
原文 译文 详情
习近 Xi Jinping -
多边主义 multilateralism -
习近平主席等党和国家领导⼈ Xi Jinping and other Party and state leaders hosted or -
习近平 Jinping -
诚挚感谢 O -
⾼职院校 student enrollments in vocational colleges -
贸易港 Free Trade Port -
知识产权保护⼒度 the application of scientific and -
⻓江 We -
世界 our people and global -
新型城镇化和乡村振兴 new urbanization and rural revitalization and -
教学 high school -
地⽅政府债务风险 local government debt risks -
以习近平同志为核⼼的党中央 of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its -
全⾯复学 graduates successfully completed the -
宏观政策 urgent needs -
诚挚感谢 I -
不稳定不确定因素 instability and uncertainty -
低保、特困供养 or extreme poverty -
⽣活必需品 supply and price stability of daily necessities -
产业扶贫⼒度 harder to reduce poverty through the development of local industries -
科技创新 innovation in science and technology -
经济恢复基础 foundation for achieving our country’s economic recovery -
新增市场主体 The number of new market entities -
必要条件 conditions -
习近平总书记 General Secretary Xi Jinping -
中央全⾯从严治党战略部署 Central Committee’s strategic plan for exercising full and strict Party self governance -
百折不挠的⺠族精神 adversity in close solidarity and with the unyielding spirit of the Chinese -
国务院 the State Council -
中国 China -
保市场主体 efforts to keep market entities afloat -
⽬标 W -
⼆⼗国集团 G20 -
习近平 Xi Jinping -
⼈类 human community with -
⾦融系统 thus -
中央 central -
新中国 the history of the People’s Republic of China -
脱贫攻坚战 the fight against poverty -
75 周年 commemorating the 75th anniversary of -
贷款 fiscal resources -
中国 We were successful in pursuing China’s -
⼀切困难挑战 every challenge and overcome every difficulty -
新冠肺炎疫情 the coronavirus -
世界和平与发展 global peace and development -
过去⼀年取得的成绩 We owe our achievements last year -
成绩 our achievements -
欧盟 EU -
我国 China’s -
重要贡献 important contributions -
台湾 Macao -
社保费 in social insurance premium cuts and exemptions -
退休⼈员基本养⽼⾦ Pension benefits were paid on time and in full -
中欧投资协定谈判 China’s industrial chains and supply chains -
全国城镇调查失业率 surveyed urban unemployment rate -
就业⼤局 overall employment -
中央 the central Party leadership’s -
黄河 River and Yellow River -
新的经验 fresh experience -
亚太经合组织 APEC Economic -
预期 expected -
中⾮ ChinaAfrica -
⽣态环保 still have a long way to go in protecting the environment -
增产 increase -
产业转型升级步伐 accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading -
产权保护 administration -
公共⽂化服务 public cultural services -
第三届中国国际进⼝博览会 The third China International Import Expo and the China International Fair -
常态化防控机制 control mechanisms -
产业数字化智能化改造 was done to upgrade the industrial sector with digital -
⼩康社会 a moderately prosperous society -
中国特⾊⼤国外交 We were successful in pursuing China’s major country diplomacy -
产业链供应链 its foreign -
决定性成就 decisive achievements -
世界经济 global economic -
法律议案 legislative proposals to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress for deliberation -
稳岗扩岗激励⼒度 incentives to stabilize and expand -
资本市场基础制度 The underlying systems of the capital market -
少数⼲部 small number of officials -
全国⼈⼤常委会 the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress -
利率 residents -
回顾 A review of Our -
国务院 State Council accountability -
中国 Chinese -
中央财政资⾦ central -
教育领域综合改⾰ of education -
困难 are still finding the going tough -
各地 Local governments across the country provided more -
发展活⼒和内⽣动 opening up and further boosted the vitality and -
对外贸易和利⽤外资 foreign investment posted -
中央决策部署 the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee -
经济基本盘 fundamentals of the economy stable -
防控策略 response approaches -
企业和员⼯ businesses and their employees to -
使命 the need to stay true to -
主要⽬标任务 major targets and tasks -
区域协调发展体制机制 mechanisms for promoting coordinated development between -
⽣产生活秩序 for returning to normal life and work -
⽣命安全和身体健康 the health and safety of the people -
⼤中⼩企业 and large enterprises -
粮⻝ Grain -
重⼤区域发展战略 measures to implement major strategies for regional development -
52 个贫困县 were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties -
扫⿊除恶专项⽃争 organized crime and root out local criminal gangs -
联合国 Nations -
核⼼的 of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with -
⼤型商业银⾏ large commercial -
就业 jobs -
⼈⺠群众 Our people -
市场主体的急需 macro -
国内疫情防控 control Covid -
国际科技创新中⼼和综合性国家科学中⼼ China’s international centers for science and technology innovation and comprehensive national science centers -
⼈居环境整治成效 improved rural living environments -
营商环境 the Business Environment -
冲击 shocks -
经济恢复 its economy -
⺠⽣领域 Andmany weaknesses in areas that -
中欧 China’s -
改⾰开放 reform -
中国 China thus -
⾏政法规 sets of administrative regulations -
⺠营企业 of private businesses -
居⺠消费 impediments to consumer spending -
⽣猪产能 hog production -
退休⼈员 Pension benefits -
复⼯复产 reopening -
党中央 Central Committee -
房地产市场 of the housing market -
重⼤战略成果 major strategic success -
乡村建设 advancing rural development -
海南 Hainan -
海南⾃由贸易港建设等重⼤举措 Major measures to develop the Hainan Free Trade Port and other major initiatives -
稳价 ensured -
经济 China was the world’s only major economy to achieve growth -
⼤国 major country -
澳⻔ Hong Kong -
社会治安综合治理 full range of measures to maintain law and order -
受灾群众 disaster victims -
救助 subsistence allowances or extreme poverty aid -
地区聚集性疫情 local outbreaks of the epidemic -
贫困劳动 poor workers -
全⾯胜利 complete victory -
东亚 East Asia -
新成效 further -
城镇 urban -
社会 social -
临时救助 temporary assistance grants were disbursed -
核⼼ core -
薄弱环节 weak links in -