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高速铁路 Speed Railway 查看
例句: 下面由我给大家介绍高速铁路道岔。高速道岔作为我国高速铁路技术装备自主创新的典范,已经获得了广泛的认可。 Next, please allow me to introduce the high-speed railway turnout, which has been widely recognized as a symbol of China's independent innovation in HSR technology and equipment.
设计理论 design theory 查看
例句: 本次授课主要包括高速铁路道岔概述、设计理论、平面线型、转辙器结构、辙叉结构和转换系统等知识点。 This episode mainly covers the overview, design theory and plane line type of high-speed railway turnouts, as well as the structure of switch and frog and the conversion system.
线型 line type 查看
例句: 本次授课主要包括高速铁路道岔概述、设计理论、平面线型、转辙器结构、辙叉结构和转换系统等知识点。 This episode mainly covers the overview, design theory and plane line type of high-speed railway turnouts, as well as the structure of switch and frog and the conversion system.
铁路轨道 railway track 查看
例句: 道岔是机车车辆从一般轨道转入或越过另一股轨道的线路设备,是铁路轨道的重要组成部分和系统集成。 A turnout is a mechanical installation enabling railway trains to change tracks or crossover another track. Being an integrated one itself, it is an essential part of a railway track system.
系统集成 system integration 查看
例句: 道岔是机车车辆从一般轨道转入或越过另一股轨道的线路设备,是铁路轨道的重要组成部分和系统集成。 A turnout is a mechanical installation enabling railway trains to change tracks or crossover another track. Being an integrated one itself, it is an essential part of a railway track system.
铁路建设 railway construction 查看
例句: 道岔因其复杂的结构为轨道结构的薄弱环节,一直是养护维修的重点和难点,是影响列车运行速度和安全的关键设备,也是高速铁路建设中的关键技术之一。 And it's regarded as the weak point of track structure because of its complex structure. It is difficult to maintain and critical to riding speed and safety, thus is a main concern in high-speed railway construction.
正线 main line 查看
例句: 按功能分,有正线道岔、渡线道岔和联络线道岔三种类型。 By function, there are turnouts in main line, the crossover and the connecting line.
联络线 connecting line 查看
例句: 按功能分,有正线道岔、渡线道岔和联络线道岔三种类型。 By function, there are turnouts in main line, the crossover and the connecting line.
监测系统 monitoring system 查看
例句: 配备有监测系统,能实时监控其工作状态。 In addition, high-speed turnouts are equipped with a monitoring system to monitor their work status in real time.
道岔设计 turnout design 查看
例句: 近二十年来发展起来的现代道岔设计理论主要包括有高速道岔动力学设计理论、无缝道岔设计理论、道岔转换设计理论和工电一体化设计理论。 The modern turnout design theories developed over the past 20 years mainly include high-speed turnout dynamic design theory, seamless turnout design theory, turnout conversion design theory, and design theory of engineering and electrical facility integration. theories developed over the past 20 years mainly include high-speed turnout dynamic design theory, seamless turnout design theory, turnout conversion design theory, and design theory of engineering and electrical facility integration.
动力学设计理论 high-speed turnout dynamic design theory 查看
例句: 近二十年来发展起来的现代道岔设计理论主要包括有高速道岔动力学设计理论、无缝道岔设计理论、道岔转换设计理论和工电一体化设计理论。 The modern turnout design theories developed over the past 20 years mainly include high-speed turnout dynamic design theory, seamless turnout design theory, turnout conversion design theory, and design theory of engineering and electrical facility integration.
转换设计 conversion design 查看
例句: 近二十年来发展起来的现代道岔设计理论主要包括有高速道岔动力学设计理论、无缝道岔设计理论、道岔转换设计理论和工电一体化设计理论。 The modern turnout design theories developed over the past 20 years mainly include high-speed turnout dynamic design theory, seamless turnout design theory, turnout conversion design theory, and design theory of engineering and electrical facility integration.
