
原文 译文 详情
经济下行压力 downward pressure on the economy -
消费促进 spending was promoted -
调结构 made structural -
农村危房 dilapidated rural housing -
存量债务 outstanding debt -
调控基础 regulation on the basis -
创新货币 new monetary -
加力增效 increasing intensity and efficacy -
利息负担 interest payment burden -
积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy -
下行压力 mounting downward pressure -
政策工具 policy tools -
结构性减税 structural tax reductions -
货币政策 prudent monetary policy -
城镇棚户区 rundown urban area -
放管结合 improve regulation -
激发市场活力 invigorate the market -
实体经济 the real economy -
多种风险挑战 variety of risks and challenges -
金融安全 financial security -
中西部铁路 central and Western -
财政存量资金 budgetary funds -
加大改革 intensified reform -
结构性改革 structural reform -
区域性风险 variety of risks -
稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy -
快速增长 rapid growth -
扩大结构性 expanding the scope of structural -
地方政府债券 Local government bonds -