
原文 译文 详情
following minimum requirements 符合最低要求 -
American Society for Testing and Materials 美国试验与材料学会 -
all exterior wall extrusions 所有外墙挤压件 -
Hong Kong Government Code 香港政府守则 -
the commercial tolerances 商业公差 -
requirements of BS BS要求 -
specifically approved 特别批准 -
anodized finishes 阳极化饰面 -
suppliers proving 供应商证明 -
recognized current 识别电流 -
an English translation 英文译本 -
all proposed materials 所有建议材料 -
glazing gaskets 玻璃衬垫 -
Code of Practice 业务守则 -
above named manufacturers 以上命名的制造商 -
glass supply 玻璃供应 -
include sample 包括样品 -
readily accessible 容易接近 -
All principal materials 所有主要材料 -
visual acceptance 视觉接受 -
Fire Resisting Construction 耐火结构 -
any additional alternative proposals 任何其他备选建议 -
flat ground 平地 -
current glass 当前玻璃 -
Reinforced Aluminium Sections 增强铝型材 -
Justification of glass 玻璃的正当性 -
product warranty 产品保修 -
glass manufacture 玻璃制造 -
British Standards Certification 英国标准认证 -
the minimum thickness 最小厚度 -
single source 单一来源 -
satisfactory proven track record 经过证明的良好记录 -
All sheet products 所有薄板产品 -
cracks ripping dimples 裂纹撕裂韧窝 -
special requirements established 确定的特殊要求 -
provide additional stiffness 提供额外的刚度 -
exterior wall extrusions 外墙挤压件 -
additional alternative proposals 其他备选提案 -
painted finishes 涂漆饰面 -
schedule of materials 材料清单 -
Painting Reference Specification 涂装参考规范 -
plain and tapered washers 平垫圈和锥形垫圈 -
glass thicknesses 玻璃厚度 -
Any other relevant Statutory Regulations 任何其他有关的法定规例 -
project glass panels 工程玻璃面板 -
Certificates of analysis 分析证明 -
higher or alternative requirements 更高或替代要求 -
sheet products 薄板产品 -
tapered washers 锥形垫圈 -
provide documents 提供文件 -
stretcher leveled flat 担架整平 -
Australian Standard Specifications 澳大利亚标准规范 -
the Contract documents 合同文件 -
aluminium extruded 铝挤压 -
thickness concerned 有关厚度 -
submit proposed alternatives 提交提议的备选方案 -
including interlocking shapes 包括互锁形状 -
local government department standard 地方政府部门标准 -
Hong Kong Government Code of 香港政府守则 -
minimum nominal thickness 最小公称厚度 -
current good practice 当前良好做法 -
colour consistency 颜色一致性 -
named manufacturers 命名制造商 -
sample represents 示例表示 -
any special requirements 任何特殊要求 -
provisions of BS BS的规定 -
total quantity 总数量 -
consequent costs 间接费用 -
the proposed manufacturer 拟议的制造商 -
strict approval 严格审批 -
minimum thickness shown 显示的最小厚度 -
Section A and Section A节和A节 -
this Contract Document 本合同文件 -
Other glass manufacturers 其他玻璃制造商 -
ihe current glass 电流玻璃 -
the general requirements 一般要求 -
proposed substitution 拟议替代 -
inspect ihe 检查ihe -
Provision of Means 提供经济手段 -
the other materials 其他材料 -
metal arc welding 金属电弧焊 -
requires replacement 需要更换 -
test certificates 测试证书 -
manufactured product 制成品 -
arrange visits 安排参观 -
Provision of Fire 消防供应 -
absolute minimum 绝对最小值 -
glass supplied 提供的玻璃 -
submit details 提交详细信息 -
aluminium extrusions 铝型材 -
the technical requirement 技术要求 -
Stainless Steel Fixings 不锈钢固定件 -
pre-galvanised steel sections 预镀锌钢型材 -
record of glass 玻璃记录 -
frosted appearance 磨砂外观 -
obtain materials 获取材料 -
case of Fire 火警案件 -
Nippon Sheet Glass 日本平板玻璃 -
Board of Agreement 协议会 -
due allowance 到期备抵 -
pane of glass 玻璃板 -
detailed requirement 详细要求 -
the relevant authority 有关当局 -
extruded aluminium 挤压铝 -
minimum requirements 最低要求 -
proposed alternatives 拟议的替代办法 -
the Works test certificates 工程测试证书 -
range of influence 影响范围 -
named glass manufacturers 命名玻璃制造商 -
Stainless Steel Advisory 不锈钢咨询 -
non-structural trims 非结构调整 -
exact nature 确切性质 -
above named glass manufacturers 上述玻璃制造商 -
Building Authority Hong Kong Structural Use 香港建筑事务监督结构用途 -
regular inspection 定期检查 -
final installation 最终安装 -
The Sub-contractor's attention 分包商的注意 -
clean cut 干净切口 -
principal materials delivered 交付的主要材料 -
ground arris 地棱 -
proper fit 适当配合 -
No mill finish aluminium 无磨光铝 -
technical information 技术信息 -
significant edge faults 显著边缘断层 -
other relevant Statutory Regulations 其他有关的法定条例 -
more than four 四个以上 -
Hong Kong Buildings Department 香港屋宇署 -
impairing appearance 有损外表 -
approval purposes 审批目的 -
source of glass 玻璃来源 -
cover of glazing 玻璃罩 -
the architectural drawings 建筑图纸 -
elevation prior 高度先验 -
corrosion protection 腐蚀防护 -
All extruded aluminium 全挤压铝 -
ihe wind loading 风荷载 -
glass panels 玻璃板 -
the prime material manufacturers 主要材料制造商 -
single pane 单窗格 -
tasks expected 预期任务 -
Use of Steel 钢材的使用 -
assessed individually 个别评估 -
similar format 相似格式 -
bimetallic corrosion 双金属腐蚀 -
all product warranty 所有产品保修 -
mill finish aluminium 磨光铝 -
Hong Kong Buildings Department Construction Regulations 香港屋宇署建筑规例 -
formed true 格式为真 -
established and reputable manufacturers 老牌和信誉良好的制造商 -
reputable manufacturers 信誉良好的制造商 -
Design of Stainless 不锈钢设计 -
design process 设计流程 -
steel reinforcing sections 钢筋截面 -
certificates of conformity 合格证 -
fit of components 部件配合 -
necessitate alteration 有必要改动 -
glass manufacturers 玻璃制造商 -
local government department 地方政府部门 -
alternative requirements stated 说明的备选要求 -
non-load-bearing and non-structural trims 非承载和非结构饰件 -
provide products suitable 提供合适的产品 -
source of supply 供应来源 -
including feathered edges 包括有羽毛的边缘 -
proposed materials 建议的材料 -
the same manufacturer 同一家制造商 -
any higher or alternative requirements 任何更高或替代要求 -
heat-treated glass 热处理玻璃 -