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普惠性支持 strengthen inclusive support 查看
例句: 强化普惠性支持,落实好小规模纳税人增值税起征点从月销售额3万元提高到10万元等税收优惠政策。 We will strengthen inclusive support for innovation and business startups, and implement preferential tax policies such as raising the VAT threshold from 30,000 to 100,000 yuan in monthly sales for small-scale taxpayers.
关键阶段 crucial stage 查看
例句: 越是到脱贫攻坚的关键阶段,越要抓实抓细各项工作,确保脱贫有实效、可持续、经得起历史检验。 The further we get in the crucial stage of the fight, the greater the need, in every aspect of our work, to tackle real problems with attention paid to details, to be certain to deliver substantive, sustainable outcomes that stand the test of time.
通用航空 general aviation 查看
例句: 完成铁路投资8000亿元、公路水运投资1.8万亿元,再开工一批重大水利工程,加快川藏铁路规划建设,加大城际交通、物流、市政、灾害防治、民用和通用航空等基础设施投资力度,加强新一代信息基础设施建设。 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction, 1. 8 trillion yuan will be invested in road construction and waterway projects, and work will start on a number of major water conservancy projects. We will speed up planning and construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and boost infrastructure investment for intercity transportation, logistics, utilities, disaster prevention and mitigation, and civil and general aviation.
规划建设 planning and construction 查看
例句: 完成铁路投资8000亿元、公路水运投资1.8万亿元,再开工一批重大水利工程,加快川藏铁路规划建设,加大城际交通、物流、市政、灾害防治、民用和通用航空等基础设施投资力度,加强新一代信息基础设施建设。 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction, 1. 8 trillion yuan will be invested in road construction and waterway projects, and work will start on a number of major water conservancy projects. We will speed up planning and construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and boost infrastructure investment for intercity transportation, logistics, utilities, disaster prevention and mitigation, and civil and general aviation.
金融支持 financial support 查看
例句: 改革完善金融支持机制,设立科创板并试点注册制,鼓励发行双创金融债券,扩大知识产权质押融资,支持发展创业投资。 We will reform and improve financial support mechanisms, establish a science and technology innovation board that will pilot an IPO registration system, encourage the issuing of special bonds for innovation and entrepreneurship, expand the use of intellectual property pledge financing, and support the growth of venture capital investment.
基础设施投资 infrastructure investment 查看
例句: 完成铁路投资8000亿元、公路水运投资1.8万亿元,再开工一批重大水利工程,加快川藏铁路规划建设,加大城际交通、物流、市政、灾害防治、民用和通用航空等基础设施投资力度,加强新一代信息基础设施建设。 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction, 1. 8 trillion yuan will be invested in road construction and waterway projects, and work will start on a number of major water conservancy projects. We will speed up planning and construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and boost infrastructure investment for intercity transportation, logistics, utilities, disaster prevention and mitigation, and civil and general aviation.
研究项目 research projects 查看
例句: 进一步提高基础研究项目间接经费占比,开展项目经费使用“包干制”改革试点,不设科目比例限制,由科研团队自主决定使用。 We will further increase the proportion of indirect funding for basic research projects, pilot the creation of ceilings in funding that enable the retention of unused funds, set no limits on the proportions of spending items, and give research teams the power to decide how to use funds.
学术不端 academic misconduct 查看
例句: 加强科研伦理和学风建设,惩戒学术不端,力戒浮躁之风。 We will strengthen research ethics, improve academic practice, take disciplinary action against academic misconduct, and guard firmly against rash action.
小康社会 prosperous society 查看
例句: (五)对标全面建成小康社会任务,扎实推进脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴。 5. We will make solid progress in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization and move closer to completing the tasks of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
农业农村 agriculture and rural 查看
例句: 坚持农业农村优先发展,加强脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴统筹衔接,确保如期实现脱贫攻坚目标、农民生活达到全面小康水平。 We will continue to prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, strengthen both poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and ensure that the poverty alleviation goals are achieved and rural living standards reach the level of moderate prosperity in all respects according to plan.
国家发展 national development 查看
例句: 紧扣国家发展战略,加快实施一批重点项目。 We will closely follow national development strategies and accelerate the implementation of a number of key projects.
项目融资 Project Financing 查看
例句: 创新项目融资方式,适当降低基础设施等项目资本金比例,用好开发性金融工具,吸引更多民间资本参与重点领域项目建设。 We will explore new forms of project financing, lower as appropriate capital contribution requirements for infrastructure projects, make good use of developmental financial instruments, and attract more private capital into projects in key areas.
注册制 ipo registration system 查看
例句: 改革完善金融支持机制,设立科创板并试点注册制,鼓励发行双创金融债券,扩大知识产权质押融资,支持发展创业投资。 We will reform and improve financial support mechanisms, establish a science and technology innovation board that will pilot an IPO registration system, encourage the issuing of special bonds for innovation and entrepreneurship, expand the use of intellectual property pledge financing, and support the growth of venture capital investment.
