
原文 译文 详情
abdominal examination 腹诊 -
abductive dispersion 消[导]法 -
Acanthopanacis Cortex 五加皮 -
Acanthopanacis Senticosi Radix et Caulis 刺五加 -
acanthopanax [root bark] 五加皮 -
accumulation and stagnation 积滞 -
accumulations and gatherings 积聚 -
achyranthes root 牛膝 -
Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix 牛膝 -
aconite [accessory root] 附子 -
Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata Radix 附子 -
Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma 石菖蒲 -
acorus root 石菖蒲 -
acrid -
acumoxatherapy;acupuncture and moxibustion 针灸学 -
acupuncture anesthesia,acuanesthesia 针刺麻醉 -
acupuncture point injection therapy 穴位注射疗法 -
acupuncture,needling 刺法 -
acute fright wind 急惊风 -
acute lumbar muscle sprain 急性腰扭伤 -
acute nipple most 急乳蛾 -
Agastache Qi-Righting Powder 藿香正气散 -
Agrimoniae Herba 仙鹤草 -
agrimony 仙鹤草 -
alisma [tuber]; water plantain 泽泻 -
Alismatis Rhizoma 泽泻 -
Allii Macrostemonis Bulbus 薤白 -
aloe 芦荟 -
Alpiniae Katsumadai Semen 草豆蔻 -
alum 白矾 -
Alumen 白矾 -
amenorrhea 闭经 -
American ginseng 西洋参 -
Amomi Fructus 砂仁 -
Amomi Fructus Rotundus 白豆蔻 -
amomum [fruit] 砂仁 -
anal fissure 肛裂 -
anal fistula 肛瘘 -
andrographis 穿心莲 -
Andrographis Herba 穿心莲 -
Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmannia Pill 知柏地黄丸 -
anesthetic powder 麻沸散 -
Angelicae Dahuricae Radix 白芷 -
Angelicae Sinensis Radix 当归 -
animal and insect wounds 虫兽伤 -
Anisi Stellati Fructus 八角茴香 -
apricot kernel 杏仁 -
aquilaria [wood] 沉香 -
Aquilariae Lignum Resinatum 沉香 -
arborvitae seed 柏子仁 -
Arborvitae Seed Heart-Nourishing Pill 柏子养心丸 -
Arctii Fructus 牛蒡子 -
arctium seed;burdock 牛蒡子 -
areca [nut];betel nut 槟榔 -
Arecae Semen 槟榔 -
Armeniacae Semen 杏仁 -
Artemisiae Annuae Herba 青蒿 -
Artemisiae Argyi Folium 艾叶 -
Artemisiae Scopariae Herba 茵陈 -
ashen nail 灰指甲 -
ashen nail 灰趾甲 -
Asini Corii Gelatinum 阿胶 -
Asparagi Radix 天冬 -
asparagus [root] 天冬 -
ass hide gelatin 阿胶 -
Astragali Radix 黄芪 -
astragalus [root] 黄芪 -
astringent -
atractylodes [rhizome] 苍术 -
Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma 白术 -
Atractylodis Rhizoma 苍术 -
Aucklandiae Radix 木香 -
Aurantii Fructus 枳壳 -
autumn dryness disease 秋燥 -
aversion to food 厌食[病] -
balanced -
barley sprout 麦芽 -
bearing 升降浮沉 -
bedsore 褥疮 -
Benincasae Exocarpium 冬瓜皮 -
Benincasae Semen 冬瓜子 -
Bian Que 扁鹊 -
bitter -
bitter orange 枳壳 -
Black Chicken and White Phoenix Pill 乌鸡白凤丸 -
black sesame [seed] 黑芝麻 -
bladder 膀胱 -
bladder damp-heat pattern;bladder damp-heat syndrome 膀胱湿热证 -
bland -
blood -
blood cold 血寒 -
blood cold pattern;blood cold syndrome 血寒证 -
blood desertion 血脱 -
blood desertion pattern;blood desertion syndrome 血脱证 -
blood heat 血热 -
blood pattern 血证 -
blood stasis 血瘀 -
blood stasis due to qi stagnation,qi stagnation with blood stasis 气滞血瘀 -
blood stasis pattern;blood stasis syndrome 血瘀证 -
blood vacuity pattern;blood deficiency syndrome 血虚证 -
blood vacuity;blood deficiency 血虚 -
blood wheel 血轮 -
blood-rectifying (method) 理血法 -
bloodletting therapy 放血疗法 -
body palpation 按诊 -
boil (n.) -
bone -
bone flat-abscess 附骨疽 -
Bone-Righting Water 正骨水 -
boosting qi 益气 -
borneol 冰片 -
Borneol and Borax Powder 冰硼散 -
Borneolum 冰片 -
bovine bezoar 牛黄 -
Bovine Bezoar Heart-Clearing Pill 牛黄清心丸 -
Bovine Bezoar Toxin-Resolving Tablet 牛黄解毒片 -
Bovis Calculus 牛黄 -
bowel and visceral pattern identification;organ pattern identification;bowel and visceral syndrome differentiation 脏腑辨证 -
bowel-viscus interconnection 脏腑相合 -
brain -
brighten the eyes 明目 -
broken bone,bone fracture 骨折 -
Bubali Cornu 水牛角 -
Buddha's hand [fruit] 佛手 -
Bupleuri Radix 柴胡 -
bupleurum [root]; Chinese thorowax root 柴胡 -
burn 烧伤 -
bushy sophora [root] 山豆根 -
calcine; calcination 煅[制] -
callus 胼胝 -
calm the liver and extinguish wind 平肝息风 -
Canarii Fructus 青果 -
Cannabis Seed Pill 麻子仁丸 -
cardamom 白豆蔻 -
Carthami Flos 红花 -
carthamus [flower] 红花 -
Cassiae Semen 决明子 -
Catechu 儿茶 -
Celosiae Cristatae Flos 鸡冠花 -
center burner 中焦 -
Center-Supplementing Qi-Boosting Decoction 补中益气汤 -
ceruminal congestion 耵耳 -
Cervi Cornu Pantotrichum 鹿茸 -
Cervi Cornus Gelatinum 鹿角胶 -
cervical spondylosis 颈椎病 -
chaenomeles fruit 木瓜 -
Chaenomeles Pill 木瓜丸 -
Chaenomelis Fructus 木瓜 -
channel and network pattern identification;channel and network syndrome differentiation 经络辨证 -
channel conduction 引经 -
channel entry 归经 -
channel point 经穴 -
channel theory 经络学 -
channel;channel vessel 经脉 -
channels and network vessels 经络 -
chapping sore 皲裂疮 -
charring 制炭 -
Chebulae Fructus 诃子 -
chebule 诃子 -
chest impediment 胸痹 -
chickenpox 水痘 -
China tea rose 月季花 -
chinaberry bark 苦楝皮 -
Chinese angelica 当归 -
Chinese medical physician 中医 -
Chinese medicinal 中药 -
Chinese medicinal formula study 方剂学 -
Chinese medicine 中医;中医学 -
Chinese olive 青果 -
Chinese pharmacy 中药学 -
chronic fright wind 慢惊风 -
chronic nipple most 慢乳蛾 -
Chrysanthemi Flos 菊花 -
Chrysanthemi Indici Flos 野菊花 -
chrysanthemum [flower] 菊花 -
chuanxiong rhizome 川芎 -
cicada molting 蝉蜕 -
Cicadae Periostracum 蝉蜕 -
cinnabar 朱砂 -
cinnabar hand 朱砂掌 -
cinnabar sand 丹痧 -
cinnabar toxin [sore],erysipelas 丹毒 -
Cinnabaris 朱砂 -
Cinnamomi Cortex 肉桂 -
Cinnamomi Ramulus 桂枝 -
cinnamon bark 肉桂 -
cinnamon twig 桂枝 -
Cinnamon Twig Decoction 桂枝汤 -
cistanche 肉苁蓉 -
Cistanches Herba 肉苁蓉 -
Citri Fructus 香橼 -
Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium 陈皮 -
Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Viride 青皮 -
citron 香橼 -
clear heat and resolve summerheat 清热解暑 -
clear heat and resolve toxin 清热解毒 -
clear-eye blindness 青盲 -
clove sore 疔疮 -
clove sore of the nose 鼻疔 -
cockscomb [flower] 鸡冠花 -
Codonopsis Radix 党参 -
codonopsis [root] 党参 -
Coicis Semen 薏苡仁 -
coix [seed] 薏苡仁 -
cold -
cold damage 伤寒 -
cold evil;cold pathogen 寒邪 -
cold pattern;cold syndrome 寒证 -
collar sore 摄领疮 -
combine 配伍 -
common cold 感冒 -
Compound Formula Salvia Droplet 复方丹参滴丸 -
Compound Formula Salvia Tablet 复方丹参片 -
conduction exercise 导引 -
constitutional insufficiency 禀赋不足 -
contraindication;contraindicate 禁忌 -
controlling vessel;CV 任脉 -
contusion 挫伤 -
cooked rehmannia [root] 熟地黄 -
cool -
cool acrid exterior resolution 辛凉解表 -
Cool Oil 清凉油 -
Coptidis Rhizoma 黄连 -
coptis 黄连 -
cordyceps 冬虫夏草 -
corn 鸡眼 -
Corni Fructus 山茱萸 -
cornus [fruit] 山茱萸 -
Correction of Errors in Medical Classics 医林改错 -
correlation of all four examinations;correlate all four examinations 四诊合参 -
Corydalis Rhizoma 延胡索 -
corydalis [root] 延胡索 -
costusroot 木香 -
