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南音 Nanyin music 查看
注释/定义: 南音发源于福建泉州,也称“弦管”、“泉州南音”,用泉州闽南语演唱,是中国现存最古老的乐种之一。在两汉、晋、唐、两宋等朝代的中原汉族移民把音乐文化带入以泉州为中心的闽南地区,并与当地民间音乐融合,形成了南音这种具有中原古乐遗韵的文化表现形式。 2006年5月20日,南音经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。泉州南音于2009年9月成功入选《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》 Nanyin music, also known as “Xianguan” music, or “Nanyin of Quanzhou” music, is one of the oldest music genres of China; Nanyin, originated from Quanzhou, Fujian is sung in southern Fujian dialect. Han immigrants from Central Plains in the Han, Jin, Tang and Song dynasties brought music culture to Quanzhou-centered southern Fujian regions, and merged with the local folk music to form Nanyin, the cultural manifestation accompanied with central plains' ancient musical style. On May 20, 2006, Nanyin was approved by the State Council to be listed in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritages. And in September 2009, Nanyin of Quanzhou was listed in “Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”.
青海热贡艺术 Regong arts 查看
注释/定义: 热贡艺术发祥于青海省同仁县地区,它是雪域文化和 中原佛教艺术完美结合成的一种独特的艺术形式,也是藏传佛教艺术中的一个重要流派。其主要内容包括绘画(唐卡、间唐)、堆绣、雕塑(木雕、泥雕、石雕)、建筑、图案等。 Originated from Tongren County of Qinghai Province, Regong arts are a unique art form perfectly combining snowfield culture with the Buddhist art in the Central Plains and an important genre of Tibetan Buddhist art, mainly including painting (Thangka and murals), barbola, sculpture (wood carving, clay carving and stone carvings), architecture, pattern, etc.
不作死不会死 no zuo, no die 查看
注释/定义: 不作死就不会死是网络流行语,意为没事找事,结果倒霉,带有“自讨苦吃”的意思,是“自作孽,不可活”的口语说法。目前广泛流行于各大网络社区、论坛甚至主流媒体。2014年“No zuo no die”被编入美国网络俚语词典。 The Chinese phrase became a new buzzword by the end of 2013 and it means that if one doesn’t do stupid things, they won’t come back and bite him or her in the ass. But if you do, they most certainly will. No zuo, no die is a comical Chinglish translation.
有钱任性 rich and willful 查看
注释/定义: 有钱就是任性是网友调侃一件诈骗事件时创造的网络流行语,并在各大网络平台流行。本意是对有钱人做事风格的嘲讽,多用于调侃有钱人令网友大跌眼镜的做事风格,而今多用于好友间或者网络上的调侃,并被衍生出类似用语,如“成绩好就是任性”、“年轻就是任性”等等。 This 2014 buzzword derives from a scam in which a middle-aged man was ripped off more than half a million yuan buying fake male health products. The odd part of the story is that the man realized that something’s wrong soon after he paid the first sum of 70,000 yuan, but he decided to play along to see “how much they could eventually take from me.” Using the phrase “rich and willful,” a netizen then commented that only wealthy people like the scam victim could afford to do something as nutty as that. Now, people may also say someone’s “young and willful” or “beautiful and willful.”
上天台 go to the rooftop 查看
注释/定义: 出自2014年世界杯期间,是“买球输了,我们一起上天台”的简略说法,意为赌球输光了,一起上天台跳楼。这种说法绝大多数属于开玩笑,是该届世界杯开始出现的用于自嘲兼减压的新词汇。 This expression was widely used during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. It came from some soccer fans’ insincere vow, “If we lose our bets on this match, let’s go to the rooftop and jump off.” Many believe that it’s just a jokey way for the fans to lighten up their own mood.
你家人知道吗 Does anyone in your family know? 查看
注释/定义: 讽刺别人的反问句。网传是出自一个网友对PS自拍照的吐槽:“你长得这么美,你家里人知道吗?”含有讽刺意味。然后一传十,十传百,“你家里人知道吗”很快成了网络流行语。 This expression first appeared in Internet posts when two netizens were exchanging barbs. Now it is used as a way to deride or tease others, as “Does anyone in your family know that you’re such a dumbass?” “Does anyone in your family know that you’re a homo?” or “Does anyone in your family know that you’re such a joker here?”
补刀 the finishing stroke, the last hit, coup de grace 查看
注释/定义: 原指在敌人受伤之后再给予其致命一刀,令其失去作战能力或失去生命,在目前生活中是指嫌别人受伤的不够还要再去插一刀,就是雪上加霜的意思。 The term derives from online games such as DOTA of Warcraft and means the finishing stroke or the last hit that kills an enemy. Now it is also used in daily conversation to mean to give another stab to someone who’s already been wounded or to add insult to injury.
