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industrial bases focused 产业基地 查看
例句: Regarding promoting advanced manufacturing, the guideline urges the building of industrial bases focused on sectors including intelligent manufacturing, new materials, new-energy vehicles and electronic information. 建设智能制造、新材料、新能源汽车、电子信息等产业基地。
traditional sectors 传统产业 查看
例句: Efforts should also be made to facilitate the major technological transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector, attaching importance to fostering the intelligent, green, service-oriented development of traditional sectors such as the coal, construction and steel industries, according to the document. 深入实施制造业重大技术改造升级工程,重点促进煤炭、化工建材、钢铁有色等传统产业向智能化、绿色化、服务化发展。
financial support 金融支持 查看
例句: In terms of fiscal and financial support, the central government will continue to increase transfer payments to the central region, and local governments can be allocated more bond issuance quotas on condition that risks are under control. 加大财税金融支持力度。 中央财政继续加大对中部地区转移支付力度,支持中部地区在风险可控前提下适当增加省级政府地方政府债券分配额度。
international air-freight shipping center 推进国际 查看
例句: To achieve inland high-level opening-up, the country should speed up the development of transportation in the region, including building high-speed railways, promoting the construction of an international logistics center and international air-freight shipping center, and improving the international air-traffic network, the guideline says. 加快内陆开放通道建设。 推进高速铁路建设,推进国际物流中心、国际航空货运集散中心建设,完善国际航线网络。
pilot free trade zone 自由贸易试验区 查看
例句: It also urges continued efforts to develop pilot free trade zones in the provinces of Anhui, Henan, Hubei and Hunan to a high standard, and optimize a business environment that is market-oriented, rule-based and internationalized. 高标准建设安徽、河南、湖北、湖南自由贸易试验区,持续优化市场化法治化国际化营商环境。
international air-traffic network 推进国际 查看
例句: To achieve inland high-level opening-up, the country should speed up the development of transportation in the region, including building high-speed railways, promoting the construction of an international logistics center and international air-freight shipping center, and improving the international air-traffic network, the guideline says. 加快内陆开放通道建设。 推进高速铁路建设,推进国际物流中心、国际航空货运集散中心建设,完善国际航线网络。
agricultural and rural modernization 加快农业 查看
例句: Efforts should also be made to advance agricultural and rural modernization, with major grain producers such as Henan being supported to build core areas for grain production. 加快农业农村现代化。 大力发展粮食生产,支持河南等主产区建设粮食生产核心区。
central government 中央财政 查看
例句: In terms of fiscal and financial support, the central government will continue to increase transfer payments to the central region, and local governments can be allocated more bond issuance quotas on condition that risks are under control. 加大财税金融支持力度。 中央财政继续加大对中部地区转移支付力度,支持中部地区在风险可控前提下适当增加省级政府地方政府债券分配额度。
public health system 公共卫生体系 查看
例句: To enhance the region's ability to provide public services, authorities should carefully review the experience gained from COVID-19 control and strengthen the public health system, the guideline says. 提高基本公共服务保障能力。 认真总结新冠肺炎疫情防控经验模式,加强公共卫生体系建设。
key industries 重点行业 查看
例句: With a focus on city clusters and metropolitan areas, the region should coordinate efforts to prevent and control air pollution, and promote air-pollution treatment in key industries, according to the document. 以城市群、都市圈为重点,协同开展大气污染联防联控,推进重点行业大气污染深度治理。
energy vehicles 能源汽车 查看
例句: Regarding promoting advanced manufacturing, the guideline urges the building of industrial bases focused on sectors including intelligent manufacturing, new materials, new-energy vehicles and electronic information. 建设智能制造、新材料、新能源汽车、电子信息等产业基地。
international logistics center 国际物流中心 查看
例句: To achieve inland high-level opening-up, the country should speed up the development of transportation in the region, including building high-speed railways, promoting the construction of an international logistics center and international air-freight shipping center, and improving the international air-traffic network, the guideline says. 加快内陆开放通道建设。 推进高速铁路建设,推进国际物流中心、国际航空货运集散中心建设,完善国际航线网络。
comprehensive medical 综合性医疗 查看
例句: The supply of high-quality public goods, such as world-class universities and large-scale medical institutions, should be increased in the region, the guideline says, specifying that world-renowned universities will be encouraged to run schools in partnership with local institutions, while large-scale comprehensive medical institutions are welcome to set up subsidiaries in the region. 增加高品质公共服务供给。 加快推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设,支持建设若干区域医疗中心,鼓励国外著名高校在中部地区开展合作办学,鼓励国内外大型综合性医疗机构依法依规在中部地区设立分支机构。
intelligent manufacturing 智能制造 查看
例句: Regarding promoting advanced manufacturing, the guideline urges the building of industrial bases focused on sectors including intelligent manufacturing, new materials, new-energy vehicles and electronic information. 建设智能制造、新材料、新能源汽车、电子信息等产业基地。
agricultural and rural 农业农村 查看
例句: Efforts should also be made to advance agricultural and rural modernization, with major grain producers such as Henan being supported to build core areas for grain production. 加快农业农村现代化。 大力发展粮食生产,支持河南等主产区建设粮食生产核心区。