Costusroot and Amomum Stomach-Nourishing Pill 香砂养胃丸 -
Costusroot and Coptis Pill 香连丸 -
cough 咳嗽[病] -
Crataegi Fructus 山楂 -
crick in the neck 落枕 -
croton fruit 巴豆 -
Crotonis Fructus 巴豆 -
cupping 拔罐疗法 -
cutaneous needle 皮肤针 -
cutch 儿茶 -
CV-12,Central Stomach Duct 中脘 -
CV-17,Chest Center 膻中 -
CV-4,Pass Head 关元 -
CV-6,sea of qi 气海 -
cyathula root 川牛膝 -
Cyathulae Radix 川牛膝 -
Cyperi Rhizoma 香附 -
cyperus [rhizome] 香附 -
Dahurian angelica 白芷 -
damage by the seven affects;damage by the seven emotions 七情所伤 -
damp sore 湿疮 -
Dampness Damage Pain-Relieving Plaster 伤湿止痛膏 -
dampness evil;dampness pathogen 湿邪 -
dampness-eliminating (method) 祛湿法 -
dandelion 蒲公英 -
deaf-mutism 聋哑 -
decocting pieces 饮片 -
deep-source nasal congestion 鼻渊 -
deerhorn glue 鹿角胶 -
Dendrobii Herba 石斛 -
dendrobium 石斛 -
depression disease 郁病 -
desertion pattern 脱证 -
diarrhea 泄泻 -
dietary therapy 食疗 -
different treatment of same disease 同病异治 -
difficult delivery 难产 -
dioscorea [root] 山药 -
Dioscoreae Rhizoma 山药 -
diphtheria 白喉 -
disease cause pattern identification;disease cause syndrome differentiation 病因辨证 -
disease identification as the basis for determining treatment 辨病论治 -
disharmony of qi and blood 气血失调 -
dislocation 脱位 -
dispersion-thirst 消渴 -
Divine Husbandman 神农 -
dizziness 眩晕 -
Dog Skin Plaster 狗皮膏 -
Double Coptis Oral Liquid 双黄连口服液 -
dribbling urinary block 癃闭 -
dried ginger 干姜 -
dried ginseng 生晒参 -
dried/fresh rehmannia [root] 生地黄 -
drinker's nose 酒渣鼻 -
drum distention 臌胀 -
dryness evil;dryness pathogen 燥邪 -
dryness pattern;dryness syndrome 燥证 -
dryness-moistening (method) 润燥法 -
dysphagia-occlusion 噎膈 -
ear acupuncture,auricular acupuncture 耳针疗法 -
ear boil 耳疖 -
ear pressure therapy 耳压疗法 -
ear sore 耳疮 -
earthworm 地龙 -
effulgent yin vacuity fire 阴虚火旺 -
eight brocades 八段锦 -
eight extraordinary vessels 奇经八脉 -
Eight-Gem Decoction 八珍汤 -
eight-principle pattern identification;eight-principle syndrome differentiation 八纲辨证 -
eighteen clashes 十八反 -
ejection [涌]吐法 -
eliminate heat with warmth and sweetness 甘温除热 -
enduring deafness 久聋 -
enrich yin 滋阴 -
enuresis 遗尿[病] -
ephedra 麻黄 -
Ephedrae Herba 麻黄 -
epilepsy 痫病 -
Eriobotryae Folium 枇杷叶 -
essence -
Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer 金匮要略 -
eucommia [bark] 杜仲 -
Eucommiae Cortex 杜仲 -
Eupatorii Herba 佩兰 -
eupatorium 佩兰 -
euryale [seed] 芡实 -
Euryales Semen 芡实 -
evil qi 邪气 -
evodia [fruit] 吴茱萸 -
Evodiae Fructus 吴茱萸 -
examination 诊法 -
excision therapy 割治法 -
exhaustion of yin and desertion of yang 阴竭阳脱 -
exterior pattern;exterior syndrome 表证 -
exterior-resolving method 解表法 -
external contraction 外感 -
external damage 外伤 -
external dryness pattern;external dryness syndrome 外燥证 -
external hemorrhoid 外痔 -
external method of treatment 外治法 -
external wind pattern;external wind syndrome 外风证 -
externally contracted febrile disease 外感热病 -
extreme yang resembling yin 阳极似阴 -
extreme yin resembling yang 阴极似阳 -
eye tie 目系 -
eye-care massage 眼保健按摩 -
Fagopyri Dibotryis Rhizoma 金荞麦 -
failure to acclimatize to a new environment;non-acclimatization 水土不服 -
fatigue 解[亻亦] -
fennel 小茴香 -
fermented soybean 淡豆豉 -
fetal toxin 胎毒 -
fetid cassia [seed] 决明子 -
fine needle,filiform needle 毫针 -
fine pulse 细脉 -
fire depression 火郁 -
fire evil;fire pathogen 火邪 -
fire pattern;fire syndrome 火证 -
five animal exercises 五禽戏 -
five flavors 五味 -
five limpnesses 五软 -
five slownesses 五迟 -
five stiffnesses 五硬 -
five taxations 五劳 -
five viscera 五脏 -
five wheels and eight belts 五轮八廓 -
five-phase theory 五行学说 -
flat-abscess -
flavescent sophora [root] 苦参 -
flesh wheel 肉轮 -
floating pulse 浮脉 -
flooding and spotting 崩漏 -
flowery knotweed stem 首乌藤 -
flowery knotweed [root] 何首乌 -
Foeniculi Fructus 小茴香 -
food poisoning 食物中毒 -
foot damp qi 脚湿气 -
foot greater yang bladder channel;BL 足太阳膀胱经 -
foot greater yin spleen channel;SP 足太阴脾经 -
foot lesser yang gallbladder channel;GB 足少阳胆经 -
foot lesser yin kidney channel;KI 足少阴肾经 -
foot reverting yin liver channel;LV 足厥阴肝经 -
foot yang brightness stomach channel;ST 足阳明胃经 -
foreign body in the ear 异物入耳 -
forgetfulness 健忘 -
formula 方剂 -
Forsthiae Fructus 连翘 -
forsythia 连翘 -
Four Agents Decoction 四物汤 -
four examinations 四诊 -
Four Gentlemen Decoction 四君子汤 -
four great physicians of the Jin and Yuan period 金元四家 -
four qi 四气 -
four-aspect pattern identification;defense, qi, construction, and blood pattern identification;defense, qi, construction, and blood syndrome differentiation 卫气营血辨证 -
Free Wanderer Powder 逍遥散 -
fresh ginger 生姜 -
fresh rehmannia [root] 鲜地黄 -
fright wind 惊风 -
fritillaria bulb 贝母 -
Fritillariae Bulbus 贝母 -
Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus 川贝母 -
Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus 浙贝母 -
frostbite 冻疮 -
frosting [制]霜 -
fur color 苔色 -
gallbladder -
Galli Gigeriae Endothelium Corneum 鸡内金 -
gan disease 疳病 -
ganoderma 灵芝 -
gao-huang;BL-43;Gao Huang 膏肓 -
gardenia [fruit], cape jasmine [fruit] 栀子 -
Gardeniae Fructus 栀子 -
Gastrodia Pill 天麻丸 -
gastrodia [root] 天麻 -
Gastrodiae Rhizoma 天麻 -
GB-20,Wind Pool 风池 -
Ge Hong 葛洪 -
ginger[-processed] pinellia 姜半夏 -
Gingseng Radix Rubra 红参 -
Ginkgo Folilum 银杏叶 -
ginkgo leaf 银杏叶 -
ginkgo nut 白果 -
Ginkgo Semen 白果 -
ginseng 人参 -
Ginseng Construction-Nourishing Pill 人参养荣丸 -
Ginseng Folium 人参叶 -
ginseng leaf 人参叶 -
Ginseng Radix 人参 -
Ginseng Radix Exsiccata 生晒参 -
Ginseng Radix Ferum 野山参 -
Ginseng Renewal Pill 人参再造丸 -
gizzard lining 鸡内金 -
glehnia [root] 北沙参 -
Glehniae Radix 北沙参 -
GlycyrrhizaeRadix 甘草 -
goiter (n.) -
golden buckwheat rhizome 金荞麦 -
goose-foot wind 鹅掌风 -
goose-mouth sore 鹅口疮 -
governing vessel;GV 督脉 -
Greater Yang2 point 太阳[穴] -
Grosvenor's momordica 罗汉果 -
GV-14,Great Hammer 大椎 -
GV-15,Mute's Gate 哑门 -
GV-20,Hundred Convergences 百会 -
gypsum 石膏 -
Gypsum Fibrosum 石膏 -
Hall of Impression 印堂 -
hand greater yang small intestine channel;SI 手太阳小肠经 -
hand greater yin lung channel;LU 手太阴肺经 -
hand lesser yang triple burner channel;TB 手少阳三焦经 -
hand lesser yin heart channel 手少阴心经 -
hand reverting yin pericardium channel;PC 手厥阴心包经 -
hand yang brightness large intestine channel;LI 手阳明大肠经 -
harmonization 和[解]法 -
harmonize qi and blood 调和气血 -
Harmony-Preserving Pill 保和丸 -
hawthorn fruit 山楂 -
head wind 头风 -
headache [disease] 头痛[病] -
headed flat-abscess 有头疽 -
headless flat-abscess 无头疽 -
heart -
heart blood vacuity pattern;heart blood deficiency syndrome 心血虚证 -
heart is connected with the small intestine 心合小肠 -
