
原文 译文 详情
任何情况下 Under any circumstances -
中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
运输方式 Mode of transport -
文件内容 File Contents -
振动值 Vibration value -
主要部件 Main Components -
执行阶段 Implementation Phase -
制造过程 Manufacturing process -
劳资纠纷 Labor Disputes -
任何第三方 Any third party -
规范要求 Specification Requirements -
卖方未 The Seller did not -
比例计算 Proportional calculation -
权利和义务 Rights and obligations -
保险责任期 Insurance Liability Period -
不承担责任 Not to assume responsibility -
验收证书 Acceptance Certificate -
合同价格 Contract Price -
通讯地址 Correspondence Address -
超过合同 Exceeding contract -
支付违约金 Pay liquidated damages -
一切后果 All consequences -
验收试验 Acceptance Test -
管理人 Administrator -
终止合同 Termination of Contract -
镇江仲裁委员会 Zhenjiang Arbitration Commission -
设备质量 Quality of equipment -
买方同意 Buyer agrees -
仲裁机构 Arbitration institution -
投保范围 Coverage -
可选择 Optional -
双方协商 Negotiation between the two parties -
卖方提交 Submitted by the Seller -
投标保证金 Bid bond -
投标文件 Bidding Documents -
效率降低 Reduced efficiency -
元人民币 RMB -
采取各种措施 Take various measures -
两清之日 The day of the Qing Dynasty -
设备发运 Equipment Shipping -
合同义务 Contractual obligations -
审查同意 Review Consent -
不得超过 No more than -
中华人民共和国法律 Laws of the People's Republic of China -
工况 Working conditions -
破产管理人 Bankruptcy administrator -
国家有关 State-related -
提供给 Provide to -
实际运行 Actual Operation -
任何原因 For any reason -
投标方 Bidder -
合同生效 Contract comes into effect -
情况下 Under the circumstances -
履约保函 Performance Guarantee -
交货地点 Place of Delivery -
图号 Drawing No. -
有效证明 Valid proof -
全部合同 All Contracts -
上述过程 The above-described proces -
合同有效期 Validity of Contract -
生产许可证 Production License -
重大质量 Significant quality -
全部责任 Full Responsibility -
分包商 Subcontractor -
项目融资 Project Financing -
停运 Shutdown -
仲裁裁决 Arbitral award -
合同内容 Contents of the Contract -
重大影响 Significant impact -
合同设备 Contract Equipment -
当时有效 Valid at the time -
进口设备 Imported equipment -
以书面形式 In writing -
卖方须 The Seller shall -
制造质量 Manufacturing quality -
合同规定 Contractual provisions -
招标人 Tenderee -
相关内容 Related Contents -
总价 Total Price -
保险合同 Insurance contract -
不可抗力事件 Force Majeure Event -
提供技术 Provision of technology -
抗力 Resistance -
第一页 Page 1 -
文件中 In file -
有关条款 Relevant Provisions -
设备价格 Price of equipment -
加盖 Capping -
投标文件内容 Contents of Bidding Documents -
资质证明 Certificate of Qualification -
一切险 All Risks -
最终验收 Final Acceptance -
任何责任 Any liability -
汽轮机发电机 Turbine generator -
破产管理 Bankruptcy Administration -
依法享有 Enjoy according to law -
文件格式 File Format -
文件编制 Documentation -
事件发生 Event Occurrence -
质量保证期 Warranty period -
执行过程 Execution Process -
以上条款 The above clause -
维护手册 Maintenance Manual -
安装有 Installed with -
修改建议 Suggestions for revision -
质保期内 Within the warranty period -
事故证明 Accident Certificate -
委托代理人 Entrusted agent -
按比例计算 Calculated in proportion -
违约金 Liquidated damages -
税收减免 Tax relief -
人民币 RMB -
修改合同 Modify the contract -
合理努力 Reasonable effort -
技术规范 Technical Specifications -
计算单位 Unit of Calculation -
授权代表 Authorized Representative -
合同双方 Both parties to the contract -
保函 Letter of Guarantee -
变更通知 Change Notification -
大部件 Large parts -
意见和建议 Comments and recommendations -
合同总价 Total Contract Price -
合同争议 Contract Dispute -
签字日期 Signature Date -
燃气轮发电机 Gas turbine generator -
