
原文 译文 详情
Ned Davis Research 内德戴维斯研究所 -
global pandemic 全球大流行 -
market conditions 市场状况 -
intangible psychological benefit 无形心理效益 -
increasing size 增大尺寸 -
public market trading 公开市场交易 -
cost of living 生活费用 -
real estate properties 房地产物业 -
other asset classes 其他资产类别 -
modest decline 适度下降 -
cash flows 现金流量 -
rental income 租金收入 -
public real estate 公共房地产 -
above-average dividend payments 高于平均水平的股息支付 -
to-be-discussed topic 待议议题 -
Asness of AQR AQR误差 -
investment advisers 投资顾问 -
long-term total returns 长期总回报 -
suburban single-family homes 郊区独户住宅 -
basic categories 基本类别 -
all future earnings 所有未来收益 -
single-family dwellings 单户住宅 -
mutual fund laws 共同基金法 -
dividend action 股利诉讼 -
relative correlations 相对相关性 -
bond yields 债券收益率 -
sheer predictability 完全可预测性 -
equity bear markets 股票熊市 -
steady income 稳定的收入 -
index fund 指数基金 -
explicit inflation links 显性通货膨胀联系 -
earnings growth rates 收入增长率 -
bond interest payments 债券利息支付 -
Senior Vice President 高级副总裁 -
income reinvestment plans 收入再投资计划 -
dividend yields 股息收益率 -
net income 净收入 -
total returns 总回报 -
actively manage portfolios 积极管理投资组合 -
balance sheets 资产负债表 -
total annual returns 年度回报总额 -
lease-based cash flows 租赁现金流量 -
real estate investing 房地产投资 -
average annual total return 年均总回报 -
commercial real property 商业不动产 -
Real estate investment trusts 房地产投资信托 -
earnings growth 收益增长 -
debt instruments 债务工具 -
cell towers 蜂窝塔 -
broader stock indices 广义股票指数 -
debt offerings 债券发行 -
oil reserves 石油储量 -
broad stock market indexes 广义股票市场指数 -
asset class 资产类别 -
institutionally owned commercial real estate 机构拥有的商业房地产 -
public market 公开市场 -
regular basis 定期基准 -
capital carries 资本载体 -
stock market 股票市场 -
academic Robert Arnott 学者罗伯特·阿诺特 -
real estate 房地产 -
real estate market 房地产市场 -
dividend returns 股息回报 -
commercial leases 商业租赁 -
inherent inflation-hedging qualities 固有的通货膨胀对冲特性 -
growth profiles 生长概况 -
preservation of capital 资本保全 -
partnership units 伙伴关系单位 -
limited investment risk 有限投资风险 -
operating cash flow 经营现金流量 -
rise of hedge 套期保值上升 -
hedge funds 对冲基金 -
free cash flows 自由现金流量 -
periods tend 周期趋向 -
dividend-paid deduction 股息扣除 -
multifamily apartments 多户公寓 -
portfolio values 投资组合价值 -
board of directors 董事会 -
low long-term correlations 低长期相关性 -
long-term leases 长期租赁 -
common stock 普通股 -
share aspects 共享方面 -
portfolios of properties 物业组合 -
healthcare reimbursement 医疗补偿 -
other debt instruments 其他债务工具 -
expense of retail 零售费用 -
underlying property markets 基础房地产市场 -
leasing real estate 租赁不动产 -
reducing leverage 降杠杆 -
a cyclical industry 周期性的工业 -
future earnings 未来收益 -
earnings stability 收益稳定性 -
lower returns 较低的回报 -
dividend payments 股息支付 -
real estate ownership 不动产所有权 -
debt capital 债务资本 -
buying additional shares 购买增发股份 -
long-term track record 长期跟踪记录 -
mid-single-digit growth 中个位数增长 -
market cap 市值 -
property portfolios 物业组合 -
income of dividend 股息收入 -
added stability 附加稳定性 -
dividend income 股利收入 -
average annual price appreciation 年平均价格增值 -
broad stocks 广义股票 -
real estate cycles 房地产周期 -
stock yields 股票收益率 -
current dividend yield 当期股息收益率 -
sound investments 健全的投资 -
property type 属性类型 -
easily traded common stock 易交易普通股 -
risky balance sheets 风险资产负债表 -
issue of Financial 财务问题 -
vertically integrated operating companies 垂直一体化经营公司 -
due diligence 尽职调查 -
institutional investors alike 机构投资者一样 -
AQR Capital Management AQR资本管理 -
automatic warning flag 自动警告标志 -
National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts 全国房地产投资信托协会 -
the National Association 全国协会 -
public equity 公共股本 -
The Great Recession 大衰退 -
retained capital 留存资本 -
pretax income 税前收入 -
the REIT industry REIT行业 -
liquid asset 流动资产 -
modest correlation 适度相关 -
commercial real estate 商业地产 -
lower correlating stocks 相关性较低的股票 -
inflation hedge 通货膨胀套期保值 -
issue of volatility 波动性问题 -
real estate collateral 房地产抵押品 -
low-risk positions 低风险头寸 -
growth prospects 增长前景 -
corporate bonds 公司债券 -
asset classes 资产类别 -
publicly traded stocks 公开交易的股票 -
financial planners 财务规划师 -
corporate governance 公司治理 -
market price volatility 市场价格波动 -
investment category 投资类别 -
short-term REIT performance 短期REIT表现 -
predictable cash flows 可预测现金流量 -
vertically integrated operating 垂直一体化操作 -
direct investment 直接投资 -
stability of leases 租约的稳定性 -
the price behavior 价格行为 -
wild card 通配符 -
geographic location 地理位置 -
many equity bear markets 许多股票熊市 -
invest retained earnings 投资留存收益 -
equity strategist 股票策略师 -
corporate tax 公司税 -
capital-intensive nature 资本密集型 -
current returns 当前回报 -
digital infrastructure benefiting data centers 数字基础设施惠及数据中心 -