
原文 译文 详情
术语原文 术语译文 -
property acquisitions 财产收购 -
preferred dividends 优先股息 -
outside management company 外部管理公司 -
continuing cash cow 持续的摇钱树 -
amount of interest 利息金额 -
cumulative amount 累计金额 -
local economy 地方经济 -
market values 市场价值 -
tax-deferred account 递延税项 -
total market capitalization 总市值 -
common shareholders 普通股股东 -
financial conditions 财务状况 -
University of North Carolina 北卡罗来纳大学 -
investment advisers 投资顾问 -
preferred shares 优先股 -
dividend yields compared 股息收益率比较 -
provide outweighs 提供配重 -
investments of choice 可选择的投资 -
home ownership 自置居所 -
gold mine 金矿 -
energy infrastructure 能源基础设施 -
the general partners 普通合伙人 -
cost of development 开发成本 -
total return 总回报 -
dividend yields 股息收益率 -
property markets 房地产市场 -
even master limited partnerships 甚至掌握有限合伙企业 -
forms of taxation 课税形式 -
issue of inflation 通货膨胀问题 -
balance sheets 资产负债表 -
commercial properties 商业物业 -
liquidity issues 流动性问题 -
automatically superior 自动上级 -
stock price 股票价格 -
newly private company 新私营公司 -
selling agent 销售代理 -
earnings growth 收益增长 -
financial resources 财政资源 -
preferred shareholders 优先股股东 -
rental revenue 租金收入 -
natural gas 天然气 -
industry practices 行业惯例 -
bond investors 债券投资者 -
underlying common stocks 基础普通股 -
the insider information 内幕消息 -
other tax-deferred account 其他递延税项 -
retail centers 零售中心 -
substantial risk 重大风险 -
real estate business 房地产业务 -
asset class 资产类别 -
common dividends 普通股息 -
event of liquidation 清算事件 -
dividend coverage 股息覆盖范围 -
art investments 艺术品投资 -
pure yield 纯产量 -
ordinary income 普通收入 -
real property 不动产 -
disclosure requirements 披露要求 -
personal liability 个人责任 -
real estate cycle 房地产周期 -
investors seeking 投资者寻求 -
appreciation potential 升值潜力 -
fixed maturity dates 固定到期日 -
low vacancy rates 低空缺率 -
investment mix 投资组合 -
personal financial situation 个人财务状况 -
maturity dates 到期日 -
gas pipelines 输气管道 -
exclusive gains 独家收益 -
fee payments 费用支付 -
convertible preferred stock 可转换优先股 -
rental properties 出租物业 -
publicly traded entities 公开交易实体 -
emotional attachment 情感依恋 -
legal monopolies 合法垄断 -
right investment mix 正确的投资组合 -
tax advantages applicable 适用的税收优惠 -
original price 原价 -
the total investment 总投资 -
the oil and gas industry 石油和天然气工业 -
cash distributions 现金分配 -
tax breaks 税收减免 -
operating costs 经营成本 -
real estate ownership 不动产所有权 -
industry's total market cap 行业总市值 -
publicly traded ones 上市公司 -
public counterparts 公共对应方 -
stable investment 稳定投资 -
property leasing 物业租赁 -
individual retirement account 个人退休帐户 -
asset examples 资产示例 -
organizational structures 组织结构 -
Publicly traded REIT shares 公开交易的REIT股票 -
inflation protection 通货膨胀保护 -
convertible bonds 可转换债券 -
acquisition criteria 获取标准 -
repayment of principal 还本 -
promising repayment 承诺偿还 -
vertically integrated operating companies 垂直一体化经营公司 -
real estate organizations 房地产组织 -
problem of liquidity 流动性问题 -
entities plucked billions 实体获拨数十亿 -
wireline telephony 有线电话 -
limited partners 有限合伙人 -
commercial real estate ownership 商业地产所有权 -
total market cap 总市值 -
prospective cash flows 预期现金流量 -
external capital markets 外部资本市场 -
higher-yielding stocks 高收益股票 -
market climate 市场气氛 -
preferred dividend rates 优先股息率 -
amounts of debt 债务数额 -
apartment communities 公寓社区 -
business development corporations 商业发展公司 -
modest capital appreciation prospects 适度的资本增值前景 -
cumulative dividends received 累计收到股利 -
so-called junk bonds 所谓的垃圾债券 -
long-term bond 长期债券 -
management-intensive business 管理密集型业务 -
commercial real estate 商业地产 -
high-yielding investment 高收益投资 -
either rental properties 出租物业 -
comparable credit quality 可比信用质量 -
repayment risk 偿还风险 -
corporate bonds 公司债券 -
real estate investors 房地产投资者 -
Duke Energy and Southern Company 杜克能源和南方公司 -
Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会 -
financial planners 财务规划师 -
monthly mortgage payments 月供 -
bond owner's exposure 债券所有者风险敞口 -
individual investors 个人投资者 -
returns tend 回报趋向 -
free cash flow 自由现金流量 -
management fees 管理费 -
common shares 普通股 -
vertically integrated operating 垂直一体化操作 -
higher-yielding common stocks 高收益普通股 -
aggregators of assets 资产汇总者 -
market price 市场价格 -
permanent capital 永久资本 -
investment capital 投资资本 -
higher-yielding investments 高收益投资 -
general and limited partners 普通合伙人和有限合伙人 -
potential profits 潜在利润 -
preferred stocks 优先股 -
debt leverage 债务杠杆 -
financial strength 资金实力 -
corporate sponsor 公司赞助商 -