相关手续 Relevant Procedures -
关于知识 About knowledge -
招标文件 Bidding Documents -
协商解决 Settlement through negotiation -
质量管理体系 Quality management system -
合同能力 Contractual Capacity -
中止履行 Suspension of performance -
任何索赔 Any claim -
清算人 Liquidator -
合同执行 Contract Execution -
最终确定 Finalize -
全权处理 Disposition with full power -
合同副本 Copy of Contract -
向保险公司投保 Insure with an insurance company -
时间内 Within time -
免除责任 Exemption from liability -
不可撤销 Irrevocable -
制造过程中 In the manufacturing process -
详细叙述 Describe in detail -
规定办理 Deal with by stipulations -
仲裁地点 Place of Arbitration -
长期服务 Long term service -
卖方应 The Seller shall -
采购方式 Purchase Method -
产权变更 Change of property rights -
计划调整 Plan Adjustment -
重新开始 Start over -
设备无关 Device independent -
合同谈判 Contract Negotiation -
设备制造 Equipment Manufacturing -
技术要求 Technical Requirements -
设备运行 Equipment Operation -
通知另 Notice otherwise -
替换件 Replacement Parts -
运行维护 Operation Maintenance -
实际履行 Actual performance -
仲裁委员会 Arbitration Commission -
期限内 Within the time limit -
合同项 Contract Items -
通知卖方 Notify the Seller -
委员会按 Committee press -
设备监造 Equipment manufacturing supervision -
一切争议 All Disputes -
财务报表 Financial statements -
合同继续 Contract Continuation -
外购 Outsourcing -
质保金 Quality Assurance Fund -
各种措施 Various measures -
执行合同 Execute the contract -
关键部件 Key Components -
由卖方负担 To be borne by the Seller -
合同附件 Contract Appendix -
证明文件 Supporting documents -
中止执行 Abort execution -
任何部分 Any part -
价格表 Price List -
附件规定 The annex stipulate -
生效之日 Effective Date -
赔偿责任 Liability for compensation -
服务承诺 Service Commitment -
mm/s Mm/s -
过程中 In process -
认证证书 Certification Certificate -
授权委托书 Power of Attorney -
通知对方 Notify the other party -
保险责任 Insurance liability -
价格合理 Reasonable price -
车间内 In the workshop -
直接处理 Direct processing -
不应超过 Should not exceed -
书面同意 Consent in writing -
质量问题 Quality Problems -
要求卖方 Require the Seller -
合理期限 Reasonable time limit -
合同签署 Signing of Contract -
直接或间接 Direct or indirect -
全部赔偿 Full compensation -
合同终止 Termination of Contract -
部分设备 Partial equipment -
第二卷 Volume II -
设备损坏 Equipment Damage -
双方同意 Both parties agree that -
经济诉讼 Economic litigation -
继续有效 Continue Valid -
事先同意 Prior consent -
书面形式 Written form -
包括以下 Include the following -
合同条款 Terms of Contract -
详细说明 Detailed Description -
人民共和国 People's Republic -
镇江市 Zhenjiang City -
优惠条件 Preferential terms -
全部权利 All Rights -
修复费用 Repair costs -
有重大影响 Have a significant impact -
瓦振值 Watt vibration value -
发电机效率 Generator efficiency -
中文版本 Chinese version -
卖方原因 Seller's Reason -
赔偿范围 Scope of compensation -
代表人 Representative -
初步验收 Initial Acceptance -
合同任何 Contract Any -
供货商 Supplier -
分项 Sub-item -
经济困难 Economic hardship -
迟付 Late payment -
应付款项 Payables -
服务合同 Service contract -
迟交货物 Late delivery of goods -
试验要求 Test Requirements -
卖方已经 The seller has -
设备安装 Equipment Installation -
买卖双方 Buyer and Seller -
败诉方 Losing party -
文件可 Documents may -
部分或全部 Part or all of it -
任何支付 Any payment -
破产清算 Bankruptcy liquidation -
报价书 Proposals -
法定代表人 Legal Representative -
完毕后 After completion -
提交仲裁 Submit to arbitration -
影响程度 Degree of influence -
货物交付 Delivery of Goods -
卖方仓库 Seller's Warehouse -
友好协商 Friendly negotiation -
技术资料 Technical data -
交货期 Delivery Date -
设备采购 Purchase of equipment -