结构可靠性 structure stability 查看
例句: 这是解决高速道岔动力性能问题、结构可靠性问题、确保高精度制造与高度的系统集成、高质量及高平顺性的铺设、较少的维修工作量的理论支撑。 These design theories underlie the solutions to ensure good dynamic performance and structure stability of high-speed turnouts, high precision in manufacture, high degree of system integration, high quality and smoothness of track-Iaying, as well as less maintenance workload.
维修工作量 maintenance workload 查看
例句: 这是解决高速道岔动力性能问题、结构可靠性问题、确保高精度制造与高度的系统集成、高质量及高平顺性的铺设、较少的维修工作量的理论支撑。 These design theories underlie the solutions to ensure good dynamic performance and structure stability of high-speed turnouts, high precision in manufacture, high degree of system integration, high quality and smoothness of track-Iaying, as well as less maintenance workload.
耦合作用 coupling effect 查看
例句: 这是车岔耦合作用的分析模型。 This is the analysis model of the train-turnout coupling effect.
分析模型 analysis model 查看
例句: 这是车岔耦合作用的分析模型。 This is the analysis model of the train-turnout coupling effect.
有限元方法 finite element method 查看
例句: 通过多刚体动力学理论建立车辆模型,采用有限元方法构建道岔动力学模型,再融合道岔区特殊的轮轨关系而构建,应用于高速道岔的理论分析。 It is developed by combining the train model established based on the theory of multiple rigid body dynamics, the turnout dynamic model developed with the finite element method and the special wheel-rail interaction at turnout area, and is applied to the theoretical analysis of high-speed turnouts.
动力学模型 dynamic model 查看
例句: 通过多刚体动力学理论建立车辆模型,采用有限元方法构建道岔动力学模型,再融合道岔区特殊的轮轨关系而构建,应用于高速道岔的理论分析。 It is developed by combining the train model established based on the theory of multiple rigid body dynamics, the turnout dynamic model developed with the finite element method and the special wheel-rail interaction at turnout area, and is applied to the theoretical analysis of high-speed turnouts.
理论分析 the theoretical analysis 查看
例句: 通过多刚体动力学理论建立车辆模型,采用有限元方法构建道岔动力学模型,再融合道岔区特殊的轮轨关系而构建,应用于高速道岔的理论分析。 It is developed by combining the train model established based on the theory of multiple rigid body dynamics, the turnout dynamic model developed with the finite element method and the special wheel-rail interaction at turnout area, and is applied to the theoretical analysis of high-speed turnouts.
车岔桥动力学 train-turnout-bridge dynamics 查看
例句: 车岔桥动力学是车岔动力学的深入应用。 The train-turnout-bridge dynamics is the further application of train-turnout dynamics.
系统动力 system dynamics 查看
例句: 基于车岔和岔桥相互作用原理,考虑岔区轮轨间复杂的多点接触关系,建立车岔桥系统动力学模型,综合评估列车通过道岔时的动力行为及其对道岔和桥梁结构的动力作用。 The train-turnout-bridge system dynamics model is developed based on the principle of train-turnout interaction and turnout-bridge interaction, with consideration given to the complex multi-point contact between wheels and rails in turnout area to comprehensively evaluate the dynamic behavior when the train passes through the turnout and its dynamic effect on the turnout and bridge structure.
轮载 wheel load 查看
例句: 例如,提出了缩短转辙器部分轮载过渡范围和心轨水平藏尖的创新设计。 For example, innovative designs have been proposed to shorten the transition range of partial wheel load of switches, and horizontally hide turnout toe in point rails.
顶面 top surface 查看
例句: 提出了不足位移、夹异物、心轨及尖轨跳动量、顶面降低值偏差等设计控制标准,指导了岔区刚度合理取值和均匀化设计。 Design control standards have been established to address scant displacement, foreign body intrusion, switch rail and point rail run-out and reduced value deviation of top surface, which provide guidance for determining reasonable values of stiffness in turnout area and the uniform design.
控制标准 control standards 查看
例句: 提出了不足位移、夹异物、心轨及尖轨跳动量、顶面降低值偏差等设计控制标准,指导了岔区刚度合理取值和均匀化设计。 Design control standards have been established to address scant displacement, foreign body intrusion, switch rail and point rail run-out and reduced value deviation of top surface, which provide guidance for determining reasonable values of stiffness in turnout area and the uniform design.