heart palpitations 心悸[病] -
heart yin vacuity pattern;heart yin deficiency syndrome 心阴虚证 -
heat clearing (method) 清[热]法 -
heat evil;heat pathogen 热邪 -
heat pattern;heat syndrome 热证 -
heaven and humankind are mutually responsive 天人相应 -
heaven-current red eye 天行赤眼 -
heavenly tenth;tian-gui;heavenly waters 天癸 -
Hemorrhoid-Dispersing Injection Fluid 消痔灵 -
hemorrhoid;piles -
Herbal Foundation Compendium 本草纲目 -
herbal medicinal;herb 草药 -
Hippophae Fructus 沙棘 -
holism 整体观念 -
honey 蜂蜜 -
Hordei Fructus Germinatus 麦芽 -
hot -
houttuynia 鱼腥草 -
Houttuyniae Herba 鱼腥草 -
Hua Tuo 华佗 -
Hua Tuo's Renewal Pill 华佗再造丸 -
Human Elixir 人丹 -
humor -
impediment disease 痹病 -
imperata root;cogon grass rhizome 白茅根 -
Imperatae Rhizoma 白茅根 -
Imperial Institute of Medicine 太医院 -
Imperial Medical Bureau 太医署 -
imperial physician 太医 -
improve blood circulation to free the network vessels 活血通络 -
improve blood circulation to regulate menstruation 活血调经 -
inch opening;cun opening;wrist pulse 寸口 -
inch, bar, and cubit 寸关尺 -
infection 传染 -
infertility 不孕症 -
injury,damage 损伤 -
inquiry 问诊 -
insomnia 不寐[病] -
inspection 望诊 -
inspection of form and bearing 望形态 -
inspection of the complexion 望色 -
inspection of the spirit 望神 -
interior pattern;interior syndrome 里证 -
internal cold 内寒 -
internal damage heat [effusion] (fever) 内伤发热 -
internal dampness 内湿 -
internal dryness 内燥 -
internal heat 内热 -
internal hemorrhoid 内痔 -
internal injury;internal damage 内伤 -
internal method of treatment 内治法 -
internal wind 内风 -
interstices 腠理 -
intestinal welling-abscess 肠痈 -
Isatidis Radix 板蓝根 -
Isatis Granules 板蓝根颗粒 -
isatis root 板蓝根 -
Jade Wind-Barrier Powder 玉屏风散 -
Ji De-Sheng Snake Tablet 季德胜蛇药片 -
jowl effusion 发颐 -
Juglandis Semen 核桃仁 -
Jujubae Fructus 大枣 -
jujube 大枣 -
Katsumada galangal seed 草豆蔻 -
keep- fit moxibustion 保健灸 -
kelp 昆布 -
KI-1,Gushing Spring 涌泉 -
kidney -
kidney essence depletion pattern;kidney essence depletion syndrome 肾精亏虚证 -
kidney fixity 肾著 -
kidney is connected with the bladder 肾合膀胱 -
Kidney Qi Pill 肾气丸 -
kidney qi vacuity pattern;kidney qi deficiency syndrome 肾气虚证 -
kidney yang vacuity pattern;kidney yang deficiency syndrome 肾阳虚证 -
kidney yin vacuity pattern;kidney yin deficiency syndrome 肾阴虚证 -
lablab bean 白扁豆 -
Lablab Semen Album 白扁豆 -
Laminariae/Eckloniae Thallus 昆布 -
lancing needle 锋针 -
large intestine 大肠 -
large needle 大针 -
late miscarriage,abortion 小产 -
latent evil;hidden pathogen 伏邪 -
leg qi disease 脚气病 -
Leonuri Herba 益母草 -
Leonurus (Motherwort) Paste 益母草膏 -
leonurus(Motherwort) 益母草 -
Li Shi-Zhen 李时珍 -
LI-4,Union Valley 合谷 -
life gate,GV-4,CV-5 命门 -
life nurturing 养生 -
Ligustici Chuanxiong Rhizoma 川芎 -
Ligustri Lucidi Fructus 女贞子 -
like treatment of unlike disease;same treatment of different disease 异病同治 -
Lilii Bulbus 百合 -
lily bulb 百合 -
lily disease, hundred-union disease 百合病 -
liquid -
liquorice 甘草 -
listening and smelling examination,audio-olfactory examination 闻诊 -
liver -
liver blood vacuity pattern;liver blood deficiency syndrome 肝血虚证 -
liver fixity 肝著 -
liver is connected with the gallbladder 肝合胆 -
liver qi vacuity pattern;liver qi deficiency syndrome 肝气虚证 -
liver yang vacuity pattern;liver yang deficiency syndrome 肝阳虚证 -
liver yin vacuity pattern;liver yin deficiency syndrome 肝阴虚证 -
long needle 长针 -
long-stamen onion [bulb] 薤白 -
Longan Arillus 龙眼肉 -
longan flesh 龙眼肉 -
Lonicera and Forsythia Powder 银翘散 -
lonicera [flower], honeysuckle [flower] 金银花 -
Lonicerae Flos 金银花 -
loofah 丝瓜络 -
loquat leaf 枇杷叶 -
lotus leaf 荷叶 -
lotus plumule 莲子心 -
lotus receptacle 莲房 -
lotus root node 藕节 -
lotus seed 莲子 -
lotus stamen 莲须 -
lower burner 下焦 -
LU-9,Great Abyss 太渊 -
Luffae Fructus Retinervus 丝瓜络 -
lumbar muscle strain 腰肌劳损 -
lumbar pain 腰痛[病] -
lung -
lung is connected with the large intestine 肺合大肠 -
Lycii Fructus 枸杞子 -
lycium [berry]; goji 枸杞子 -
Lycium, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Pill 杞菊地黄丸 -
Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex 厚朴 -
Magnoliae Officinalis Flos 厚朴花 -
Major Crataegus Pill 大山楂丸 -
Major Network-Quickening Elixir 大活络丹 -
malign obstruction; morning sickness; hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠恶阻 -
mammary aggregation,breast lump 乳癖 -
mammary welling-abscess 乳痈 -
mania 狂病 -
mania and withdrawal disease 癫狂病 -
Margarita 珍珠 -
marrow -
Massa Medicata Fermentata 神曲 -
mastocarcinoma; breast cancer 乳癌 -
measles 麻疹 -
medicated leaven 神曲 -
medicinal bag therapy 药兜疗法 -
medicinal bath therapy 药浴疗法 -
medicinal material;crude medicinal 药材 -
medicinal paste therapy 药膏疗法 -
medicinal pillow therapy 药枕疗法 -
medicinal plaster therapy 敷贴疗法 -
medinical decoction 汤剂 -
Mel 蜂蜜 -
Meliae Cortex 苦楝皮 -
Meliae Toosendan Fructus 川楝子 -
menstrual disease 月经病 -
menstrual pain,painful menstruation 痛经 -
Menthae Herba 薄荷 -
method of treatment 治法 -
Midday Tea Granules 午时茶颗粒 -
millet sprout 谷芽 -
Minor Bupleurum Decoction 小柴胡汤 -
mint 薄荷 -
mix-fry with wine 酒炙 -
mixed hemorrhoids 混合痔 -
Momordicae Fructus 罗汉果 -
Mori Cortex 桑白皮 -
Mori Folium 桑叶 -
Mori Fructus 桑椹 -
Mori Ramulus 桑枝 -
Moschus 麝香 -
mosla 香薷 -
Moslae Herba 香薷 -
mounting qi 疝气 -
Moutan Cortex 牡丹皮 -
moutan [bark] 牡丹皮 -
mouth sore 口疮[病] -
moxibustion 灸法;艾灸 -
moxibustion on dog days 伏天灸 -
mugwort leaf 艾叶 -
mulberry 桑椹 -
mulberry bark 桑白皮 -
mulberry leaf 桑叶 -
mulberry twig 桑枝 -
Mume Fructus 乌梅 -
mume fruit 乌梅 -
mumps 痄腮 -
musk 麝香 -
Myriad Applications Lozenge 万应锭 -
Myristicae Semen 肉豆蔻 -
mysterious mansion;mysterious house 玄府 -
nasopharynx 颃颡 -
Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus 玄明粉 -
nature and flavor 性味 -
Nelumbinis Folium 荷叶 -
Nelumbinis Plumula 莲子心 -
Nelumbinis Receptaculum 莲房 -
Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Nodus 藕节 -
Nelumbinis Semen 莲子 -
Nelumbinis Stamen 莲须 -
night crying 夜啼 -
nine needles 九针 -
nineteen fears 十九畏 -
nipple moth 乳蛾 -
normal tongue 正常舌象 -
Notoginseng Radix 三七 -
notoginseng [root] 三七 -
nutmeg 肉豆蔻 -
offensive precipitation [攻]下法 -
officinal magnolia bark 厚朴 -
officinal magnolia flower 厚朴花 -
On Cold Damage 伤寒论 -
On Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases 伤寒杂病论 -
On Warm Epidemics 温疫论 -
ophiopogon [root] 麦冬 -
Ophiopogonis Radix 麦冬 -
orifice-opening (method) 开窍法 -
original qi 元气 -
Ostreae Concha 牡蛎 -
ouch point,a-shi point 阿是穴 -
oyster shell 牡蛎 -
Paeoniae Radix Alba 白芍 -
Paeoniae Radix Rubra 赤芍 -
pain wind 痛风 -
pale red tongue 淡红舌 -
palpation 切诊 -