能源汽车 energy vehicles 查看
例句: 稳定汽车消费,继续执行新能源汽车购置优惠政策,推动充电、加氢等设施建设。 To maintain stable automobile consumption, we will continue preferential policies on the purchase of new-energy vehicles and facilitate the building of charging and hydrogenation facilities.
重大水利工程 major water conservancy 查看
例句: 完成铁路投资8000亿元、公路水运投资1.8万亿元,再开工一批重大水利工程,加快川藏铁路规划建设,加大城际交通、物流、市政、灾害防治、民用和通用航空等基础设施投资力度,加强新一代信息基础设施建设。 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction, 1. 8 trillion yuan will be invested in road construction and waterway projects, and work will start on a number of major water conservancy projects. We will speed up planning and construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and boost infrastructure investment for intercity transportation, logistics, utilities, disaster prevention and mitigation, and civil and general aviation.
民间投资 private investment 查看
例句: 落实民间投资支持政策,有序推进政府和社会资本合作。 We will see that policies to encourage private investment are implemented, and take systematic steps to strengthen cooperation between the government and private capital.
招投标制度 public bidding system 查看
例句: 改革完善招投标制度。 We will undertake reforms to improve the public bidding system.
科技创新 Technological innovation -
康复护理 rehabilitation care 查看
例句: 要大力发展养老特别是社区养老服务业,对在社区提供日间照料、康复护理、助餐助行等服务的机构给予税费减免、资金支持、水电气热价格优惠等扶持,新建居住区应配套建设社区养老服务设施,加强农村养老服务设施建设,改革完善医养结合政策,扩大长期护理保险制度试点,让老年人拥有幸福的晚年,后来人就有可期的未来。 We will provide support to institutions offering services in the community like day care, rehabilitation care, and assisted meals and assisted mobility using measures such as tax and fee cuts and exemptions, funding support, and reduced charges for water, electricity, gas, and heating. New residential areas should include facilities for community elderly care services, and we will step up the development of such facilities in rural areas. We will reform and refine policies for integrating medical and elderly care services, and extend trials for long-term care insurance to cover more areas.
国家发展战略 National Development Strategies 查看
例句: 紧扣国家发展战略,加快实施一批重点项目。 We will closely follow national development strategies and accelerate the implementation of a number of key projects.
辍学率 school dropout rates 查看
例句: 开展贫困地区控辍保学专项行动、明显降低辍学率,继续增加重点高校专项招收农村和贫困地区学生人数,用好教育这个阻断贫困代际传递的治本之策。 We will launch an initiative to address school dropout rates and ensure attendance, and achieve clear reductions in rural student dropout rates in poor areas. We will continue to increase the size of special enrollment quotas at key universities for students from rural and poor areas, and make full use of the fundamental role of education in stopping poverty from being passed on to the next generation.
新模式 foster new growth areas 查看
例句: 发展消费新业态新模式,促进线上线下消费融合发展,培育消费新增长点。 We will develop new forms and models of consumption, promote the growth of both online and offline consumption, and foster new growth areas in consumer spending.
加强消费者 strengthen the protection of consumer 查看
例句: 加强消费者权益保护,让群众放心消费、便利消费。 We will strengthen the protection of consumers’ rights and interests, and ensure worry-free and convenient consumption.
资本金 capital contribution requirements 查看
例句: 创新项目融资方式,适当降低基础设施等项目资本金比例,用好开发性金融工具,吸引更多民间资本参与重点领域项目建设。 We will explore new forms of project financing, lower as appropriate capital contribution requirements for infrastructure projects, make good use of developmental financial instruments, and attract more private capital into projects in key areas.
创业投资 venture capital investment 查看
例句: 改革完善金融支持机制,设立科创板并试点注册制,鼓励发行双创金融债券,扩大知识产权质押融资,支持发展创业投资。 We will reform and improve financial support mechanisms, establish a science and technology innovation board that will pilot an IPO registration system, encourage the issuing of special bonds for innovation and entrepreneurship, expand the use of intellectual property pledge financing, and support the growth of venture capital investment.
建成小康 building a moderately 查看
例句: (五)对标全面建成小康社会任务,扎实推进脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴。 5. We will make solid progress in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization and move closer to completing the tasks of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
经济社会发展 economic and social development 查看
例句: 鼓励更多社会主体创新创业,拓展经济社会发展空间,加强全方位服务,发挥双创示范基地带动作用。 We will encourage more private actors to engage in innovation and start businesses, expand the space for economic and social development, strengthen comprehensive services, and give play to the pathfinding role of innovation and entrepreneurship demo centers.
