
原文 译文 详情
中华人民共和国 People's Republic of China -
秦淮河 Qinhuai River -
对外扩张 Outward expansion -
全面深化改革 Deepen reform in an all-round way -
钢铁企业 Iron and steel enterprise -
青溪铁厂 Qingxi Iron Works -
制度自信 Institutional Confidence -
钢铁工业 Iron and steel industry -
营业收入 Operating income -
企业联合 Enterprise association -
重钢 Chongqing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd -
供给侧结构性改革 Supply-side structural reform -
武钢集团 WISCO Group -
实质性管理 Substantive management -
黄浦江 Huangpu River -
保值增值 Maintain and increase value -
八钢 Bayi Steel -
太钢集团 Taigang Group -
整体设计 Overall design -
江南制造局炼钢厂 Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau Steelmaking Plant -
马钢 Masteel -
中华民族伟大复兴 The Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation -
试点企业 Pilot enterprises -
十八届三中全会 Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee -
中国梦 Chinese Dream -
家国情怀 Feelings of family and country -
曾国藩 Zeng Guofan -
克里米亚战争 Crimean War -
汉水 Han River -
人民解放军 People's Liberation Army -
国际竞争力 International competitiveness -
冶金学家 Metallurgist -
现代化建设 Modernization -
上海宝钢集团公司 Shanghai Baosteel Group Co., Ltd -
梅山 Meishan -
洋务派 Westernization Movement -
慈湖河 Cihu River -
中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese characteristics -
汉阳铁厂 Hanyang Iron Works -
贝塞麦 Besemer -
优化资源配置 Optimize the allocation of resources -
战略布局 Strategic layout -
国有资本投资公司 State-owned capital investment company -
冶炼设备 Smelting equipment -
国有资户 State-owned households -
社会主义现代化建设 Socialist modernization construction -
巴尔干 Balkans -
中钢集团 Sinosteel Group -
铁厂 Iron Works -
戈壁滩 Gobi Desert -
通商口岸 Trading port -
矿务总局 General Administration of Mines -
创新驱动 Innovation-driven -
洋务军工企业 Westernization military enterprises -
钢铁冶炼 Iron and steel smelting -
嘉陵江 Jialing River -
民族振兴 National rejuvenation -
生态圈 Ecological circle -
十一届三中全会 Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee -
上海炼钢厂 Shanghai Steelmaking Plant -
八一钢铁总厂 Bayi Iron and Steel Complex -
钢管桩 Steel pipe pile -
持续发展 Sustainable development -
南京条约 Treaty of Nanking -
经济效益和社会效益 Economic and social benefits -
开放包容 Open and inclusive -
上钢一厂 Shanggang No.1 Factory -