
原文 译文 详情
推进降噪 Propulsion noise reduction -
净化池 Purifying tank -
雨污分流 Rain and sewage diversion -
操作室 Operating Room -
智能集控中心 Intelligent centralized control center -
推进运行 Propulsion operation -
产业集聚 Industrial agglomeration -
工业化生产 Industrialized production -
鄂钢 E Steel -
开堵铁口 Open taphole -
分工作业 Division of Work -
流程自动化 Process Automation -
智慧制造专项规划 Special Plan for Intelligent Manufacturing -
集控中心 Centralized control center -
用水管道 Water pipe -
智能制造 Intelligent Manufacturing -
隔成 Divide into -
钢铁企业 Iron and steel enterprise -
实时显示 Real-time Display -
绿化面积 Greening area -
废水排放 Wastewater discharge -
高炉冲渣 Blast furnace slag flushing -
深度处理技术 Advanced treatment technology -
生产单元 Production Unit -
治理废气 Treatment of waste gas -
含铬废水 Chromium-containing wastewater -
废水零排放 Zero discharge of waste water -
奥钢联 Austrian Steel Union -
花园式 Garden style -
热轧智能车间 Hot Rolling Intelligent Workshop -
高屈强比 High yield ratio -
绿巨人 Hulk -
文化创意 Cultural creativity -
达标率 Compliance rate -
高等级 High grade -
排料 Discharge -
全封闭 Totally enclosed -
钢铁业 Steel industry -
集控 Centralized control -
处置废弃 Disposal of waste -
兆帕 MPa -
转炉冶炼 Converter smelting -
管制中心 Control Center -
相关单元 Related Unit -
环境友好 Environmentally friendly -
宝钢股份 Baoshan Iron & Steel -
工业互联网 Industrial Internet -
化学需氧量 Chemical oxygen demand -
冷轧数字化车间 Cold Rolling Digital Workshop -
富含 Rich in -
宝钢特刚区 Baosteel Special Steel Zone -
武钢集团 WISCO Group -
合资公司 Joint Venture Company -
新趋势 New Trend -
资源空间 Resource space -
占有率 Occupancy rate -
沉泥 Sink mud -
焦化酚氰 Coking phenol cyanide -
全面建成 Complete in an all-round way -
吉帕钢 Gippa steel -
运营服务 Operational Services -
大型高炉 Large blast furnace -
复合型产业 Compound industry -
进水管 Inlet pipe -
先进工艺 Advanced technology -
武钢有限 WISCO Limited -
资源利用 Utilization of resources -
融合型产业 Integrated industry -
大单重钢板 Large single weight steel plate -
邻里关系 Neighborhood relationship -
国家工程 National Engineering -
世界前列 Top of the world -
陈德荣 Chen Derong -
操作控制 Operation Control -
焦炉 Coke oven -
宝武品牌园区建设模式 Construction Mode of Baowu Brand Park -
多项技术 Multiple Technologies -
三分之一 One third -
试点企业 Pilot enterprises -
前行 Move forward -
绿色低碳 Green and low carbon -
主要污染物 Major Pollutants -
排放口 Discharge port -
移动通信技术 Mobile communication technology -
深度处理 Advanced treatment -
余热闪蒸提盐 Extraction of salt by waste heat flash evaporation -
服务创新 Service innovation -
湿地公园 Wetland Park -
蓝烟 Blue smoke -
占地面积 Occupied area -
运维 Operation and maintenance -
轧钢工序 Rolling process -
工业和信息化部 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology -
锌灰 Zinc ash -
固体废物 Solid waste -
景对景 Scenario to Scenario -
鄂城 Echeng -
技术规范 Technical Specifications -
全面推进 Advance in an all-round way -
远程技术 Remote technology -
成功实现 Successful Implementation -
经济性 Economy -
匠心园 Originality Garden -
宝钢股份宝山基地 Baoshan Base in Baoshan Iron & Steel -
现场操作 Field Operation -
高炉炼铁 Blast furnace ironmaking -
二级单位 Level II Unit -
这意味着 This means that -
高品质 High quality -
生产流程 Production Process -
城市垃圾 Municipal waste -
东湖网谷产业园 East Lake Wanggu Industrial Park -
无边界 Borderless -
技改工程 Technical transformation project -
全面提升 Overall promotion -
鄂钢厂区 Hubei Steel Plant Area -
处理中心 Processing Center -
宝武品牌园区 Baowu Brand Park -
设备研发 Equipment Research and Development -
集中化 Centralization -
珍宝式保护 Treasure protection -
超宽 Ultra wide -