Panacis Quinquefolii Radix 西洋参 -
panting;DYSPNEA 喘病 -
patchouli 广藿香 -
pathomechanical theory 病机学说 -
pathomechanism 病机 -
pattern 证候 -
pattern identification as the basis for determining treatment 辨证论治 -
pattern identification;syndrome differentiation 辨证 -
pattern of ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang;syndrome of ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang 肝阳上亢证 -
pattern of binding depression of liver qi;syndrome of binding depression of liver qi 肝气郁结证 -
pattern of cold congealing in the uterus;syndrome of cold congealing in the uterus 寒凝胞宫证 -
pattern of disharmony of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels;syndrome of disharmony of the thoroughfare and controlling vessels 冲任不调证 -
pattern of dual vacuity of qi and blood;syndrome of dual deficiency of qi and blood 气血两虚证 -
pattern of heart qi vacuity;syndrome of heart qi vacuity 心气虚证 -
pattern of heart yang vacuity;syndrome of heart yang deficiency 心阳虚证 -
pattern of liver channel damp-heat;syndrome of liver channel damp-heat 肝经湿热证 -
pattern of liver fire flaming upward;syndrome of liver fire flaming upward 肝火上炎证 -
pattern of liver wind stirring internally;syndrome of liver wind stirring internally 肝风内动证 -
pattern of liver-gallbladder damp-heat;syndrome of liver-gallbladder damp-heat 肝胆湿热证 -
pattern of liver-stomach disharmony;syndrome of liver-stomach disharmony 肝胃不和证 -
pattern of qi stagnation and blood stasis;syndrome of qi stagnation and blood stasis 气滞血瘀证 -
pattern of stomach qi vacuity;syndrome of stomach qi deficiency 胃气虚证 -
pattern of stomach yin vacuity;syndrome of stomach yin deficiency 胃阴虚证 -
pattern of yin vacuity with effulgent fire;effulgent yin vacuity fire pattern;syndrome of yin deficiency with effulgent fire 阴虚火旺证 -
pattern;syndrome classification -
PC-6,Inner Pass 内关 -
Peaceful Palace Bovine Bezoar Pill 安宫牛黄丸 -
peach kernel/seed 桃仁 -
pearl 珍珠 -
pents'ao,materia medica;herbal foundation;bencao 本草 -
pepper 胡椒 -
Perfect Major Supplementation Pill 十全大补丸 -
pericardiac network 心包络 -
perilla fruit 紫苏子 -
perilla leaf 紫苏叶 -
perilla stem 紫苏梗 -
Perillae Caulis 紫苏梗 -
Perillae Folium 紫苏叶 -
Perillae Fructus 紫苏子 -
Persicae Semen 桃仁 -
pestilential qi 疠气 -
Phaseoli Semen 赤小豆 -
Pheretima 地龙 -
phlegm pattern;phlegm syndrome 痰证 -
phlegm-dispelling method 祛痰法 -
phlegm-rheum 痰饮 -
phragmites [root] 芦根 -
Phragmitis Rhizoma 芦根 -
pill 丸剂 -
pinellia leaven 半夏曲 -
pinellia [corm] 半夏 -
Pinelliae Cormus 半夏 -
Pinelliae Massa Fermentata 半夏曲 -
Pinelliae Rhizoma cum Zingibere Praeparatum 姜半夏 -
Pinelliae Rhizoma Depuratum 清半夏 -
Pinelliae Rhizoma Praeparatum 法半夏 -
Piperis Fructus 胡椒 -
Plain Questions 素问 -
plain stir-fry,stir-fry without adjuvants 清炒 -
Plantaginis Herba 车前草 -
Plantaginis Semen 车前子 -
plantago 车前草 -
plantago seed;plantain seed 车前子 -
plaster 膏药 -
Platycladi Semen 柏子仁 -
platycodon [root] 桔梗 -
Platycodonis Radix 桔梗 -
plum-blossom needle 梅花针 -
plum-pit qi 梅核气 -
Pogostemonis Herba 广藿香 -
point theory 腧穴学 -
point;acupoint 腧穴 -
poisonous snake bite 毒蛇咬伤 -
Polygonati Odorati Rhizoma 玉竹 -
Polygoni Multiflori Caulis 首乌藤 -
Polygoni Multiflori Praeparata 制何首乌 -
Polygoni Multiflori Radix 何首乌 -
polyporus 猪苓 -
Poria 茯苓 -
poria, tuckahoe 茯苓 -
Portulacae Herba 马齿苋 -
powder 散剂 -
premature delivery 早产 -
preparation 剂型 -
prickly anacthopanax 刺五加 -
prickly heat 痱子 -
privet fruit 女贞子 -
pro formula pinellia 法半夏 -
process with oil 油制 -
process with wine 酒制 -
processed flowery knotweed [root] 制何首乌 -
processing of medicinals 炮制 -
prolapse of the rectum 脱肛 -
prunella [spike]; self-heal [spike] 夏枯草 -
Prunellae Spica 夏枯草 -
pseudostellaria root 太子参 -
Pseudostellariae Radix 太子参 -
psoralea [fruit] 补骨脂 -
Psoraleae Fructus 补骨脂 -
pueraria [root] 葛根 -
Puerariae Radix 葛根 -
pulmonary consumption 肺痨 -
pulse 脉象 -
pulse examination 脉诊 -
Pulse-Engendering Powder 生脉散 -
purified pinellia 清半夏 -
Purple Gold Lozenge 紫金锭 -
purslane 马齿苋 -
puruluent ear 脓耳 -
qi -
qi depression 气郁 -
qi stagnation 气滞 -
qi stagnation pattern;pattern of qi stagnating in stomach and intestines;qi stagnation syndrome;syndrome of qi stagnating in stomach and intestines 气滞证 -
qi vacuity pattern;qi deficiency syndrome 气虚证 -
qi vacuity with blood stasis 气虚血瘀 -
qi vacuity;qi deficiency 气虚 -
qi wheel 气轮 -
qi-rectifying (method) 理气法 -
quicken the blood and transform stasis;improve blood circulation and transform stasis 活血化瘀 -
radish seed 莱菔子 -
Raphani Semen 莱菔子 -
rapid pulse 数脉 -
ready-prepared Chinese medicine; proprietary Chinese medicine 中成药 -
realgar 雄黄 -
recovery 康复 -
red ginseng 红参 -
red peony [root] 赤芍 -
red-thread clove sore 红丝疔 -
refined mirabilite 玄明粉 -
Rehmanniae Radix (Exsiccata seu Recens) 生地黄 -
Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata 熟地黄 -
Rehmanniae Radix Recens 鲜地黄 -
repletion;excess -
resolve the exterior with warmth and acridity;warm acrid exterior resolution 辛温解表 -
reversal pattern 厥证 -
Rhei Radix et Rhizoma 大黄 -
rheum pattern 饮证 -
rhodiola 红景天 -
Rhodiolae Herba 红景天 -
rhubarb 大黄 -
rice bean 赤小豆 -
rice-paper plant pith 通草 -
rickets 佝偻病 -
right qi;vital qi 正气 -
Rosae Chinensis Flos 月季花 -
Rosae Rugosae Flos 玫瑰花 -
rose 玫瑰花 -
roundworm reversal 蛔厥 -
running yellow 走黄 -
Sacrodactylis Fructus 佛手 -
salty , saltiness -
salvia root 丹参 -
Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix 丹参 -
sand scraping therapy;guasha therapy 刮痧疗法 -
Saposhnikovia Sage-Inspired Pill 防风通圣丸 -
saposhnikovia [root] 防风 -
Saposhnikoviae Radix 防风 -
sargassum 海藻 -
scalp acupuncture therapy 头皮针疗法 -
scant breast milk 缺乳 -
schisandra [berry] 五味子 -
Schisandrae Fructus 五味子 -
schizonepeta 荆芥 -
Schizonepetae Herba 荆芥 -
Scorpio 全蝎 -
scorpion 全蝎 -
scourge epidemic 瘟疫 -
scrofula 瘰疬 -
scrophularia root;Ningpo figwort 玄参 -
Scrophulariae Radix 玄参 -
sea buckthorn 沙棘 -
seasonal disease 时令病 -
securing and astriction 固涩法 -
semen -
senna [leaf] 番泻叶 -
Sennae Folium 番泻叶 -
sequelae of wind strike 中风后遗症 -
sesame oil 麻油 -
Sesami Oleum 麻油 -
Sesami Semen Nigrum 黑芝麻 -
Setariae Fructus Germinatus 谷芽 -
seven affects;seven emotions 七情 -
seven damages 七伤 -
Seven Pinches Powder 七厘散 -
seven relations 七情 -
severance of yin and yang 阴阳离决 -
severe palpitation 怔忡 -
shank sore 臁疮 -
shiny bramble 两面针 -
SI;small intestine 小肠 -
Sichuan Fritillaria and Loquat Syrup 川贝枇杷糖浆 -
Sichuan fritillaria [bulb] 川贝母 -
Sichuan peppercon 花椒 -
Sinapis Albae Semen 芥子 -
sinew damage 筋伤 -
Sinew-Transformation Canon 易筋经 -
