
原文 译文 详情
建筑工程 building engineering -
建筑工程质量 quality of building engineering -
验收 acceptance -
进场验收 site acceptance -
检验批 inspection lot -
检验 inspection -
见证取样检测 evidential testing -
交接检验 handing over inspection -
主控项目 dominant item -
一般项目 general item -
抽样检验 sampling inspection -
抽样方案 sampling scheme -
计数检验 counting inspection -
计量检验 quantitative inspection -
观感质量 quality of appearance -
返修 repair -
返工 rework -
合成材料地基 geosynthetics foundation -
重锤夯实地基 heavy tamping foundation -
强夯地基 dynamic consolidation foundation -
注浆地基 grouting foundation -
预压地基 preloading foundation -
高压喷射注浆地基 jet grouting foundation -
水泥土搅拌桩地基 soil-cement mixed pile foundation -
土与灰土挤密桩地基 soil-lime compacted column -
水泥粉煤灰、碎石桩 cement fly ash gravel pile -
锚杆静压桩 pressed pile by anchor rod -
施工质量控制等级 control grade of construction quality -
型式检验 type inspection -
通缝 continuous seam -
假缝 supposititious seam -
配筋砌体 reinforced masonry -
芯柱 core column -
原位检测 inspection at original space -
混凝土结构 concrete structure -
现浇结构 cast-in-situ concrete structure -
装配式结构 prefabricated concrete structure -
缺陷 defect -
严重缺陷 serious defect -
一般缺陷 common defect -
施工缝 construction joint -
结构性能检验 inspection of structural performance -
方木和原木结构 sawn and tound timber structures -
齿连接 step joints -
胶合木结构 structural glued-laminated timber -
层板胶合木 glued-laminated timber (Glulam) -
指形接头 Finger joints -
规格材 dimension lumber -
墙骨 studs -
木基结构板材 structural wood-based panel -
结构胶合板 structural plywood -
定向木片板 oriented strand board (OSB) -
结构复合木材 structural compost\ite lumber (SCL) -
旋切板胶合木 laminated veneer lumber(LVL) -
平行木片胶合木 parallel strand lumber(PSL) -
层叠木片胶合木 laminated strand lumber(LSL) -
预制工字形木搁栅 prefabricated wood I-Joist -
齿板 truss plate -
木材防护剂 wood preservative -
防水层合理使用年限 life of waterproof layer -
一道防水设防 a separate waterproof barrier -
分格缝 diving joint -
满粘法 full adhibiting method -
空铺法 border adhibiting method -
点粘法 spot adhibiting method -
条粘法 strip adhibiting method -
冷粘法 cold adhibiting method -
热熔法 heat fusion method -
自粘法 self-adhibiting method -
热风焊接法 hot air welding method -
倒置式层面 inversion type roof -
架空屋面 elevated overhead roof -
蓄水屋面 impounded roof -
种植屋面 planted roof -
地下防水工程 underground waterproof engineering -
防水等级 grade of waterproof -
刚性防水层 rigid waterproof layer -
柔性防水层 flexible waterproof layer -
初期支护 primary lining -
盾构法隧道 shield tunneling method -
土工合成材料 geosynthetics -
建筑地面 building ground -
面层 surface course -
结合层 combined course -
基层 base course -
填充层 filler course -
隔离层 isolating course -
找平层 toweling course -
垫层 under layer -
基土 foundation earth layer -
缩缝 shrinkage crack -
伸缝 stretching crack -
纵向缩缝 lengthwise shrinkage crack -
横向缩缝 crosswise stretching crack -
建筑装饰装修 building decoration -
基体 primary structure -
细部 detail -
给水系统 water supply system -
排水系统 drainage system -
热水供应系统 hot water supply system -
卫生器具 sanitay fixtures -
给水配件 water supply fittings -
建筑中的水系统 intermediate water system of building -
辅助设备 auxiliaries -
试验压力 test pressure -
额定工作压力 rated wording pressure -
管道配件 pipe fittings -
固定支架 fixed trestle -
活动支架 movable settle -
非承压锅炉 boiler without bearing -
安全附件 safety accessory -
静置设备 still equipment -
分户热计量 household-based heat metering -
热量装置 heat metering device -
卡套式连接 compression joint -
防火套管 fire-resisting sleeves -
阻火圈 fire stops collar -
风管 air duct -
风道 air channel -
通风工程 ventilation works -
空调工程 air conditioning works -
风管配件 duct fittings -
风管部件 duct accessory -
咬口 seam -
漏风量 air leakage rate -
系统风管允许漏风量 air system permissible leakage rate -
测风率 air system leakage ratio -
净化空调系统 air leaning system -
漏光检测 air leak check with lighting -
整体式制冷设备 packaged refrigerating unit -
组装式制冷设备 assembling refrigerating unit -
风管系统的工作压力 design working pressure -
空气洁净度等级 air cleanliness class -
角件 corner pieces -
风机过滤器单元(FFU、FMU) fan filter(module)unit -
空态 as-built -
静态 at-rest -
动态 operational -
非金属材料风管 nonmetallic duct -
复合材料风管 foil-insolent composite duct -
防火风管 refractory duct -
布线系统 wiring system -
电气设备 electrical equipment -
用电设备 current-using equipment -
电气装置 electrical installation -
建筑电气工程(装置) electrical installation in building -
导管 conduit -
金属导管 metal conduit -
绝缘导管 insulating conduit -
保护导体(PE) protective conductor (PE) -
中性保护导体(PEN) PEN conductor -
可接近的 accessible -
