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经济下行压力 downward pressure on the economy 查看
例句: 为应对持续加大的经济下行压力,我们在区间调控基础上,实施定向调控和相机调控。 In responding to the mounting downward pressure on the economy, we exercised targeted and well-timed regulation on the basis of range-based regulation.
创业创新 business and making innovations 查看
例句: 群众和企业办事更加方便,全社会创业创新热情日益高涨。 Government-related procedures for individuals and businesses were made much simpler, such that enthusiasm for stepping out into business and making innovations is rising by the day.
推动产业创新升级 promote industrial innovation and upgrading 查看
例句: 三是聚焦提质增效,推动产业创新升级。 Third, we worked to promote industrial innovation and upgrading to improve economic performance.
特别提款权 Special Drawing Rights 查看
例句: 人民币加入国际货币基金组织特别提款权货币篮子。 The RMB was included in the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket.
规范进出口 cost of export 查看
例句: 努力稳定对外贸易,调整出口退税负担机制,清理规范进出口环节收费,提高贸易便利化水平,出口结构发生积极变化。 We worked hard to keep foreign trade stable by adjusting the mechanism for sharing the cost of export tax rebates between the central and local governments, overhauling and regulating charges for imports and exports, increasing trade facilitation, and making changes to the export mix.
丝路基金 silk road fund 查看
例句: 亚洲基础设施投资银行正式成立,丝路基金投入运营。 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank was officially inaugurated, and the Silk Road Fund opened for business.
专项转移支付 special transfer payment 查看
例句: 中央对地方专项转移支付项目减少三分之一,一般性转移支付规模增加。 The central government cut, by one third, the number of items for which special transfer payments are permitted, while scaling up its general transfer payments.
消费促进 spending was promoted 查看
例句: 实施重点领域消费促进工程,城乡居民旅游、网购、信息消费等快速增长。 Consumer spending was promoted in key areas, spurring rapid growth in spending on recreational travel, online shopping, and information goods and services.
调结构 made structural 查看
例句: 一是着力稳增长调结构防风险,创新宏观调控方式。 First,we maintained stable growth, made structural adjustments, guarded against risks, and developed new ways of conducting macro regulation.
农村危房 dilapidated rural housing 查看
例句: 扩大有效投资,设立专项基金,加强水利、城镇棚户区和农村危房改造、中西部铁路和公路等薄弱环节建设。 Effective investment increased, special-purpose funds were established, and development was strengthened in areas in need of attention, including water conservancy, rundown urban areas and dilapidated rural housing, and railways and highways in the central and western regions.
存量债务 outstanding debt 查看
例句: 发行地方政府债券置换存量债务3.2万亿元,降低利息负担约2000亿元,减轻了地方政府偿债压力。 Local government bonds issued to replace outstanding debt reached 3. 2 trillion yuan, lessoning the interest payment burden of local governments by approximately 200 billion yuan while also reducing their debt repayment pressure.
调控基础 regulation on the basis 查看
例句: 为应对持续加大的经济下行压力,我们在区间调控基础上,实施定向调控和相机调控。 In responding to the mounting downward pressure on the economy, we exercised targeted and well-timed regulation on the basis of range-based regulation.
创新货币 new monetary 查看
例句: 稳健的货币政策注重松紧适度,多次降息降准,改革存贷比管理,创新货币政策工具,加大对实体经济支持力度。 We pursued prudent monetary policy with an appropriate amount of intensity, making several cuts to interest rates and required reserve ratios, reforming management of the loan-to-deposit ratio, creating new monetary policy tools, and increasing support for the real economy.
资源税 resource taxes 查看
例句: 营改增稳步实施,资源税从价计征范围扩大。 Ad valorem taxation was extended to cover more types of resource taxes.
亚洲基础 Asian Infrastructure 查看
例句: 亚洲基础设施投资银行正式成立,丝路基金投入运营。 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank was officially inaugurated, and the Silk Road Fund opened for business.
对外直接投资 Foreign direct investment 查看
例句: 非金融类对外直接投资1180亿美元,增长14.7%。 Non-financial outward foreign direct investment reached $118billion, up 14.
加力增效 increasing intensity and efficacy 查看
例句: 积极的财政政策注重加力增效,扩大结构性减税范围,实行普遍性降费,盘活财政存量资金。 We adopted proactive fiscal policy that focused on increasing intensity and efficacy by expanding the scope of structural tax reductions, reducing fees across the board, and putting dormant budgetary funds to good use.
利息负担 interest payment burden 查看
例句: 发行地方政府债券置换存量债务3.2万亿元,降低利息负担约2000亿元,减轻了地方政府偿债压力。 Local government bonds issued to replace outstanding debt reached 3. 2 trillion yuan, lessoning the interest payment burden of local governments by approximately 200 billion yuan while also reducing their debt repayment pressure.