six bowels 六腑 -
six excesses 六淫 -
Six Spirits Pill 六神丸 -
six-channel pattern identification;six-channel syndrome differentiation 六经辨证 -
Six-Ingredient Rehmannia Pill 六味地黄丸 -
Six-To-One Powder 六一散 -
slippery pulse 滑脉 -
slow pulse 迟脉 -
sluggish pulse 涩脉 -
Smilacis Glabrae Rhizoma 土茯苓 -
smooth greenbrier [root] 土茯苓 -
snake string sores 蛇串疮 -
Sojae Semen Praeparatum 淡豆豉 -
Solomon's seal [root] 玉竹 -
soothe the sinews and improve the network vessels 舒筋活络 -
sophora flower 槐花 -
sophora fruit 槐角 -
Sophorae Flavescentis Radix 苦参 -
Sophorae Flos 槐花 -
Sophorae Fructus 槐角 -
Sophorae Tonkinensis Radix 山豆根 -
sore 疮疡 -
sour -
SP-6,Three Yin Intersection 三阴交 -
Spatholobi Caulis 鸡血藤 -
spatholobus [stem] 鸡血藤 -
spine pinching 捏积 -
spiny jujube [kernel] 酸枣仁 -
spirit -
spirit-quieting method 安神法 -
spleen -
spleen is connected with the stomach 脾合胃 -
spleen qi vacuity pattern;spleen qi deficiency syndrome 脾气虚证 -
spleen vacuity pattern;spleen deficiency syndrome 脾虚证 -
spleen yang vacuity pattern;spleen yang deficiency syndrome 脾阳虚证 -
spleen yin vacuity pattern;spleen yin deficiency syndrome 脾阴虚证 -
Spleen-Returning Decoction 归脾汤 -
splint-fixing therapy 夹板固定疗法 -
sprain 扭伤 -
sprained ankle 踝关节扭伤 -
sprained neck muscle 颈肌扭伤 -
spring warmth 春温 -
ST-36,Leg Three Li 足三里 -
star anise 八角茴香 -
static blood 瘀血 -
steam with wine 酒蒸 -
sterculia 胖大海 -
Sterculiae Lychnophorae Semen 胖大海 -
sterility 不育 -
stewing with wine 酒炖 -
stir-fry 炒[制] -
stir-fry with honey 蜜制 -
stir-frying with adjuvants 加辅料炒 -
stomach -
storax 苏合香 -
Storax Pill 苏合香丸 -
strangury patterns 淋证 -
sty 针眼 -
Styrax 苏合香 -
sudden blindness 暴盲 -
sudden deafness 暴聋 -
summer infixation 疰夏 -
summerheat evil;summer-heat pathogen 暑邪 -
summerheat strike (stroke) 中暑 -
Sun Si-Miao 孙思邈 -
sunken pulse; deep pulse 沉脉 -
supplement the blood 补血 -
supplement yang 补阳 -
supplementing [and boosting] (method) 补[益]法 -
supporting right and dispelling evil;strengthening vital qi to eliminate pathogenic factor 扶正祛邪 -
Supreme Jewel Elixir 至宝丹 -
sweating pattern 汗证 -
sweet -
sweet wormwood 青蒿 -
sword needle 铍针 -
symptom 症状 -
Systematized Identification of Warm Diseases 温病条辨 -
Taiji 太极拳 -
talcum 滑石 -
tangerine peel 陈皮 -
Taraxaci Herba 蒲公英 -
TB-5,Outer Pass 外关 -
Ten Drops of Water 十滴水 -
Testudinis Carapax et Plastrum 龟甲 -
tetany 痉病 -
Tetrapanacis Medulla 通草 -
texture of the fur 苔质 -
The Divine Husbandman's Herbal Foundation Canon 神农本草经 -
The Golden Mirror of Medicine 医宗金鉴 -
The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸大成 -
The Magic Pivot 灵枢经 -
The Magic Pivot;ling shu jing 灵枢经 -
The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon 黄帝内经 -
theory of causes of disease 病因学说 -
theory of three [categories of] cause 三因学说 -
therapeutic principle;principle of treatment 治则 -
threaded ligation 挂线疗法 -
Three Yellows Plaster 三黄膏 -
three-edged needle 三棱针 -
throat impediment 喉痹 -
tinea -
tinospora root 金果榄 -
Tinosporae Radix 金果榄 -
to treat disease;seek the root 治病求本 -
tongue (image) 舌象 -
tongue body,tongue substance 舌质 -
tongue color 舌色 -
tongue examination 舌诊 -
toosendan fruit 川楝子 -
tooth decay 龋齿 -
torreya [nut] 榧子 -
Torreyae Semen 榧子 -
Tortoise Age Collection 龟龄集 -
tortoise shell 龟甲 -
trachoma 沙眼 -
treat disease before it arises 治未病 -
trichosanthes fruit 瓜蒌 -
trichosanthes rind 瓜蒌皮 -
trichosanthes root 天花粉 -
trichosanthes seed 瓜蒌子 -
Trichosanthis Fructus 瓜蒌 -
Trichosanthis Pericarpium 瓜蒌皮 -
Trichosanthis Radix 天花粉 -
Trichosanthis Semen 瓜蒌子 -
Trionycis Carapax 鳖甲 -
triple burner pattern identification;triple burner syndrome differentiation 三焦辨证 -
triple burner;TE;TB 三焦 -
Tsaoko Fructus 草果 -
tsaoko [fruit] 草果 -
tuina 推拿 -
turtle shell 鳖甲 -
twelve channels 十二经脉 -
ulcerating sore 溃疡 -
umbilical wind 脐风 -
uncaria [stem and thorn] 钩藤 -
Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis 钩藤 -
unripe tangerine peel 青皮 -
ununited skull 解颅 -
upper burner 上焦 -
Upper-Body-Clearing Pill 上清丸 -
uterus;womb 胞宫 -
vaccaria [seed] 王不留行 -
Vaccariae Semen 王不留行 -
vacuity taxation 虚劳[病] -
vacuity;deficiency -
variolation 人痘接种术 -
velvet deerhorn 鹿茸 -
vessel -
virgate wormwood 茵陈 -
visceral agitation 脏躁 -
visceral manifestation 脏象 -
visceral manifestation theory 脏象学说 -
walnut [kernel] 核桃仁 -
Wan's Bovine Bezoar Heart-Clearing Pill 万氏牛黄清心丸 -
warm -
warm disease 温病 -
warm disease school 温病学派 -
wart -
water buffalo horn 水牛角 -
water grinding 水飞 -
water swelling 水肿[病] -
water wheel 水轮 -
weak pulse 弱脉 -
wedge stone 砭石 -
welling-abscess -
wheezing disease 哮病 -
white atractylodes rhizome 白术 -
white crust 白疕 -
white mustard seed 芥子 -
white patch wind 白驳风 -
white peony root 白芍 -
white vaginal discharge 白带[病] -
whooping cough 顿咳 -
wild chrysanthemum flower 野菊花 -
wild ginseng 野山参 -
wilting disease 痿病 -
wind evil 风邪 -
Wind Oil Essence 风油精 -
wind papules 风疹 -
wind pattern;wind syndrome 风证 -
wind strike (stroke) 中风 -
wind warmth 风温 -
wind wheel 风轮 -
winter melon rind 冬瓜皮 -
winter melon seed 冬瓜子 -
withdrawal 癫病 -
women's diseases 带下病 -
worm-expelling method 驱虫法 -
yang collapse 亡阳 -
yang vacuity pattern;yang deficiency syndrome 阳虚证 -
yang vacuity;yang deficiency 阳虚 -
yang water 阳水 -
Ye Gui 叶桂 -
Yellow Emperor 黄帝 -
yin collapse 亡阴 -
yin vacuity pattern;yin deficiency syndrome 阴虚证 -
yin vacuity;yin deficiency 阴虚 -
yin water 阴水 -
yin-yang block and repulsion 阴阳格拒 -
yin-yang debilitation 阴阳偏衰 -
yin-yang disharmony 阴阳失调 -
yin-yang exuberance 阴阳偏盛 -
yin-yang theory 阴阳学说 -
Yunnan White Powder 云南白药 -
Zanthoxyli Pericarpium 花椒 -
Zanthoxyli Radix 两面针 -
Zhang Zhong-Jing 张仲景 -
Zhejiang fritillaria [bulb] 浙贝母 -
Zingiberis Rhizoma 干姜 -
Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens 生姜 -
Ziziphi Spinosi Semen 酸枣仁 -
abdominal examination 腹诊 -
abductive dispersion 消[导]法 -
Acanthopanacis Cortex 五加皮 -
Acanthopanacis Senticosi Radix et Caulis 刺五加 -
acanthopanax [root bark] 五加皮 -
accumulation and stagnation 积滞 -
accumulations and gatherings 积聚 -
achyranthes root 牛膝 -
Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix 牛膝 -
aconite [accessory root] 附子 -
Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata Radix 附子 -
Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma 石菖蒲 -
acorus root 石菖蒲 -
acrid -
acumoxatherapy;acupuncture and moxibustion 针灸学 -
acupuncture anesthesia,acuanesthesia 针刺麻醉 -
acupuncture point injection therapy 穴位注射疗法 -
acupuncture,needling 刺法 -
acute fright wind 急惊风 -
acute lumbar muscle sprain 急性腰扭伤 -
