
原文 译文 详情
应对气候变化 Addressing climate change -
低碳交通 Low-carbon transport -
经济治理体系 Economic governance system -
森林蓄积量 Forest stock -
改善生态 Improve ecology -
公司企业 Companies and Enterprises -
工业文明 Industrial civilization -
脱碳 Decarburization -
新发展理念 New development concept -
世界地球日 World Earth Day -
南南合作 South-South cooperation -
行稳致远 Travel steadily and farther -
环境治理 Environmental governance -
绿色低碳技术 Green low-carbon technology -
消除贫困 Poverty eradication -
良好生态 Good ecology -
可再生能源 Renewable energy -
世界环境日 World Environment Day -
主要举措 Main initiatives -
中华人民共和国宪法 Constitution of the People's Republic of China -
缔约方会议 Conference of the Parties -
巴黎协定 Paris Agreement -
多样性框架 Diversity Framework -
清洁美丽的世界 A Clean and Beautiful World -
太阳能发电 Solar power generation -
健康持续 Healthy Continuity -
科技革命 Scientific and technological revolution -
深入交换意见 An in-depth exchange of views -
委员会委员 Members of the Committee -
内在规律 Inherent law -
层次矛盾 Hierarchical contradiction -
伙伴关系 Partnership -
自然和谐 Natural harmony -
国际体系 International system -
修复活动 Repair activities -
工业领域 Industrial field -
煤电 Coal power -
发展模式 Development model -
行业领域 Industry Domain -
系统性变革 Systemic change -
气体排放 Gas emission -
非化石能源 Non-fossil fuels -
国际航空 International Aviation -
工业互联网 Industrial Internet -
优良环境 Excellent environment -
氢氟碳化物 Hydrofluorocarbons -
韧性农业 Resilient agriculture -
新格局 New pattern -
人民获得感 People's sense of acquisition -
气候环境 Climatic environment -
社会公平正义 Social fairness and justice -
先进制造业 Advanced manufacturing industry -
发展机遇 Opportunities for development -
一带一路 The Belt and Road Initiative -
再生能源转型 Renewable energy transformation -
多边主义 Multilateralism -
安全高效 Safe and efficient -
二氧化碳排放 Carbon dioxide emissions -
气温上升控制 Temperature rise control -
系统性破坏 Systemic destruction -
转型升级 Transformation and upgrading -
中共中央政治局常委 Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee -
生物多样性公约 Convention on Biological Diversity -
新征程 New Journey -
中央政治局 Political Bureau of the Central Committee -
绿色低碳 Green and low carbon -
总装机容量 Total installed capacity -
非二氧化碳 Non-carbon dioxide -
温室气体 Greenhouse gases -
电力体制改革 Reform of electric power system -
建设支持 Construction support -
合作成果 Outcome of cooperation -
国家自主贡献 National independent contribution -
发展议程 Development agenda -
关键时期 Critical period -
绿色发展 Green development -
气候峰会 Climate Summit -
文明时代 Civilized era -
务实合作 Pragmatic cooperation -
融资支持 Financing support -
环境挑战 Environmental challenges -
能力建设 Capacity-building -
减排 Emission reduction -
协同增效 Synergy -
严峻挑战 Severe Challenge -
总体思路 General thinking -
发展生产力 Develop productive forces -
煤炭消费 Coal consumption -
极端气候事件 Extreme weather events -
长期战略 Long-term strategy -
温室气体排放 Greenhouse gas emissions -
减污 Decontamination -
不可挽回 Irreversible -
命运共同体 Community of destiny -
转型过程 Transition process -
人与自然关系 Relationship between man and nature -
新能源 New energy -
绿色金融 Green finance -
化石能源 Fossil energy -
人类命运共同体 Community of human destiny -
十四五 14th Five-Year Plan -
内在要求 Intrinsic Requirements -
生物多样性 Biodiversity -
公平正义 Fairness and justice -
能源体系 Energy system -
全球环境 Global environment -
多样性公约 Convention on Diversity -
实施阶段 Implementation phase -
电力系统 Power system -
系统平衡 System balance -
应对气候危机联合声明 Joint Statement on Addressing the Climate Crisis -
绿色贸易壁垒 Green trade barrier -
电力领域 Electric power field -
实施重点 Key points of implementation -
消费增长 Consumption growth -
低碳发展 Low-carbon development -
改造提升 Transformation and upgrading -
重大战略 Major strategy -
全球生态 Global ecology -
创造就业 Job creation -
基加利修正案 Kigali amendment -
福泽 Fukuzawa -
政治支持 Political support -
全球性运动 Global movement -
合作共赢 Win-win cooperation -
投融资 Investment and financing -
系统恢复 System Recovery -
多样性丧失 Loss of diversity -
生态文明建设 Ecological civilization construction -
低碳示范区 Low-carbon demonstration area -
保护环境 Protection of the environment -
全球环境治理体系 Global environmental governance system -
人类生存 Human survival -
文明建设 Civilization construction -
传统产业 Traditional industry -
次缔约方 Sub-Parties -
天人合一 Harmony between man and nature -
蒙特利尔议定书 Montreal Protocol -
兼顾当前 Take into account that current situation -
大幅提高 Greatly improve -
山水林田湖草沙 Landscape, forest, farmland, lake, grass and sand -
sinks Sinks -
生产生活 Production and living -
生态文明 Ecological civilization -
气候事件 Climate events -
全球气候 Global climate -
自然生态 Natural ecology -
治理体系 Governance system -
经济规范 Economic norm -
保护生态环境 Protection of the ecological environment -
低碳技术 Low-carbon technology -
深层次矛盾 Deep-seated contradiction -
气候变化框架公约 Framework Convention on Climate Change -
统筹发展 Overall development -
低碳示范 Low-carbon demonstration -
民间社会 Civil society -
道法自然 Follow nature's course -
短板 Shortboard -
生命共同体 Life community -
领域合作 Field cooperation -
缔约方大会 Conference of the Parties -
互利共赢 Mutual benefit and win-win -
节能建筑 Energy-saving building -
温升 Temperature rise -
中央财经委员会 Central Financial and Economic Commission -
绿色能源 Green energy -
中华文明 Chinese civilization -
能源消费 Energy consumption -
再生能源 Renewable energy -
紧急情况 Emergencies -
绿色交通 Green traffic -
遥感卫星 Remote sensing satellite -
低碳生活 Low-carbon life -
能源转型 Energy transformation -
发展理念 Concept of development -
低碳 Low carbon -
多样性治理 Diversity governance -
碳达峰 peak carbon dioxide emissions -
森林蓄积量 forest stock volume -
新发展理念 new development philosophy -
“天不言而四时行,地不语而百物生。” “Heaven does not speak and it alternates the four seasons; Earth does not speak and it nurtures all things.” -
“万物各得其和以生,各得其养以成。” “All things that grow live in harmony and benefit from the nourishment of Nature.” -
“众力并,则万钧不足举也。” “When people pull together, nothing is too heavy to be lifted.” -
联合国生态系统恢复十年 the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration -
气候灾难 climate catastrophe -
致命污染潮 the deadly tide of pollution -
阻止物种灭绝 end species loss -
绿水青山就是金山银山 Mountains and rivers green are mountains of silver and gold -