积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy 查看
例句: 积极的财政政策注重加力增效,扩大结构性减税范围,实行普遍性降费,盘活财政存量资金。 We adopted proactive fiscal policy that focused on increasing intensity and efficacy by expanding the scope of structural tax reductions, reducing fees across the board, and putting dormant budgetary funds to good use.
下行压力 mounting downward pressure 查看
例句: 为应对持续加大的经济下行压力,我们在区间调控基础上,实施定向调控和相机调控。 In responding to the mounting downward pressure on the economy, we exercised targeted and well-timed regulation on the basis of range-based regulation.
支付系统 payment system 查看
例句: 取消存款利率浮动上限,推出存款保险制度,建立人民币跨境支付系统。 The upper limit of the floating band on deposit rates was removed, the deposit insurance system was introduced, and the RMB cross-border payment system was established.
公共服务 public service 查看
例句: 加强事中事后监管,优化公共服务流程。 Both operational and post-operational oversight over businesses were strengthened, and public service procedures were improved.
贸易便利化 trade facilitation 查看
例句: 努力稳定对外贸易,调整出口退税负担机制,清理规范进出口环节收费,提高贸易便利化水平,出口结构发生积极变化。 We worked hard to keep foreign trade stable by adjusting the mechanism for sharing the cost of export tax rebates between the central and local governments, overhauling and regulating charges for imports and exports, increasing trade facilitation, and making changes to the export mix.
政策工具 policy tools 查看
例句: 稳健的货币政策注重松紧适度,多次降息降准,改革存贷比管理,创新货币政策工具,加大对实体经济支持力度。 We pursued prudent monetary policy with an appropriate amount of intensity, making several cuts to interest rates and required reserve ratios, reforming management of the loan-to-deposit ratio, creating new monetary policy tools, and increasing support for the real economy.
结构性减税 structural tax reductions 查看
例句: 积极的财政政策注重加力增效,扩大结构性减税范围,实行普遍性降费,盘活财政存量资金。 We adopted proactive fiscal policy that focused on increasing intensity and efficacy by expanding the scope of structural tax reductions, reducing fees across the board, and putting dormant budgetary funds to good use.
存款利率浮动上限 upper limit of the floating band on deposit rates 查看
例句: 取消存款利率浮动上限,推出存款保险制度,建立人民币跨境支付系统。 The upper limit of the floating band on deposit rates was removed, the deposit insurance system was introduced, and the RMB cross-border payment system was established.
货币政策 prudent monetary policy 查看
例句: 稳健的货币政策注重松紧适度,多次降息降准,改革存贷比管理,创新货币政策工具,加大对实体经济支持力度。 We pursued prudent monetary policy with an appropriate amount of intensity, making several cuts to interest rates and required reserve ratios, reforming management of the loan-to-deposit ratio, creating new monetary policy tools, and increasing support for the real economy.
城镇棚户区 rundown urban area 查看
例句: 扩大有效投资,设立专项基金,加强水利、城镇棚户区和农村危房改造、中西部铁路和公路等薄弱环节建设。 Effective investment increased, special-purpose funds were established, and development was strengthened in areas in need of attention, including water conservancy, rundown urban areas and dilapidated rural housing, and railways and highways in the central and western regions.
中央政府定价项目 central government set prices 查看
例句: 价格改革力度加大,中央政府定价项目减少80%,地方政府定价项目减少一半以上。 Pricing reform was intensified, with the number of central government set prices reduced by 80% and the number of local government set prices cut by more than 50%.
放管结合 improve regulation 查看
例句: 深入推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革。 We intensified reform to streamline administration, delegate more powers, improve regulation, and provide better services.
重点改革 key reforms 查看
例句: 财税金融等重点改革深入推进。 Fiscal, tax, financial, and other key reforms were deepened.
实体经济 the real economy 查看
例句: 稳健的货币政策注重松紧适度,多次降息降准,改革存贷比管理,创新货币政策工具,加大对实体经济支持力度。 We pursued prudent monetary policy with an appropriate amount of intensity, making several cuts to interest rates and required reserve ratios, reforming management of the loan-to-deposit ratio, creating new monetary policy tools, and increasing support for the real economy.
生态文明 ecological management reforms 查看
例句: 国有企业、农村、投融资、生态文明等领域改革有序推进,全面深化改革的成效正在显现。 We carried out state-owned enterprise (SOE)reforms, rural reforms, and investment and financing reforms, ecological management reforms, and others.
地方政府定价项目 local government set prices 查看
例句: 价格改革力度加大,中央政府定价项目减少80%,地方政府定价项目减少一半以上。 Pricing reform was intensified, with the number of central government set prices reduced by 80% and the number of local government set prices cut by more than 50%.
