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设计质量 design quality 查看
例句: 公开内容包括:项目名称、项目地点、建筑面积、建设单位、勘察/设计单位、勘察/设计单位项目负责人、施工图审查机构、初审时间、违反强条数、设计修改时间、设计修改次数、设计质量评分等信息。 The information to be disclosed include Project name, project location, floor area, BuildCo, survey unit/designer, persons in charge of the survey unit/designer, construction drawing review agency, initial review time, violations of mandatory provisions, time of design changes, number of design changes and design quality score, etc.
施工图 construction drawing 查看
例句: 北京市规划和自然资源委员会关于公开施工图审查信息的通知[现行有效] Circular of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources on Disclosure of Construction Drawing Examination Information [Effective]
项目名称 Project name 查看
例句: 公开内容包括:项目名称、项目地点、建筑面积、建设单位、勘察/设计单位、勘察/设计单位项目负责人、施工图审查机构、初审时间、违反强条数、设计修改时间、设计修改次数、设计质量评分等信息。 The information to be disclosed include Project name, project location, floor area, BuildCo, survey unit/designer, persons in charge of the survey unit/designer, construction drawing review agency, initial review time, violations of mandatory provisions, time of design changes, number of design changes and design quality score, etc.
首要责任 primary responsibility 查看
例句: 三、建设单位应当落实首要责任, The BuildCo shall implement the primary responsibility,
设计团队 design team 查看
例句: 择优选择勘察设计单位和设计团队。 selects the best survey and design teams.
勘察设计 survey and design 查看
例句: 强化对勘察设计单位及项目负责人的质量责任及信用监管,引导建设单位择优选择勘察设计单位, enhance the supervision of quality responsibility and credit over the survey units and designers and their persons in charge, and guide the BuildCo to select the best survey unit and designer
项目地点 Project Location 查看
例句: 公开内容包括:项目名称、项目地点、建筑面积、建设单位、勘察/设计单位、勘察/设计单位项目负责人、施工图审查机构、初审时间、违反强条数、设计修改时间、设计修改次数、设计质量评分等信息。 The information to be disclosed include Project name, project location, floor area, BuildCo, survey unit/designer, persons in charge of the survey unit/designer, construction drawing review agency, initial review time, violations of mandatory provisions, time of design changes, number of design changes and design quality score, etc.
工程建设标准 engineering construction standard 查看
例句: 确保施工图设计文件符合工程建设标准和设计深度的相关规定要求。 ensure that the design documents of construction drawings meet the requirements of engineering construction standards and relevant regulations on design depth.
工程质量 project quality 查看
例句: 建立工程质量责任制,对建设工程各阶段实施质量管理 establish a project quality responsibility system, implement quality management at all stages of the construction project
质量保证体系 quality assurance system 查看
例句: 二、勘察设计单位应强化质量保证体系 The survey unit and designer shall strengthen the quality assurance system
结算业务 settlement business 查看
例句: 结算银行可直接为企业办理人民币资本金入账结算业务, The settlement bank may directly handle the RMB capital entry and settlement business for the enterprise
金融支持 Financial Support 查看
例句: 根据《关于进一步加快推进上海国际金融中心建设和金融支持长三角一体化发展的意见》(银发〔2020〕46号), In accordance with the Opinions on Further Accelerating the Construction of Shanghai as an International Financial Center and Providing Financial Support for the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta Region (No. 46 [2020], PBC)
资本金 RMB capital entry and settlement business 查看
例句: 中国人民银行上海分行关于在上海自贸区临港新片区试点取消外商直接投资人民币资本金专用存款账户的通知[现行有效] Notice by the Shanghai Branch of the People's Bank of China of Launching a Pilot Program in the New Lingang Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone of Canceling the Special Deposit Account for RMB Capital Funds for Foreign Direct Investment [Effective]
新片区外资企业 foreign-funded enterprises 查看
例句: 一、注册在临港新片区的外商投资企业(以下简称“新片区外资企业”)以人民币出资时,可不再开立人民币资本金专户。 Foreign-funded enterprises registered in the New Lingang Area (hereinafter referred to as foreign-funded enterprises in the New Lingang Area) may no longer open special deposit accounts for RMB capital funds when making RMB-denominated investments.
金融中心 Financial Center 查看
例句: 根据《关于进一步加快推进上海国际金融中心建设和金融支持长三角一体化发展的意见》(银发〔2020〕46号), In accordance with the Opinions on Further Accelerating the Construction of Shanghai as an International Financial Center and Providing Financial Support for the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta Region (No. 46 [2020], PBC)
结算银行 settlement bank 查看
例句: 结算银行可直接为企业办理人民币资本金入账结算业务, The settlement bank may directly handle the RMB capital entry and settlement business for the enterprise
人民币资本 RMB capital 查看
例句: 中国人民银行上海分行关于在上海自贸区临港新片区试点取消外商直接投资人民币资本金专用存款账户的通知[现行有效] Notice by the Shanghai Branch of the People's Bank of China of Launching a Pilot Program in the New Lingang Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone of Canceling the Special Deposit Account for RMB Capital Funds for Foreign Direct Investment [Effective]
信息管理系统 RMB Cross-border Payment Management Information System 查看
例句: 二、人民币资本金专户取消后,结算银行向人民币跨境收付信息管理系统(RCPMIS)报送信息的要求不变。 After the cancellation of the special RMB capital account, the requirement for the settlement bank's submission of information to the RMB Cross-border Payment Management Information System (RCPMIS) will remain unchanged.
