work -
整风精神 the Rectification Spirit -
整风文献 the Literature of Rectification Movement -
整风运动 the Rectification Movement -
整风运动 the Rectification Movement -
整军 rectification within the Army -
正面战场 center stage battlefield -
政贵有恒 Consistency is valuable in governance. -
政体 regime -
政治局扩大会议 an enlarged session of the Politburo -
政治局委员 Member of the Political Bureau -
政治训练  political training -
政治影响 Political influence -
政治指导中心 political guiding center -
直挂云帆济沧海 I will mount the wind, break the waves, and traverse the vast, rolling sea. -
指导地位 the guiding position -
指导委员会 Steering Committee -
治党治国治军 administer the Party, the country and the army -
治国安邦 Ensure the Stable Governance -
中共历史 History of the Communist Party of China -
中共六届六中全会 the 6th Plenary Session of the 6th CPC Central Committee -
中共西北局高干会 the meeting of Senior Cadres of the Northwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee -
中共中央办公厅 the Office Building of the CPC Central Committee -
中共中央军委 the CPC Central Military Commission -
中共中央军委 the CPC Central Military Commission -
中共中央书记处 Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee -
中共中央统一战线 United Front of the CPC Central Committee -
中共中央西北局 site of the CPC Central Committee Northwest Bureau -
中共中央宣传部 the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee -
中共中央宣传部 Propaganda Department of CPC Central Committee -
中共中央宣传部 the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee -
中共中央组织部 Organization Department of CPC Central Committee -
中国革命的史册 Chinese revolutionary history -
中国工农革命军第四军 Fourth Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants Revolutionary Army -
中国工农红军 Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army -
中国工人运动 Chinese worker’s movement -
中国共产党 the Communist Party of China -
中国共产党 Communist Party of China -
中国共产党第七次全国代表大会 The 7th National Congress of the CPC -
中国共产党领导 Leadership of the Communist Party of China -
中国共产党人 Chinese Communists -
中国红军第四军 The Fourth Army of the Chinese Red Army -
中国梦 Chinese dream -
中国民主革命 Chinese democratic revolution -
中国人民抗日战争(简称:抗日战争、抗战) the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (the War of Resistance) -
中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日 Victory Memorial Day for the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (VM Day) -
中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics -
中国外交 Chinese diplomacy -
中国文化 Chinese culture -
中国远征军 Chinese Expeditionary Force -
中国战场 China theater -
中华民族伟大复兴 the great national rejuvenation -
中华人民共和国 the People's Republic -
中华苏维埃 Chinese Soviet -
中华苏维埃共和国 Chinese Soviet Republic -
中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府 the interim central government of the Chinese Soviet Republic -
中华苏维埃纪念园 Chinese Soviet Memorial Park -
中流砥柱地位 the leading role of -
中山服 Zhongshan Suit(A kind of suit which was popular during the republic period of China) -
中宣部 the publicity department of the CPC Central Committee -
中央办公厅 the Office Building -
中央大礼堂 the Great Auditorium -
中央党校 cpc central committee -
中央革命博物馆 revolutionary history -
中央革命根据地 Central Revolutionary Base Area -
中央革命根据地(中央苏区) Central Revolutionary Base (Central Soviet Area) -
中央根基地 the central revolutionary base area -
中央根基地 the central revolutionary base area i -
中央工委 central front committee -
中央红军 the Central Red Army -
中央红军长征 the Red Army’s Long March -
中央前委 central front committee -
中央人民委员会 Central People's Committee -
中央苏区 Central Soviet Area -
中央图书室 cpc central committee including -
中央委员会 cpc central committee -
中央研究局 the Research Bureau (in March 1943, after the restructuring of the CPC Central Committee) -
中央政治局 the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee -
中央组织部 the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee -
中灶饭厅 a dining hall -
重点文物保护单位 an important heritage site under state protection -
重庆大轰炸 The Chongqing Bombing(The Dresden Bombing during the Second World War) -
重要会议 Important meetings -
周公馆 Zhou’s Residence -
朱毛 Mao Zedong and Zhu De -
主要途径 an overall roadmap -
主要战场 Main battlefield -
主战场 the main battlegrounds -
专题陈列 special exhibition -
资产阶级革命 a bourgeois-democratic revolution -
自力更生 self-reliance -
自强意识 self-reliance -
自卫反击战 the War of Counterattack in Self-defense against Vietnam  -
自卫战争 a war of self-defense -
自卫战争 self-defense/defensive operations -
组织委员会 the Organization Committee -
最后胜利 Final victory -