景观照明 landscape lighting -
建设工程项目 construction project -
单位工程 single project -
分部工程 subproject -
建设工程文件 construction project document -
工程准备阶段文件 seedtime document of a construction project -
监理文件 project management document -
施工文件 constructing document -
竣工图 as-build drawing -
竣工验收文件 handing over document -
建设工程档案 project archive -
案卷 file -
立卷 filing -
归档 putting into record -
建筑施工安全技术统一规范 Unified code for safety technology in construction -
施工现场(工地) construction site -
工作场所 workplace -
安全技术 safety technique -
安全技术措施 safety technical measures -
安全防护装置 safeguard plant -
高处作业 work at heights -
特种作业 special work -
脚手架 scaffold -
施工用电(临时用电) electricity on construction site -
季节施工 seasonal construction -
施工项目 construction project -
施工项目管理 construction project management by enterprises of construction industry -
项目发包人 employer -
项目承包人 contractor -
项目分包人 subcontractor -
项目经理 construction project manager -
项目经理部 construction project manager team -
矩阵式项目管理组织 matrix type organization of project management -
直线职能式项目管理组织 straight line and function type organization of project management -
事业部式项目管理组织 federal structure of decentralized power type organization of project management -
项目经理责任制 responsibility system of construction project manager -
项目管理目标责任书 responsibility documents of construction project management -
项目管理规划大纲 planning outline for construction project management -
项目管理实施规划 execution planning for construction project management -
项目目标控制 object control for construction project -
项目风险 construction project risk -
项目风险管理 risk management of construction project -
项目成本核算制 cost calculation system of construction project -
项目生产要素管理 productive element management for construction project -
项目合同管理 contract management for construction project -
项目信息管理 information management for construction project -
项目现场管理 site management for construction project -
项目竣工验收 completion and delivery of construction project -
项目回访保修 return visit and guarantee for repair of construction project -
项目组织协调 organization for construction project -
项目考核评价 examination and evaluation of construction project management -
防火风管 refractory duct -
满粘法 full adhibiting method -
项目组织协调 organization for construction project -
种植屋面 planted roof -
基体 primary structure -
非承压锅炉 boiler without bearing -
纵向缩缝 lengthwise shrinkage crack -
观感质量 quality of appearance -
木基结构板材 structural wood-based panel -
冷粘法 cold adhibiting method -
严重缺陷 serious defect -
结构复合木材 structural compost\ite lumber (SCL) -
横向缩缝 crosswise stretching crack -
卡套式连接 compression joint -
整体式制冷设备 packaged refrigerating unit -
初期支护 primary lining -
木材防护剂 wood preservative -
竣工图 as-build drawing -
施工用电(临时用电) electricity on construction site -
复合材料风管 foil-insolent composite duct -
伸缝 stretching crack -
条粘法 strip adhibiting method -
项目风险 construction project risk -
建设工程项目 construction project -
结构性能检验 inspection of structural performance -
定向木片板 oriented strand board (OSB) -
施工质量控制等级 control grade of construction quality -
空气洁净度等级 air cleanliness class -
型式检验 type inspection -
装配式结构 prefabricated concrete structure -
归档 putting into record -
辅助设备 auxiliaries -
层叠木片胶合木 laminated strand lumber(LSL) -
组装式制冷设备 assembling refrigerating unit -
抽样检验 sampling inspection -
试验压力 test pressure -
施工缝 construction joint -
防水等级 grade of waterproof -
方木和原木结构 sawn and tound timber structures -
静置设备 still equipment -
项目成本核算制 cost calculation system of construction project -
假缝 supposititious seam -
安全附件 safety accessory -
电气装置 electrical installation -
项目合同管理 contract management for construction project -
项目承包人 contractor -
保护导体(PE) protective conductor (PE) -
用电设备 current-using equipment -
高处作业 work at heights -
原位检测 inspection at original space -
主控项目 dominant item -
分部工程 subproject -
一般项目 general item -
系统风管允许漏风量 air system permissible leakage rate -
强夯地基 dynamic consolidation foundation -
指形接头 Finger joints -
风管系统的工作压力 design working pressure -
建筑工程 building engineering -
热量装置 heat metering device -
锚杆静压桩 pressed pile by anchor rod -
布线系统 wiring system -
墙骨 studs -
分户热计量 household-based heat metering -
平行木片胶合木 parallel strand lumber(PSL) -
额定工作压力 rated wording pressure -
重锤夯实地基 heavy tamping foundation -
点粘法 spot adhibiting method -
施工文件 constructing document -