中国梦 The Chinese Dream 查看
注释/定义: 习近平总书记于2012年11月29日提出,“实现中华民族伟大复兴”是“中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想”。 General Secretary Xi Jinping firmly stated on 29 November 2012 that “achieving the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people since the advent of modern times.”
正能量 Positive Energy 查看
注释/定义: 正能量指积极的能量、正向能量,它原本是一个物理学的概念,后来引申为积极向上的乐观精神和积极的心理能量。 “Positive energy” refers to a kind of positive and inspiring energy. It used to be only a concept of physics and it has now been extended to mean optimistic spirit and positive moral strength that encourage and inspire people to keep making progress.
珠算 Chinese Zhusuan, knowledge and practices of mathematical calculation through abacus 查看
注释/定义: 珠算是以算盘为工具进行数字计算的一种方法,被誉为中国的第五大发明。珠算具有悠久历史,最早见于汉代徐岳撰的《数术记遗》,是中国所独有的以算盘为工具进行数字计算的一种方法,可进行加减乘除甚至是指数级运算。 Chinese Zhusuan (knowledge and practices of mathematical calculation through abacus) is a mathematical calculation method with abacus as the tool, praised as China’s fifth great invention.
京剧 Peking Opera 查看
注释/定义: 京剧又称京戏,在台湾又称平剧、国剧,被视为中国传统社会戏曲审美理想的集大成者,被视为中国国粹,作为中国文化遗产得到广泛认可。 Peking Opera, also known as Peking drama and Pingju or national opera in Taiwan, is cherished as the quintessence of Chinese culture and the best representative of opera aesthetics of traditional Chinese society.
广东粤剧 Yue Opera 查看
注释/定义: 粤剧,原称大戏或者广东大戏,是广东省最大的地方戏曲剧种。它源自南戏,自明朝嘉靖年间开始在广东、广西出现,是糅合唱做念打、乐师配乐、戏台服饰、抽象形体等等的表演艺术。 Yue Opera, originally known as drama or Guangdong drama, is the most popular local opera in Guangdong Province. Originating from southern opera and arising in Guangdong and Guangxi Province during Jiajing Reign of the Ming Dynasty, Yue Opera is a kind of performance combining singing, recitation, facial and body posturing and acting and martial arts, musicians soundtrack, elaborate costumes and abstract making up, etc.
中国传统蚕桑丝织技艺 Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China 查看
注释/定义: 蚕桑丝织是中华民族认同的极重要文化标识。五千年来,由此生产的绚丽多彩的绫绢、纱罗、织锦和缂丝等丝绸产品,它不仅对深刻改变了中国历史,还通过丝绸之路对人类文明产生了深远影响。 Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China are crucial identities of Chinese civilization. For 5,000 years, colorful silk damask, gauze, brocade and other silk products produced from silk have not only modified Chinese history in a profound way but also influenced human civilization significantly via the famous “Silk Road”.
藏戏 Tibetan Opera 查看
注释/定义: 藏戏的藏语名叫“阿吉拉姆”,意思是“仙女姐妹”。据传藏戏最早由七姐妹演出,剧目内容又多是佛经中的神话故事,故而得名。 Tibetan Opera, also called “Ace Lhamo”, means fairy sisters in Tibetan. It is mainly about the myths in Buddhist scriptures and is said to be performed by seven sisters at first, hence the name.
皮影戏 Chinese shadow puppetry 查看
注释/定义: 皮影戏是中国民间古老的传统艺术,又称“影子戏”或“灯影戏”,是一种以兽皮或纸板做成的人物剪影,在蜡烛或燃烧的酒精等光源照射下用隔亮布进行演戏,是中国汉族民间广为流传的傀儡戏之一。 The Chinese shadow puppetry is an ancient traditional folk art of China, also known as “Yingzixi” or “Dengyingxi” in Chinese. It is acted by puppeteers using silhouette figures made of animal skins or cardboard to play behind a translucent cloth screen illuminated by candles, burning alcohol or other light sources. It is one of the Han Chinese folk puppet shows known widely.
羌族庆祝新年 The Qiang minority's new year 查看
注释/定义: 羌年为羌族传统节日,又称小年,在每年农历十月一日举行新年庆祝,它是分布在四川一带的羌族人民感恩自然,并表达对自然的尊重和谐相处愿望的重要活动。 The Qiang minority's new year is a traditional festival of Qiang minority, held on the first day of the tenth lunar month each year to celebrate the New Year. It is an occasion for the Qiang people of China’s Sichuan Province to offer thanks and worship to heaven for prosperity and reaffirm their harmonious and respectful relationship with their family and nature.