central region 中央财政 查看
例句: The guideline details measures to promote the region's economic growth, scientific and technological innovation, urbanization, green development, opening-up and people's well-being. China's central region includes the provinces of Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan. 到2025年,综合实力、内生动力和竞争力进一步增强,创新能力建设取得明显成效,全社会研发经费投入占地区生产总值比重达到全国平均水平。
public services 公共服务 查看
例句: Amid efforts on urban development, it urges the region to improve infrastructure and public services, build more sponge cities, and enhance the capacity of flood prevention and control. 加快补齐市政基础设施和公共服务设施短板,系统化全域化推进海绵城市建设,增强城市防洪排涝功能。
build core 核心区 查看
例句: Efforts should also be made to advance agricultural and rural modernization, with major grain producers such as Henan being supported to build core areas for grain production. 加快农业农村现代化。 大力发展粮食生产,支持河南等主产区建设粮食生产核心区。
economic and social 经济社会 查看
例句: The guideline also calls for the early implementation of policies to restore the economic and social order of Hubei province, which was hit hard by the epidemic last year. 确保支持湖北省经济社会发展的一揽子政策尽快落实到位,促进湖北经济社会秩序全面恢复。 确保支持湖北省经济社会发展的一揽子政策尽快落实到位,促进湖北经济社会秩序全面恢复。
integrated development 一体化发展 查看
例句: To promote integrated development, the central region should become integrated into major regional strategies, the guideline said, stressing support for Anhui province to take an active part in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region. 加强中部地区与其他区域重大战略互促共进,支持安徽积极融入长三角一体化发展。 推进城市品质提升。
Yangtze River Delta 长三角 查看
例句: To promote integrated development, the central region should become integrated into major regional strategies, the guideline said, stressing support for Anhui province to take an active part in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region. 加强中部地区与其他区域重大战略互促共进,支持安徽积极融入长三角一体化发展。 推进城市品质提升。
core area 核心区 查看
例句: Efforts should also be made to advance agricultural and rural modernization, with major grain producers such as Henan being supported to build core areas for grain production. 加快农业农村现代化。 大力发展粮食生产,支持河南等主产区建设粮食生产核心区。
high-quality public goods 高品质 查看
例句: The supply of high-quality public goods, such as world-class universities and large-scale medical institutions, should be increased in the region, the guideline says, specifying that world-renowned universities will be encouraged to run schools in partnership with local institutions, while large-scale comprehensive medical institutions are welcome to set up subsidiaries in the region. 增加高品质公共服务供给。 加快推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设,支持建设若干区域医疗中心,鼓励国外著名高校在中部地区开展合作办学,鼓励国内外大型综合性医疗机构依法依规在中部地区设立分支机构。
carbon emissions 碳排放权 查看
例句: The region should make efforts to conduct the market-oriented trading of permits for pollution discharge, energy use, water use and carbon emissions. 依托规范的公共资源和产权交易平台开展排污权、用能权、用水权、碳排放权市场化交易。
new-energy vehicles 新能源汽车 查看
例句: Regarding promoting advanced manufacturing, the guideline urges the building of industrial bases focused on sectors including intelligent manufacturing, new materials, new-energy vehicles and electronic information. 建设智能制造、新材料、新能源汽车、电子信息等产业基地。
high-quality public 高品质 查看
例句: The supply of high-quality public goods, such as world-class universities and large-scale medical institutions, should be increased in the region, the guideline says, specifying that world-renowned universities will be encouraged to run schools in partnership with local institutions, while large-scale comprehensive medical institutions are welcome to set up subsidiaries in the region. 增加高品质公共服务供给。 加快推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设,支持建设若干区域医疗中心,鼓励国外著名高校在中部地区开展合作办学,鼓励国内外大型综合性医疗机构依法依规在中部地区设立分支机构。
logistics hubs 物流枢纽 查看
例句: It also underscores accelerating the construction of national logistics hubs in Zhengzhou, Changsha, Taiyuan, Yichang and Ganzhou, and increasing the listed products of the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange. 加快郑州、长沙、太原、宜昌、赣州国家物流枢纽建设,增加郑州商品交易所上市产品。
major technological 大技术 查看
例句: Efforts should also be made to facilitate the major technological transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector, attaching importance to fostering the intelligent, green, service-oriented development of traditional sectors such as the coal, construction and steel industries, according to the document. 深入实施制造业重大技术改造升级工程,重点促进煤炭、化工建材、钢铁有色等传统产业向智能化、绿色化、服务化发展。
business environment 营商环境 查看
例句: It also urges continued efforts to develop pilot free trade zones in the provinces of Anhui, Henan, Hubei and Hunan to a high standard, and optimize a business environment that is market-oriented, rule-based and internationalized. 高标准建设安徽、河南、湖北、湖南自由贸易试验区,持续优化市场化法治化国际化营商环境。
Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange 郑州商品交易所 查看
例句: It also underscores accelerating the construction of national logistics hubs in Zhengzhou, Changsha, Taiyuan, Yichang and Ganzhou, and increasing the listed products of the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange. 加快郑州、长沙、太原、宜昌、赣州国家物流枢纽建设,增加郑州商品交易所上市产品。