银行正式 Bank was officially 查看
例句: 亚洲基础设施投资银行正式成立,丝路基金投入运营。 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank was officially inaugurated, and the Silk Road Fund opened for business.
多种风险挑战 variety of risks and challenges 查看
例句: 去年还积极应对金融领域的多种风险挑战,守住了不发生系统性区域性风险的底线,维护了国家经济金融安全。 In 2015, we also responded proactively to a variety of risks and challenges in the financial sector, ensuring that no systemic or regional threats arose, thus safeguarding China's economic and financial security.
存款保险制度 RMB cross-border payment system 查看
例句: 取消存款利率浮动上限,推出存款保险制度,建立人民币跨境支付系统。 The upper limit of the floating band on deposit rates was removed, the deposit insurance system was introduced, and the RMB cross-border payment system was established.
金融安全 financial security 查看
例句: 去年还积极应对金融领域的多种风险挑战,守住了不发生系统性区域性风险的底线,维护了国家经济金融安全。 In 2015, we also responded proactively to a variety of risks and challenges in the financial sector, ensuring that no systemic or regional threats arose, thus safeguarding China's economic and financial security.
中西部铁路 central and Western 查看
例句: 扩大有效投资,设立专项基金,加强水利、城镇棚户区和农村危房改造、中西部铁路和公路等薄弱环节建设。 Effective investment increased, special-purpose funds were established, and development was strengthened in areas in need of attention, including water conservancy, rundown urban areas and dilapidated rural housing, and railways and highways in the central and western regions.
财政存量资金 budgetary funds 查看
例句: 积极的财政政策注重加力增效,扩大结构性减税范围,实行普遍性降费,盘活财政存量资金。 We adopted proactive fiscal policy that focused on increasing intensity and efficacy by expanding the scope of structural tax reductions, reducing fees across the board, and putting dormant budgetary funds to good use.
工商登记 businesses prior to registration 查看
例句: 工商登记前置审批精简85%,全面实施三证合一、一照一码。 The number of items which require government approval for new businesses prior to registration was cut by 85%, and the system of a separate business license, organization code certificate, and taxation registration certificate was replaced by a unified business license with a unified social credit code.
人民币加入 RMB was included 查看
例句: 人民币加入国际货币基金组织特别提款权货币篮子。 The RMB was included in the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket.
区域性风险 variety of risks 查看
例句: 去年还积极应对金融领域的多种风险挑战,守住了不发生系统性区域性风险的底线,维护了国家经济金融安全。 In 2015, we also responded proactively to a variety of risks and challenges in the financial sector, ensuring that no systemic or regional threats arose, thus safeguarding China's economic and financial security.
一带一路 the Belt and Road Initiative 查看
例句: 一带一路" 建设成效显现,国际产能合作步伐加快,高铁、核电等中国装备走出去取得突破性进展。 Progress was made in the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative (the Belt and Road Initiative), the pace of our industrial-capacity cooperation with other countries was stepped up, and breakthroughs were made in China's export of high-speed railway and nuclear power equipment
稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy 查看
例句: 稳健的货币政策注重松紧适度,多次降息降准,改革存贷比管理,创新货币政策工具,加大对实体经济支持力度。 We pursued prudent monetary policy with an appropriate amount of intensity, making several cuts to interest rates and required reserve ratios, reforming management of the loan-to-deposit ratio, creating new monetary policy tools, and increasing support for the real economy.
快速增长 rapid growth 查看
例句: 实施重点领域消费促进工程,城乡居民旅游、网购、信息消费等快速增长。 Consumer spending was promoted in key areas, spurring rapid growth in spending on recreational travel, online shopping, and information goods and services.
一般性转移支付 general transfer payment 查看
例句: 中央对地方专项转移支付项目减少三分之一,一般性转移支付规模增加。 The central government cut, by one third, the number of items for which special transfer payments are permitted, while scaling up its general transfer payments.
扩大结构性 expanding the scope of structural 查看
例句: 积极的财政政策注重加力增效,扩大结构性减税范围,实行普遍性降费,盘活财政存量资金。 We adopted proactive fiscal policy that focused on increasing intensity and efficacy by expanding the scope of structural tax reductions, reducing fees across the board, and putting dormant budgetary funds to good use.
地方政府债券 Local government bonds 查看
例句: 发行地方政府债券置换存量债务3.2万亿元,降低利息负担约2000亿元,减轻了地方政府偿债压力。 Local government bonds issued to replace outstanding debt reached 3. 2 trillion yuan, lessoning the interest payment burden of local governments by approximately 200 billion yuan while also reducing their debt repayment pressure.