acute nipple most 急乳蛾 -
Agastache Qi-Righting Powder 藿香正气散 -
Agrimoniae Herba 仙鹤草 -
agrimony 仙鹤草 -
alisma [tuber]; water plantain 泽泻 -
Alismatis Rhizoma 泽泻 -
Allii Macrostemonis Bulbus 薤白 -
aloe 芦荟 -
Alpiniae Katsumadai Semen 草豆蔻 -
alum 白矾 -
Alumen 白矾 -
amenorrhea 闭经 -
American ginseng 西洋参 -
Amomi Fructus 砂仁 -
Amomi Fructus Rotundus 白豆蔻 -
amomum [fruit] 砂仁 -
anal fissure 肛裂 -
anal fistula 肛瘘 -
andrographis 穿心莲 -
Andrographis Herba 穿心莲 -
Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmannia Pill 知柏地黄丸 -
anesthetic powder 麻沸散 -
Angelicae Dahuricae Radix 白芷 -
Angelicae Sinensis Radix 当归 -
animal and insect wounds 虫兽伤 -
Anisi Stellati Fructus 八角茴香 -
apricot kernel 杏仁 -
aquilaria [wood] 沉香 -
Aquilariae Lignum Resinatum 沉香 -
arborvitae seed 柏子仁 -
Arborvitae Seed Heart-Nourishing Pill 柏子养心丸 -
Arctii Fructus 牛蒡子 -
arctium seed;burdock 牛蒡子 -
areca [nut];betel nut 槟榔 -
Arecae Semen 槟榔 -
Armeniacae Semen 杏仁 -
Artemisiae Annuae Herba 青蒿 -
Artemisiae Argyi Folium 艾叶 -
Artemisiae Scopariae Herba 茵陈 -
ashen nail 灰指甲 -
ashen nail 灰趾甲 -
Asini Corii Gelatinum 阿胶 -
Asparagi Radix 天冬 -
asparagus [root] 天冬 -
ass hide gelatin 阿胶 -
Astragali Radix 黄芪 -
astragalus [root] 黄芪 -
astringent -
atractylodes [rhizome] 苍术 -
Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma 白术 -
Atractylodis Rhizoma 苍术 -
Aucklandiae Radix 木香 -
Aurantii Fructus 枳壳 -
autumn dryness disease 秋燥 -
aversion to food 厌食[病] -
balanced -
barley sprout 麦芽 -
bearing 升降浮沉 -
bedsore 褥疮 -
Benincasae Exocarpium 冬瓜皮 -
Benincasae Semen 冬瓜子 -
Bian Que 扁鹊 -
bitter -
bitter orange 枳壳 -
Black Chicken and White Phoenix Pill 乌鸡白凤丸 -
black sesame [seed] 黑芝麻 -
bladder 膀胱 -
bladder damp-heat pattern;bladder damp-heat syndrome 膀胱湿热证 -
bland -
blood -
blood cold 血寒 -
blood cold pattern;blood cold syndrome 血寒证 -
blood desertion 血脱 -
blood desertion pattern;blood desertion syndrome 血脱证 -
blood heat 血热 -
blood pattern 血证 -
blood stasis 血瘀 -
blood stasis due to qi stagnation,qi stagnation with blood stasis 气滞血瘀 -
blood stasis pattern;blood stasis syndrome 血瘀证 -
blood vacuity pattern;blood deficiency syndrome 血虚证 -
blood vacuity;blood deficiency 血虚 -
blood wheel 血轮 -
blood-rectifying (method) 理血法 -
bloodletting therapy 放血疗法 -
body palpation 按诊 -
boil (n.) -
bone -
bone flat-abscess 附骨疽 -
Bone-Righting Water 正骨水 -
boosting qi 益气 -
borneol 冰片 -
Borneol and Borax Powder 冰硼散 -
Borneolum 冰片 -
bovine bezoar 牛黄 -
Bovine Bezoar Heart-Clearing Pill 牛黄清心丸 -
Bovine Bezoar Toxin-Resolving Tablet 牛黄解毒片 -
Bovis Calculus 牛黄 -
bowel and visceral pattern identification;organ pattern identification;bowel and visceral syndrome differentiation 脏腑辨证 -
bowel-viscus interconnection 脏腑相合 -
brain -
brighten the eyes 明目 -
broken bone,bone fracture 骨折 -
Bubali Cornu 水牛角 -
Buddha's hand [fruit] 佛手 -
Bupleuri Radix 柴胡 -
bupleurum [root]; Chinese thorowax root 柴胡 -
burn 烧伤 -
bushy sophora [root] 山豆根 -
calcine; calcination 煅[制] -
callus 胼胝 -
calm the liver and extinguish wind 平肝息风 -
Canarii Fructus 青果 -
Cannabis Seed Pill 麻子仁丸 -
cardamom 白豆蔻 -
Carthami Flos 红花 -
carthamus [flower] 红花 -
Cassiae Semen 决明子 -
Catechu 儿茶 -
Celosiae Cristatae Flos 鸡冠花 -
center burner 中焦 -
Center-Supplementing Qi-Boosting Decoction 补中益气汤 -
ceruminal congestion 耵耳 -
Cervi Cornu Pantotrichum 鹿茸 -
Cervi Cornus Gelatinum 鹿角胶 -
cervical spondylosis 颈椎病 -
chaenomeles fruit 木瓜 -
Chaenomeles Pill 木瓜丸 -
Chaenomelis Fructus 木瓜 -
channel and network pattern identification;channel and network syndrome differentiation 经络辨证 -
channel conduction 引经 -
channel entry 归经 -
channel point 经穴 -
channel theory 经络学 -
channel;channel vessel 经脉 -
channels and network vessels 经络 -
chapping sore 皲裂疮 -
charring 制炭 -
Chebulae Fructus 诃子 -
chebule 诃子 -
chest impediment 胸痹 -
chickenpox 水痘 -
China tea rose 月季花 -
chinaberry bark 苦楝皮 -
Chinese angelica 当归 -
Chinese medical physician 中医 -
Chinese medicinal 中药 -
Chinese medicinal formula study 方剂学 -
Chinese medicine 中医;中医学 -
Chinese olive 青果 -
Chinese pharmacy 中药学 -
chronic fright wind 慢惊风 -
chronic nipple most 慢乳蛾 -
Chrysanthemi Flos 菊花 -
Chrysanthemi Indici Flos 野菊花 -
chrysanthemum [flower] 菊花 -
chuanxiong rhizome 川芎 -
cicada molting 蝉蜕 -
Cicadae Periostracum 蝉蜕 -
cinnabar 朱砂 -
cinnabar hand 朱砂掌 -
cinnabar sand 丹痧 -
cinnabar toxin [sore],erysipelas 丹毒 -
Cinnabaris 朱砂 -
Cinnamomi Cortex 肉桂 -
Cinnamomi Ramulus 桂枝 -
cinnamon bark 肉桂 -
cinnamon twig 桂枝 -
Cinnamon Twig Decoction 桂枝汤 -
cistanche 肉苁蓉 -
Cistanches Herba 肉苁蓉 -
Citri Fructus 香橼 -
Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium 陈皮 -
Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Viride 青皮 -
citron 香橼 -
clear heat and resolve summerheat 清热解暑 -
clear heat and resolve toxin 清热解毒 -
clear-eye blindness 青盲 -
clove sore 疔疮 -
clove sore of the nose 鼻疔 -
cockscomb [flower] 鸡冠花 -
Codonopsis Radix 党参 -
codonopsis [root] 党参 -
Coicis Semen 薏苡仁 -
coix [seed] 薏苡仁 -
cold -
cold damage 伤寒 -
cold evil;cold pathogen 寒邪 -
cold pattern;cold syndrome 寒证 -
collar sore 摄领疮 -
combine 配伍 -
common cold 感冒 -
Compound Formula Salvia Droplet 复方丹参滴丸 -
Compound Formula Salvia Tablet 复方丹参片 -
conduction exercise 导引 -
constitutional insufficiency 禀赋不足 -
contraindication;contraindicate 禁忌 -
controlling vessel;CV 任脉 -
contusion 挫伤 -
cooked rehmannia [root] 熟地黄 -
cool -
cool acrid exterior resolution 辛凉解表 -
Cool Oil 清凉油 -
Coptidis Rhizoma 黄连 -
coptis 黄连 -
cordyceps 冬虫夏草 -
corn 鸡眼 -
Corni Fructus 山茱萸 -
cornus [fruit] 山茱萸 -
Correction of Errors in Medical Classics 医林改错 -
correlation of all four examinations;correlate all four examinations 四诊合参 -
Corydalis Rhizoma 延胡索 -
corydalis [root] 延胡索 -
costusroot 木香 -
Costusroot and Amomum Stomach-Nourishing Pill 香砂养胃丸 -
Costusroot and Coptis Pill 香连丸 -
cough 咳嗽[病] -
Crataegi Fructus 山楂 -
crick in the neck 落枕 -
croton fruit 巴豆 -
Crotonis Fructus 巴豆 -
cupping 拔罐疗法 -
cutaneous needle 皮肤针 -
cutch 儿茶 -
CV-12,Central Stomach Duct 中脘 -
CV-17,Chest Center 膻中 -
CV-4,Pass Head 关元 -
CV-6,sea of qi 气海 -
cyathula root 川牛膝 -
Cyathulae Radix 川牛膝 -
Cyperi Rhizoma 香附 -
cyperus [rhizome] 香附 -
Dahurian angelica 白芷 -
damage by the seven affects;damage by the seven emotions 七情所伤 -
damp sore 湿疮 -
Dampness Damage Pain-Relieving Plaster 伤湿止痛膏 -
dampness evil;dampness pathogen 湿邪 -
dampness-eliminating (method) 祛湿法 -
dandelion 蒲公英 -
deaf-mutism 聋哑 -
decocting pieces 饮片 -
deep-source nasal congestion 鼻渊 -
deerhorn glue 鹿角胶 -