安全技术措施 safety technical measures -
金属导管 metal conduit -
配筋砌体 reinforced masonry -
计数检验 counting inspection -
热熔法 heat fusion method -
层板胶合木 glued-laminated timber (Glulam) -
填充层 filler course -
案卷 file -
静态 at-rest -
一道防水设防 a separate waterproof barrier -
监理文件 project management document -
旋切板胶合木 laminated veneer lumber(LVL) -
基层 base course -
注浆地基 grouting foundation -
分格缝 diving joint -
建设工程文件 construction project document -
电气设备 electrical equipment -
给水系统 water supply system -
直线职能式项目管理组织 straight line and function type organization of project management -
建筑装饰装修 building decoration -
施工项目管理 construction project management by enterprises of construction industry -
建筑电气工程(装置) electrical installation in building -
盾构法隧道 shield tunneling method -
倒置式层面 inversion type roof -
空调工程 air conditioning works -
结构胶合板 structural plywood -
进场验收 site acceptance -
规格材 dimension lumber -
咬口 seam -
土工合成材料 geosynthetics -
建筑施工安全技术统一规范 Unified code for safety technology in construction -
项目考核评价 examination and evaluation of construction project management -
可接近的 accessible -
防火套管 fire-resisting sleeves -
缩缝 shrinkage crack -
缺陷 defect -
地下防水工程 underground waterproof engineering -
热水供应系统 hot water supply system -
蓄水屋面 impounded roof -
建筑地面 building ground -
检验批 inspection lot -
项目经理部 construction project manager team -
项目经理责任制 responsibility system of construction project manager -
混凝土结构 concrete structure -
通缝 continuous seam -
景观照明 landscape lighting -
项目风险管理 risk management of construction project -
立卷 filing -
项目管理规划大纲 planning outline for construction project management -
抽样方案 sampling scheme -
脚手架 scaffold -
导管 conduit -
防水层合理使用年限 life of waterproof layer -
项目管理实施规划 execution planning for construction project management -
净化空调系统 air leaning system -
返工 rework -
风管 air duct -
基土 foundation earth layer -
测风率 air system leakage ratio -
检验 inspection -
工作场所 workplace -
工程准备阶段文件 seedtime document of a construction project -
预制工字形木搁栅 prefabricated wood I-Joist -
验收 acceptance -
安全防护装置 safeguard plant -
一般缺陷 common defect -
细部 detail -
隔离层 isolating course -
施工现场(工地) construction site -
风机过滤器单元(FFU、FMU) fan filter(module)unit -
项目生产要素管理 productive element management for construction project -
空态 as-built -
固定支架 fixed trestle -
特种作业 special work -
施工项目 construction project -
绝缘导管 insulating conduit -
中性保护导体(PEN) PEN conductor -
建筑工程质量 quality of building engineering -
水泥土搅拌桩地基 soil-cement mixed pile foundation -
现浇结构 cast-in-situ concrete structure -
面层 surface course -
土与灰土挤密桩地基 soil-lime compacted column -
建设工程档案 project archive -
建筑中的水系统 intermediate water system of building -
自粘法 self-adhibiting method -
垫层 under layer -
动态 operational -
结合层 combined course -
项目回访保修 return visit and guarantee for repair of construction project -
非金属材料风管 nonmetallic duct -
安全技术 safety technique -
矩阵式项目管理组织 matrix type organization of project management -
漏光检测 air leak check with lighting -
热风焊接法 hot air welding method -
合成材料地基 geosynthetics foundation -
交接检验 handing over inspection -
管道配件 pipe fittings -
竣工验收文件 handing over document -
项目信息管理 information management for construction project -
齿板 truss plate -
项目目标控制 object control for construction project -
刚性防水层 rigid waterproof layer -
找平层 toweling course -
项目竣工验收 completion and delivery of construction project -
季节施工 seasonal construction -
项目经理 construction project manager -
预压地基 preloading foundation -
项目管理目标责任书 responsibility documents of construction project management -
事业部式项目管理组织 federal structure of decentralized power type organization of project management -
齿连接 step joints -
空铺法 border adhibiting method -
返修 repair -
卫生器具 sanitay fixtures -
漏风量 air leakage rate -
活动支架 movable settle -
单位工程 single project -
柔性防水层 flexible waterproof layer -
项目现场管理 site management for construction project -
架空屋面 elevated overhead roof -
风管配件 duct fittings -
胶合木结构 structural glued-laminated timber -
风道 air channel -
芯柱 core column -
高压喷射注浆地基 jet grouting foundation -
水泥粉煤灰、碎石桩 cement fly ash gravel pile -
见证取样检测 evidential testing -
项目发包人 employer -
给水配件 water supply fittings -
阻火圈 fire stops collar -
项目分包人 subcontractor -
通风工程 ventilation works -
计量检验 quantitative inspection -
排水系统 drainage system -
角件 corner pieces -
风管部件 duct accessory -