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hydrocarbon bearing 含烃 查看
例句: Today, a series of surveys, starting with broad geological mapping through increasingly advanced methods such as passive seismic, reflective seismic, magnetic and gravity surveys give data to sophisticated analysis tools that identify potential hydrocarbon bearing rock as “prospects.” 今天,一系列的调查,通过越来越先进的方法,如被动地震、磁反射地震和重力测量等广泛的地质测绘,为复杂的分析工具提供数据,以确定潜在的含烃岩石为“前景”。
surface feature 表面特征 查看
例句: In the past, surface features such as tar seeps or gas pockmarks provided initial clues to the location of shallow hydrocarbon deposits. 在过去,焦油渗漏或油气坑等表面特征为浅层烃类沉积物的位置提供了初步线索。
downhole pressure 井下压力 查看
例句: The first wells in a region are called wildcats because little may be known about potential dangers, such as the downhole pressures that will be encountered, and therefore require particular care and attention to safety equipment. 一个地区的第一批井被称为野猫,因为人们可能对潜在的危险知之甚少,比如将遇到的井下压力,因此需要特别注意安全设备。
Software Crisis 软件危机 查看
例句: Software Crisis 软件危机
production testing 生产测试 查看
例句: If a find (strike, penetration) is made, additional reservoir characterization such as production testing, appraisal wells, etc., are needed to determine the size and production capacity of the reservoir in order to justify a development decision. 如果发现(罢工、渗透),需要额外的水库特征,如生产测试、评估井等,以确定水库的大小和生产能力,以证明开发决策。
Software Engineering 软件工程 查看
例句: Software Engineering 软件工程
oil companies 石油公司 查看
例句: This means that oil companies spend much time on analysis models of good exploration data, and will only drill when models give a good indication of source rock and probability of finding oil or gas. 这意味着石油公司会花大量时间在分析良好勘探数据的模型上,而且只有当模型能很好地表明源岩石和发现石油或天然气的概率时,才会进行钻探。