原文 译文 详情
translation proficiency 翻译水平 -
simultaneous and consecutive interpreting 同声传译和交替传译 -
achieved satisfactory results 取得满意效果 -
candidates worldwide 世界各地候选人 -
Institute of Interpreting 口译研究所 -
centers subject 中心主题 -
international model 国际模式 -
interpreting practice 口译实践 -
Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学 -
control policies 控制策略 -
difficulties taking 克服困难 -
several professional language teams 几个专业语言团队 -
consecutive interpreting 交替传译 -
associate director 协理主任 -
Center of China 中国中心 -
total test time 总测试时间 -
end of this year 今年年底 -
international schools 国际学校 -
professional language teams 专业语文小组 -
candidates worldwide 世界各地的候选人 -
the translation and interpretation abilities 笔译和口译能力 -
measure competence 衡量能力 -
held online 在线持有 -
domains including business 包括业务在内的域 -
extension of CATTI CATTI的扩展 -
online test remotely 远程在线测试 -
textbook compiling 教材编写 -
health of candidates 候选人的健康 -
professor of translation 翻译教授 -
Sydney Institute of Interpreting and Translating 悉尼口笔译学院 -
range of domains 域范围 -
Levels I and II 一级和二级 -
levels of Senior 高级别的级别 -
other well-known experts 其他知名专家 -
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 广东外语外贸大学 -
the local pandemic prevention and control policies 地方大流行防控政策 -
test question setting 试题设置 -
domestic version 国内版本 -
CATTI Project Management Center of China Foreign Languages Publishing Administration 中国外文出版局CATTI项目管理中心 -
assess literary translation 文学翻译评价 -
member of CATTI CATTI成员 -
Institute of Blockchain 区块链研究所 -
personnel engaged 聘用人员 -
CATTI English Expert Committee CATTI英语专家委员会 -
interpretation abilities 口译能力 -
Han Culture Centre 汉文化中心 -
CATTI test battery CATTI测试电池 -
both overseas and domestic versions 海外版和国内版 -
member of National 国民成员 -
overseas version 海外版 -
seven foreign languages 七种外语 -
director of CATTI CATTI主任 -
live abroad 住在国外 -
solid foundation 坚实的基础 -
test designing 测试设计 -
Foreign Languages 外语 -
Centre of Malaysia 马来西亚中心 -
language assessment 语言评估 -
Canada Education Group 加拿大教育集团 -
University of Foreign 外国大学 -
recent days 最近几天 -
National Senior Professional Titles 国家高级职称 -
overseas and domestic versions 海外和国内版本 -
director of CET CET主任 -
wide range 宽范围 -
European Research and Development Fund 欧洲研究与发展基金 -
Foreign Studies 国外研究 -
Dalian University of Foreign Langu 大连外语学院 -
local pandemic prevention 地方大流行预防 -
universities of foreign 国外大学 -
CATTI Japanese Expert Committee CATTI日本专家委员会 -
outline reviewing 提纲复习 -
interpreting proficiency 口译水平 -