宝钢特钢有限公司 Baosteel Special Steel Co., Ltd. -
动车 Bullet train -
特厚 Extra thick -
远程操控 Remote control -
精粮 Refined grain -
高铁 High-speed rail -
梅钢公司 Meigang Company -
门对门 Door to door -
升级改造 Upgrading and transformation -
综合利用率 Comprehensive utilization rate -
战略合作 Strategic cooperation -
十里钢城 Shili Steel City -
转型开发 Transformation and development -
最高可达 Maximum Available -
八一钢铁 Bayi Steel -
生活污水 Domestic sewage -
宝钢集团 Baosteel Group -
钢渣处理 Steel slag treatment -
中国宝武 China Baowu -
污水处理系统 Sewage treatment system -
循环利用 Recycling -
互联网+ Internet Plus -
处理能力 Processing capacity -
全生产链 Full production chain -
控制中心 Control Center -
自主集成建设 Independent integration construction -
跨区域 Trans-regional -
配水 Water distribution -
钢铁产能 Steel production capacity -
生产运行 Production Operation -
八一钢铁厂 Bayi Iron and Steel Works -
绿植 Green plant -
吴淞口创业园 Wusongkou Pioneer Park -
氧枪 Oxygen lance -
高铝锌铝 High aluminium zinc aluminium -
钢铁侠 Iron Man -
系泊链 Mooring chain -
上海不锈园区 Shanghai Stainless Park -
废旧轮胎 Waste tires -
生产过程中 In the process of production -
经济密度 Economic density -
信息化部 Ministry of Information Technology -
转型发展 Transformation and development -
股份有限 Limited shares -
工艺技术 Process Technology -
超低 Ultra Low -
优化方案 Optimization scheme -
一期工程 Phase I Project -
融入 Integration -
汽车行业 Automobile industry -
供应商 Supplier -
入驻 Settle in -
铁损 Iron loss -
预处理工艺 Pretreatment process -
欧冶炉 European metallurgy furnace -
智慧制造三年行动方案 Three-Year Action Plan for Smart Manufacturing -
蓝天白云 Blue sky and white clouds -
服务能力 Service capability -
延伸性 Extensibility -
原上钢二厂 Former Shanggang No.2 Factory -
资源利用效率 Resource utilization efficiency -
武钢有限厂区 WISCO Co., Ltd. Factory Area -
需氧量 Oxygen demand -
烧结烟气脱硫脱硝 Sintering flue gas desulfurization and denitration -
围栏 Fence -
大货车 Large truck -
上海地区 Shanghai area -
自主创新 Independent innovation -
取向硅钢 Oriented silicon steel -
宝钢股份汽车 Baoshan Iron & Steel Automobile -
氮氧化物 Nitrogen oxides -
生产企业 Production enterprise -
宝武模式 Baowu model -
智能车间 Intelligent workshop -
总图 General drawing -
跨越式发展 Leapfrog development -
生产试验 Production test -
课题研究 Subject Research -
试点项目 Pilot projects -
青山基地 Castle Peak Base -
全面普查 Comprehensive census -
生态圈 Ecological circle -
转炉自动化冶炼+ Converter automatic smelting + -
机器设备 Machinery and equipment -
宝钢股份中厚板分公司 Baoshan Iron & Steel Medium and Heavy Plate Company -
进仓 Warehouse Entry -
上海二钢有限公司 Shanghai No.2 Steel Co., Ltd. -
养虾 Shrimp farming -
汽车轻量化 Automobile lightweight -
双创园区 Shuangchuang Park -
鄂钢操业集控中心 Hubei Steel Operation Centralized Control Center -
智慧魔方 Wisdom Rubik's Cube -
坚实基础 Solid foundation -
空间格局 Spatial pattern -
双膜法 Double membrane method -
融合型 Fusion type -
技术支撑 Technical support -
岛式 Island type -
汽车用钢 Automotive steel -
平板电脑 Tablet computer -
钢铁行业 Steel industry -
协同发展 Coordinated development -
远程集控 Remote centralized control -
梁新屋村 Liang Xinwu Village -
非高炉炼铁 Non-blast furnace ironmaking -
新模式 New Model -
周边环境 Surrounding environment -
思想障碍 Barrier of thought -
零星空地 Sporadic open space -
工艺标准 Process standard -
制氧机组 Oxygen generator set -
现有土地 Existing land -
废水处理 Wastewater treatment -
城市废弃物 Municipal waste -
花溪湿地公园 Huaxi Wetland Park -
海洋平台 Offshore platform -
韶关钢铁智慧中心 Shaoguan Steel Intelligence Center -
低碳 Low carbon -
撞击试验台 Impact platform -
一池碧水 A pool of green water -
韶关钢铁厂区 Shaoguan Iron and Steel Factory -