计算模型 calculation model 查看
例句: 考虑转换力、反弹力、密贴力、摩阻力作用,建立完善的道岔转换计算模型,用于指导转换力及转换行程设计、不足位移分析和减摩技术分析。 With consideration given to the effects of conversion force, rebound force, closure force and friction resistance, an effective turnout conversion calculation model is established to guide the design of conversion force and conversion travel, the analysis of scant displacement, and the analysis of anti-friction.
疲劳强度 fatigue strength 查看
例句: 该理论认为道岔工电接口部分是不可分割的整体系统,承受着来自工务及电务两方面的荷载,其结构设计应保证各部件的疲劳强度在容许限度内。 According to this theory, the engineering and electrical interface of turnouts constitute an integral system, which bears the load from both tracks and signaling communication. Its structure should be properly designed to ensure that the fatigue strength of each component is within the allowable limit.
线型设计 horizontal alignment design 查看
例句: 高速道岔平面线型设计理论经过了由质点运动学、车辆刚体运动学,向列车过岔动力学,到列车过岔姿态运动及动力学的发展过程。 The theory of high-speed turnout plane line type design has gone through the development from particle kinematics to train rigid body kinematics, train turnout dynamics and train turnout attitude motion and dynamics.
行为控制 behavior control 查看
例句: 平面线型设计的控制目标也从运行行为控制发展到脱轨行为控制、碰撞行为控制等。 And the control objectives of horizontal alignment design has also developed from operation behavior control to derailment behavior control and collision behavior control. to derailment behavior control and collision behavior control. and collision behavior control.
锁闭机构 locking mechanism 查看
例句: 尖轨跟端结构是根据无缝道岔尖轨伸缩及传力需要而设计的,受锁闭机构容许伸缩位移的影响很大。 The structure of the heel of switch rail is designed to satisfy the expansion and stress-transferring needs of seamless welded turnout switch rail, which is greatly impacted by the allowable expansion and displacement of the locking mechanism.
基本轨 stock rail 查看
例句: 中德法三国道岔均对滑床台板结构进行了优化设计,实现了转辙器部分基本轨的弹性扣压及辊轮转换结构,可保证基本轨的横向稳定性及尖轨转换阻力的降低,控制尖轨转换不足位移在2mm以内。 All three countries have optimized the structure of slide plate for the elastic fastening of the stock rail and the conversion structure of the round screw die of the switch, which guarantees the lateral stability of the stock rail and reduction of the conversion resistance of the switch rail, and control the scant displacement of switch rail conversion within 2mm. and the conversion structure of the round screw die of the switch, which guarantees the lateral stability of the stock rail and reduction of the conversion resistance of the switch rail, and control the scant displacement of switch rail conversion within 2mm.
横向稳定性 lateral stability 查看
例句: 中德法三国道岔均对滑床台板结构进行了优化设计,实现了转辙器部分基本轨的弹性扣压及辊轮转换结构,可保证基本轨的横向稳定性及尖轨转换阻力的降低,控制尖轨转换不足位移在2mm以内。 All three countries have optimized the structure of slide plate for the elastic fastening of the stock rail and the conversion structure of the round screw die of the switch, which guarantees the lateral stability of the stock rail and reduction of the conversion resistance of the switch rail, and control the scant displacement of switch rail conversion within 2mm.
翼轨 wing rail 查看
例句: 18号道岔为单肢弹性可弯心轨,42号道岔为双肢弹性可弯心轨结构,翼轨为新研制的轧制特种断面翼轨。 No.18 turnout features the structure of point rail with single flexible rail, and No.42 turnout the structure of point rail with double flexible rails. Newly developed special section wing rail is used in Chinese turnout.
整体结构 an integrated structure 查看
例句: 德国道岔心轨前端采用与钢轨同一材质的钢坯经机加工而成的整体结构,后端与2根叉跟轨拼焊而成。 For German point rails, the front part is an integrated structure machined with blooms, the same as for common rail, and the rear part is butt-welded with the two rails of crossing heel.