Dendrobii Herba 石斛 -
dendrobium 石斛 -
depression disease 郁病 -
desertion pattern 脱证 -
diarrhea 泄泻 -
dietary therapy 食疗 -
different treatment of same disease 同病异治 -
difficult delivery 难产 -
dioscorea [root] 山药 -
Dioscoreae Rhizoma 山药 -
diphtheria 白喉 -
disease cause pattern identification;disease cause syndrome differentiation 病因辨证 -
disease identification as the basis for determining treatment 辨病论治 -
disharmony of qi and blood 气血失调 -
dislocation 脱位 -
dispersion-thirst 消渴 -
Divine Husbandman 神农 -
dizziness 眩晕 -
Dog Skin Plaster 狗皮膏 -
Double Coptis Oral Liquid 双黄连口服液 -
dribbling urinary block 癃闭 -
dried ginger 干姜 -
dried ginseng 生晒参 -
dried/fresh rehmannia [root] 生地黄 -
drinker's nose 酒渣鼻 -
drum distention 臌胀 -
dryness evil;dryness pathogen 燥邪 -
dryness pattern;dryness syndrome 燥证 -
dryness-moistening (method) 润燥法 -
dysphagia-occlusion 噎膈 -
ear acupuncture,auricular acupuncture 耳针疗法 -
ear boil 耳疖 -
ear pressure therapy 耳压疗法 -
ear sore 耳疮 -
earthworm 地龙 -
effulgent yin vacuity fire 阴虚火旺 -
eight brocades 八段锦 -
eight extraordinary vessels 奇经八脉 -
Eight-Gem Decoction 八珍汤 -
eight-principle pattern identification;eight-principle syndrome differentiation 八纲辨证 -
eighteen clashes 十八反 -
ejection [涌]吐法 -
eliminate heat with warmth and sweetness 甘温除热 -
enduring deafness 久聋 -
enrich yin 滋阴 -
enuresis 遗尿[病] -
ephedra 麻黄 -
Ephedrae Herba 麻黄 -
epilepsy 痫病 -
Eriobotryae Folium 枇杷叶 -
essence -
Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer 金匮要略 -
eucommia [bark] 杜仲 -
Eucommiae Cortex 杜仲 -
Eupatorii Herba 佩兰 -
eupatorium 佩兰 -
euryale [seed] 芡实 -
Euryales Semen 芡实 -
evil qi 邪气 -
evodia [fruit] 吴茱萸 -
Evodiae Fructus 吴茱萸 -
examination 诊法 -
excision therapy 割治法 -
exhaustion of yin and desertion of yang 阴竭阳脱 -
exterior pattern;exterior syndrome 表证 -
exterior-resolving method 解表法 -
external contraction 外感 -
external damage 外伤 -
external dryness pattern;external dryness syndrome 外燥证 -
external hemorrhoid 外痔 -
external method of treatment 外治法 -
external wind pattern;external wind syndrome 外风证 -
externally contracted febrile disease 外感热病 -
extreme yang resembling yin 阳极似阴 -
extreme yin resembling yang 阴极似阳 -
eye tie 目系 -
eye-care massage 眼保健按摩 -
Fagopyri Dibotryis Rhizoma 金荞麦 -
failure to acclimatize to a new environment;non-acclimatization 水土不服 -
fatigue 解[亻亦] -
fennel 小茴香 -
fermented soybean 淡豆豉 -
fetal toxin 胎毒 -
fetid cassia [seed] 决明子 -
fine needle,filiform needle 毫针 -
fine pulse 细脉 -
fire depression 火郁 -
fire evil;fire pathogen 火邪 -
fire pattern;fire syndrome 火证 -
five animal exercises 五禽戏 -
five flavors 五味 -
five limpnesses 五软 -
five slownesses 五迟 -
five stiffnesses 五硬 -
five taxations 五劳 -
five viscera 五脏 -
five wheels and eight belts 五轮八廓 -
five-phase theory 五行学说 -
flat-abscess -
flavescent sophora [root] 苦参 -
flesh wheel 肉轮 -
floating pulse 浮脉 -
flooding and spotting 崩漏 -
flowery knotweed stem 首乌藤 -
flowery knotweed [root] 何首乌 -
Foeniculi Fructus 小茴香 -
food poisoning 食物中毒 -
foot damp qi 脚湿气 -
foot greater yang bladder channel;BL 足太阳膀胱经 -
foot greater yin spleen channel;SP 足太阴脾经 -
foot lesser yang gallbladder channel;GB 足少阳胆经 -
foot lesser yin kidney channel;KI 足少阴肾经 -
foot reverting yin liver channel;LV 足厥阴肝经 -
foot yang brightness stomach channel;ST 足阳明胃经 -
foreign body in the ear 异物入耳 -
forgetfulness 健忘 -
formula 方剂 -
Forsthiae Fructus 连翘 -
forsythia 连翘 -
Four Agents Decoction 四物汤 -
four examinations 四诊 -
Four Gentlemen Decoction 四君子汤 -
four great physicians of the Jin and Yuan period 金元四家 -
four qi 四气 -
four-aspect pattern identification;defense, qi, construction, and blood pattern identification;defense, qi, construction, and blood syndrome differentiation 卫气营血辨证 -
Free Wanderer Powder 逍遥散 -
fresh ginger 生姜 -
fresh rehmannia [root] 鲜地黄 -
fright wind 惊风 -
fritillaria bulb 贝母 -
Fritillariae Bulbus 贝母 -
Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus 川贝母 -
Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus 浙贝母 -
frostbite 冻疮 -
frosting [制]霜 -
fur color 苔色 -
gallbladder -
Galli Gigeriae Endothelium Corneum 鸡内金 -
gan disease 疳病 -
ganoderma 灵芝 -
gao-huang;BL-43;Gao Huang 膏肓 -
gardenia [fruit], cape jasmine [fruit] 栀子 -
Gardeniae Fructus 栀子 -
Gastrodia Pill 天麻丸 -
gastrodia [root] 天麻 -
Gastrodiae Rhizoma 天麻 -
GB-20,Wind Pool 风池 -
Ge Hong 葛洪 -
ginger[-processed] pinellia 姜半夏 -
Gingseng Radix Rubra 红参 -
Ginkgo Folilum 银杏叶 -
ginkgo leaf 银杏叶 -
ginkgo nut 白果 -
Ginkgo Semen 白果 -
ginseng 人参 -
Ginseng Construction-Nourishing Pill 人参养荣丸 -
Ginseng Folium 人参叶 -
ginseng leaf 人参叶 -
Ginseng Radix 人参 -
Ginseng Radix Exsiccata 生晒参 -
Ginseng Radix Ferum 野山参 -
Ginseng Renewal Pill 人参再造丸 -
gizzard lining 鸡内金 -
glehnia [root] 北沙参 -
Glehniae Radix 北沙参 -
GlycyrrhizaeRadix 甘草 -
goiter (n.) -
golden buckwheat rhizome 金荞麦 -
goose-foot wind 鹅掌风 -
goose-mouth sore 鹅口疮 -
governing vessel;GV 督脉 -
Greater Yang2 point 太阳[穴] -
Grosvenor's momordica 罗汉果 -
GV-14,Great Hammer 大椎 -
GV-15,Mute's Gate 哑门 -
GV-20,Hundred Convergences 百会 -
gypsum 石膏 -
Gypsum Fibrosum 石膏 -
Hall of Impression 印堂 -
hand greater yang small intestine channel;SI 手太阳小肠经 -
hand greater yin lung channel;LU 手太阴肺经 -
hand lesser yang triple burner channel;TB 手少阳三焦经 -
hand lesser yin heart channel 手少阴心经 -
hand reverting yin pericardium channel;PC 手厥阴心包经 -
hand yang brightness large intestine channel;LI 手阳明大肠经 -
harmonization 和[解]法 -
harmonize qi and blood 调和气血 -
Harmony-Preserving Pill 保和丸 -
hawthorn fruit 山楂 -
head wind 头风 -
headache [disease] 头痛[病] -
headed flat-abscess 有头疽 -
headless flat-abscess 无头疽 -
heart -
heart blood vacuity pattern;heart blood deficiency syndrome 心血虚证 -
heart is connected with the small intestine 心合小肠 -
heart palpitations 心悸[病] -
heart yin vacuity pattern;heart yin deficiency syndrome 心阴虚证 -
heat clearing (method) 清[热]法 -
heat evil;heat pathogen 热邪 -
heat pattern;heat syndrome 热证 -
heaven and humankind are mutually responsive 天人相应 -
heaven-current red eye 天行赤眼 -
heavenly tenth;tian-gui;heavenly waters 天癸 -
Hemorrhoid-Dispersing Injection Fluid 消痔灵 -
hemorrhoid;piles -
Herbal Foundation Compendium 本草纲目 -
herbal medicinal;herb 草药 -
Hippophae Fructus 沙棘 -
holism 整体观念 -
honey 蜂蜜 -
Hordei Fructus Germinatus 麦芽 -
hot -
houttuynia 鱼腥草 -
Houttuyniae Herba 鱼腥草 -
Hua Tuo 华佗 -
Hua Tuo's Renewal Pill 华佗再造丸 -
Human Elixir 人丹 -
humor -
impediment disease 痹病 -
imperata root;cogon grass rhizome 白茅根 -
Imperatae Rhizoma 白茅根 -
