
原文 译文 详情
佛教 Buddhism -
女真族 Jurchen -
部族制 systems coexisted 查看
例句: 此后,辽朝统治者又因地制宜,先后设立上京、东京、南京、中京、西京等都城,形成道、京、府、州、县的地方行政体系,与契丹旧俗“四时捺钵”及部族制并行。 Hereafter, Liao rulers adjusted measures to local conditions and established Supreme Capital, Eastern Capital, Southern Capital, Central Capital and Western Capital, forming the local administrative systems of Dao, Capital, Fu, Zhou and Xian. These systems coexisted with old administrative systems of Nabo and ancient tribes.
丝绸之路 Silk roads -
Confucianism -
萨满教 Shamanism -
部落联盟 tribal alliance 查看
例句: 契丹建国前传统的社会组织模式是八部联盟,经历过大贺氏、遥辇氏部落联盟阶段,社会生产力得到飞速发展。 Before the founding of the Khitan, the traditional social organization pattern was the eight-department alliance. After the tribal alliance of Dahe and Yaonian, the social productivity developed rapidly.
哈喇 Qara-Khitai -
捺钵 Nabo -
国号 state title -
燕赵 Yan and Zhao countries 查看
例句: 两重政治体制所蕴育出的民族文化,既有贯通古今遍及全国的共性,又有其时代、地域与民族特点,二者的参同契合、互为因果,导致了契丹社会多元汇聚的文化内涵与南北文化的再造与升华,奠定了中国古代北方各民族“万风而归于一元”的文化基础,所谓“万国河山有燕赵,百年风气尚辽金”,大辽王朝的建立,对于后来元朝政治、经济、文化上的大统一奠定了坚实的基础。 The national culture produced by the double political system both linked the nationwide generalities and the characteristics of different peoples, areas and eras, and resulted in the converging of multi-cultures and the raising to a higher level of both northern and southern cultures. It laid cultural foundation for the unity of northern diverse cultures. Such words circulated: among thousands of magnificent counties, the Yan and Zhao countries are the most remarkable; among cultures and traditions formed through hundreds of years, Liao and Jin cultures are the most typical. The establishment of Liao Dynasty laid solid foundations for the Later Yuan Dynasty's unity of politics, economy and culture.
海上之盟 Alliance over the Sea -
契丹 Khitan -
游牧文化 northern deep-rooted nomadic cultures 查看
例句: 南面有来自中原地区的唐风宋韵,西部有来自中亚与西亚地区的西域胡风,北部有根深蒂固的游牧文化。 We can see the Tang and Song Dynasties' styles of the southern central plains, the exotic cultures of central and western Asia and the northern deep-rooted nomadic cultures.
孔子庙 Confucius, Buddhist and Daoist temples 查看
例句: 但随着疆域的扩大,契丹皇帝又“诏建孔子庙、佛寺、道观”,确立了契丹社会萨满教与儒、释、道等其他宗教并行发展的局面。 But with their expansion of territory, the Khitan emperors ordered the establishment of Confucius, Buddhist and Daoist temples, thus the four systems of beliefs prevailed: Shamanism, Confucianism, Daosim and Buddhism.
丝绸之路 Silk Roads -
丧葬习俗 Funeral Customs -
多元文化 diverse culture 查看
例句: 在保留本民族传统文化的同时,多元文化在契丹社会的各个层面皆有所体现。 While preserving traditional nomadic cultures, diverse cultures were reflected in all aspects of the Khitan society.
Taoism -