
原文 译文 详情
术语原文 术语译文 -
Xi Jinping 习近平 -
building a moderately prosperous society 现代化建设 -
The new development philosophy 发展理念 -
development philosophy 发展理念 -
Plan has seen smooth 规划顺利 -
economic and social development 经济社会发展 -
new high 新台阶 -
share in the global 占世界 -
global economy 经济增长 -
global growth 经济增长 -
Consumer prices 居民消费 -
prices rose at an average 价格年均 -
new urban jobs 新增就业 -
the main driver of growth 经济增长主动力 -
driver of growth 经济增长 -
average annual increase 年均增长 -
grain yield 粮食生产能力 -
development has yielded fruitful 发展成果 -
manned spaceflight 载人航天 -
quantum communications 量子通信 -
large aircraft development 大飞机 -
large aircraft 大飞机 -
mobile payments 移动支付 -
the sharing economy 共享经济 -
sharing economy 共享经济 -
Business startups and innovation 万众创新 -
innovation are thriving 创新蓬勃 -
profoundly changing 深刻改变 -
changing the way 改变生产生活方式 -
new hallmark 新标志 -
important fields 重要领域 -
key links 关键环节 -
improve regulation 放管结合 -
optimize services 优化服务 -
profound shifts 深刻转变 -
the functions of government 政府职能 -
functions of government 政府职能 -
market dynamism 市场活力 -
public creativity 社会创造力 -
The Belt and Road Initiative 一带一路 -
The Belt and Road 一带一路 -
Belt and Road Initiative 一带一路 -
poverty headcount ratio 贫困发生率 -
headcount ratio 发生率 -
income has increased by an annual average 收入年均 -
the largest social safety net 社会保障网 -
largest social safety net 社会保障 -
social safety net 保障网 -
life expectancy 预期寿命 -
housing units have been rebuilt 住房改造 -
rundown urban areas 棚户区住房 -
moved into new 迁新居 -
soil pollution 土壤污染 -
energy and water consumption 生产总值能耗 -
water consumption 水耗 -
days of heavy air pollution in key cities has fallen 天数减少 -
key cities 重点城市 -
desertified land 沙化土地 -
targets and tasks 目标任务 -
GDP grew 生产总值增长 -
corporate profits 企业利润 -
revenue grew 收入增长 -
cumulative effect 效应累积 -
have attracted global 令世界 -
historic achievement 历史性成就 -
Full employment 充分就业 -
personal income 居民收入 -