Imperial Institute of Medicine 太医院 -
Imperial Medical Bureau 太医署 -
imperial physician 太医 -
improve blood circulation to free the network vessels 活血通络 -
improve blood circulation to regulate menstruation 活血调经 -
inch opening;cun opening;wrist pulse 寸口 -
inch, bar, and cubit 寸关尺 -
infection 传染 -
infertility 不孕症 -
injury,damage 损伤 -
inquiry 问诊 -
insomnia 不寐[病] -
inspection 望诊 -
inspection of form and bearing 望形态 -
inspection of the complexion 望色 -
inspection of the spirit 望神 -
interior pattern;interior syndrome 里证 -
internal cold 内寒 -
internal damage heat [effusion] (fever) 内伤发热 -
internal dampness 内湿 -
internal dryness 内燥 -
internal heat 内热 -
internal hemorrhoid 内痔 -
internal injury;internal damage 内伤 -
internal method of treatment 内治法 -
internal wind 内风 -
interstices 腠理 -
intestinal welling-abscess 肠痈 -
Isatidis Radix 板蓝根 -
Isatis Granules 板蓝根颗粒 -
isatis root 板蓝根 -
Jade Wind-Barrier Powder 玉屏风散 -
Ji De-Sheng Snake Tablet 季德胜蛇药片 -
jowl effusion 发颐 -
Juglandis Semen 核桃仁 -
Jujubae Fructus 大枣 -
jujube 大枣 -
Katsumada galangal seed 草豆蔻 -
keep- fit moxibustion 保健灸 -
kelp 昆布 -
KI-1,Gushing Spring 涌泉 -
kidney -
kidney essence depletion pattern;kidney essence depletion syndrome 肾精亏虚证 -
kidney fixity 肾著 -
kidney is connected with the bladder 肾合膀胱 -
Kidney Qi Pill 肾气丸 -
kidney qi vacuity pattern;kidney qi deficiency syndrome 肾气虚证 -
kidney yang vacuity pattern;kidney yang deficiency syndrome 肾阳虚证 -
kidney yin vacuity pattern;kidney yin deficiency syndrome 肾阴虚证 -
lablab bean 白扁豆 -
Lablab Semen Album 白扁豆 -
Laminariae/Eckloniae Thallus 昆布 -
lancing needle 锋针 -
large intestine 大肠 -
large needle 大针 -
late miscarriage,abortion 小产 -
latent evil;hidden pathogen 伏邪 -
leg qi disease 脚气病 -
Leonuri Herba 益母草 -
Leonurus (Motherwort) Paste 益母草膏 -
leonurus(Motherwort) 益母草 -
Li Shi-Zhen 李时珍 -
LI-4,Union Valley 合谷 -
life gate,GV-4,CV-5 命门 -
life nurturing 养生 -
Ligustici Chuanxiong Rhizoma 川芎 -
Ligustri Lucidi Fructus 女贞子 -
like treatment of unlike disease;same treatment of different disease 异病同治 -
Lilii Bulbus 百合 -
lily bulb 百合 -
lily disease, hundred-union disease 百合病 -
liquid -
liquorice 甘草 -
listening and smelling examination,audio-olfactory examination 闻诊 -
liver -
liver blood vacuity pattern;liver blood deficiency syndrome 肝血虚证 -
liver fixity 肝著 -
liver is connected with the gallbladder 肝合胆 -
liver qi vacuity pattern;liver qi deficiency syndrome 肝气虚证 -
liver yang vacuity pattern;liver yang deficiency syndrome 肝阳虚证 -
liver yin vacuity pattern;liver yin deficiency syndrome 肝阴虚证 -
long needle 长针 -
long-stamen onion [bulb] 薤白 -
Longan Arillus 龙眼肉 -
longan flesh 龙眼肉 -
Lonicera and Forsythia Powder 银翘散 -
lonicera [flower], honeysuckle [flower] 金银花 -
Lonicerae Flos 金银花 -
loofah 丝瓜络 -
loquat leaf 枇杷叶 -
lotus leaf 荷叶 -
lotus plumule 莲子心 -
lotus receptacle 莲房 -
lotus root node 藕节 -
lotus seed 莲子 -
lotus stamen 莲须 -
lower burner 下焦 -
LU-9,Great Abyss 太渊 -
Luffae Fructus Retinervus 丝瓜络 -
lumbar muscle strain 腰肌劳损 -
lumbar pain 腰痛[病] -
lung -
lung is connected with the large intestine 肺合大肠 -
Lycii Fructus 枸杞子 -
lycium [berry]; goji 枸杞子 -
Lycium, Chrysanthemum, and Rehmannia Pill 杞菊地黄丸 -
Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex 厚朴 -
Magnoliae Officinalis Flos 厚朴花 -
Major Crataegus Pill 大山楂丸 -
Major Network-Quickening Elixir 大活络丹 -
malign obstruction; morning sickness; hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠恶阻 -
mammary aggregation,breast lump 乳癖 -
mammary welling-abscess 乳痈 -
mania 狂病 -
mania and withdrawal disease 癫狂病 -
Margarita 珍珠 -
marrow -
Massa Medicata Fermentata 神曲 -
mastocarcinoma; breast cancer 乳癌 -
measles 麻疹 -
medicated leaven 神曲 -
medicinal bag therapy 药兜疗法 -
medicinal bath therapy 药浴疗法 -
medicinal material;crude medicinal 药材 -
medicinal paste therapy 药膏疗法 -
medicinal pillow therapy 药枕疗法 -
medicinal plaster therapy 敷贴疗法 -
medinical decoction 汤剂 -
Mel 蜂蜜 -
Meliae Cortex 苦楝皮 -
Meliae Toosendan Fructus 川楝子 -
menstrual disease 月经病 -
menstrual pain,painful menstruation 痛经 -
Menthae Herba 薄荷 -
method of treatment 治法 -
Midday Tea Granules 午时茶颗粒 -
millet sprout 谷芽 -
Minor Bupleurum Decoction 小柴胡汤 -
mint 薄荷 -
mix-fry with wine 酒炙 -
mixed hemorrhoids 混合痔 -
Momordicae Fructus 罗汉果 -
Mori Cortex 桑白皮 -
Mori Folium 桑叶 -
Mori Fructus 桑椹 -
Mori Ramulus 桑枝 -
Moschus 麝香 -
mosla 香薷 -
Moslae Herba 香薷 -
mounting qi 疝气 -
Moutan Cortex 牡丹皮 -
moutan [bark] 牡丹皮 -
mouth sore 口疮[病] -
moxibustion 灸法;艾灸 -
moxibustion on dog days 伏天灸 -
mugwort leaf 艾叶 -
mulberry 桑椹 -
abdominal examination 腹诊 -
abductive dispersion 消[导]法 -
Acanthopanacis Cortex 五加皮 -
Acanthopanacis Senticosi Radix et Caulis 刺五加 -
acanthopanax [root bark] 五加皮 -
accumulation and stagnation 积滞 -
accumulations and gatherings 积聚 -
achyranthes root 牛膝 -
Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix 牛膝 -
aconite [accessory root] 附子 -
Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata Radix 附子 -
Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma 石菖蒲 -
acorus root 石菖蒲 -
acrid -
acumoxatherapy;acupuncture and moxibustion 针灸学 -
acupuncture anesthesia,acuanesthesia 针刺麻醉 -
acupuncture point injection therapy 穴位注射疗法 -
acupuncture,needling 刺法 -
acute fright wind 急惊风 -
acute lumbar muscle sprain 急性腰扭伤 -
acute nipple most 急乳蛾 -
Agastache Qi-Righting Powder 藿香正气散 -
Agrimoniae Herba 仙鹤草 -
agrimony 仙鹤草 -
alisma [tuber]; water plantain 泽泻 -
Alismatis Rhizoma 泽泻 -
Allii Macrostemonis Bulbus 薤白 -
aloe 芦荟 -
Alpiniae Katsumadai Semen 草豆蔻 -
alum 白矾 -
Alumen 白矾 -
amenorrhea 闭经 -
American ginseng 西洋参 -
Amomi Fructus 砂仁 -
Amomi Fructus Rotundus 白豆蔻 -
amomum [fruit] 砂仁 -
anal fissure 肛裂 -
anal fistula 肛瘘 -
andrographis 穿心莲 -
Andrographis Herba 穿心莲 -
Anemarrhena, Phellodendron, and Rehmannia Pill 知柏地黄丸 -
anesthetic powder 麻沸散 -
Angelicae Dahuricae Radix 白芷 -
Angelicae Sinensis Radix 当归 -
animal and insect wounds 虫兽伤 -
Anisi Stellati Fructus 八角茴香 -
apricot kernel 杏仁 -
aquilaria [wood] 沉香 -
Aquilariae Lignum Resinatum 沉香 -
arborvitae seed 柏子仁 -
Arborvitae Seed Heart-Nourishing Pill 柏子养心丸 -
Arctii Fructus 牛蒡子 -
arctium seed;burdock 牛蒡子 -
areca [nut];betel nut 槟榔 -
Arecae Semen 槟榔 -
Armeniacae Semen 杏仁 -
Artemisiae Annuae Herba 青蒿 -
Artemisiae Argyi Folium 艾叶 -
Artemisiae Scopariae Herba 茵陈 -
ashen nail 灰指甲 -
ashen nail 灰趾甲 -
Asini Corii Gelatinum 阿胶 -
Asparagi Radix 天冬 -
asparagus [root] 天冬 -
ass hide gelatin 阿胶 -
Astragali Radix 黄芪 -
astragalus [root] 黄芪 -