
原文 译文 详情
社会主义民主政治 Socialist democratic politics -
全面深化改革 Deepen reform in an all-round way -
监察体制 Supervisory system -
法治社会 Society ruled by law -
国家治理体系 National governance system -
严格执法 Strict enforcement of the law -
社会主义法治 Socialist rule of law -
人民当家作主 The people are the masters of the country. -
重要领域和关键环节 Important areas and key links -
民族宗教工作 Ethnic and religious work -
协同性 Synergy -
整体性 Integrity -
建设全面 Construction in an all-round way -
社会主义民主 Socialist democracy -
协商民主 Deliberative democracy -
改革试点 Pilot reform -
中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese characteristics -
体制机制 Institutional mechanism -
重大突破 Major Breakthrough -
改革举措 Reform measures -
建设相互 Building Mutual -
法治观念 Concept of rule of law -
科学立法 Scientific legislation -
治理体系 Governance system -
爱国统一战线 Patriotic united front -
治理能力现代化 Modernization of governance capability -
行政体制改革 Administrative system reform -
关键环节改革 Key link reform -
主体框架 Main body frame -
着力增强 Focus on strengthening -
依法治国 Ruling the country by law -
法治国家 A country ruled by law -
公正司法 Impartial justice -
体制机制弊端 Malpractice of system and mechanism -