多点牵引方式 Multi-machine multi-point traction 查看
例句: 中国道岔采用多机多点牵引方式。 Multi-machine multi-point traction applies to Chinese turnouts.
牵引点 other traction points 查看
例句: 18号道岔尖轨设置3个牵引点,42号道岔设置6个牵引点,62号道岔设置8个牵引点。 3 traction points are set for switch rails of No.18 turnout, 6 traction points for switch rails of No.42 turnout, and 8 traction points for switch rails of No.62 turnout.
转辙器 switch 查看
例句: 本次授课主要包括高速铁路道岔概述、设计理论、平面线型、转辙器结构、辙叉结构和转换系统等知识点。 This episode mainly covers the overview, design theory and plane line type of high-speed railway turnouts, as well as the structure of switch and frog and the conversion system.
道岔 turnout 查看
例句: 下面由我给大家介绍高速铁路道岔。高速道岔作为我国高速铁路技术装备自主创新的典范,已经获得了广泛的认可。 Next, please allow me to introduce the high-speed railway turnout, which has been widely recognized as a symbol of China's independent innovation in HSR technology and equipment.
轮轨关系 wheel-rail interaction 查看
例句: 高速道岔首先要解决复杂的轮轨关系、长大可动轨件平顺性和突变的轨道刚度等关键技术,才能确保速列车过岔时的安全性与平稳性。 To ensure safety and stability when high speed trains pass through turnouts, key technologies for high-speed turnouts should be developed to tackle challenges, such as the complex wheel-rail interaction, smoothness of long and large movable rail parts and abrupt changes of track stiffness.
刚度 stiffness 查看
例句: 高速道岔首先要解决复杂的轮轨关系、长大可动轨件平顺性和突变的轨道刚度等关键技术,才能确保速列车过岔时的安全性与平稳性。 To ensure safety and stability when high speed trains pass through turnouts, key technologies for high-speed turnouts should be developed to tackle challenges, such as the complex wheel-rail interaction, smoothness of long and large movable rail parts and abrupt changes of track stiffness.
心轨 point rail 查看
例句: 采用可动心轨辙叉,为无缝道岔。 They use movable point frogs and fall into the category of welded turnouts.
减摩 anti-friction 查看
例句: 考虑转换力、反弹力、密贴力、摩阻力作用,建立完善的道岔转换计算模型,用于指导转换力及转换行程设计、不足位移分析和减摩技术分析。 With consideration given to the effects of conversion force, rebound force, closure force and friction resistance, an effective turnout conversion calculation model is established to guide the design of conversion force and conversion travel, the analysis of scant displacement, and the analysis of anti-friction.
工电接口 engineering and electrical interface 查看
例句: 工电一体化设计理论是针对道岔存在工电接口这一特殊需求而提出的。 The design theory of engineering and electrical facility integration is proposed to meet special demands of the engineering and electrical interface of turnouts.
尖轨 switch rail 查看
例句: 提出了不足位移、夹异物、心轨及尖轨跳动量、顶面降低值偏差等设计控制标准,指导了岔区刚度合理取值和均匀化设计。 Design control standards have been established to address scant displacement, foreign body intrusion, switch rail and point rail run-out and reduced value deviation of top surface, which provide guidance for determining reasonable values of stiffness in turnout area and the uniform design.
哈克螺栓 huck bolt 查看
例句: 法国道岔心轨也采用与尖轨相同材质的60D40钢轨通过哈克螺栓联结而成。 The point rail of French turnout is also 60D40 rail bolted with huck bolts, the same material of the switch rail.
密贴检查器 closure detector 查看
例句: 牵引点间设置密贴检查器。 A closure detector is arranged between two traction points.
辙叉 frog 查看
例句: 本次授课主要包括高速铁路道岔概述、设计理论、平面线型、转辙器结构、辙叉结构和转换系统等知识点。 This episode mainly covers the overview, design theory and plane line type of high-speed railway turnouts, as well as the structure of switch and frog and the conversion system.