存款账户 deposit account 查看
例句: 中国人民银行上海分行关于在上海自贸区临港新片区试点取消外商直接投资人民币资本金专用存款账户的通知[现行有效] Notice by the Shanghai Branch of the People's Bank of China of Launching a Pilot Program in the New Lingang Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone of Canceling the Special Deposit Account for RMB Capital Funds for Foreign Direct Investment [Effective]
相关信息 relevant information 查看
例句: 外籍人才管理部门负责《外籍人才薪酬购汇专用信息表》中相关信息的认定。 The foreign talent management department shall be responsible for the determination of relevant information in the Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange.
国家外汇管理局 State Administration 查看
例句: 国家外汇管理局上海市分局关于外籍人才薪酬购付汇便利化试点的通知[现行有效] Notice by the Shanghai Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of the Pilot Program of Facilitating the Foreign Exchange Purchase and Payment for Foreign Talents' Remuneration [Effective]
金融服务 financial services 查看
例句: 提供“分次办”、“受托办”、“跨行办”、“电子办”等高效金融服务, providing efficient financial services such as “installment service,” “entrustment service,” “inter-bank service,” and “electronic service,”
外汇业务系统 “Individual Foreign Exchange Business System 查看
例句: 购汇时,银行应及时录入“个人外汇业务系统”, When foreign exchange is purchased, a bank shall enter related information into the “Individual Foreign Exchange Business System” in a timely manner,
银行业务 banking business 查看
例句: 简化银行业务单证审核, simplifying the examination of banking business documents,
见附件 see Annex 查看
例句: 一、银行凭中共上海市委组织部、上海市科委(市外专局)等部门认定的“外籍人才管理部门”签发的《外籍人才薪酬购汇专用信息表》(见附件1)及有效身份证件直接为外籍人才办理薪酬购付汇业务, Banks shall directly handle the foreign exchange purchase and payment for foreign talents' remuneration based on the Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange (see Annex 1) issued by the “foreign talent management department" recognized by the Organization Department of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (STCSM) (Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs) and other departments as well as valid identifications,
创新发展 innovative development 查看
例句: 上海市人民政府关于印发《上海市全面深化服务贸易创新发展试点实施方案》的通知[现行有效] Notice by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government of Issuing the Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Deepening the Pilot Program of the Innovative Development of Trade in Services in Shanghai [Effective]
长三角 Yangtze River Delta 查看
例句: 实施长三角一体化等国家战略, put into effect such national strategies as the Integration of the Yangtze River Delta,
市场主体 market entities 查看
例句: 鼓励市场主体自主创新, the independent innovation of market entities shall be encouraged,
信息共享 information sharing 查看
例句: 建立有利于科学统计、完善政策、优化监管的信息共享机制。 an information sharing mechanism that is conducive for scientific statistics, policy support and supervision optimization shall be established.
自主创新 independent innovation 查看
例句: 鼓励市场主体自主创新, the independent innovation of market entities shall be encouraged,
特色社会主义思想 Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 查看
例句: 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导, Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,
综合评估 comprehensive evaluation 查看
例句: 加快建立服务贸易发展绩效综合评估体系与考核机制。 A comprehensive evaluation system and assessment mechanism for the performance of trade in services shall be rapidly established.
上海市人民政府 Shanghai Municipal People's Government 查看
例句: 上海市人民政府关于印发《上海市全面深化服务贸易创新发展试点实施方案》的通知[现行有效] Notice by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government of Issuing the Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Deepening the Pilot Program of the Innovative Development of Trade in Services in Shanghai [Effective]
全面贯彻 comprehensively implement 查看
例句: 全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神, efforts shall be made to comprehensively implement the underlying principles of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee,
政策保障 policy guarantee 查看
例句: 依据国家有关部委制定的政策保障措施 in accordance with the policy guarantee measures developed by the relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council.
习近平 Xi Jinping 查看
例句: 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导, Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,
上海国际 Shanghai International 查看
例句: 市推进上海国际贸易中心建设领导小组加强对全面深化服务贸易创新发展试点工作的领导协调, The leadership and coordination of the Municipal Leading Group in the Construction of the Shanghai International Trade Center shall be strengthened in comprehensively deepening the pilot program of the innovative development of trade in services.
现代服务业 modern service 查看
例句: 统筹推进服务业扩大开放、现代服务业发展 An overall plan shall be made for enlarging the expanse of the services sector, the development of the modern service industry
政务服务 Government Services 查看
例句: 3.提高政务服务效能。 Improving the efficiency of government services:
国际竞争力 international competitiveness 查看
例句: 加快提升“上海服务”,品牌国际竞争力, the international competitiveness of the “Shanghai Services” brand shall be enhanced at a faster pace,
科技创新 technological innovations 查看
例句: 不断强化全球资源配置、科技创新策源、高端产业引领和开放枢纽门户“四大功能” constantly strengthen the “four major functions” of Shanghai in the attraction and allocation of global resources, generation of scientific and technological innovations, guidance by high-end industries, and gateway for opening-up
全面深化 comprehensively deepening 查看
例句: 上海市人民政府关于印发《上海市全面深化服务贸易创新发展试点实施方案》的通知[现行有效] Notice by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government of Issuing the Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Deepening the Pilot Program of the Innovative Development of Trade in Services in Shanghai [Effective]
新格局 new development pattern 查看
例句: 促进上海加快形成国内大循环中心节点和国内国际双循环战略链接的发展新格局。 and a new development pattern in which domestic and foreign markets boost each other with the domestic market as the center shall be established in a more rapid manner.
上海国际贸易中心 shanghai international trade center 查看
例句: 市推进上海国际贸易中心建设领导小组加强对全面深化服务贸易创新发展试点工作的领导协调, The leadership and coordination of the Municipal Leading Group in the Construction of the Shanghai International Trade Center shall be strengthened in comprehensively deepening the pilot program of the innovative development of trade in services.