西安鼓乐 Xi’an wind and percussion ensemble 查看
注释/定义: 西安鼓乐,也称长安古乐、西安古乐、 西安乐古。是千百年来流传在西安(古长安)及周边地区的汉族民间大型鼓乐。 Xi’an Wind and Percussion Ensemble, also known as Chang’an or Xi’an ancient music or Xi’an Yuegu, is a large-scale folk music popular in Xi’an (the ancient Chang’an) and its surrounding areas for thousands of years.
中医针灸 Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine 查看
注释/定义: 中医针灸即针法和灸法的合称。针法是把毫针刺入患者身体某一穴位,运用捻转与提插等针刺手法来治疗疾病; Chinese Acupuncture is the general term of acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine. In acupuncture, filiform needles are used to puncture and stimulate the chosen acupoints.
黎族传统纺染织绣技艺 Traditional Li textile techniques: spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering 查看
注释/定义: 黎族传统纺染织绣技艺是一项传统手工技艺,进入了第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。黎族传统纺染织绣技艺包括纺、染、织、绣四大工序。刺绣工艺精湛,成品图案朴实自然,富有独特的民族艺术风格。 The traditional Li textile techniques are traditional arts of craftsmanship and are listed into the first batch of “List of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage”. The traditional Li textile techniques include four steps: spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering. The embroidery is exquisite and finished textiles, with simple and natural patterns, are full of unique styles of folk arts.
龙泉青瓷传统烧制技艺 Traditional firing technology for Longquan celadon 查看
注释/定义: 龙泉青瓷传统烧制技艺是一种具有制作性、技能性和艺术性的传统手工艺,制作与技能性主要表现在原料配制、成型装饰、高温烧成等方面,至今已有1700余年的历史。 The traditional firing technology for Longquan celadon pottery is a handicraft with a history of over 1,700 years combining with fabrication, craftsmanship and artistry. Its fabrication and craftsmanship are mainly reflected in raw material preparation, shaping and decoration, high-temperature firing and other aspects.
安徽宣纸传统制作技艺 Traditional handicrafts of Xuan paper-making 查看
注释/定义: 造纸术是中国古代四大发明之一。安徽宣纸传统制作技艺,始于中国唐朝时期,迄今已有一千多年的历史。 Paper-making is one of the four great inventions of ancient China. The traditional handicrafts of Xuan paper-making can be dated back to the Tang Dynasty with a history of over one thousand years, and the Xuan paper has been widely used in calligraphy.
中国木拱桥传统营造技艺 Traditional design and practices for building Chinese wooden arch bridges 查看
注释/定义: 传统木拱桥营造技艺是以工匠对环境以建筑认知体系为基础,采用原木材料,使用传统木建筑工具及手工技法,运用“编梁”等核心技术,以榫卯连接并构筑成极其稳固的拱架桥梁技艺体系。木匠工艺按照严格的程序,通过口头传授和个人示范流传下来,抑或通过师傅对学徒的教授或是作为家族手艺,代代相传。 Traditional design and practices for building Chinese wooden arch bridges are based on woodworker’s understanding of different environments and awareness of building systems, adopting raw woods, and applying traditional architectural tools and craftsmanship and core technologies of “beam-weaving” to mortise and tenon joints to construct extremely robust arch bridges. The craftsmanship of woodworks passes down through oral instructions and personal demonstrations following strict procedures, as a skill taught by a master to his apprentice or as a family craft from generation to generation.
广东粤剧 Yue Opera -
安徽宣纸传统制作技艺 Traditional handicrafts of Xuan paper-making -
黎族传统纺染织绣技艺 Traditional Li textile techniques: spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering -
藏戏 Tibetan Opera -
皮影戏 Chinese shadow puppetry -
上天台 go to the rooftop -
你家人知道吗 Does anyone in your family know? -
青海热贡艺术 Regong arts -
不作死不会死 no zuo, no die -
中国木拱桥传统营造技艺 Traditional design and practices for building Chinese wooden arch bridges -
珠算 Chinese Zhusuan, knowledge and practices of mathematical calculation through abacus -
西安鼓乐 Xi’an wind and percussion ensemble -
中医针灸 Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine -
正能量 Positive Energy -
南音 Nanyin music -
中国梦 The Chinese Dream -
龙泉青瓷传统烧制技艺 Traditional firing technology for Longquan celadon -
京剧 Peking Opera -
补刀 the finishing stroke, the last hit, coup de grace -
羌族庆祝新年 The Qiang minority's new year -
中国传统蚕桑丝织技艺 Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China -
有钱任性 rich and willful -