乡村振兴 rural revitalization 查看
例句: (五)对标全面建成小康社会任务,扎实推进脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴。 5. We will make solid progress in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization and move closer to completing the tasks of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
创新创业 innovation and entrepreneurship 查看
例句: 鼓励更多社会主体创新创业,拓展经济社会发展空间,加强全方位服务,发挥双创示范基地带动作用。 We will encourage more private actors to engage in innovation and start businesses, expand the space for economic and social development, strengthen comprehensive services, and give play to the pathfinding role of innovation and entrepreneurship demo centers.
金融工具 financial instrument 查看
例句: 创新项目融资方式,适当降低基础设施等项目资本金比例,用好开发性金融工具,吸引更多民间资本参与重点领域项目建设。 We will explore new forms of project financing, lower as appropriate capital contribution requirements for infrastructure projects, make good use of developmental financial instruments, and attract more private capital into projects in key areas.
科研团队 research team 查看
例句: 进一步提高基础研究项目间接经费占比,开展项目经费使用“包干制”改革试点,不设科目比例限制,由科研团队自主决定使用。 We will further increase the proportion of indirect funding for basic research projects, pilot the creation of ceilings in funding that enable the retention of unused funds, set no limits on the proportions of spending items, and give research teams the power to decide how to use funds.
全面两孩 two-child policy 查看
例句: 要针对实施全面两孩政策后的新情况,加快发展多种形式的婴幼儿照护服务,支持社会力量兴办托育服务机构,加强儿童安全保障。 In response to the new demands created by the full implementation of the two-child policy, we will move faster to develop various types of infant and child care services, encourage private actors to run childcare and early childhood education agencies, and provide better protection for the safety of our children.
设施投资 infrastructure investment 查看
例句: 完成铁路投资8000亿元、公路水运投资1.8万亿元,再开工一批重大水利工程,加快川藏铁路规划建设,加大城际交通、物流、市政、灾害防治、民用和通用航空等基础设施投资力度,加强新一代信息基础设施建设。 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction, 1. 8 trillion yuan will be invested in road construction and waterway projects, and work will start on a number of major water conservancy projects. We will speed up planning and construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and boost infrastructure investment for intercity transportation, logistics, utilities, disaster prevention and mitigation, and civil and general aviation.
改革完善 reform and improve 查看
例句: 改革完善金融支持机制,设立科创板并试点注册制,鼓励发行双创金融债券,扩大知识产权质押融资,支持发展创业投资。 We will reform and improve financial support mechanisms, establish a science and technology innovation board that will pilot an IPO registration system, encourage the issuing of special bonds for innovation and entrepreneurship, expand the use of intellectual property pledge financing, and support the growth of venture capital investment.
有效投资 effective investment 查看
例句: 合理扩大有效投资。 We will expand effective investment as appropriate.
汽车消费 automobile consumption 查看
例句: 稳定汽车消费,继续执行新能源汽车购置优惠政策,推动充电、加氢等设施建设。 To maintain stable automobile consumption, we will continue preferential policies on the purchase of new-energy vehicles and facilitate the building of charging and hydrogenation facilities.
科技创新 technological innovation 查看
例句: 科技创新本质上是人的创造性活动。 Technological innovation is in essence a human creative activity.
人类文明 human civilization 查看
例句: 把面向市场需求和弘扬人文精神结合起来,善聚善用各类人才,中国创新一定能更好发展,为人类文明进步作出应有贡献。 By combining our response to market demand with a championing of the spirit of humanity, and by bringing together and using well capable people with talents of all kinds, we will be sure to see better development in Chinese innovation, and thus do our part for the progress of human civilization.
贫困人口 poor population 查看
例句: 重点解决实现“两不愁三保障”面临的突出问题,加大“三区三州”等深度贫困地区脱贫攻坚力度,加强基础设施建设,落实对特殊贫困人口的保障措施。 We will give priority to our work of seeing that the basic living needs of rural poor populations are met and that such people have access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and housing. We will intensify poverty alleviation in areas of extreme poverty like the “three regions and three prefectures,” strengthen infrastructure development in such areas, and ensure social safeguards for the most vulnerable groups.
民间资本 private capital 查看
例句: 要顺应消费需求的新变化,多渠道增加优质产品和服务供给,加快破除民间资本进入的堵点。 We will fully implement the revised Individual Income Tax Law to see that approximately 80 million taxpayers to whom reductions apply get the most out of these policies.
保障措施 safeguards 查看
例句: 重点解决实现“两不愁三保障”面临的突出问题,加大“三区三州”等深度贫困地区脱贫攻坚力度,加强基础设施建设,落实对特殊贫困人口的保障措施。 We will give priority to our work of seeing that the basic living needs of rural poor populations are met and that such people have access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and housing. We will intensify poverty alleviation in areas of extreme poverty like the “three regions and three prefectures,” strengthen infrastructure development in such areas, and ensure social safeguards for the most vulnerable groups.
批重点 number of key 查看
例句: 紧扣国家发展战略,加快实施一批重点项目。 We will closely follow national development strategies and accelerate the implementation of a number of key projects.
科研团队 research teams -